Versatile Mage: Evolving from the One-eyed Wolf

Chapter 20 20, Great increase in cultivation

But in the next second, a huge mental pressure acted on his head. Chen Xian felt that he began to have difficulty breathing, and the space magic energy began to be consumed rapidly, but he still insisted on climbing up, and took another five steps.

Slowly, higher and higher, Chen Xian finally stepped onto the second floor! But the magic energy was completely empty, and the whole wolf was exhausted.

And Mo Fan in the pocket did not bear the mental pressure, but only consumed some magic energy. After recovery, he can impact the third floor again.

[Restore the magic energy first, and when the state is good, directly impact the third floor! ]


Despite the dual challenges of great mental pressure and magic energy depletion, they relied on the ultra-high element concentration of 40 times the second floor. It took less than an hour to quickly replenish the lost magic energy. The two of them decided to take advantage of the victory and go straight to the third floor.

[According to the plan, I will send you a way, and then you will take over. Come on! 】

After Chen Xian finished speaking, he grabbed Mo Fan and stuffed him into his pocket, and began to challenge the third floor. He would carry Mo Fan for the first half, and Mo Fan would go up alone for the second half.

As long as Mo Fan successfully reached the third floor, he could use the contract recall to take Chen Xian back to the contract space, and then Chen Xian would appear directly on the third floor!

A perfect bug!

During the climb, Chen Xian's head was under great mental pressure. When he climbed to about one-third of the way, he was on the verge of his limit, and then he cleverly placed Mo Fan on the seventh step in front of him, using his physical advantage to disperse the mental pressure.

Then he "rolled" back to the second floor, his whole body was empty of magic energy, and he started to meditate directly.

Mo Fan walked the remaining half of the stairs, and when he reached the third floor, he was completely exhausted, and the mental pressure almost exploded his head, but fortunately he had good perseverance and persisted.

Mo Fan immediately began to meditate to recover his magic power. During this meditation, he discovered how terrifying the concentration of elements around him was. It was exactly the same as what Chen Xian said, a full 80 times of the concentration of elements.

In less than half an hour, the summoning magic power was restored. Mo Fan immediately used the summoning contract to recall Chen Xian, and then released him again.

Sensing the 80 times concentration of elements around him, Chen Xian's mouth almost curled up to the sky. He successfully caught the bug! He succeeded in taking advantage of the opportunity! He will soon become the Wolf Emperor in the future!

"Brother Xian, which system should I practice first?" Mo Fan asked. In his eyes, Chen Xian was his grandfather. Chen Xian had helped him make a lot of money. Although he spent it all, the money was spent on the right things. Mo Fan also felt that it was worth it. It can be seen that Chen Xian, this grandfather, is quite capable. It is right to ask him about cultivation.

[First, you should upgrade the shadow system to the intermediate level, and then focus on the summoning system and the fire system! 】

"Okay, Brother Xian, I'll listen to you. By the way, my soul vessel has condensed the residual souls that were absorbed into it into essences. Now there is a problem that I can't take it out. Is there any way to make it spit it out?" Mo Fan said.

【It seems that your soul vessel is a very strong high-level product. Don't introduce its abilities to others in the future. Since it can't be taken out, you can only use these essences to strengthen the stars! Strengthened stars will be easier to mobilize, and the connected star tracks and star maps will be stronger. If you have seven strengthened stars, you can cast the 4th level of elementary magic of the system! 49 is the fourth level of intermediate magic, and so on. Do you understand? 】

"So that's how these essences are used! Then can't they be taken out? One can sell for a lot of money!" Mo Fan said unwillingly.

【It should be impossible to take it out unless you fully master this soul vessel, but your pendant is a rare product, and you may not be able to fully master it even after you reach the super level. 】

"Is that so..."

After the question and answer session, Chen Xian and Mo Fan each found a place to practice meditation. With an element concentration of 80 times, one day of practice is equivalent to 80 days in the outside world, and 7 days is 560 days, which is more than a year and a half of practice time!

Although it will decrease with the improvement of cultivation, if you practice for 7 days, it is still equivalent to 450 days of practice in the outside world!

Chen Xian first practiced the sound system. He planned to improve the cultivation of the sound system to the same level as the space system. On the first day, he was promoted to the second level of the elementary level. On the third day, he was promoted to the third level of the elementary level. On the sixth day, he finally broke through to the intermediate level!

The remaining time was used to practice the space system, but the element concentration at this time had been reduced to only 50 times. It was estimated that it would not be possible to break through in one day, and he could only accumulate a little magic energy.

On the first day, Mo Fan broke through the shadow system to the intermediate level. After all, it was assisted by the little loach, and Chen Xian's nebula magic weapon could not compare.

On the third day, the summoning system broke through the intermediate level 2, and on the fourth day, the fire system broke through the intermediate level 2. At this time, his element concentration had been reduced to only 40 times, and he was still trying to see if he could break through the thunder system to the intermediate level 2!

Finally, on the seventh day, the time for cultivation finally came. The last day was really short and passed in the blink of an eye.

Chen Xian did not break through the intermediate level 2 of the space system, but he was almost there, just one step away.

Surprisingly, Mo Fan broke through, the intermediate level 2 of the thunder system! As expected of a cheater, it is different with a little loach. This little loach was fed a lot of residual souls by Chen Xian, and grew faster than in the original book.

The three-step tower has a strict time plan. If it is said to be seven days, it is seven days. Not a minute more will be given, and the broadcast will be sounded to drive people away.

If you don't leave consciously, you will be directly restricted and served, and you will be in pain at that time.

After leaving the Three-Step Pagoda, Mo Fan also went to relax for a day. After all, he was very uncomfortable after seven consecutive days of high-intensity training. After following Chen Xian to the suburbs to hunt a group of slave-level monsters, he returned to normal life.

A few days later, this semester ended. The next step was the main campus assessment. From the beginning of the next semester, students were free to practice wherever they wanted, as long as they could pass the main campus assessment.

As soon as the semester ended, Mo Fan went to find a new place to live. The house he rented before was empty because Mo Jiaxing returned to Bo City and Xinxia went to Hangzhou to study. Mo Fan was forced to live on campus for a semester, so Mo Fan did not renew the lease.

At this time, when looking for a house, it was natural to look for one close to the school. Coincidentally, he ran into Mu Nujiao and Ai Tutu who were also looking for a house. After a conversation, they found that they got along well and rented together.

The power of fate once again pulled Mo Fan back to the original track, moving forward bit by bit.

The winter vacation passed in a flash, and two months had passed since the start of the second semester. When Mo Fan was busy, he was carrying out the commissioned tasks of Qingtian Hunting House. When he was free, he left Anjie with Chen Xian to go hunting in the mountains.

After a few months, he had saved up 20 million, but with such a small amount of money, he couldn't buy anything, so he continued to save.

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