
Dante went to mallet island and fought with the demons and underlings of the king of the demon world, he was then met with Trish and saved her life twice and learned that she was just a copy of her mother that the king of the demon world, Mundus, created to lure him in and kill him. Dante then realized that his brother's words were correct and shouldn't have rushed coming to the place.

He then continued fighting the bosses in the island. In the final stages of his adventure, he came upon a statue and the King of the Demon world spoke himself. He then showed to Dante that Trish was captured and the moment he was distracted Mundus shot Demonic spikes, impaling Dante's body. Dante was about to be shot by Mundus once more but Trish used herself to block the shot but Dante didn't budge. He received the attack and clouds of smoke covered Dante and Trish.

Trish was stunned when he saw Dante conjuring a barrier protecting the two from Mundus' attacks. He then summoned Devil Sword Sparda and tried to harness as much power as possible. Mundus' continued mocking the two of them calling Dante, a taboo and Trish, a failure. Dante was enraged by it and remembered Griffon who asked for Mundus' help but instead was killed because of his incompetence.

He then channeled all of his rage towards the statue as it started moving and covered the place with his demonic power and Dante was transported to a star filled battlefield. He then used the devil trigger of his father and fought Mundus' at first he was struggling but got much better as time goes on and eventually defeated Mundus' statue by smashing its head with his punch.

After defeating the statue, he got back into the real world and was met by Trish. She was glad that he managed to fend off Mundus and return alive. They talked for a bit before Trish dropped the bomb to Dante.

"Your mother is alive, she's in Mundus' hands. Also the one you fought is just an apparition and not Mundus' full power." She said making Dante narrow his eyes.

'Looks like brother will become handy this time.' He thought as the castle suddenly crumbled. They got out of the place alive. When Dante asked what Trish is gonna do since she is now free from Mundus' control. She said she will join his shop and become his partner in being a mercenary. Dante thought it was a drag but finally relented. He then used the boat that he used in getting in the island as they went off went back to the city to book a flight with the meager amount of money that he had.

All the events happened in just a day and now it was mid-morning when he returned at the Manor. They noticed that Dante returned with a blonde girl in tow, Dante returned to his room and slept like a log while Trish was guided by Hilda to a guest room and is waiting for Vergil for further instruction.

Back to 1st Pov

I woke up pretty late because I stayed up late with Saeko who asked for a spar. I then go to the dining room and only saw Uncle Rayleigh, Scathach, and Brunhilde. They were talking about a blonde girl that they thought was an acquaintance of Dante. Hearing their talks, I spread out my observation haki and I saw a sleeping Trish in the guest room. 'Looks like father's training paid off huh.' I thought as I took her off my mind.

Uncle Rayleigh noticed me and Saeko who just woke up but I was fully awake already while Saeko is still half-asleep. Uncle Rayleigh noticed that there is a new form of energy circulating Saeko's body and was intrigued, because it is the same as my demonic power. He then asked me as to what is happening towards Saeko's body and it got the attention of the other two as they scanned Saeko's body.

"Oh, Saeko? She's a half-demon now. It was accomplished with the help of the tarot card." I then conjured the deck and Uncle Rayleigh remembered the deck when I got it. He then realized what its job is and he also knows abit of the tarot cards because Shakky used to play with it when she's bored.

"Oh? Then what are the specifics of the card?" Rayleigh asked and the two's ears perked up. They know that the devil's reincarnation system was made by the genius, Ajuka Beelzebub. But to see another unique system, they were surprised as the Gods would kill for such a system, fortunately the holder of the system was me.

"It will turn you into a half-breed of a demon meaning it will grant you the vitality of the demons and demonic power. You can also conjure your own trigger the more you harness power from your demonic blood. It can also evolve into its ultimate form, similar to my Sin Trigger, when they fully harnessed the power of demonic blood and control it at will." I said as they understoos while Saeko is still half-asleep by my side.

"So? What card did you give to Saeko-chan?" Brunhilde asked as she was interested.

"The more suitable a card is for the owner, the more power it can harness early on. Saeko can already conjure the initial trigger although for a few seconds oonly That means that if the card is a match with the description of the card and your personality, the more power you can harness from the demonic blood. As for Saeko's trigger, it is Garuda." I said

"So you gave it to her, because she is making some significant changes in her life, transforming herself from the old Saeko to the new Saeko and, in doing so, she is bringing about a fresh perspective." Rayleigh understood now the power of the cards while the others understood when Rayleigh explained the meaning behind it.

I then asked the half-asleep Saeko to summon Garuda and they were surprised to see the apparition of Garuda floating above Saeko before it dissipated.

"As you can see, Saeko can only manage to summon it for a few seconds." I said to them as Uncle Rayleigh threw a water bottle to me as I gave it to Saeko to drink to wake her up. After drinking Saeko was surprised to see that she's in the dining room with me and the others. She then brushed it off and headed for her daily practice, earning a wry smile from all of us.

I then asked them if they want to travel with me because I want to take my mind off searching a way to open the demon world without repercussions and give myself time to relax, as for the place, its a secret. I was downcasted as they declined because Uncle Rayleigh has work, Scathach turned into an otaku and netflix girl, and finally Brunhilde was being called by Rossweisse to have their monthly Valkyrie meeting.

Having no companion, I called for Suicune to accompany me as well as Griffon.

"Finally, an adventure for this handsome bird." Griffon immediately said as I was having doubts if it is a good idea to bring him there.

While Suicune just huffed in response to Griffon's shameless remarks. I then sliced open a portal to the shitty palace. When we arrived there, we were already surrounded as they knew who is the person coming out of it. Contrary to their expectations the man they were waiting for appeared but this time he had a bird in his shoulder and a beautiful 'dog' following him.

Seeing their encirclement, I chuckled at them.

"What is this place, Vergil. Their smell was even worse than the smell you guys give to your own kind." Griffon said in disgust

The guards didn't stop us on the way because their life would be forfeit if they do so. Finally I got to see the entirety of the kingdom. As I thought, this place is filthy as hell, overpriced goods, an apple for 5 gold? hell nah, the slums slowly eating the residential area, increased crime rate. This place needs a massive cleansing and for that to happen, the original ruler should be the one leading it and kick the shitty king from his throne.

After cleaning the throne room back in the palace, the enraged king declared me a heretic and a demon because he saw a crow speaking and thought that it was a demon spawn and offered a massive amounts of gold, he only wants me dead. He also offered a massive bounty to the banished shield hero saying that he is an accomplice of the heretic that 'tried' to kill the king.

Meanwhile in a shitty place before I teleported

After Naofumi was banished, he earned the hatred of the citizen of the kingdom, the only part that accepted him was the slums as they are the bottom feeders of the place and with the help of shady dealings, he can get out of this place to show the king and the others who the trash is. With the help of his stashed money, he got to know the way to enter and exit the city without alerting any guards.

When he got out, he then inhaled a large amount of fresh air as he started planning for his survival in this world. Remembering the man who gave him the tip, he shivered because he remembered the scene of screams and blood. Although its not his first time seeing blood, a bloodshed was different. He can withstand the sight of it because he kept his calm, as for the other three? If they didn't get traumatized from that, then they got lucky.

Looking at his shield, he finally took the chance to examine it. After a few hours of tinkering, he finally knew the functions of it and was surprised that if he scanned all of the materials in this world, then he would be unstoppable. Deciding to train himself first, he used the goblins and horned rabbits to increase his reaction time and reflexes. He also built a better physique by working out after his training.

When he was on his way back to the slums, he noticed a weird atmosphere in the air. When he entered the hidden entryway, he is surrounded by 6 thugs.

"What are you doing? I paid for the entrance to this way." he said but the thugs didn't answer him and just straight up beat him, he managed to stall them for a while but becaude he didn't have any attack stat, he immediately succ.u.mbed to being beaten. He was about to lose his life when a crow and a dog came to his rescue. The dog showered the thugs with water while the crow spoke and lightning started forming from its body.

"Wake-up call for you, motherf*ckers" He said as he electrocuted the thugs who were wet from the dog's water.

"L-likewise..." He finally managed to gather the words he wants to say before losing consciousness.


Another chapter.

Well, he will roam this world for a bit before going back while Dante tries to find a way to Demon World.

Let me know your thoughts in the chapter and ways to improve it. Also if there are typos/mistakes, let me know as well.

Good Day/Night Y'all ????????????

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