Had Linda been any less quick-witted last time, Charles would have lost her. Linda had turned the situation around, taking advantage of the air bomb in the dragon ring to flee. Charles did not want to think of the other possibilities—ones that Linda would have been hurt, or worse, lost from him.

"Honey, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I can take care of myself. Just go back to work," Linda comforted Charles, seeing how his face had been riddled with anxiousness.

Their two children were taking an afternoon nap after having lunch. Even the naughty Dury felt drowsy after seeing Little Tomato and Little Potato sleep together.

Bun was evidently surprised when the little rascal had asked to sleep as well. After coaxing the boy to sleep, she asked Brian to keep an eye on their son.

Brian protested. He had wanted to go along with Linda.

He knew how Charles was. He would inevitably worry about Linda.

In the same way, Brian was also worried about Bun.

She meant the whole world to him.

If she was ever put in any danger, his whole life would collapse. He had no desire of staying back.

"Linda, I'm going wi


Even the air around him seemed crestfallen.

Then, Lenny's face moved slightly and his eyes caught the sight of Linda. His earlier air of gloom quickly turned to anger.

"Linda, what are you doing here?" he asked in a controlled voice.

"Do I need to ask for your permission before I come here?" Linda answered back in challenge.

She had long severed their connection. Nothing bound her to the older man any longer.

"How dare you! I am still your uncle! Show some respect,"

Lenny hissed.

"Uncle? We have no need for such titles. I'm tired of this farce. Frankly, it disgusts me," Linda said back.

"Have you forgotten what your grandfather said before he left? Or do you just plan to disregard his words?" Lenny sneered.

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