After waving Kuroka out, another knock followed as they entered, I was surprised that it was Masaomi and Cleria. They came in and sat down and told me that now is the time to let those close to them about their condition. As for whether they stayed with them or with us, is not my concern anymore. Cleria wanted to contact Diehauser Belial, the current champion of rating games, the man they called the emperor, and her cousin. While Masaomi wanted to contact Touji as he still treats him as his best friend.

I nodded at Cleria's request, as for Masaomi... its kind of difficult. I know that Touji returned to vatican and lived his life there with his wife and her daughter as I've received his files from Milluki, the hard thing to do was entering there without alarming the church, his house was also near the sword saint, Griselda.

I then thought about it and nodded as well to the nervous Masaomi. The reason I accepted was because it was in the way when I meet my brother, also I want to know about mother from Griselda. If there is a person my mother would trust the most, it would be Mayumi's mother, Rie and the sword saint, Griselda.

I waved them out as I finished reading all the reports that Uncle Francis and Milluki gave me. Father was right, world domination is boring. Just imagining the paperworks that I would handle... it sent shivers in my spine. I then remembered a kid that I watched when I was a kid. He keeps shouting he wants to be the hokage and believe that he can do it. I wonder how is his hokage life? I chuckled at the thought of him drowned in paperworks without time for himself or if he had one, family.

(No, didn't watch Boruto. They say its cursed and my eyes were spared)

Taking it off my mind, I teleported back home after finishing the paperworks, I then saw Uncle Rayleigh teaching the Slash Dog Team about Observation and Armament haki.

After three years, I have also improved my observation haki and can see 10 seconds in the future while my Armament haki was like non-existent anymore. No more black armor, but it is fading into the skin and the armor it provides is better than the black one. I think the pinnacle of it would be that it would act as an invisible skin that is so hard. As for my Conqueror haki, other than me getting better control for it and increasing the output and intimidation, nothing much has changed.

The slash dog team saw me coming in, Tobio rushed and bowed to me as I acknowledged it. His talent in sword is just below a monstrous genius but he makes up for it with effort and his creativity.

He created his sword style but it is pretty much very rough, but at least he had an outline of what he wants to achieve. I then looked at the others as I saw Natsume staring at me. If I was talking about my mistakes, she was the only one I haven't taken to a date yet because I heard Lavinia shouting that she said I'm in her strike zone. I haven't dated her because her training with Kuroka was harsh and she didn't have time to spare. Well, I'll make up for it sometime. I also noticed Vali staring at Lavinia's a.s.s for a long time and woke him up from his stupor and he looks at me like he'd seen a ghost.

Azazel and Vali also came to visit us as I told them the address to our house. I enjoyed Uncle Azazel's expression when he saw, Uncle Francis and Uncle Jouichiro. To think that two major figures were living in the manor. When he saw Uncle Rayleigh, Uncle Azazel's soul came out of his body and fainted.

Uncle Azazel is waaay old enough to recognize the strength of a person, and he got scared of Uncle Rayleigh. I then introduced them to each other. Azazel left while Vali stayed as he said he wants Uncle Rayleigh to teach him how to be strong as he pointed to me and said that I don't teach him how to be strong.

Taking it off my mind, I greeted the Team Slash Dog and went inside to eat from leftovers in the fridge and heated it. After eating, I changed my clothes to black coat instead of blue and transformed to my DmC 5 Vergil form. I'm much more accustomed to my form like this than my teenager form. Fcking puberty.

I then got down and they were surprised to see me in my outfit as Uncle Rayleigh asked me if i'm going in another mission as I nodded to him.

I called uncle Francis to book me a flight to Denmark as that is the place where the .45 Calibre Warks resides and the place where Dante, my brother, goes to repair his guns.

I slept all the way to Denmark in my flight and got down to Denmark feeling refreshed. I then hailed a cab to take me to Rochdale(Self-created town), the town that houses Nell's workshop. When we arrived at the town, I asked the cab driver if he knew Nell's workshop but he shook his head. I then paid for my fare and asked for Nell's workshop and they were kind enough to point the way.

When I arrived at Nell's workshop, I scanned the place and to my surprise... Well hello there brother. I then went inside to the surprise of the two.

"Heeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!"

I then summoned Rebellion and stabbed Dante in the c.h.e.s.t shocking Nell while Dante coughed a lot of blood. Nell moved quickly and rolled in the ground to get a shotgun from her display and shot me with it but I summoned yamato as I twirled it in a helicopter style shield and placed all of the shrapnel neatly on the ground shocking Nell once more.

"I'm not here for trouble, I just gave him what father owes him. Also... he won't die from it right...Brother?" I said not surprising Nell anymore as she was numb from the shock rollercoaster she was in to.

"I didn't... think that... our reunion would be this... w-argh, way. But I don't think you're my brother, we're twins." He said as he stood up and removed Rebellion slowly from his c.h.e.s.t and Nell was watching in surprise.

"Brat... what are you?" she said as she watched Dante being impaled by a sword and still not dying from it.

"A hybrid of a demon and a human. A taboo being. A being that's the same as me. He won't die from that blade, it was a blade forged by my father exactly for him " I said to the suspecting Nell. I then transformed back to my teenager self and they were surprised to see my transformation. I then lowered my hair and when I did that, Dante and I almost look the same. And they finally believed that I am his brother.

Many mercenaries that are patrons of Nell's workshop came in when they heard the gunshots and they saw 2 Dante's and were confused. Nell waved them off and said that nothing happened and they left reluctantly, staring at the two Tony before leaving.

"To think that my supposed to be 'dead' brother would still be alive and was the first one to find me. I'm surprised. As for the sword... I'll keep it. Its father's gift after all. So how about it, want to do it the old times?" He asked as he remembered the times they would always fight to prove who is stronger.

"You are not my match Dante." Its true, I've defeated Gods while Dante is still in his mercenary days.

Dante not listening rushed at me as Nell shouted to not do it in her shop. I quickly moved and make Dante unconscious with a chop in his neck. Nell gave me a grateful look as we didn't involve her workshop just now.

"Well, sorry for the late introduction. But my name is Vergil. Vergil Redgrave. Pleased to meet you... Nell Goldstein."


Chapter chapter chapter. Well its my break time and got nothing to do so I made one

Well, Vergil now met Dante. I was about to use Gilver as his pseudonym but decided against it. (Its true... Gilver was a thing when Vergil was also a mercenary to hide his name XD)

Let me know about your thoughts in the chapter, was it too rushed? or nah? Let me know how to improve it and also if there are typos or mistakes, let me know.

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