After mother finished beating up father, she then turned and found that she can't find the two so she dragged Sparda inside and saw us eating sandwiches made by uncle Jouichiro.

Uncle Jouichiro always makes us a huge pack of sandwiches every morning as carried food, if you ever got hungry on the road then a sandwich is the way to go.

Seeing mother dragging father, I said to him.

"Why don't you just seal your entirety of power so that you can live in the overworld once more. Also you need a transformation rune, the mere sight of you is a big trouble already." I said. I didn't suggest earlier for father to seal his powers entirely because he had no reason to do so. Now that mother is back with us, he had a reason to live in the overworld once again.

The wounds and bruises of father started healing that can be seen by n.a.k.e.d eye as he looked at me with shining eyes.

"HAHA! As expected of my son! You really do love your father after all." Sparda said as mother knocked her fist towards father's head.

"Well? What're you guys waiting for. I have some business to attend so you can handle the teleportation, right father?" I said as I opened a portal back to the manor.

When I returned I saw Amaterasu teaching Latina how to speak in human language, there's still mistakes here and there but at least she's learning. Soi Fon also started teaching Latina of basic etiquette. She was also the one who styled Latina's hair into a twin tails to conceal her horns.

When Latina saw me, she was about to rush towards me but held herself back because what her 'mama' Soi Fon said.

"Welcome back, Papa." She said as I smiled at her and patted her head.

"How's your studies? Are you having fun?" I asked her as she nodded.

"Un! 'Mama' Amy taught me how to speak, read, and write human language and Japanese. Mama Soi Fon taught me eti- eti- etiket?" She said as the latter part where hard words is still hard for Latina.

"I see. I'm glad that you're enjoying yourself." I said and my eyes lit up.

"Soi Fon, Amaterasu, Latina, wanna go somewhere? Lets go take a break." I said as the three were confused.

"What is break?" Latina asked as she tilted her head slightly.

"Something like a rest. So? Want to go?" I asked them as they nodded.

"Where are we going papa?" Latina asked.

"Its a secret, but I need to prepare for it first okay? Then you can have fun in that place." I said as I think of cleaning that filthy place. I opened a portal and I was hugged by Latina in my leg for me to notice her and she looked at me

"Okay, Papa. Take care!" She said as she returned to where Soi Fon and Amaterasu before waving her hand to me.

'Maybe, taking care of her, isn't a bad idea after all.' I thought as I stepped into the portal.

Somewhere in Melromarc Kingdom

A portal opened as I stepped out of it. When I arrived, I was confused for a second as I don't know what place this is. I looked around for a second as I only saw a dome of magic power. A loose magic arrow started rushing towards me as I slapped it away. I then looked towards the source of that magic arrow and was surprised at what I saw.

Naofumi is fighting alongside the three idiots... As for their foe? Hmmmm. A priest eh? But a normal priest won't be able to handle that staff that provides light magic. Either he has a high position or the highest position. When I stared closely at his face though, I remembered his face. Its the malevolent pope.

I watched from a distance as Naofumi started blocking the magic that are coming towards them as I stared at how much did Naofumi grow when I let him be.

He used the vibranium shield as he deemed the attack powerful and decided to return it back to him twicefold but his luck is on his side today as I felt that the attack he returned was thrice the power. Naofumi then changed to different shields depending on the situation but they still can't defeat the Pope.

Seeing no chance to defeat the pope, the others then asked Naofumi in hopes that he had something to do. Naofumi then cursed at them in his mind, saying that they just aren't using the weapons they got at its full potential. Even Ren, the sword hero, is an ant in front of Vergil, no, he's not an ant, he's a speck of dust in contrast to Vergil's use of the sword.

He then thought of using the Demon Shield but it would disrupt everyone's magic as they won't be able to cast magic. It is the perfect shield in this place. A pity, he chose to use the Cursed shield as Rage started building within his body, he remembers the framing, the persecution, when he almost lost his life at the thugs. The Dragon kept on tempting Naofumi as fire started appearing on his body.

I stared at Naofumi's state and shook my head. To think that my half-disciple would lose himself in rage. A demi-human, a little girl with a blonde hair and a little girl with blue hair started rushing towards Naofumi as the flame started burning them.

I used Air Trick as I dashed towards Naofumi and unleashed my Conqueror's Haki as I held the shield.

"A mere lizard like you, has no right to manipulate my disciple." I said in a cold voice as the three felt the conqueror's aura and unconsciously stepped back in fear as they let go of Naofumi.

"Are you waking up, Naofumi? Or I will make you?" I said to Naofumi but he seems to be engorged in his rage as I punched him in the belly so hard that he was forced to return to reality.

"NAOFUMI-SAMA!" The scared trio regained their courage as they rushed up to the coughing, Naofumi.

"Did you already forgot what I told you Naofumi when I trained you?" I said as Naofuni heard a familiar voice and shivered when he heard the word 'trained'.

Naofumi then looked up to see me wearing Beowulf. The trio then stared at me with hostiloty, everyone in the place looked at me with hostility except for Naofumi.

"STOP! He's not an enemy!" Naofumi immediately said.

"What do you mean?! He's a ddemon an eny of mankind right?! Then he's an enemy! Don't tell me you really are the devil of the shield, Naofumi!" Motoyasu said as Naofumi immediately replied.

"You're wrong! He would've killed all of us in this place if he wanted to! As for him being a demon, IT IS A TITLE THAT YOU PUT ON HIM FORCEFULLY!" Naofumi shouted to them.

"Oh my, to think that I could purify all of the fake heroes and the demon. God must really want me to purify all of them at once." The pope said as I looked towards him.

"You have a lot of to explain to me, Naofumi. For now, an insect is speaking." I said as I looked towards the pope.

"How dare you insult God's apostle!" He then raised his staff as light arrows started making their way toward us. Naofumi shielded the trio. I then moved my hands like a smooth flow of water as I deflected all of the light arrows. Clouds of dust started covering the ground.

"Ha! Look, even the demon is nothing in front of God!" The pope said as he froze to see me in a bored expression with no injuries at all.

"Is that all? If it is then your God is way too fcking weak! First of all, let's remove those pesky believers you got there." I said in a bored expression and used Conqueror's haki and targeted the believers outside as the pope gritted his teeth when he saw the all of the followers unconscious and fell one by one.

He was about to cast a spell to retaliate when a voice was heard from the outside.

"As source of thy power, the queen orders thee. Decipher the laws of creation, surround my target in a cage of ice and capture him."

"All Dritte Falls: Icicle Prison"

Cold air started freezing the ground and the pope was captured in a pillar of ice.

"Hurry up and get him!" The voice said

Being the jerk I am, I didn't follow it. Why should I take orders?

Naofumi then stood up as he saw that I had no interest in finishing him and started chanting for his forbidden technique, Blood Sacrifice. Before he finished the incantation though, I kicked him as he flew in a distance. The trio entered their fighting stance and was about to attack me as I said.

"Do you know what that idiot is casting? Why haven't you felt the ominous air around him as he chanted? Do you really want to see him die? If you agreed then I can make it swift and painless." I said as they stopped in their tracks as they realized what I'm trying to say.

The pope then started breaking the ice as he prepared for another volley but I used my air trick and used Ryusui Gansai-ken and aimed for body in an uppercut as he flew and collided with the roof of his cathedral spell. When he was about to get down I used a move that was one of my favorites when I was a kid.

"Metsu Shoryuuuuuuuuken!"

I broke the jaw of the pope as he broke the roof of the cathedral and flew. I felt satisfied of accomplishing one of my childhood dream but I immediately summoned Yamato and sent a well placed Judgement cut as I tore off the pope's arms and legs and caught him and used my divinity to fire and closed the wounds.

I felt that living in this state is more torturous than killing him outright. A state where you craves for death but cannot do anything about it. Dying in regret of not being able to kill himself.

The pope screamed in agony as he shouted. The four heroes and their companions saw me fight as they shivered at my ruthlessness.

"Why?! Why did this happen?! I am God's apostle!" He screamed as I said to him.

"Gods? I have already defeated one." I said as the pope became insane.

"Blasphemy! How dare you insult the name of God!" I ignored him as I cut the core of the magic dome and it started dissipating.

I then turned to Naofumi.

"You disappointed me Naofumi. You could've used that shield and beat the crap out of that priest and finish the job but you didn't. I thought you were a realistic person." I said as he lowered his head in shame.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said as I ignored him and continued.

"You were trained by my father, the first thing he taught you was controlling your emotions. As the shieldbearer, if an enemy saw you hurting, then it will intensify its attack. If you were calm and cool, then he would've hesitated to attack you as its going to be a waste of mana. Also, being controlled by a mere Lizard, is this all you're gonna amount to, Naofumi?" I asked Naofumi as I stared at him.

"I'm sorry, Rapthalia, Melty, Filo, for losing myself in the battle. I apologize for not doing my job as a shieldbearer. It won't happen again, I swear my life that a mere Lizard wouldn't be able to control me. Should it happen once more, let my life be sufficient compensation for it." Naofumi said in a determined voice as I nodded.

"I've heard about you from the shadows. A p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you. I am Mirellia Q. Melromarc, the queen. I thank you for saving them." Mirellia said as she bowed her head.

"Oh, you mean those persons hiding in the dark?" I said nonchalantly but Mirellia was shocked, the shadows were persons that are masters of the dark, they serve as information relay, assassins, messengers, and many more. She can also feel the pressure that I emits, although faint, it is still there.

She nodded as she spoke.

"I would like to extend the invitation at the palace for a banquet to you as well." She said as I shook my head.

"You want me at that place? That filthy place? I'd rather not." I said as a dart started flying to my direction as I pinched it with my fingers. I then used observation haki to pinpoint where it came from as I used Air trick and caught the face of the guy who shot the poison dart.

"STO-" The queen was about to stop me as I smashed the face of the guy into the ground.

"See? A filthy place. A dog who acts without the master's order. Don't worry, he's not dead." I said as she looked at me in horror, as a powerful mage in the kingdom of melromarc, she can't follow my speed. As a mage herself, she can say that I am the bane of all magic casters.

"I apologize for the rude actions of my subordinates. Though, I would still extend the invitation to you. I promise to you, as the queen of Melromarc that I will clean the filth in my kingdom." she said

"Fine then. Lead the way." I said and sat down while waiting for them to pack up and started walking at the farthest back with Naofumi, Raphtalia, Melty, and Filo.


Final chapter I guess.

I'm spent from all the piled up work.

Let me know your thoughts in the chapter and ways to improve it. If there are typos/mistakes let me know as well.

Good Day/Night Y'all

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