Venerable Yuan

Chapter 86 Erosion


The golden gun shadow tore the air and stabbed out violently. A brush shadow roared in front of him, blocking it. The two collided, making a crisp sound, and the air wave raged.

The figures of Zhou Yuan and Qi Hao were shot backwards.

At this time, both of them had stern expressions on their faces. Origin energy was rolling around their bodies, and there were faint traces of blood on the surface of their bodies. Obviously, the previous fierce fight also made both of them blush.

This shows how brutal the battle was.

Qi Hao lowered his head and glanced at the blood marks on his body, but sneered. Then he suddenly stamped the golden spear in his hand and said in a deep voice: "Gold and stone are not broken!"

As he shouted, golden light suddenly emerged from under his skin, gradually turning Qi Hao's skin into a golden color, as if it were made of gold.

And those blood stains also disappeared completely at this time.

Middle-grade Xuanyuan Technique, indestructible to metal and stone!

Zhou Yuan looked at this scene, his eyes also condensed. This so-called indestructibility of metal and stone is a source technique matched with the metal and stone fusion energy, and its defensive power is extremely powerful.

Obviously, Qi Hao's trump cards are being revealed one by one since the fight.


Qi Hao's body was filled with golden light, and he shot out again. The shadow of his spear was sharp, like a cold star, pointing towards Zhou Yuan's vital points.

Zhou Yuan stepped on dragon steps and avoided several cold stars. The tip of the pen in his hand brought out a ray of green light and pierced Qi Hao's shoulder like lightning.


But there was a crisp sound, the pen tip passed across Qi Hao's shoulder, and it only made a blood mark. The pen tip only entered half of his finger, and was stuck by the golden light.


Qi Hao laughed ferociously, and swept out the golden spear in his hand. The spear body struck Zhou Yuan's chest heavily. The powerful force directly swept Zhou Yuan away and shot him backwards, hitting a boulder. Even the stone behind him was broken into cracks.

"It's really difficult."

Zhou Yuan felt the severe pain in his back and frowned. Qi Hao used "Indestructible Metal", and his defense reached an astonishing level. Even the Xuan Mang Technique was somewhat difficult to break through his defense.

"You really surprised me. You are only in the early stage of Qi-nurturing realm, but you can actually fight me to this extent, and the source Qi has not been exhausted." Qi Hao was solemn, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Zhou Yuan rubbed his chest. If he hadn't been physically strong, the previous shot would have collapsed his chest.

"You are a little more difficult than I thought." Zhou Yuandao.

"When death is imminent, stop being harsh." Qi Hao sneered. On his body, the golden Origin Qi surged. He raised the spear in his hand, pointed it at Zhou Yuan, and said with murderous intent: "Next time , you won’t be able to speak anymore.”


The moment the voice fell, Qi Hao's figure shot out. When he shot out, the spear in his hand dragged the ground, leaving sparks and deep marks along the way.

"Middle-grade source technique, Tianjin Source Spear!"

Killing intent surged in Qi Hao's eyes, and he stabbed out with a spear. The golden light on the gun shone brightly, and the tip of the gun condensed an extremely sharp aura. Wherever the tip of the gun passed by, even the air was clearly torn apart.

The ground beneath his feet squeaked, followed by deep scratches.

This shot was extremely stunning, and it had obviously reached Qi Hao's strongest combat effectiveness.

Outside the valley, the expressions of those looking here changed at this moment. They were obviously aware of the ferocity of Qi Hao's shot. Facing this shot, I am afraid that few people in the Qi-nurturing realm can face it head-on. contend.

It seemed that Qi Hao was also getting angry and was preparing to use his killing move to end this battle.

"Then His Highness Zhou Yuan is dead." Someone said. At this time, Qi Hao had strong defense and was not afraid of Zhou Yuan's attack. Moreover, his own offensive was so fierce and ruthless. How could Zhou Yuan resist it?

Many people nodded, expressing their deep understanding.

In the valley, Qi Hao came menacingly with a killing move. Zhou Yuan's expression became more and more solemn. He took a deep breath, and the origin energy in his body was also rolling.

The next moment, he held the Tianyuan pen in his hand, and the tip of the pen danced, as if drawing out waves of origin energy.

Within Zhou Yuan's body, all the powerful Origin Qi surged out and gathered at the tip of the pen.

"Fuck me!" Qi Hao shouted loudly, the golden spear tip rapidly enlarging in Zhou Yuan's eyes.

The source energy of Zhou Yuan's pen tip finally reached its limit. His arm shook, and he shouted loudly in his heart: "The Emperor's Seal!"


The tip of the pen trembled, and the powerful Origin Qi condensed seemed to turn into a bright light at the tip of the pen. That light exuded extremely domineering fluctuations.

This is the Emperor's Seal that Zhou Yuan practiced. It is also a middle-grade Xuanyuan Technique with considerable power.

The two offensives, which contained two full blows, finally collided under the gaze of many eyes.


At the moment of the collision, it was like a storm was raging out. The ground beneath their feet was scraped away layer by layer, and the surrounding rocks were wiped away layer by layer and turned into dust.

"What a powerful confrontation. I really didn't expect that a person in the late stage of the Qi-nurturing realm and a person in the early stage of the Qi-nurturing realm could fight to such an extent." Everyone sighed.


In the deep valley, a violent shock wave exploded, and deep marks were torn out on the ground. Zhou Yuan and Qi Hao, who were the first to bear the brunt, flew backwards and hit the mountain wall as if they were hit hard.

A trace of blood appeared at the corner of Zhou Yuan's mouth. At this time, he looked slightly embarrassed, with blood marks on his body, but his eyes were still cold as he looked towards the opposite side.

There, Qi Hao's figure was also embedded in the mountain wall, but he quickly broke free. Compared with Zhou Yuan, the golden light on his body was just a little dim. Obviously, the defense brought by the indestructible metal and stone made him Zhongyuan was more calm during the impact than Zhou Yuan.

Qi Hao calmed down the surging energy and blood in his body and looked at Zhou Yuan with sinister eyes.

"You are so tenacious... You are not even dead yet."

Qi Hao laughed ferociously and said, "But it seems like you were quite traumatized?"

"It seems you have lost. I am indestructible and my defense is far better than yours. Therefore, I must be the one standing at the end!"

Qi Hao held a spear in his hand and walked towards Zhou Yuan step by step, with murderous intent growing in his eyes.

Many people looked at this scene and shook their heads secretly. It seemed that this battle was about to end. Although Zhou Yuan performed extremely perfectly, he still seemed to be lacking in the face of Qi Hao, whose overall strength was far better than him. .

With the help of strong defense, Qi Hao still stood at the end.

"such a pity..."

Qi Hao approached Zhou Yuan step by step. He could feel that the origin energy in the latter's body seemed to be floating a little at this time, which was the best time to kill him.

Zhou Yuan looked at Qi Hao, who was walking slowly with murderous intent in his eyes. Surprisingly, his face did not show any panic, but was calm.

"I didn't expect you would still have this expression before you died. It's really annoying." Qi Haohan said.

"I just feel that you are very pitiful..." Zhou Yuan said with a faint smile.

Qi Hao's eyes narrowed.

"Because you don't even know who wins and who loses..." The smile on Zhou Yuan's lips seemed to become weird at this moment.

"You are pretending to be a god and you are going to die!" Qi Hao said grimly. Without hesitation, the spear in his hand directly brought out the cold light and stabbed Zhou Yuan's heart mercilessly.

However, facing Qi Hao's shot full of murderous intent, Zhou Yuan did not stop him with an indifferent expression.


The sharp spear tip suddenly stopped when it was still an inch away from Zhou Yuan's heart, as if it had stagnated.

Qi Hao's pupils shrank crazily at this moment, and a look of horror appeared on his face, because he discovered that at this moment, his body suddenly lost control.

"You, what did you do?!" Qi Hao said in shock.

Zhou Yuan glanced at the bloodstains on his body and said calmly: "Do you think I am so stupid, knowing that you have an indestructible defense, but I still exchange shots with you?"

Zhou Yuan held the Tianyuan pen beside him in his hand, and slowly pointed the sharp pen tip at Qi Hao.

At this time, on the mottled pen body, behind the "civil and military patterns", a light suddenly emerged, and then, an ancient origin pattern began to appear, slowly becoming clear...

The second source pattern of Tianyuan Brush is called "Erosion".

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