Vergil In Another World

Chapter 11 - 11. The Spar- or not?

We stood off each other in the bas.e.m.e.nt of the west wing mansion, many servants and and clansmen greeted us in the way, the other clansmen are looking at me curiously while we head down to the bas.e.m.e.nt used for partly dangerous experiments and using it for combat practice.

We stood off each other and Koujiro looked at me with anger in his eyes, to think that he, a powerful mage is forced to fight a child.

I took my starting stance while Koujiro took a deep breath and his demeanor changed, he became focused into the fight. Mayumi looked at me worriedly while her mother puts her hand on her shoulder as if stating nothing will go wrong as Koujiro will hold back if Vergil can't hold on.

The match started and I rushed at him. Koujiro made a compressed air and stepped onto it and made his way to the top, making sure that I can't touch him, thinking that as a melee combat fighter all he needs to do is to stay away from me, tire me out, and end me with a barrage of spell, it may work on others, but it doesn't work on me.

I kicked the ground so hard it formed a little spider cracks underneath and rushed at him, taking him by a surprise. I got closer to him and punched him, but my punch phased through. Turns out it was a mirage, a combination of water magic and air magic to turn himself into a clone. 'Seems like he's taking me seriously for a spar.'

I saw him charging a whole batch of icicles and aimed for me who was in mid-air, he launched it to me but I'm nearing the ground, but I felt danger as he compressed the air around me to make sure I won't escape. I then stood my ground and as my hands transformend into a river flowing steadily, I easily redirected all the icicles around me causing dust to cover me. Mayumi is being more worried and worried as she knew her brother is a genius when it comes to mage arts.

"Looks like it was my win, he was just a brat after a-" He didn't get to finish what he was saying as the cloud of dust cleared, they saw me with no injuries, not even a scratch.

"What? Is that all?" I taunted him, which he followed. He continued sending me icicles causing dust once again to cover his line of sight, he then followed with a huge magma ball sending it to finish me off but I redirected it back to him which he dodged easily.

'Looks like I won't be breaking through soon.' I thought as I equipped beowulf, which made them surprised as they thought I would use a sword as according to Mayumi, I am a sword master which is not wrong in the least, but I want to improve my martial arts to get to the final stage that Bang said.

I didn't pour in demonic energy, so its just a gauntlet and greaves to me. This time I kicked the ground and arrived instantly at Koujiro as I punched him and taken by surprise and not enough time to dodge, he blocks it with his arms crossed and formed a compressed barrier to pinpoint block my punch, unfortunately for him, I was wearing beowulf.

If it was a normal punch then it would've been blocked but with Beowulf, making me 5 times physically stronger, easily pierced through the barrier and head straight to his arms, sending him flying to the ground and crashed.

As soon as I landed, the cloud of dust cleared and Koujiro stood up and used healing magic and healed his arms which were broken in weird way, soon the healing can be seen by n.a.k.e.d eyes, his twisted arm started going back to position.

He then had a maniacal look in his eyes and in to the fact, I heard them speak

"There goes his battle junkie attitude acting up again." They all said in unison even Mayumi.

'A battle junkie huh. Been a long time since I've had a good fight, hope you'll stimulate me to improve further'

What surprised me after that was him rushing to me. 'I thought he was a long range mage'. I felt mana disturbance in his body, mana covering his body like an armor. 'I see so he's a close combat mage? This should be fun.'. I rushed at him as well and our fist connected to our face, I don't need to waste my demonic energy by copying him, instead I coated my fist with them.

We both punched each other, and I got a feel for his strength. I get into my starting stance as well, and he rushed at me. I think he doesn't know any martial arts, his punch didn't hurt me a bit and too many wasted movements. 'Meh he's not a close combat mage, just used his magic coat thinking he'll hit much harder that way.'

Seeing him in front of me I redirected all his punches and evaded the icicle he conjured at my back and I punched him in the gut making him keel over but still launched the attack hidden underground, earth spikes appeared from underground and tried to pierce me but I evaded them easily and deflected some of them.

I then used Rising Sun and launched him into the air, I then unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks mid-air juggling him and using my Darkslayer arts to keep him into the air and juggled him before finishing it with Starfall followed by Lunar Phase. Koujiro, battered and in tatters, stood up and looked at the others.

"Dad, Mom, get out of here, I'm going to use a deadly experiment."

"What stupid thing are you concocting now son?"

They then left the place dragging Mayumi which looked at me with tears threatening to fall down. I assured her with a smile that nothing's gonna happen.

"Now that they're out of the way, I commend you for making it this far as a fighter, I respect you but its time to end this. 'Pain Packer'." An armor appeared hugging Koujiro's body and a small wisp of red light was in his arms.

'Oi Oi who the fck are you?! 'Feitan?!' did you reincarnate in DXD?! You're going to kill me?' I thought as I know that fcking technique he just used. He then propelled the small wisp of light into the air. My mind quickly spun for routes to victory and I got 3 ways to do it and picked the most efficient way to defeat this guy.

I stepped back and unleashed my demonic energy and covered myself in a thick barrier of demonic energy, I heard him saying its useless as a mini sun appeared melting through the barrier slowly but surely and he kept laughing that it's no use. You're trying to kill me? You're paying the price.

'Its time to test the sword that can cut through anything.' I took out Yamato from my inventory and positioned myself due to me being covered in demonic energy barrier, he can't see me and I assured that, he seemed to realize the mana fluctuations are materializing and deeply stared at the barrier.

I unleashed my full power and I have 15 minutes to use it fully, but I think I only need a minute to wrap this up. I then stared at the mini sun melting my barrier. I sent a single full powered slash at it.

Koujiro noticed that something was wrong, he saw that his mini sun is sliced in half and is falling apart. Seeing Koujiro's expression made me feel good.

Anyone who knows Vergil is a badass man who can cut through air to make a portal, that mini sun of yours is just your physical pain manifestation, materialized through magic, in the end its just magic power and I can cut through it.

The sun disintegrated and I sent a judgement slash at Koujiro destroying his armor. I cancelled my devil trigger and dispelled the barrier. Koujiro saw me holding a sword and was now afraid at what just happened, now he fully believes that I was the one who massacred those fallen angels.

"You just tried to killed me right?" I asked Koujiro in a cold tone making him shiver and more scared

"I lost. I-I apologi-" I cut one of his arm and he screamed in pain. That scream signaled the end of the fight as the Saegusa family went down to check on the well being of everyone.

"I usually take off the heads of those trying to kill me, consider it a blessing that you're Mayumi's brother or else you would be a cold corpse lying in there."

They soon got down and felt the heat. Mayumi rushed in and saw the state of her brother and Vergil who doesn't have a single scratch on him and her brother with a severed arm.

"You! What have you done to Koujiro, it was supposed to be a fight not killing each other." Kouichi shouted

"A fight?! You call something like that a fight?! A fight where you accepted that your son is doing dangerous experiment on your guest?! Are you a retard?! Is conjuring a mini sun and sending it to your opponent considered a fight huh?! COME ON, ANSWER ME!"

I shouted at Kouichi as my demonic energy flared up and materialized, without me noticing, an armor materialized on my back (same like Nero triggering devil trigger at dmc4) holding a sword. I was about to snap at them when Mayumi hugged me from behind. I noticed her expression, tears pouring in her eyes.

"Stop, Vergil. Forgive father and brother for what they've done." I turned to Mayumi and she kept hugging me with snot and tears flowing down in her face. I then took a handkerchief in my pocket and wiped her face.

"Fine, stop crying. You're not Mayumi when you're crying." I then turned to Kouichi and Eiji as Minerva was healing her grandson's wounds and Koujiro's arm was being reattached.

"Usually I killed those who tried to kill me, be glad I only took your son's arm. Be glad he's Mayumi's brother or there won't be a corpse returning to you. You think because you got the power, money, and status. You can disregard my life because of a deadly experiment that your son cooked up? It looks like you're forgetting something, STATUS, POWER, AND MONEY CAN ONLY BE ENJOYED ONLY IF YOU'RE ALIVE."

As I said those last words, this time I flared my demonic energy with control and then left the bas.e.m.e.nt with Mayumi in tow, seems like I won't be leaving her grip sooner or later. I sighed and we roamed the Saegusa's mansion, leaving them in a state shock.


No, MC is no beta, I mean he knows his power, do you respond to every single insect that spoke any hate words against you? Do you really have to lower yourself at that level? Plus he didn't have anything to lose if he shared the info instead it would benefit Mayumi as she'll know her friend is safe, sound, and alive.

And in this chapter and the next. He got emotional as in his two lives, he didn't have the opportunity to feel familial love so he lashed out due to frustration.

Mc is also not literally Vergil, he only picked up his masters habits and quirkiness as he stayed with them for 10 years.

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