We arrived in United Kingdom as it was the place assigned for the meeting. Seeing that we arrived early, I left Uncle Francis to do his thing while I teleported back and asked Soi Fon for a date.

We roamed around the country, seeing the famous places in the country like Big Ben, the Tower Bridge, London Eye, and many more. We also ate our lunch in a restaurant that I had Uncle Francis, reserved a table. I taught Soi Fon on how to eat on formal setting.

A big change in Soi Fon was that she's not wearing her uniform and captain's haori every single time. When she's not on a mission or when we are on a date, she now wears a casual clothing or depends on the occasion.

The food tasted great but Uncle Jouichiro's food still tastes way better. We then continued our tour and stopped when Uncle Francis called that the meeting will be starting any minute now. I locked Soi Fon's hand into mine as I used my off hand to summon Yamato and teleported to Uncle Francis.

When I entered a lot of gazes focused on me, others are filled with curiosity, while the others are looking at Soi Fon, and the minority looking at Uncle Francis for answers.

Uncle Francis coughed and silenced the crowd as he introduced me to the crowd.

"The person you're seeing is Vergil Redgrave, the person behind the guild and beside him is Soi Fon, his fiancee." Uncle Francis said, I was surprised that there are no reactions whatsoever from them, so I decided to prank them.

"Are you done joking, Francis?" Cu Chulainn said. The experienced Gods stayed quiet as they can feel the immense power I'm emitting.

'Looks like they did their research and homework.' I thought while looking at the Cu Chulainn.

"He is not joking, mind you. I am the head of the guild. Any more questions?" 'Well, even though Louisa is the cog to make it work perfectly.'

"Brat, quit it with your lies. You are in front of the different Gods of Pantheons and their representative. Do you wish to stunt the growth of your expansion in our continent?" Cu Chulainn said as I looked at him

"There's nothing gained from lying in front of you all, if there's nothing else lets start the meeting and seal the deal." I said completrly ignoring Cu Chulainn

"Very well then. My request is simple only, to monitor the populace and make sure they have food to serve in their table after working." Parvati said. Making me raise my eyebrow. 'Looks like its true that Hindu Deities only seek betterment of themselves.' I thought

"As for us, our demands are simple as well, the Guild will build their branch in the town below olympus, the town of Orario." Hermes said.

'Hm. Looks like Orario is an experimental town for them, if they succeed then its good, the economy will flourish, but if it doesn't then they lose nothing as it is only an experimental town.'

"As for us, we demand that we will be supplying the personnel of the branch." Frigga said as I looked at Odin who seemed to be sleeping.


"What, you Gods got your tongues cut? Where are the usual greediness that you normally show? We want 75% of the Guild's proceeds and we will be the one running the branch itself." Cu Chulainn said

I then stared deeply at Lugh who seems to be thinking of something.

"I'm fine with Parvati's request. We will recruit some of the populace to work on the lower-middle end job. As for Hermes' request, if your town fails, what are the reparations we will get? You don't expect us to build the Guild branch and expect us to lose money yes? As for Frigga's request, the managerial position will be the highest position they can reach, as for being promoted to a core member , Sorry, but I won't be handing it to an outsider anytime soon. As for the celtic Pantheon, Lugh, is that the will of your Pantheon?"

"Of course it is d*mbass" Cu Chulainn said.

"Are you Lugh? Let me ask you again, Lugh. Is that the will of your Pantheon?"

Seeing that Lugh didn't answer, I used my ultimate eye and finally managed to see the difference.

"A mind control huh." I said it in a low voice but they all heard it.

'Looks like Cao Cao is already gathering members of the hero faction and wants the proceeds of Guild to do whatever they want with money.'

"What are you talking about?" Cu Chulainn said as he still kept on acting.

"If that's not mind control then it must be some kind of spell to steal the consciousness of a person." I said cornering Cu Chulainn. I then continued as Soi Fon whispered something to me.

"Also Hermes' mind telling Hades to stay the f*ck out of this meeting? His cheap imitation of his helmet is so poorly made, its making me puke." I then used the Yamato and used judgement cut in an open space, they thought it was nothing but soon, a minced meat shinigami and a sliced helmet fell down.

Odin opened his eyes and looked intensely at me, and spoke.

"Young man, how about you become my disciple in picking up girls? I can feel so many red threads surrounding your body. How about it?" Odin asked

"No thanks, but lets get back to the main point. Cu Chulainn betrayed the Celtic Pantheon, Agreed?" They all nodded as I used my demonic barrier to stop him from retreating.

[Fighting a hero(Choose your difficulty)

Description: Take a blow with Gae Bulg and survive.

Rewards: Depends on your style points]

I looked at all the difficulty levels and found that Vergil must die's requirement can be done with my self healing prowess.

I then walked towards Cu Chulainn slowly while he readies his spear and threw it to me.

"No one's survived the spear my master gave me, GAE BULG!" A spear flashed by and aimed pierced my c.h.e.s.t. The barbs on the spear suddenly exploded inside my body before piercing me completely.

Soi Fon looked at me worriedly while Uncle Francis had a look of confidence in me. The Gods are looking at me with amus.e.m.e.nt while Parvati and Demeter is worried about my state as they know even Gods will die if they received the spear head-on.

What surprised them was that after being pinned on the ground, I raised my body Dante Style when he was pierced with Alastor. I then grabbed and traced the Gae Bulg II, a replica of his ancestor's spear. I'm interested in how it was forged, maybe I'll visit the Celtic Pantheon after the Blacksmith Gods.

I then threw it back to Cu Chulainn who caught it with shaking hands.

"What never thought that someone can survive your 1 hit kill spear? Oh please."

"Even if the spear your ancestor used is strong, the one you're using is only a replica of it." I nonchalantly said as I positioned for a judgement cut

I was about to unleash my judgement cut when a purple mist appeared and broken through my demonic barrier and covered Cu Chulainn.

"Who said you can take my prey? I then summoned Tsumugari Muramasa from my inventory and muttered a chant, I also summoned the boosted gear to fill me up with demonic energy as I expanded my barrier to slow down the extraction of Cu Chulainn as the chant for Muramasa is long.

I'm not the invincible swordsman, Jūbei,

I'm not the one praised as a master of espionage, Hanzō,

I'm not the renowned caster Abe no Seimei.

Why, out of all people, I, a swordsmith, was summoned.

For being unable to foresee that, this is your defeat.

Once seeking for the ultimate blade.

What I seek for is the clearance of resentment.

The cutting of bonds, fate and destiny. 

That is, to free oneself from Karma. 

Upon one's arrival are countless tools.

Carved over a thousand blades, forming a pile of swords.

This is the place where all paths cross.

This is the place where all d.e.s.i.r.es flow.

This is the place where all deaths await

My whole life was for this single swing. 










"Tsumugari Muramasa"

A massive flying slash attack is on the way to Cu Chulainn and the mist moved Cu Chulainn away, but my target was never him, but the user of Dimensional Lost. Seeing that its too late evade now, another figure appeared and used his spear to redirect the attack, Georg only lost an arm.

'A pity.' I thought.

"Your sword looks like it packs a punch huh, but it looks like you are out of gas now, maybe I can kill you now and remove a future problem." The man said which made me laugh.

"What's so funny? You are going to die and you're still laughing, look the Gods can't even help you, I had Georg seal this space, so its only you and me now." The figure revealed himself now as Cao Cao.

"Indeed, its only you and me now." I said with a grin that made Cao Cao fall back and trusted his instincts.

"Georg go on and teleport us now, he is too dangerous and we can't fight him." Cao Cao picked up Georg's arm and ran as I used my Devil Trigger and chased after him, my Devil Trigger refilled all of my demonic power and I grabbed the Muramasa once more and rushed towards the running Cao Cao.

I appeared on his right side as I punched him but the mist blocked my punch and I summoned the yamato in my main hand and slashed the mist slashing Cao Cao's c.h.e.s.t as he flew by and was about to stab him when the mist ate the unconscious Cao Cao away as the purple mist slowly retreated back and soon they were gone.

'Tch, they escaped. I created an anti Divine weapon should a God want to mess with me but I never got the chance to use it, also I never expected dimensional lost to be this troublesome'

I sighed as I looked at the trapped Gods who had a lot of questions for me.


Yeah, caffeine got the better of me.

Also sorry to break your parade but John Wick is only a food for thought of mine. He is only a what if character in my mind. To be sent where heroic spirits battle and he fought them with a pencil...With. a. freaking. pencil.

No summons for the time being as I will focus more on items, consumables, and/or magic.

Let me know your thoughts in this chapter. Maybe I will rewrite some parts later.

"8:00 in the morning, its the middle of the night."

-Shiro, No Game No Life.

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