After cleaning up the dishes, I asked Hilda to bring down food for Milluki. I then let them pick out their temporary rooms, Suicune stayed in my room, Pantera in Saeko's, Griffon in Hilda's and Groc in Rayleigh's, it will be their room until I bought a house for myself. The night passed by peacefully in the mansion.

I woke up early and went down, I was surprised that uncle Francis and uncle Jouichiro is already awake.

"What's wrong? First time seeing someone wake up before you?" Uncle Jouichiro said and laughed.

"Nah, I'm just surprised that you guys are early risers. I usually wake up later but I seem to cannot get back to sleep ."

"A coffee or milk?" uncle Jouichiro asked me

"Milk, I'm still growing after all." They snickered at my remarks.

While uncle Jouichiro is preparing my drink, I then looked at what uncle Francis and asked what he is reading.

"Oh, this? I'm reading for events that would tip the stocks at the stock market." he said and continued reading the newspaper.

Uncle Jouichiro soon came closer with a glass of hot milk. He then asked me money as he is going to do the grocery later and I gave him the money he needed.

I was getting bored as I wanted a satisfying fight, voila, ask and you shall receive. 2 scrolls appeared in my mind they unfurled and was curious why 2 missions happened at the same time.

[Save Kuroka and Shirone

Difficulty: medium

Rewards: Style points]

[Keep your body in shape

Difficulty: Easy

Weekly mission: Do the Saitama training menu everyday for a week.

Rewards: 1x E-rank summoning ticket every weekly mission completed.]

'Eh? Weekly quest?' I asked and a scroll appeared once again and cleared my doubts.

[Yes, weekly quest. You need them or your E-rank tickets will rot inside your inventory. You don't want that to happen right?]

I then understood what he meant.

I then stood up and prepared for my things, I wore my blue coat and my outfit. When I went down I saw Milluki eating Jouichiro's food alongside Sui Feng and Louisa who was also drinking coffee with her hands shaking as her timid attitude was acting up once again.

"Where are you going, young master?" Rayleigh asked, I didn't see him in the table, so he's in the sofa.

"I'm just going for a stroll in the underworld." I casually said, in the course of my 4 years of training I already have the coordinates of the underworld as I asked Azazel to bring me there once.

"Can we go too?" Saeko asked but I declined.

"No. Stay here instead and train, Uncle Rayleigh can you teach them haki and sword techniques?"

"I can do that but are you really fine by yourself?" Rayleigh asked.

"Fine, if you guys are worried, Sui Feng can join me. Her expertise will be helpful in there." I then looked at Sui Feng who nodded at me.

"Also before I leave, Milluki, can you search for information about all the organizations related to the supernatural world?" I asked him.

"Sure, I can do that, but to infiltrate the underworld, I will need a better pc and server. I've already infiltrated the church as their security systems were all garbage." Milluki said

"You can ask Louisa for the money, I gave the control of half of the money to her. Should you guys need anything, just ask Louisa, okay? Are you done preparing Sui Feng?" She nodded and we went to the yard as they followed us outside.

I then used Yamato and cut the space apart, soon we departed as I looked at them one last time before heading in further with Sui Feng beside me. We soon arrived at a lush green forest just outside the Naberius' territory.

After getting the coordinates of the underworld when Azazel brought me here one time, I spend my time roaming and marking the place which I thought will be useful in the future when I was bored.

I have marked every devil's territory in the underworld. It was hard marking the Agares territory as they have affinity with space and time, So I marked the town before their territory.

"Lets split up, we'll cover more ground that way." She immediately used shunpo and spread her reiatsu while I used my DarkSlayer Arts to move at fast speed, what is fascinating about the DS arts is that... It has no speed limit, meaning as long as you can handle the burden... you can go even faster, sound, light, faster than them. It will eventually surpass the shunpo as well.

I then spread out my demonic power and used my Ultimate eye, I then use the DS trick and observed the territory from up high. Any normal devil might not see it but I can see a formation of magic circles covering that specific mountain. I inspected it with my eye, it turns out it was a concealment formation and alarm system should anyone enter and deactivate the formation.

I then spread my senses and saw Sui Feng. She removed her captain's haori. She's wearing her Onmitsukido uniform and I found her body charming and admired it.(T.H.I.G.HS FACTION!)

Sui Feng noticed my gaze and looked at me, she looked at my eyes and found no l.u.s.t contained in it, only amus.e.m.e.nt and admiration. She then prayed to Yoruichi that her heart is only hers, but her ears betrayed her as it was red. I noticed it and decided to wave it off and focus on the mission. I'm way too young to think of that. I'm a growing kid after all. Right?

"Listen, the briefing is simple, there are two nekoshou in the Naberius' underground laboratory. A black cat and a white cat. I will have to rescue the two of them while you get their research papers."

"Two cats?" She immediately started daydreaming as I snapped to get her out of her dream.

"Yes, I will attract the guards and when they deactivated the barrier, you will go in and search and grab their research papers, I will go and save the nekoshou." I said as she felt sad that she didn't get to save the cats but complied on her mission.

"But-" I quickly cut her off.

"I can easily do it, they will also underestimate me because of my appearance and pay the price for it. Now go and prepare. We will start the operation in a minute. Just let me do the fighting, I've been itching for a good fight where I can use Yamato without caring about injuring the opponent." I said

"Yes, master."

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