Vergil In Another World

Chapter 36 - 35. (AN Updates)

I got out of the portal and saw that I was in my room, I then scanned the house with observation haki and saw that a only second had passed by.

I then made a call to Uncle Francis to rebuild the second bas.e.m.e.nt into a workshop and also called Uncle Azazel to ask where to get trusted blacksmith's machines, I can always build one later though, but I need the basic ones to get started. I also asked Uncle Azazel if he knows a place to get massive amounts and varities of ores, I'm sure with his connections, he knows a lot of it.

Uncle Azazel was curious though, why did I want to buy ores and blacksmith machinery. I answered him that I want to start building a workshop. Uncle Azazel asked if I need someone to teach me, but I declined.

'I have received Muramasa's teaching. If I ever need someone to ask, it would be those of the likes of Hephaestus of the Greek Pantheon or those from the Norse Pantheon, maybe in the Hindu Pantheon'

After ending the call, he decided to mull over all the things he received. He then thought that Muramasa reached the pinnacle of human swordsmith, but it still had a lot of potential. Looks like I'm going to be in a journey after setting up my workshop.

I then looked at my lottery system and saw a blinking update, I never had the chance to look at it as I'm busy smithing my creations.

What would happen if I updated it? As I'm mulling if I would update it, A scroll appeared and enlightened me as to what would happen should I update it.

[It will turn into a roulette system. When you use your random ticket it will give you a random type of rewards. For example if you use your E-rank random ticket, a roulette will show itself to you and you can get an E-rank weapon ticket, E-rank consumables, E-rank items, and etc. It will give you another ticket but with more specific range. Also you will gain another option for your summons, if you want to find out then you'll have to update it. The cost to upgrade a ticket will also be lessened by 1, meaning 9 E-rank = 1 D-rank. Even though the system is updating, do continue finishing your weekly quest as the quest system will still be active.]

'I see, then so be it and update it.' I thought and a timer appeared in front of me. 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 40 secs.

'Its ticking down, well I'm sure I'll forget about it as my focus will be on the forging side of things.' I thought as I made preparations for making the bas.e.m.e.nt level 2 my territory by using the territory creation skill.

I then prepared the things needed and catalysts with the help of Uncle Francis by posting it as a request on the guild. I then activated the territory creation skill as light surrounded the bas.e.m.e.nt and took the machinery and my hearth.

As the white light dies down, nothing major changed but I felt like I'm connected to the hearth myself. I also felt like more ideas were coming to me when it comes to smithing swords, but before I do all that. I need to upgrade all my tools and my workshop.







A month simply passed by like that. I was in my workshop with a bunch of swords but all of then are failures to me but still I created them with my own blood and sweat. Three of them turned into cursed swords, while the rest are just very sharp swords, when I mean sharp, it means literally sharp.

I even asked Uncle Francis to upgrade the walls of the workshop as a sword I crafted sliced through the ground and fell to Milluki's room scaring the crap out of him.

Thankfully no figurines were harmed in the process. If it does then maybe Milluki will turn into a super saiyan, who knows.

Also the updates were just done as it notified me by a scroll telling me that the upgrades were completed and wanted me to check it out, which I did. I also gained 4 E-rank random tickets from doing the weekly quests.

I keep looking into what's new and what fascinated me was the fact that I can choose the difficulty of a quest, except the weekly quest. What perplexed me was the name of the difficulty also changed, instead of easy, medium, hard, impossible difficulty. It turned into Human, Devil Hunter, Son of Sparda, Vergil Must Die, Heaven or Hell and lastly Hell and Hell.

I swore to God, I won't ever choose the Vergil Must Die and above difficulty. I won't give my life just to be a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic beast.

I also noticed that in my summons tab, a gear appeared meaning its settings and from there I saw things that are useful for my summons and I immediately set their loyalty, from absolute to non-existent, but I also added a clause to at least protect each other. I can always protect myself but the same cannot be said for the others.

Also a month after the fight with Susanoo, Amaterasu has been disrupting our 'peaceful' life. I thought holing up in my workshop will work in avoiding her but Amaterasu and Mayumi just keeps banging on my reinforced door and even destroyed it dragging me out of my workshop.

I used the power of sweat to keep them away. I'm a genius. Since then I created another door Mayumi-proof and Amaterasu-proof that even her black flame will take time if she wants to destroy it, giving me time to clean up my workshop and teleport out.

Susanoo also visited us and asked for a spar which I gladly accepted. I started fighting him with handicaps, but he still lost. Those losses didn't make Susanoo falter though, but he used it as a fuel to get stronger.

It made me think then, if in the game, Vergil used his loss against his brother as a drive to gain more power, then wouldn't he be more powerful than he is?

'Nah, OG Vergil is too prideful to do that.' I then led Susanoo to my workshop and seeing my creations he was astounded of the swords in my workshop. I toured him around my workshop, showed him where I usually forge, where I cast the metals. Susanoo's eyes wandered in amazement and I gave a smug smile to him.

Susanoo's eyes then wandered into a particular sword. It is a simple katana with a round guard, just your typical katana but it is also one of my cursed sword, due to the handle emitting lightning energy and can't be used by normal people. I didn't tell Susanoo about all of it but it seems like fate had spoken.

"Vergil, what is that sword you have over there?" Susanoo asked while pointing at the cursed katana

"A failed creation of mine, why do you ask?" I said to him which made him confused.

"Failed creation? But it looks fine to me." Susanoo retorted

"It is a failed creation of mine, a cursed sword. It hurts the enemies just the same as it hurts the user. If I had better materials then surely, it wouldn't be a failed product of mine." I said as I discouraged him from trying it.

"I see, but I feel like its calling me to try it. Can I?" Susanoo asked with anticipation.

"Sure just return it afterwards." I said to him.

Susanoo then picked up the sword and he felt the sting but endured it, I then led him to my trying out area, it is reinforced by magic so you can tell the sharpness of the swords I make because there are lots of crevices in the room itself.

Susanoo then tried the sword by using it with his sword style. After a minute of trying it, he came rushing to me and bowed his head down.

"Can I have this sword? It feels like it is a sword crafted specially for me. I beg you. I'll trade my sister for it. How about it?"

'What in the f*ck's sake is this guy on about?'

"No, it is a failed creation of mine. It will only hurt the user more if you keep using it. If you really want it then pay me with materials from your pantheon." I said to Susanoo while he is contemplating his choice.

"Then I'll give you materials for it, but you have to reforge this cursed blade should you have the required materials, then its a deal. Also can I offer my sister so can you give me discounts?" I facepalmed. I thought he would take it seriously as the first part was spoken in a serious tone and the latter part, he's instantly back to his goofy self.

'Why does he keeps on pushing by selling me his sister? Are all Gods b*stards?' I thought but immediately answered Susanoo.

"No. Discounts."


Another one, dunno how territory creation works as I can't see any animation on how they do it, they just depicted that it is there already. If they do have the exact process on how they did it, maybe I missed it. XD

Also I will tweak the last chapter a little bit and update it, as I'm not satisfied with the other parts, but the contents will still the same.

In case you don't know the differences of the difficulty gamewise:

Devil Hunter: For those who want a 'little' bit more spice in the game.

Son of Sparda: In this mode, enemies tend to deal more damage, and can have higher health. This is usually unlocked after beating the game once. This is the game's equivalent of Hard Mode.

Dante must Die: In this mode, enemies are tougher, have twice the amount of health, and use more attacks. In past games, enemies gain a Devil Trigger which they can use against you.

Heaven or Hell: For those who wants more spice in their plates; In Heaven Or Hell mode, players can die in one attack, however, enemies can also die in one attack.

Hell or Hell(For the m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic Bastards): In Hell And Hell mode, players also die in one attack, and are given 3 lives. However, enemies do not die in one attack, and is similar in behavior as that of Dante Must Die difficulty

I will put them later in the aux chaps doncha worry ????

The sword Susanoo wants to trade is the CAS Hanwei wind and thunder katana, just search it up in google images XD

Yeeeeeeep thanks to all those suggestions though, it helped a lot. I will be deleting it later tho.

Lemme know what to improve and problems with the chap.

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