3 weeks after being enrolled at Ashford Academy, due to President Milly's sudden suggestion, we were forced to follow her whims. We are currently in Britannia for a week with the help of the Ashford Academy main branch in Britannia supplying us with free tickets.

As for our objective there? We will tour the main branch that is twice as big as the one in Japan. And we were supposed to tour them...

"Hey, Lelouch, we just arrived at this country and you're already causing trouble? Ms. Shirley would kill you if she knew what you're doing." I said to Lelouch who is on his way to gamble with a noble from Britannia.

"Its fine, its fineeee. As long as she didn't find out, we're safe right? Also why are you always carrying a sword around, the fencing club doesn't have activity today right?" Rivalz retorted and asked, I shut my mouth as my lips curled into a smile.

"Do you think, President Milly wouldn't know what we're doing? As for my sword, just in case of emergency, and we do have an activity of holding an internal competition with the main Branch and the japanese branch, later late in the evening." I said to Rivalz as he shivered of President Milly and nodded about the activity as we were short in time right now.

"Its fineeee, if we get reprimanded, then we three will band together, right? We're the only male students in the student council after all." Rivalz laughed as even Lelouch scrunched up his nose.

"Rival how many minutes do we have before the tour will start?" Lelouch asked as he pushed open the door.

"Eh? We still have 20 minutes. Why do you ask?" Rivalz said as Lelouch replaced the man fighting with the noble.

"Looks like you're going back early today. I only need 9 minutes before I'm done." He said in confidence as the nobleman tried to mock him while Lelouch just started his move with a king. The board when he entered was a lost cause, I then activated thought acceleration to face Lelouch in my mind. I've been doing so since Rivalz started pulling me to follow Lelouch in gambling places.

"Starting with a king? What a bold move." The nobleman said but Lelouch just smiled back.

The match finished in under 9 minutes but in my mind Lelouch and I fought for 25 minutes. I lost, I was one step short before he checkmate me. Don't get me wrong, when I first tried doing this, I lost to Lelouch 20 steps behind, now I'm only one step short before I was defeated.

"8 minutes and 20 seconds, a new record, I must say, right Lelouch?" Lelouch was not paying attention to Rivalz as Lelouch was staring at the big screen showing the 3rd prince of the Britannian empire. Prince Clovis.

Prince Clovis expressed his sympathy for those who died from terrorist attacks as he asked us to grieve with him. I ignored them as they followed as well. I noticed that when Lelouch stared at Clovis, anger was welling in Lelouch's body.

"You're not going to join them Lelouch? Vergil?" Rivalz asked.

"Why bother? They're not going to go back from the dead even if we cry right?" Lelouch said

"There's no point to. If you died. Its your time, no ifs no buts. That's all there is to say." I said

"Man, that's dark, you two." Rivalz said as Lelouch just smiled as he hopped on the passenger side of Rivalz tricycle.

"Man, your bike really is dashing, I would love it if you customize mine as well." Rivalz said

"Sure, name the place, I'll customize it. Don't worry, its free." I replied to Rivalz who is elated by it.

"Well then, let's go. Prepare your neck Lelouch, Ms. Shirley is going to strangle you, you know. My phone's been beeping for a while now." Lelouch started getting pale at my words. If Lelouch would not answer Shirley's call, the one she'd call would be me.

"Rivalz, forget about driving safely, go full speed." Lelouch said as the earlier we return, the faster he could hide from Shirley.

We were riding on the road when a truck was about to smash us as I prepared to use my sword but it seems to have changed course and it crashed down to an unfinished infrastructure.

"Uhhhhh, we're at fault with that one, right?" Rivalz asked as people started crowding and taking pictures from afar.

Lelouch jumped down from the passenger seat and rushed to the accident and was taken by it when it backed up as Lelouch fell down on the hole.

"A hit and run?" Rivalz asked me as I nodded.

Anyway, we're late at the assembly and I know that Lelouch would come back with his power but Rivalz seemed to be worried about Lelouch and suggested to wait for him at a parking station and I agreed. I'm not interested in geass as I already have the Ultimate Eye.

We waited for almost an hour when Lelouch finally called Rivalz and told us to go ahead. I shook my head because we're late anyways. Looks like he really did get the power of a king, I thought.

When we arrived at the school, Milly came and reprimanded me. I was confused, why only me? While Rivalz, as a person who have known Milly for a long time and had a liking for her as well, knew that Milly's interest in Vergil was different from her typical whims and interests. Something... deeper.

After reprimanding us for our late conduct, Shirley continued reprimanding us, but I didn't care and let it enter my left ear before shifting it out to my right ear.

We then continued our tour, and I was tasked by President Milly with pushing Nunnally for a fresh air. I talked with Nunnally and entertained her requests. She then asked me if her brother went to gamble once again and I said yes. The day passed by and it was 3PM when the first day of the tour ended. Nunnally was taken by her maid as she waved goodbye to me. I was about to go back to my room when I caught Lelouch, sneaking back to his designated room.

Lelouch was startled when he saw me but immediately shook it off and regained his calm.

"So? How was your business?" I asked him.

"It went well, I guess?" He said but was startled when I asked him.

"Say, Lelouch. If you were to gain some kind of power, you know, the kind that was out of human norms? Tell me honestly, what would you do about it?" I asked as I raised my Yamato slightly, Lelouch's answer would determine whether he would live or die right now.

"What kind of question are you asking? Its weird. But... if I do have that fictional power that was out of human norms, I will take revenge on my father." He said as I lowered Yamato.

"I see." I said before entering my room. Lelouch was having cold sweats in his back, he didn't know why. What he didn't know was that if he used that power and harmed even those around him, I wouldn't hesitate and cut him down on the spot.

I took a shower and was about to head out for the early dinner when Uncle Francis called me.

"Hello? Vergil, someone informed me that a fallen angel in the name of Amano Yuuma is going to cause a ruckus today. What should we do about it?" He asked

"Don't do anything, its not our job anymore, but do inform Uncle Azazel about it." I said as I opened a portal back to Kuoh and scanned for Raynare. I was a little bit surprised when I saw the previous owner of Boosted Gear on a date with Amano Yuuma. I watched everything on top of a house.

Amano Yuuma or Raynare, killed Issei as a sacred gear manifested in his arm. Raynare was disappointed when she saw that it was only twice critical.

While Issei was dying, he unintentionally invoked the Gremory card as Rias came to his sight and he made the pact with Rias. I was surprised to see that he still managed to manifest a sacred gear, albeit just a twice critical. It took Rias 8 of her pawn pieces, on top of that, her servant is reborn as a low-level Devil. Unlike Akeno who is already at the mid-level Devil when she reincarnated, because of the queen piece.

I was confused as to why the f*ck would a twice critical take 8 of her pawn pieces? Was it because of her incompetence? Or there's something else that manifested other than twice critical? I didn't dwell on it further. It's just twice critical, I got Ddraig. I can just study it if Michael would allow me to browse it.

I returned to Britannia and was surprised that a ball was happening right now. When I entered the place, Milly pulled me to a place where there weren't many people.

"Vergil, could I ask you for a favor? Please?" Milly said with a ????(Dunno what to call it, clasped hands? Anyway that's the expression Milly did.)

I was confused why she pulled me in here but I nodded.

"Can you please pretend to be my boyfriend?"

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