
90. Departure

The next morning.

Kay and Mandel leave the village of Taaf as the sky reveals.

"Father! Be careful!

"Come back safely - heh!

Mandel's two daughters, as well as the villagers, including Bennett and Kronen, are out to drop him off. Cynthia wasn't there, but Kay's eagle coarse vision captured her worrying peek at this one through the window of the village chief's mansion.

- Why don't we just drop it off in grandeur? Mandel and you are certain?

Kay kicks Sasquatch's belly gently, even though he wonders, for example.

From Namiasa to Kamiasa. Sasquatch accelerates loosely. Mandel's running-up suzuka also follows with no problems.

So the two horsemen went through the trees and rushed out to the meadows.

Beautiful contrast between the greenery of the meadow and the sky burning in the morning. I almost fell in love with her by accident, but Kay shuddered at the cold of the breeze.

In autumn this would be quite cold in winter - wearing a face cloth with a leather cape collar by hand. Embroidery of red flowers dancing flirtatiously on white ground. This will keep your face from getting cold.

"Well, you still use it."

Neighbor Mandel called out with her eyes closed on the embroidery.

"Oh. I'm treasured."

This face cloth was damaged in the fight against the Ignaz Bandits. Cynthia fixed that and even embroidered the flowers. Basically, I use it to make my facial expressions harder to read during battle, but I didn't expect to have a cute flower motif there - I feel a unique taste.

"But......... shouldn't I put much on it?

I recall Mandel telling me before to "beware because I would be mistaken for a meadow people," Kay putting her hands on a face cloth.

"No.... we're the only ones here anyway. You'll be fine."


"And thank you for yesterday.... call my two daughters."

Last night, after that, Kay was welcomed at the village chief's mansion.

The preserved venison, which Mandel had finished and aged, was behaved in the evening. Mandel herself, as well as her two daughters, are in attendance at a dinner party. It was Kay who suggested inviting her daughters, and she also combined her apologies for suddenly taking her father away.

At the dining table, Kay talked about his journey after the militant tournament. When we got to the village, we talked about the big hunt, and we didn't even tell Mandel how it went.

That he ran off to obtain honorary citizenship in Wolvern. That I found the legacy of The Devil's Forest in a study in the library. Having wandered through the northern earth through the buffer city of Dylannylen. Suffering from water shortages, he gave up his northern transatlantic on his own and turned back to Dylannylen. Joining the caravan of the Gabrilov Chamber of Commerce and clashing with horse thieves -

As for my martial arts, I exaggerated a little. Because I have so much force, I was going to send a message to my daughters that I would end the hunt safely and return Mandel safely. However, they were nervous about the dinner party at the village chief's mansion, which they were unfamiliar with, and they didn't seem to be the case.

Kay, who smiled bitterly that it might have been an extra favor to invite him, recalls his seat last night -


- So, eat the lumpy arrow and be like a hare. That's the scratch. "

Taste the wine after the meal, Kay showing the leather armor sitting behind his seat.

'That's a lot.... This, all of it?


"... you're alive a lot."

Mandel, approaching the leather armor, says as he fingers the repaired scar. Cronen, who was present, was groaning, "Are you a monster," and Bennett slapped him in the head from the side.

Thanks to the Higher Magic Potion.

Kay answers casually. Hearing about the high potion, Bennett's eyes glistened under the light of the lamp.

I drank up in this fight.

Naturally, after realizing that, I'll add Kay.

The village of Taaf has previously revealed the existence of high potions. When I left the village, I didn't say anything in particular, but so far there seems to be no indication that the rumors will spread. But it's not a good idea to be rumored in the neighborhood that "he has a miracle spirit medicine" than the Kays have decided to settle for Satina.

So let's just say we've already 'run out'.

(I never thought I would settle in Satina...)

Sometimes immediately after the metastasis, the sides were sweet. I couldn't help it because it was to help Eileen.

The potion, by the way, is small but still there. Only pray that I will not be blessed with the opportunity to use any more......

'Well, I have no regrets. If we hadn't gotten it all out, we wouldn't have survived that battle. "

"Uhm......... Was that so......"

Bennett with a mouthless look for some reason. Assuming the hypothesis was in lubrication, I don't want to expose myself to giving it away, so rest assured -

In doing so, he talks about leaving the caravan to avoid the potion causing the crap, and finally reaching the Devil's Forest. Spooky, spooky creatures that live in the mist. I managed to do that, met a wise man in red, was taught that it was difficult to return to my homeland, and returned to the Principality -

'And then, as you know. That's why Irene and I decided to move to Satina. "

By the time Kay had finished talking about her long adventure, she had stayed up all night. Tomorrow it will be dissolved there as soon as possible, and Kay went to bed in a room of the village chief's mansion where Eileen had previously been laid, enjoying the feel of a soft superior bed -

"-But Mandel"

He ran silently for a while, but when he thought of something that bothered him, Kay called Mandel.

"Hmm, what's wrong?"

"Miss Sophia, were you sure you were okay? When I dropped him off earlier, he seemed to be doing a lot of things..."

Two daughters who were worried about dropping off Mandel - of which my sister Sophia made a dark bear under her eyes and looked somewhere sneaky.

I'm not too worried, did I not sleep well......

"Yeah, that one."

but Mandel rattles Cook's throat and bites off a laugh.

"Apparently, it's because of Kay's story yesterday."

"……… Huh?

"It seems that the story of the monster in the" Devil's Forest "was terrifying. He didn't sleep very well because of it."


Kay accidentally shut up for a very different reason than she thought. Seeing that, Mandell looks delighted, raising her voice and laughing out.

After all, it might have been an extra favor to invite you - and Kay looked sinister.


Then, it was roughly two hours later that Kay and Mandel arrived in Satina.

Despite taking Mandel, Suzuka's speed never dropped, and he came back smoother than he went. Yesterday, a thoughtful run may have made us both rather better off.

Sometimes in the early morning, the gates of the city walls weren't so crowded either. Kay and Mandel each present their identity cards, creeping through the city's west gate before heading to the home where Eileen waits first.

"Kay! You're back!

Hearing the sound of a cobblestone hitting hoof, Eileen jumped out of the house.


He progresses, hugging his body as light as a feather, turning to dance for two before kissing him.

"I'm home."

"I've been waiting."

"... That's hot."

For Christ's sake, Mandel smiled all the time and took off his hat and thanked him.

"Long time no see, Eileen. … it seems unchanged and above all"

"Mandel's husband is the one I haven't seen in a long time. How have you been?

"Oh.... Especially now, I even feel rejuvenated"

So temperamental, Mandel was full of hegemony.

"This time, I'm sorry to have Kay hang out with you. Thanks for coming."

"What.... I'd like to thank you for accompanying my hero hunt."

Greetings are there too, moving on to future meetings.

Sasquatch and Suzuka seem to be in excellent shape, but you can see the colour of fatigue on the boulder running between Taaf and Satina. I decided to leave it at the usual inn stables and give it a break for a while.

In doing so, don't forget to let both of your own health restoring pills lick. From the "Pioneer of Abyss" previously collected in [Deep (Abyss)] of the village of Vaak, the pharmaceutically effective ingredients were extracted. Because Eileen remembered the recipe, she bought all the utensils a while back to formulate them.

It has had the effect of restoring stamina for some time in the game. The re-departure is scheduled for before noon and both heads should be quite fatigued by then.

- Note that Kay also licked it and saw it, but it tasted bad enough to die of egg bitterness. "Are you the gelomaz component of the high potion!!" So much so that I wanted to scream.

Sasquatch, who was forced to lick him, looked sad, "I tried so hard, why do I do this," and Suzuka snorted rough and ground herself with her front leg, leaving her in such a grumpy mood.

Your health may recover, but in spiritual terms you may often have problems. It might have been better not to use...

"Montane! Did you get the arrow?

"Mr. Kay! It's just the way it is!

Next, visit the woodworker's Montanese house. Ask Kiska to show him the "Ice Arrow" while giving him the letter that Bennett deposited with him.

"It was a piercing task, but I managed"

Montan's role was to anchor Koo's magical gem firmly into the arrow. This is an arrow that Kay originally ordered to create a "burst arrow" with a special structure. The "ice arrow" does not change in terms of "putting gems in the", so it was possible to divert them.

Twenty ice arrows prepared. In addition, there are several "burst arrow" primitives (bass) that just fit the emerald. If Kay uses the Proclamation (script) and magic, it will raise a single blast arrow.

I checked every bottle, center of gravity, etc., but they were all impeccable.

"It's a brilliant finish. Thanks."

"When I heard about the" Green Salamandel "hunt, I was in the mood."

A montan with a refreshing smile as he gives a sense of being done with his job.

"Brother...... good luck! Be careful!

While being dropped off by worried Lily, Kay heads to the Cornwell Chamber of Commerce on that foot.

"Kai-kun. I've been waiting for you."

In front of the Chamber of Commerce headquarters, Holland had already completed the preparation of the necessary supplies.

There is one carriage. Five healthy goats. One passenger horse for Mandel. Food and pharmaceuticals, camping supplies, etc, etc...

"Ugh. I'm in charge of escorts, Orlandos."

And he also met with the warriors escorting the carriage. A strong man named Orlando is a foursome group of leaders, each of whom also takes turns to take charge of the carriage owner. From what Kay has seen, it (...) can (...). Orlando seemed to use spears, giving him a pretty strong vibe. The other three seem to handle spears and axes, and they are a bunch of grainy warriors. He would be an expert among the Cornwell Chamber of Commerce escorts.


"So... we're just carriage escorts, and we don't have to take part in the" forest lizard "hunt, right?

With a slight nervousness on the strong side, Orlando pressed.

"Oh. I won't force you, if you can help me, that would be helpful..."

This time, the role of the Orlandos is to escort the wagon and deliver supplies to the village of Vaak without connection. Also, at the dawn of a successful crusade, bring back the "Forest Lizard" material.

They were supposed to move at their discretion because there could be no such thing as monster hunting experience for them, mainly interpersonal, nor would Kay have command over them.

Even as Kay, I'm not going to leave my back to someone who's going to freak out and run away in the earthen pit. Then it's better not to be athe from the start. That's why I went to the village of Taaf to ask for Mandel's help, in search of a trusted companion.

"Holland's husband, by the way, may be a quick story -"

And Eileen, who was inspecting the carriage, talks to Holland.

"At this size, you might not be able to put the material from the" Forest Lizard "on it, right?

Concon, and Eileen as she slapped the carriage. It's a good place to calculate the skin of a raccoon you don't take, but you already seem to be worried about it after the crusade. But Kay agreed with this, and although the carriage prepared by the Chamber of Commerce was of good quality, it seemed to be quite modest in size.

"Oh. I had an interaction with Wolvern Branch on" The Herald Raven (Homing Crow). "As a result of the consultation, the bulk of the material was to be transported to Wolvern. Because Satina's a little far away."

The Kays are also convinced of Holland's answer. From the village of Vaak to Wolvern it's less than a day by carriage, it would certainly be more convenient over there to carry the material.

"… and according to the news from the Wolvern branch, the village of Vaak was still safe at yesterday's stage"

Holland tells him to keep his voice down so that people don't hear him crossing the street.

"I see… that's superimposed."

"We're going to make it."

Eileen put her arms together and sighed.

"……… Is it time to leave?

"Oh. Doesn't seem like much room."

Kay, Eileen and Mandel had a nod. We had a light sandwich for lunch, finished the toilet, checked for supplies and then left Satina together.

"Take care!

"Good luck!

"God bless the Spirit!

With the carriage escort and the cheers of the Orlandos at their back, Kay and the others move on.

Get ahead with the three fast legged horsemen.

Kay wore only leather armor with "Dragon Scale Through" in one hand and a lightness focus.

Irene carries a sabel and dresses herself in a moveable black outfit.

A travelling mandel with a leather protector on his limbs and a sword on his waist.

"All right, let's go!


One line went for the village of Vaak and began northward on the streets.

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