Especially the strange bones of the ruthless sword dead servants, each of which is as expensive as the spirit essence.

Since the people of the national government team participated in the war, they were naturally qualified to touch the corpses, and joined the ranks of grabbing money, hoping to find a loophole among the many dead remains and earn some training resources.

Mo Fan did not join in, and the biggest gain had been put into his personal space, that is, the dark matter refined by the Dark Sword Master and the Dark Ghost Horse, which is a treasure comparable to the soul seed or even the heaven seed level.

If it is sold, it will cost at least 10 or 20 billion. As a result, in the original book, Mo Fan was very ignorant and packed the body of the Dark Sword Master, the undead crystal, and the equipment, and let Zhao Manyan sell them for 250 million!

I only took the residual soul, which was a loss. It was not until later that I absorbed the dark matter of the lowly craftsman and entered the pyramid again to kill a Dark Sword Master that I realized that the Dark Sword Master’s greatsword contained its dark matter, and I immediately regretted it.

This is the loss of ignorance. It is obvious that in the magic world, dark matter is a very hidden knowledge. It has not been circulated, and many people have not even heard of it. Otherwise, Zhao Manyan would not have sold it for that little money.

The dissipation of the breath of the dead was accompanied by an unexpected and timely heavy rain, as if it was a baptism and blessing of nature for the victory of the city of Pushini.

In Egypt, a land known for its desert and dry climate, the arrival of rain is particularly precious. It not only purifies the air, but also miraculously promotes the blooming of flowers, bringing rare vitality and color to the city.

Such a scene is not only a gift from nature, but also a symbol of good luck and hope, adding an unusual brightness to the post-war celebrations.

The people gathered in the big square. This victory was not only a military triumph, but also a celebration of peace and rebirth. Music, dance, and laughter intertwined to form a sea of ​​joy.

Such a celebration is not only a commemoration of the victory of the war, but also a praise of the power of life, reminding everyone to cherish the hard-won peace and tranquility.

Finner found Mo Fan, who was celebrating with the Guofu team, with a space bracelet. Inside was the reward for Chen Xian, which was the most precious thing they had collected in Pushini City.

"What is this?" Mo Fan asked curiously.

"This is a very precious and rare material called nanocrystal, which is usually used to make growable magic tools. It seems to be very important for demons and can greatly improve their strength." Finner explained.

"Nanocrystal!" Mo Fan's eyes lit up, and he quickly took the box and opened it. Inside was an egg-sized light nanocrystal.

Nanocrystal is the most scarce resource on the material list for making Xinghai magic tools. All other messy things have been bought in the past six months, and only this nanocrystal is missing.

Mo Fan also knows about it. Even if the nanocrystal is only a small piece of broken crystal as big as a fingernail, it is worth a high price of 50 million. The complete nanocrystal in front of him, the size of an egg, is a priceless treasure, and its weight alone is worth billions! !

Originally, Han Wanan, the old man, required one piece of all-element nanocrystals on the material list, but the difficulty in reality was far beyond expectations, and the collection of all-element nanocrystals was almost an impossible task.

Treasures of this level of nanocrystals are not circulated in the market at all, and even the news of nanocrystals is rare, not to mention that they have to cover all kinds of elements.

After such a long time, the old man has already agreed that as long as there is a kind of nanocrystal, you can go to him to refine the Star Sea Magic Weapon.

However, it has been almost a year since the first nanocrystal was finally found. Fortunately, the quantity is sufficient, and the old man should not be able to find any faults.

"This... This is too precious!" Mo Fan was almost incoherent, making him feel a little guilty. If it doesn't work, he will help Egypt take down a few pyramids in the future!

"Mr. Mo Fan, this nanocrystal is our small reward for the selfless assistance to you and your contracted beast, and it is also our expectation for future cooperation. Nanocrystals are far less important than the people of Pushini City." Finner said with a smile.

"Don't say anything. If there are any mirages in the future, you can just post a world bounty mission and we will be there at your beck and call! Just pay as you see fit!" Mo Fan said heroically.

"Thank you, thank you again for your help!" Finna's eyes showed a touch of emotion. She bowed deeply to Mo Fan to express her heartfelt gratitude.


In the few days after the war, the National Government team and others had a very rich harvest. Everyone was busy digesting their own harvest, while Mo Fan was silently accompanying Xinxia. It had been too long since they had met. He missed her so much that he stayed with her every day.

Mu Ningxue, on the other hand, was particularly proactive during this period. While others were desperately rolling inward, she followed Mo Fan and took Xinxia to play everywhere.

This also made Mo Fan very happy. On one side was his child bride, and on the other side was the goddess he had grown up with. The company of two top beauties made Mo Fan wish time would stop.

How many times in life can be so comfortable and beautiful? Mo Fan secretly sighed in his heart. This period of time was undoubtedly happy and unforgettable for him.

Half a year of hard work finally paid off. Mu Ningxue's transformation surprised and delighted him, as if it was an extra gift from fate to him.

Perhaps it was time to confess. After Xinxia returned to the temple, he would take this iceberg beauty and save himself from listening to the smirk of a single dog in the contract space every day.

It's time for Mo Fan to show off his power!

Walking on the historic streets of Egypt, Mo Fan pushed Xinxia's wheelchair, enjoying the future scenery, his expression gradually became infatuated, and saliva dripped from the corners of his mouth to Xinxia's hair.

"Huh! It's raining?" Xinxia looked up in confusion.

Mu Ningxue, who was standing by, rolled her eyes and was speechless when she saw this scene. How could she fall in love with such a person?

In the past six months, Mo Fan really helped Mu Ningxue a lot. Not only did he always pay her salary with bonuses, but he also selected some training venues that were very suitable for her to perform. She rarely went to places full of fire elements. It can be said that he was very caring.

Mo Fan not only helped her on her personal path of cultivation, but also her brother Mu Zhuoyun, who was almost bankrupt due to the oppression of the Mu family, was resurrected because of Mo Fan's phone call, and the small family was not on the verge of collapse.

Under Chen Xian's constant indoctrination, Mo Fan had a better idea of ​​his current status. After Chen Xian's hands-on teaching, he had learned how to use the favors he had received.

He didn't even need Han Ji and Pang Lai to help him. He just called Zhu Meng and said, "Xiao Zhu, run an errand for me."

Zhu Meng was so eager to help Mo Fan get things done!

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