
97. Courageous

Eileen pulls out her savel.

He then tilted the poison pot he had received from Killian and poured all the loose black poison into his sheath.

"Give it to me,"

Pan, and Irene putting the sabel back in the sheath and wiggling it tight. Familiarize the venom well with the blade.

"- I'm gonna buzz you into his eyeballs."

Irene's specialty is a sabel and throwing knife. The only way to inflict fatal injuries on the Great Forest Lizard with such a tiny weapon is to target weaknesses like eyeballs. There is nothing more reckless than challenging the wild Lizard of the Forest into a melee.

"Aim for the eyes... I'll do it too, I'll do it"

Try to roar. Rodolfo also says.

It's the village that looks at it. They said they were desperate to fight, but there was a glimpse of a wild horse peering this way from the shadows. Seriously, because the Kays were fighting well, curiosity outweighed fear.

It is the villagers who admire and watch, or the seekers, or Joaquin who missed the legend and bled his eyes. Honestly, even if the inhabitants of the village had no choice, the eyes of the visiting mountain seekers were annoying.

- Why do I feel annoyed?

It is decided. It's because I haven't been able to do much.

A helpless self exposed to the public is intolerable.

"I wonder if I can keep pulling back...!

Rodolfo bites his teeth. He was a self-admitting confident person who (...) ah (...) (...) Rodolfo had now been significantly hurt in his self-esteem.

I really haven't done anything.

I took part in the "Forest Lizard" crusade for honor, but when I opened the lid, I just fired an arrow at Petite and Far Wind. The magic arrow was a gift from Kay, and his own arrow was bounced back with no teeth on the tough skin of the "Forest Lizard".

The same is true of Mandel, who is frustrated by helplessness, but he still relies on Kay. I got a killer pass of magic arrows from Kay, and still let him hit me without panic. I'm doing my job well.

But Rodolfo didn't have anything - because he wouldn't trust his bow's skill. Kay didn't rely on Rodolfo. Although I am aware of the low rate of bow hits, nevertheless, it was still humiliating.

Plus, it's Gordan's savage courage. Stuck in front of the advancing "Forest Lizard," stunning, speared out at the weakness of his forehead - isn't it a passage of hero Tan?

In the face of that, I……….

In this big hunting arena, I'm not thinking of taking the lead. But at least I want to be a famous sidekick. For that, let's be a little impotent. It means there's a man here who leaves.

Rodolfo still believed in his potential.

Even if it's worth risking your life for.

"…… I'll do the same."

And, heavily, Mandel nodded as well.

That was a word that came out of a sense of duty. I need to help Kai - I came to the village of Taaf for help, I want to live up to his expectations. Mandel was not as optimistic as Rodolfo and felt the scent of death. The faces of my daughters waiting for me to come home cross my brain.


Still, I need to help Kay.

I was driven by that feeling.

"That'll help."

Niyah and Irene smile. But while flirting with the two "forest lizards," he saw Kay and Sasquatch with a dark colour of fatigue and immediately tightened his face.

"I wish I could have helped you, too..."

Killian groans in bitterness while holding her around her chest. Looks like a stone or something flew in with the twisted tail of the "Forest Lizard", and it's not seriously wounded, but it can't move as you think.

"At best, only about shooting in a crossbow"

"You don't have to, just pray for us.... So you're both ready? Let's go!"

Eileen ran out with Mandel and Rodolfo.

To the dead, without showing any fear.


After that, Killian breathed thin and long.

- Originally, I just wanted a glimpse of the "forest lizard," that's all.

I want to worship the legendary monster. I thought so and took part in the crusade.

He abandons his hometown, has no family, and eats there old.

I have nothing in particular to do, and no one to grieve about.

Can this be the end of my life?

Let's have a blossom at the end.

Think like that.

However, I thought from the bottom of my heart when the "Forest Lizard" was blurred in front of me.

'I don't want to die,' he said.

I realized I was more obsessed with raw than I had thought myself.

I noticed.

That's where my heart broke.

Still, I don't get away with it right now by wrapping my tail around it because it's probably the oldest of the crusaders and it's too lame. The only thing holding Killian back on the spot was his willingness to do without it.

But how long will it last...


Killian shrugs as she wraps up the strings of Noronoro and Crossbow with her trembling hands as she experiences chest pain.


Finish this quickly.

I don't know who you're praying for.

Killian himself no longer knew.


Eileen runs.

From behind, the rough breath of Mandel and Rodolfo running along. Even though I was going to penetrate one of my own, the two beings are comforting besides my thoughts.

Hopefully, I'll be safe.

(... we just have to do something about it)

Shake off the ominous thoughts and observe two giant dragons rampaging around.

Large individuals, male dragons, are full of creativity. They suffer bursting arrows and long arrows, and bleeding from the torso is frightening. An arrow also stands on his face and his left eye is crushed. Probably not for long - you'll be out of breath tomorrow if you leave it alone.

But right now, at this moment, too much vitality to threaten. The movement seems dull on the boulder, but he is stubbornly chasing Sasquatch and Kay around, with no sign of stopping.

Another little female dragon is a relatively minor injury. Though his face is like a hare with Kay's intensive fire, he hasn't sustained any fatal injuries yet. Earlier, was Gordon's spear the best wound to hit the brain?

The female dragon appears to be standing around sheltering the seriously injured male dragon from Kay's rays. Kay also seems to have used up his magic arrows and long arrows openly, shooting in many arrows, but the female dragon also appears to be moving rather faster with anger rather than fright.

Which way to go.

Seriously wounded male dragon or female dragon still pimped?

…… it would still be a female dragon, Eileen concluded.

I stabbed a weak male dragon in the face here, and he put his back on the female dragon crusade.

(Even though it's rough, how angry they'd be if they killed them)

That's scary. If you start storming around with no vision, and Tochi goes crazy and storms the village, there's no way to stop it this time.

Kay's - if we put our own safety first, it's also ant. Kay and Irene can shake it off if they want to. You can strike again when you've just run out of strength by rambling all the way through.

- But that's not what you want, is it?

Kay didn't come here to hunt the Great Forest Lizard.

I'm here to protect the village.


"Attract the female dragon. If he stops moving, I want you both to do it."

"……… Okay."

"My goodness!

Nervous Mandel, don't look over there Rodolfo. Connect each arrow so that you can release it at any time while running.

Eileen breathed in.

""аааа (ulaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)!!"

Bark. In the mood of tearing.

I don't think little Eileen let it go, a roar that shook my ears with fright. In contrast to the Mandels, who unwittingly slow down by surprise, accelerate even further.

The female dragon is still obsessed with chasing Kay and doesn't even care about Eileen or anything else. Overwhelming physical difference - no matter how much Eileen releases her killer, if you're a human being, a kitten from her feet says, "Shh!" It's like they're intimidating me. Who cares about the kitten on the side of the road in the midst of killing each other?

But suppose the kitten scratches with her fingernails as well as intimidating her.

And suppose that nail was poisoned with poison...?

Eileen stepped into the Storm Zone of the Great Forest Lizard.

Huge four legs trample the earth and vandalize, and serpent-like tails rumble around. If you are a regular person, you are fatally wounded just by contact, and if you get involved, you must kill. Dead place. Pull the sky a thousand slices of tail with a piece of paper, and thin.

A blue-green body full of vision - the epidermis of the famous "Forest Lizard" as the best leather protective material. Tough skin tissue bounces back most of the weapons and thick meat nullifies the impact.

The sabel is just a mass produced product. Too bad to slaughter a "ground dragon".

but the skill of the user was not half viable.

The back leg of the female dragon, that moment when the force was applied in an attempt to fly to the sasquatch. The stuck joint part, the mechanically brittle area, is instantly cut through.

The sabel sheathed.

A blade that glows black draws an arc.

A red letter (Itimonji) was engraved on the blue and green epidermis.


Severe pain of venom burns the nerves, and the female dragon trembles back at her body vikkungly.

Eileen felt her gaze. Not a female dragon, behind it, Kay. Seeing Eileen set it up, she slaps it to encourage her sweaty sasquatch neck and shoots an arrow at the male dragon to draw attention.

Kay and the male dragon, Eileen and the female dragon.

The division between once and for all, the schematic of each destruction.

"- Whoa, whoa!

And from the left and right rear of Eileen, Mandel and Rodolfo continued to release arrows in the face of the female dragon.

"Fuck you -!"

Rodolfo is just here, and he's shooting furiously. There were orbital arrows shooting through the eyeballs, including Mandel's targeted blow, but the female dragon shook her head back with Brumbrung.

But in the meantime, Eileen was hitting the next hand. Take it out of your pocket, leather bag. Tight inside, chunks of crystal and large grains of Labradorite.

"I behaved in a big way."

Yang is still high.

Therefore, the shadow is thick.

Open the leather bag and punch the contents in the rags.


In the shadow at Eileen's feet, and pun, and pun, the catalyst sinks.

[Kage, Matoi, Otsu.

Quickly cut the mark and scream.

[VI KOVRAS (Cover Hide)!]

Eileen's shadow deflected - it exploded.

The tentacles of the shadow wrap around the head of the female dragon, completely covering it up. A female dragon whose vision was closed in the dark stopped her movement for a moment without understanding what had happened.

But that doesn't last long either.

In spite of all the catalysts in hand and the small amount of magic devoted, the shadow vale disappears loosened by the sunlight that illuminates with you.

"Guru -?"

But when the female dragon regained her sight - there was no sign of Eileen there.

You can't even tell.

On his own head.

The fact that the shadows are shadowed, etc.

"- Superior"

The pinnacle of the leap.

Eileen laughs furiously as she puts the sabel straight down.

The forehead of the female dragon with Gordon's spear, "Third Eye" -


Coming down, Eileen taps into a blow that weighs all the way there.

The feeling of a blade eating into the guts and the skull...


But Irene distorts her face. I didn't aim it wrong, I did decide on the wound, but it's still too hard - it's not going to penetrate -


The female dragon leans back unexpectedly to the severe pain that struck the top of her head again. Irene screws the blade around, even though she's about to be shaken off. If the Great Forest Lizard, with its inexhaustible vitality, is destroyed by the brain, it will fall to the boulder.

but the limits came abruptly.


Bakin, the dull sound of.

The sabel broke from the ground up.

Even though it was brought in from [DEMONDAL], it is a mass produced product, and it is originally a weapon for 'slashing'. A spike with all my weight, choosing a hard bone, I couldn't stand the repeated agony...

Eileen is thrown into the air after losing her support. He reached for it and grabbed something hard. The arrow Kay shot into the face of the female dragon - supporting it, barely hanging.


Side of the "Forest Lizard".

I have eyes for a female dragon.

Irene's admitted pupils shrink.

- Omaeka.

That's what I keep saying. Remove the fangs.

At the next moment, he circles his neck like a lightning bolt, eating a thousand slices of his half.

Such certainty.

My body moved before I thought about it.

The sheath of the sabel held in my left hand.

I stuck it in the female dragon's eye through the sheath mouth.


The fierce venom in the sheath refluxes and the eyeballs are burned from the inside. unparalleled severe pain, the female dragon cramped without even screaming.

"This thing works."

Take your hands off the arrows that supported your body, and Eileen flickers into the universe.

Put Keri on here.

"- NINJA Don't lick it!

I slammed a spinning kick into the butt of the sheath protruding from my eyes.

Guru, and the sheath pushes through the soft tissue. It felt like I was running scared. The body of the sheath is completely invisible, buried in the head of the female dragon.


A female dragon that raises the cry of an unspeakable terminator and rambles around in a mess. This blow probably even reached the brain. If they poured even more poison into it.

I was sure I killed him.

But there was no time to rejoice, and Eileen's vision was filled with blue and green.

Gatsun, and shocked, and the stars scattered behind his eyelids.

"Damn -!?"

A rambling female dragon hit Eileen directly in the head. Luckily I'm unhappy that I didn't hit my fangs, but they keep blowing me away.

"- to. but -" "

For a moment, he lost his mind. Anterior and posterior unconsciousness. Wind roars in the ears of the hippocampus. Irene, having a strange floating sensation, opened her eyes painfully and then stunned.

"You're lying."

The heavens and the earth were reversed. - No. He was blown up almost directly on top and at an alarming altitude. Eileen, who is engraving the crest of 'Body Lightening', weighs lightly anyway. So I got a giant head thrust, up to this height.

No, I don't care about that now.

How do we land? I fall out of my head like this.

Passive? Can you take it? In a matter of seconds, I've managed to...


Kay screamed as she looked up at Eileen as she fell.

[Vi helpos 'in!

Uncloak the skin and throw it into the universe. The wind swirls. Together, he hallucinated the appearance of a maiden with a feather coat.

- Vi estas tiel rapida, huh? ――

Unusual, then I thought I heard a luscious whisper, and the breeze grabbed Kay's cloak. The cloak flew away once again - it clung to Irene above, slightly off track of the fall.


As she fell towards the woods, Eileen burst straight into the woods and disappeared, sounding the sound of breaking the vacillations and branches. I might get hurt somewhat, but it should be better than being slapped to the ground.


Kay groans as he is rocked on the horse. Because they took so much magic. There was no time to exercise the art of aggressiveness, to remove the catalyst, or to properly cast a spell. Should we think that all the spirits (sheaves) were thrown round, and that it was rather the hands and minds that did this?


Approximately, the full-bodied male dragon rushes to the spasmodic female dragon with a sad cry. Pushing the tip of the nose against the face of the female dragon shakes, but there is no response.

The male dragon realizes that the other party has run out, stops the movement perfectly.

Glorious...... and earthy roaring.

A male dragon looking back. The one eye left is glowing like shit.


He growls and thrusts as he rolls up the earthen smoke. Driven by passion, he was spraying blood smoke like a fountain from wounds all over his body.

This is the last march. Kay realized.

Run the sasquatch as you release the less arrows left. Pull shooting tactics that shower arrows at tracking enemies, the true summit of the bow cavalry.

(- Fast!)

but gradually the distance is packed. Bad scaffolding. Even in the linear battle, there seemed to be an increase in armaments to the "Great Lizard of the Forest" over Sasquatch. This momentum - if you change direction poorly, you will be hunted with a jump or a squeeze away where your legs are loose.

You stabbed me wrong, but you kill me, that's what I'm tempted to tell you.

(Raise it now and he'll do his best)

Anyway, if you want to buy some time, Kay reaches for the arrow barrel with that in mind.

But the hand cut off the sky.

"Damn, the arrow............!

At last, I ran out.

Both the hips and saddles were empty at some point.

Even with a bow that pierces the dragon's scales, a bowman is powerless without an arrow -

"- Whoa!!!

And the roar sounded.

Looking at the village, Gordan, who was supposed to have escaped, had a spear. It looks like a normal short spear, not a spear, but is forced to set it on a spear thrower (Atlattle). Have you been sourcing new somewhere?

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Far throw. Byugoo sounds a heavy wind cut, and an arc-drawn short spear pierces the base of the male dragon's leg.

Slightly - only slightly, the momentum of the rush slowed.

Pull the reins into the gap.

Sasquatch changes direction rapidly and shakes off the male dragon. The male dragon, stuck into the tree without following him, was still forced to chase down the trees.

"Fuck you -!"

Rodolfo sets up on the side of it. Around the safe right eye, the rain of the arrows pours.


The male dragon, who had only Kay and Sasquatch in his eyes, also barked at Rodolfo for being depressed by the boulder. but at that moment, a single arrow that Rodolfo was shooting in his open mouth, just goes in.


Stabbed him in the throat as he was, or a male dragon that makes his eyes black and white with a barbaric roar. The foot stops by accident.

Kay bites his teeth as he drives Sasquatch to arc around the male dragon. It's a great opportunity, but without an arrow...


Mandel's voice.

If you look, Mandel, who climbed the female dragon's body, holds a bow.

Connected is - a bloody arrow.

Blue arrow feathers. It was one of the long arrows Kay shot into the female dragon. Mandel, who sensed Kay's arrows had run out, apparently was still looking for an arrow to use.

"Use this!!

Flex. A long arrow released from Mandel's bow flies in the wind. It felt like time was flowing slowly. Extreme concentration. An arrow that became slight in the air was clearly visible, even each and every one of its feathers.

Reach out your hand.

Grip in.

Bhun, vibrations transmitted.

There was a blue arrow feather, a special arrow, in Kay's hand.

Set up a "dragon scale through". Connect the arrows.

- Squeeze.

The shaking of the rushing sasquatch, as well as the wind flow, felt like everything was calculated and exhausted.

The world seemed to be stopping - Mandel's cheering, Gordan's roaring, Sasquatch's breath, leaving Kay in silence with all the sounds behind.

Stare at the target. I'll take a look around your head and look at this one, the "Great Lizard of the Forest" full of creativity.

The gaze is staggered. I don't know how he's gonna do it.

For some reason, I figured it out so I could take it.


Kah! and pleasant sounds.

I made sure the surrounding sounds pushed me back to the speed at which the world should be. Arrows thrust. A male dragon moves his head to instinctively avoid, perceiving signs of impatience.

On its forehead, as it was sucked in, an arrow landed.

Catoons and hard sounds echo. A Few Weaknesses - "Third Eye". Without crushing the arrows, they pierced deep and deep.


The male dragon turns back. Try to stand up almost with your back leg.

From the edge of his right eye that stared at heaven, red blood overflowed like tears.

The giant leans.

Sound up, fall down.

And as it was, again, it never moved.

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