While I am in Soul Society, I had made friends here and there. Shunsui was the first one who made contact with me. Even though he was scared at first when he saw the fight, he gained his respect when I stood my ground against Captain Yamamoto. Very few have managed to fight with the captain equally but no one is known to have stood their ground and even overpower him.

He invited me to meet his friend, Ukitake and in turn met Kaien Shiba, his wife, and the little Rukia. Seeing Miyako Shiba, and Kaien still alive, I was surprised but that was all. Miyako died from a hollow and Kaien died from the same hollow as well but was killed when Rukia stabbed Kaien.

Kaien then shouted to Rukia saying that its only for a.d.u.l.ts and shooed her away. Rukia, confused, decided to follow him as he is the lieutenant.

We then introduced ourselves to each other. Ukitake, Kaien, and Miyako were shocked to see Soi Fon's other half. I also noticed Ukitake's lung condition. His lung is so small due to the illness and could be ripped if pressured.

"So, Ukitake, how long has your illness been torturing you?" I asked him as his illness will surely limit him in crucial moments.

They were shocked about how I know about his illness as Ukitake looked at his friend, Shunsui who shook his head.

"Ever since I was a child, I've had this illness." He said with a somewhat solemn tone.

"I see. Is there a room I could use for treatment?" I asked him which caused another surprise to everyone.

"You're a doctor? But everyone said that my illness is incurable, its impossible." Ukitake said.

"Well, there are hollows, Shinigami, and Quincies, which should be an entity impossible for humans to comprehend. So how could you say that curing your illness is an impossible feat?" I said as I opened a portal and fetched a vial containing a drop of the fountain of life. It was an item that caught my attention in father's vault as he said that it can cure any and all illnesses in the drinker's body and reform their body to have strong vitality.

"This vial here can pretty much solve your illness and improve your overall condition. It can also reform your body and replace that weak lungs of yours." At this point they were numb from the shock they received today.

"Why?" Ukitake asked me.

"Consider it a gift. A gift for our meeting. Just call it fate if you wanted." I said as he held the vial with some sort of hesitation.

"Oh, do remember that reforming your body is painful. That's why I asked for an empty space for you to use it." I said as Ukitake nodded.

"Follow me." He said as everyone followed Ukitake in a vacant room.

"If you want to see his treatment then you can stay. If you don't want to, wait outside. The process is not good for your eyes." I said as they all stayed and nodded towards Ukitake.

He removed the cork and drank the contents in one gulp. He was confused at first and was about to ask me when he felt the c.h.e.s.t pain. The pain was unbearable to him. It is the most compact pain he received in his entire life. Those sword slashes that he received were like ant bites compared the pain he is feeling right now.

I observed his situation while applying some demonic vitality on his heart for it to keep pumping reaitsu and supply his body as his body was being reformed and it uses up his reaitsu to repair it.

Miyako's heart shook when he heard Ukitake's screams and cries. Kaien and Shunsui steeled their hearts to see the treatment to the end.

I also covered the room in demonic power so that his screams can only be heard in this room. It took Ukitake 8 hours before his body stabilized. I asked them to carry Ukitake and see the changes for himself the next day. I have already scanned his body. His body is in perfect pristine condition.

I then head out of the Ukitake Manor when an assassin tried to sneak attack me. I sighed in my mind because this sort of thing is supposed to happen when I announced my engagement with Soi Fon.

I used air trick and gripped the neck of the assassin and snapped it. The body fell lifeless on the ground like a broken puppet.

I immediately went back to the Feng Residence and slept in Soi Fon's embrace. My wedding would be a month from now. I better invite everyone I know.

The next morning I woke up to see the Feng Family residence surrounded by hostiles as I immediately summoned my sword. I have made changes in the scabbard of the sword, I could now summon astral swords with the help of the scabbard so I don't have to carry force edge anymore.

I stepped out to find them talking about a murderer hiding in the Feng Family.

'Heeeh~ So that was the plan huh.' I thought because when I killed the assassin yesterday, there are 2 more assassin around but didn't bother killing them. I have better things to do than chase them, for example... luring the mastermind out. And now they are causing trouble in front of the Feng Family Residence.

When I stepped out of the gate they immediately pointed at me.

"That's him! The murderer! Its him!" The assassin shouted.

"Yeah its him! I saw him killing a person outside Ukitake manor!" The other assassin shouted.

The guards were about to capture me when Shunsui, alongside Ukitake, Miyako, and Kaien in tow.

"What's the commotion happening?" Ukitake asked.

"Its captain Ukitake! We're saved! That man is a murderer! He murdered someone outside your manor!" He shouted while pointing at me.

"A murderer eh?" I said in an amusing tone.

"Since you called me one, let me follow what you want." I unsheathed Yamato before using Judgement Cut towards the two assassins.



The two assassins died before the eyes of the captains as they deemed me dangerous and the crowd immediately dispersed. Soi Fon also just came out of the gate when the crowd are dispersing.

"Why did you kill them? It will only cause you trouble by doing that." Ukitake said, although I am his benefactor, he is on the side of justice. A fair trial should happen if what they said is true.

I didn't answer them but I took the vest of the assassin.

"Not even respecting the dead!" Kaien said as the trio drew their sword.

After taking the coat, I cut the inside pocket of the vest as gold coins, a letter, and an insignia fell down in front of them. I picked up the letter and insignia before throwing it towards Ukitake.

When Ukitake read the letter, he was shocked and passed the letter for Kaien and Miyoko to read as well. When they also read the letter, their faces twisted into disgust.

"I told you, I'm not from here. If you didn't heed Yamamoto's warning, then I have no more words to say." Just as I finished saying that, a line of guards headed in our direction.

Leading them was a man in his mid 20s with black hair. He stood in front like a general but I can't feel the aura of a general in him. All of us felt so.

"Soi Fon, I heard that there's a murderer in your residence and am here to help and subjugate the murderer!" He said full of courage.

"Heeeeeeh~ so the mastermind finally came out." I said

"What are you talking about murderer!?" He said with a tint of panic in his face but regained his composure since there are 2 captains that will 'side' with him in his mind. And because of it, he got bolder.

"Surrender yourself sc.u.m! You are clearly outnumbered and there are 2 captains beside you, just surrender and give your life to me." He said in full arrogance.

I looked at the idiot before laughing out loud for a one minute. After laughing myself out, I showed him the letter and the insignia as he paled in return.

"You want me to lay my life? How about you? are you prepared to die?" I said to him.

"Vergil, you do know the consequence of killing a member of the four great noble family, what's more he's the eldest son and most likely to replace their head. The consequence is heavily not in your favor." Shunsui tried to persuade me.

"Give me one good reason why that good-for-nothing live?" I said as the man kept yapping his mouth off.

"Just surrender mur-" The man shouted but was stopped by a shouting Shunsui.

"DO YOU WANT TO DIE THAT MUCH?! WE WERE TRYING HARD TO PERSUADE HIM TO LET YOU LIVE AND YOUR MOUTH KEEPS ON SPOUTING DIRT? IF YOU WANT TO DIE THAT MUCH GO ON AND CONTINUE YAPPING." Although Shunsui dislikes senseless killing, he would do so if forced to do it. As a peace-loving man, only trouble will come if I resorted to violence against a great noble. He also knew that if I decided to, the Nakayori Family would be gone from the face of soul society which he didn't want at all as it would crumble soul society's stability.

He signalled his best friend for help to persuade me.

"As much as I like to punch that guy, you should stop it Vergil. Just focus on your marriage, don't bother with that guy, we'll take care of it." Ukitake said as Kaien and Miyako immediately got to work. Soon captains with their lieutenant came to the place and when Shunsui saw his lieutenant, he immediately became a strongman to a perverted one.

"My Nanao-chaaaan~" He tries to hug her but was slapped by a paper fan.

"This is bad. If Shunsui kept pestering Nanao..." the sound of another paper fan spank resounded on everyone's ears.

"Why so cruel, Nanao-chan?" Shunsui asked

Nanao removed her glasses as Shunsui paled and tried to escape but was gripped by Nanao.

"Do you know that because of you... our budget is reduced once again?..." Nanao kept on banging Shunsui's ears.

"Nanao can really be scary when it comes to their departments budget." Ukitake said while shaking his head.

While the comedy skit is happening, Gin Ichimaru the captain of the 3rd division approached us with a smile on his face and asks what happened as Ukitake explained the scheme of the eldest son of Nakayori family and showed the letter to Gin who scrunched up his nose and his face showed a disgusting look towards Ochi Nakayori.

"So, a noble, wants to force himself into someone... Even after receiving warning from the head captain?" Gin said. Even though he is keeping up a face to lower Aizen's guard, a noble forcing his way and even abusing his power disgusted him.

"Well, just let us do our job." Soi Fon said as he knocked down the man as several people with Onmitsukido uniform popped out of the shadows and captured the guards as well. If they stayed there longer, I will change my mind.

"Fight me, Soi Fon's Fiancee" He said as I sighed. I used air trick before knocking him down with my palms but for unknown reason or just through sheer willpower, he managed to retain his consciousness.

Unfortunately, I'm done with him, he managed to activate his bankai unconsciously but if he still wants to hold himself back, then I got nothing else to say. I knocked him out with the scabbard of my sword.

After that bout, no one disrupted our talk as I invited them to the Feng Family residence to which they agreed. Time passed by without us noticing as Nanao complaining and Shunsui's laid-back attitude resurfaced once more. Soon it was time to go home as they left the Feng family residence. Ukitake kept on thanking me for saving his life to which I waved it off because it is one of the commodity that father has plenty of.

' I really should invite those two to my wedding.' I thought as I planned to invite my former masters to my wedding.

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