Versatile Mage: Evolving from the One-eyed Wolf

Chapter 222 222, Head of the Totem Investigation Team

Parthenon's prestige was thus preserved, and the incident of burning the sacred mountain was dramatically defined as an accident caused by the loss of control of the forbidden formation.

In short, everything was developing in a direction that was favorable to Mo Fan. Mo Fan himself only broke through the Xinghe Mountain Road in this incident and did not show up, and was not as eye-catching as Chen Xian.

In just one day, under the joint efforts of the two major forces, the prestige of the Holy Court was destroyed and its reputation plummeted. When the Holy Court of Justice reacted and asked the divine judges of the Holy City to leave, there was no room for maneuver.

They could only accept this matter with a pinch of their noses, and immediately cut off their relationship with Dulank and others, and at the same time made a meaningless judgment, killing Dulank at the speed of light.

However, they still asked for the return of eleven guilty stones, and Longguo directly stated that it had no knowledge of this. The same was true for Parthenon.

Want guilty stones? Find them yourself!

This incident has been turned over a chapter, and there are only some minor incidents afterwards. No one has come to trouble Mo Fan, but Chen Xian and Xuan She need to stay out of the spotlight.

Too many people saw the two of them wreaking havoc in the temple. Even if Parthenon tried their best to deny it, it was inevitable that someone would find out the truth of the matter.


In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed.

During this period, Mo Fan has been hiding in the Qingtian Hunting House to practice. His space system and chaos system have both dropped a level. If he practices as soon as possible, he may be able to recover.

Xinxia has also been living here. The two people who have been separated for a long time are enjoying this rare time together.

During this period, many people who knew about the Parthenon incident came to ask about Mo Fan's situation. They were basically concerned. Mo Fan simply said that it was okay and did not elaborate.

After Mu Ningxue confirmed that Mo Fan and Xinxia were fine, she continued to devote herself to her ideal of establishing a family. At present, Fanxue Mountain has been established in Feiniao City.

Unlike the original novel, under the influence of Shao Zheng, she did not face any difficulties. Mo Fan's fame and strength can already foresee his future heights. No one would choose to be an enemy of such a genius.

As the top domestic power, the Mu family naturally knows what happened in the Parthenon. Even Dulank of the Holy Court is dead, and Mu Yinfeng and Mu Feiluan dare not provoke Mo Fan.

The Mu family itself is not a monolithic entity. There are also many factions in the big family. When the family is big, there will be various positions. This is inevitable.

Although they will be united against the outside world, they will definitely not agree with a high-level person making enemies at will.

This is the family!

On this day, Mo Fan will say goodbye to Xinxia. This has been decided long ago. Mo Fan has his own way to go, and so does Xinxia. They both have their own destiny to face.

Hailong has come to the door more than once, ready to take Xinxia back to inherit the throne of the goddess, and even swore allegiance, but Mo Fan has always disagreed, until now he was finally persuaded by Xinxia.

Although he was reluctant, he had to say goodbye to Xinxia. He also had his own mission and career. He promised Chen Xian that he would be the one who made the rules, and he could not let him continue to fall.

"Fatty! Your temple should not have the kind of decadent rule that goddesses cannot get married, right?" Mo Fan asked Hailong.

"Who are you calling fat! Our Parthenon is free and sacred. Every member of the Goddess Hall, from trainee maids to goddesses, is free to marry. It's just that most goddesses are fully committed to major events and often don't care about personal relationships. Most goddesses are pure and innocent." Hailong shouted angrily.

"Oh, that's good." Mo Fan nodded and said to Xinxia, ​​"Parthenon really can't be without a goddess without a soul."

"Xinxia, ​​don't worry. I don't think Asharuya would dare to use some unpresentable means like Izhisha. If anyone dares to bully you, just tell me. I will definitely seek justice for you even if I have to cross mountains and rivers!" Mo Fan looked at Xinxia firmly, and his tone was full of unquestionable domineering.

With tears in her eyes, Xinxia nodded gently and said, "Brother Mofan, you have to take care of yourself too. I believe you can become a forbidden spell mage!"

The two looked at each other affectionately, without any more words, everything was self-evident. Afterwards, Xinxia, ​​accompanied by Hailong, reluctantly left the Qingtian Hunting House and embarked on the journey back to Hailong Temple.

And Mo Fan stayed where he was, looking at Xinxia's back, and secretly vowed in his heart that he must make himself stronger. Something called ambition sprouted in his heart.

Since Little Flame Princess did not self-destruct, naturally there was no Xinxia to perform the resurrection magic for her, and she did not need to retrain. Therefore, the plot of Taklamakan was skipped. Little Flame Princess was already a great commander-level elemental demon, and her strength was far ahead of a certain eagle. The next step of growth was to eat soul seeds directly.

Fortunately, I have money now and can afford it.

With the help of many resources, Mo Fan's space and chaos cultivation has also been replenished. The next step is to move towards the super level. There is no need to worry about this. Shao Zheng will definitely arrange Xinghai Tianmai for Mo Fan, so that he can enter the super level earlier and do things for himself.

Of course, this is not free, but just an opportunity for him to buy it. If you want to get it for free, you can do it!

Shao Zheng arranged a sinecure for Mo Fan, the head of the Totem Investigation Team, which is a formal position in the Magic Association. It is an official position in the Research Institute, equivalent to a low-level city mage!

The Totem Investigation Team is actually an interdisciplinary elite team that focuses on studying and protecting ancient magical totem creatures, which contain powerful magical energy and unsolved mysteries.

These totem creatures are not only strange creatures in nature, but also living fossils of magical history and wisdom. Each of them may hide key clues about the nature of magic, ancient civilizations, or undiscovered magical laws.

As the leader of the Totem Investigation Team, Mo Fan must not only go deep into the unknown and uncover the ancient secrets of these creatures, but also ensure that these powers do not fall into the hands of evil people and maintain the balance and security of the country.

Magic Association Position Level System


Basic Mage Level: Maintain the original classification of towns, urban areas, and cities, and subdivide each level into low, medium, and high levels, such as "Urban Senior Mage".

Senior positions:

National Councillor

National Speaker

Intercontinental Councillor

Intercontinental Speaker

This position arranged by Shao Zheng can be said to be a very high starting point, and the salary is also high among high-level mages, but Mo Fan does not look down on that little resource. This job seems easy on the surface, but in fact it is a fast promotion path paved by Shao Zheng for Mo Fan, and it also ensures that Mo Fan can be used by him and participate in some important affairs.

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