Vergil In Another World

Chapter 3 - 3. TrainingTen years of hell

My three masters saw a ball of light floating and Vergil said

"Are you kidding me old man? this is the one who'll inherit everything I once have?" It struck an arrow to me as what he says is true, I didn't know how to fight with a sword and my physical strength in my old life is pathetic as well as my hand to hand combat. God knows about it so he decided to put these guys to be my masters.

"Now now, Vergil. Take it easy on him. How about you merge yourself first with your body then we'll talk." Bang said to Vergil who just 'hmped' and I thanked him in my mind for saving me in that awkward situation.

I silently looked at God who sent a note on how to transfer myself to the body of the young Vergil. It took me a few minutes before it swallowed me whole. I opened my eyes and took a look at my hands and deemed it as the real thing, I then summoned my outfit(Classic Vergil) then faced them and bowed

"Please take me as your student, I will uphold the wish of the people who believed in me to 'live life in happiness and no regrets'and to do so I need strength, overwhelming strength to protect myself and those around me. Please!"

"Hmp. Raise your head, I don't see myself lowering my head like that, listen, once I see you lower your head again, I'll be the one who'll cut your pathetic head. I will teach you the ways of a Dark Slayer and Yamato itself, so that you will at least not shame my beloved weapon in whatever world you go to." Vergil said with a stern and cold voice. I nodded and promised myself to never bow down to others and shame Yamato.

"Then I'll teach you the arts of the sword yes? My training will be hard and harsh, expect a military training from me, do you really wish to continue, young man?" King Bradley said and I answered yes.

"Hohoho~ youngsters nowadays, ahhh~ they will always surpass the old hohoho~ Then young man, I will teach you my own martial arts, it will not be easy, the path will be narrow, and you'll be walking in an uphill slope. If you still wish to take me as your master these are all the challenges that lay ahead of you." Silver Fang, Bang said to me and I naturally answered yes.

Bang will condition my body and learn martial arts in 3 years , then King bradley with 3 years to sharpen my sword mastery and finally, the master of Dark Slayer arts and the original owner of Yamato himself, will train me for 4 years to be a proper successor for him.

1st year:

My teacher Bang, made me run for miles followed by intense workout without stopping. We didn't feel hunger and there's no night and day here, we only have a calendar that slowly loses its number for the days passed.

Bang asked God for land to plow and made me plow it manually every single day, then he asked God to flatten it then I plow it once more and when I got the hang of it Bang asked God for a weighted clothing which weighs a ton and I fell on the ground as soon as I wear the clothing(Garou's).

My workout continued for a year and he decided that body conditioning was perfect, my body's foundation was the best, and my growth wouldn't be stunned. If Vergil's body was a lean muscular body then now its not only muscular but packs a punch as well.

2nd year:

This year, I'm still working out this time but with Bang guiding me in the basics of martial arts, he first explained to me what 'Fist of flowing water, crushing rock' is that, (from here on its going to be from wiki itself and edited a few words) the martial art has been shown to be extremely powerful when used by a skilled fighter. 

He describes the martial art as "leading enemies around the nose by moving like a calm stream, only to finish them off with a punch strong enough to smash great rocks like a raging river", implying that 'Fist of Flowing Water, Crushing Rock' parallels real-life Tai-Chi. 

He also describes the martial art as "the perfect blend of offense and defense". Users of this martial art can repel the attacks of their opponents, nullify them, or redirect them with twice the power.

The martial art is capable of deflecting small dust particles, rapid blade attacks, and even attacks of pure energy. Furthermore, when in crisis, the martial art allows the user's body to move on its own.

After explaining he taught me the basics of the martial arts itself for a whole 6 months and taught me the advanced skills of the martial art this goes on until the end of the year.

3rd Year:

Nothing major happened but we just sparred everyday, accompany the old man in his tea break, and listening to his life stories. I was completely amazed at how amazing Bang had become and can't helped but think of him as my own grandfather.

I learned many things from him, the most important thing I learned from him was the heart. Whatever path I chose, as long as my heart is dead set on moving into that path then just keep moving forward, if ever my heart goes astray, stop, take a step back, look around and think if its really the thing that your heart wants.

Bang said there's nothing wrong in retracing your steps back as long as the ending was go back to the path my heart wanted me to traverse. 'There's nothing shameful in it, It proves that you're a human who makes mistakes and it takes guts and courage to regress yourself just to walk back in the path you've chosen' I was inspired of Bang's words and was blessed to have him as my master and as a grandfather figure.

We continued sparring and as usual Bang always beat me black and blue in hand to hand combat, I can follow his power and speed whenever I used Beowulf but its still not enough, Bang used the techniques different from mine, he is comfortable, had the perfect counters, and he moves like a calm stream waiting for the water to turn violent then strike back.

At least thats what I perceived. After my training with him ended, he sat down in a dojo conjured by God alongside a tea set and table and books to read to pass time.

4-6 years

King Bradley's training was straightforward being a leader in an army which is in constant war where training another soldier can make a difference, so time was of the essence, he asked me to grab a sword and attacked me causing me to activate my eye, one of my eye's sclera turned white and my pupil was replaced by an Ouroboros tattoo and tried to deflect his swords but he changed the directions of the sword and aimed it at my neck, "You rely too much in your precognition, even though it is strong, your body must keep up with the foresight you gained, you can see where the attack is going but you're not fast enough to block it.

Your body's foundation was solid I must say, as expected from that geezer. Come, pick up your swords once more" He did teach me his knowledge about sword arts, and color me impressed, I can now use swords of different length and sizes, King Bradley also taught me how to wield five swords at once by juggling the swords in the air.

He didn't teach me his specific sword style tho, when I asked him about it he shrugged and said that it is not suitable for me and it will be one of my weakness should I use his sword style as it didn't fit with my d.e.s.i.r.ed fighting style, he also told me that Vergil will be the one to teach me the sword style suitable for me.

We are also having breaks and sometimes speak of his knowledge about the military and many strategies of the army I was amazed by the knowledge and logic King Bradley has and learned strategies from him.

I also learned that he was once a human before he was turned into a homunculus by an experiment to become 'Wrath'.

He was father's 'wrath', and I mean he's 'wrath' so he should always be angry right? No, he used wrath to fuel his drive and it amazes me, he is not embodying wrath as destruction of everything he touches, but embodying it as human emotion. His wrath is not expressed outwardly with an out of control fury that destroys everything, but rather it remains inward as silent, cold, and calculating fury.

Now I understand the saying of the military "The most quiet one in the room is always the most dangerous" then multiply it by a factor of ten. Add in the fact that he acts all chill like bruh?

We sparred everyday honing my instincts and reaction speed and let me gain battle experience. We finished our training and he sat down with Bang in a dojo with tea set that God conjured for them to live and relax.

Year 7-10

It was time, for the most hardest of training I will ever receive. I saw Vergil and sat down and waited for me to come near.

"Drink the Nephilim bloodline and we'll start your training. Is that clear?" I nodded and summoned the vial containing the bloodline removed the cap and drank it.

At first it was nothing but the more time passes but I feel intense burning in my left side and intense cold in my right, I grit my teeth and waited for the bloodline to fuse while feeling pain all over my body, once the feeling of burning and cold subsided I lied down and breathe heavily.

I wasn't getting any rest as Vergil said to summon my Yamato and rushed at me, I quickly summoned from my inventory. He rushed in with his demonic speed and with my instinct my danger senses are tingling on my left side and blocked the incoming sword but I was one millisecond slower than Vergil.

Multiple cuts ravaged my body as I feel the blade cut through my skin even though my blood and skin is that of a Nephilim now.

I huffed and looked at Vergil staring at me.

"Pretty pathetic but still you managed to react but not fast enough to block." This is what King Bradley told me about, me 'feeling' the attack but not have enough speed to follow through it. Damn if my body is older then maybe I'll be the same speed as him.

"Although you're a second slower, I applaud you for trying to block it though. I guess you passed their training." Thats right, in terms of hand to hand combat I'm nearing Bang and Swordsmanship, reaction time, and instincts are half-step lower than King Bradley.

"Take out all your gifts or whatever you call them and assimilate them with you. Then we'll begin training in earnest, I didn't achieve my speed as I got older in fact its the opposite, but through constant training and seeking for power, I became the man who I came to be."

He seems to be reminiscing his old times as he was looking in the distance when he said that.

I then made beowulf, dark slayer arts, force edge, and yamato to be soul bound to me.

Mastering it would make me have full control of my body and dodge while leaving a shadow behind to confuse my enemies, I can also walk in the air by constantly using Darkslayer Trick which looks like an upgraded trickster style of Dante if you look at it closer.

The way you dodge using DarkSlayer Arts is by controlling your whole body and evade the attacks with finesse making it kinda hard and will most likely work for attacks that are near hitting you then confuse your enemy with the shadow and strike back.

I then used my thought acceleration to process all the moves contained in the weapons such as Beowulf's attack, Force edge's summoned sword, dual wielding Yamato and Force Edge and Force edge's moves which is similar or exactly the same as Rebellion's moveset.

I wore the perfect amulet in my neck and nodded towards Vergil. Vergil with his ever stoic face came forward and posed into judgement cut. Danger bells ringing in my head and I unconsciously used DS dodge and saw the space I was in before was being cut or shredded to multiple pieces.

I'm glad my thought acceleration kicked in and used it unconsciously. '*Sigh* this is going to be hard'

We then sparred every single day without stopping, making me use everything I have, from beowulf to force edge to even unsealing devil sword Sparda. I did everything I can to keep up with him.

What I didn't realize was Vergil downplayed his speed and was constantly increasing his speed and making me break my speed limits. I didn't think of anything and just focused on keeping up with Vergil, I was enjoying.

Enjoying my battle with Vergil although on the losing side but still its fun climbing an insurmountable mountain.

I don't know but I think I like this feeling of climbing the impossible, maybe I'm a full-fledged battle junkie now? I tried my best keeping up with Vergil's increasing speed and I even activated the ultimate eye to be ahead with foresight but Vergil just countered me by increasing his speed a notch higher and I couldn't keep up anymore.

Vergil's attack got me once and he followed by flinging me into the air followed by an aerial rave and finished it off with aerial judgement cut. Waves and waves of cut ravaged my body and I turned into a bloody mess.

I got cuts all over my body, and couldn't move even my fingers but my other hand is tightly gripping Yamato never letting it go. Seeing that Vergil raised the corner of his lips a little, but not totally a smile, more like mellowed down a little. He grabbed me by the back and threw me back in the dojo floor.

I slid down the floor panting, Vergil sat down looked at me and said "You want to live life with no regrets? You want to protect those around you? Then train, train some more and put your best effort in training. Might controls everything, and without strength, you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself." I don't have the strength to answer back and just closed my eyes to rest and concentrate in healing my wounds.

As I closed my eyes I used my thoughts acceleration to review all my mistakes so that I wouldn't make the same mistakes in battle. I tried remembering everything about Vergil and remembered V, the human side of Vergil, and describes Vergil as "One who lost everything", and that all the defeat he suffered only caused him to sink lower.

V recognizes the gravity of crimes he committed and how important the things he threw away in the endless pursuit of power really were, such as his humanity, younger brother, and his own son.

V originally went to Dante in the hope that he could right the wrong that Vergil created with the birth of Urizen. V explained to Nero that "he", meaning Vergil, only wanted to be protected and loved, but since he was alone his only option was to survive. It is obvious some mannerisms of V manifest in Vergil after reemerging, prominently his humanity.(Added some wiki stuff about him, I enjoyed reading his history)

As I'm recovering and reorganizing my memories of Vergil, I fell asleep. Bang was kind enough to put me in a room with a bed. I woke up feeling fresh and looked at my body rid of battle scars and wounds. I head outside and cleaned the mess I made before I fell asleep and started training and honing my DS Style/Arts. It was Vergil's personalized style and his own effective movement tool, allowing himself to reposition using teleportation.

The final years of my training are hard but at the same time fun and fulfilling.

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