Not long after, under Bora's interrogation, Quan Nan, Zeng Guanglie and others explained everything clearly. They were under the orders of Asian Councillor Su Lu.

Su Lu was Shao Zheng's political enemy. He planned to use the East China Sea Magic Association's Research Institute to plot the Dragon Kingdom Totem. Quan Nan, a foreigner, was his minion.

Su Lu greatly hindered Shao Zheng's strategy of hidden dangers on the coastline at the Asian Magic Association, intending to make the Asian Magic Association stand aside when the sea monster attacked.

This time, catching these people will undoubtedly make Su Lu fall.

At the same time, Yu Shishi finally revealed the existence of Yue E Huang under the sugar-coated bullets of Mu Ningxue and Mo Fan. She also recognized the reality. Only Mo Fan, the totem ambassador, could give Yue E Huang the best help.

After learning that Yue E Huang was hiding in Nanling, Mo Fan set off immediately. When he came to the open space of Fanxue Mountain, Chen Xian's giant figure slowly emerged.

Since returning from Parthenon, Chen Xian has fallen into a long sleep. The Time Fluid and the Demonic Power are like two strong hormones, which greatly catalyze Chen Xian's desire to advance.

This also led to his advancement being unable to be suppressed. Now, more than a month has passed, and after consuming a lot of spirit, residual spirit and elemental energy, he has finally successfully advanced to the monarch level.

However, Chen Xian was not very satisfied with this advancement. Not only did he not evolve the ability he wanted, but his appearance also became very weird, which made people feel that the san value dropped wildly at a glance.

Let's talk about the body size first. After being promoted to the monarch, he descended to a height of 200 meters under the enhancement of the feast. The quality of his muscles and bones is unimaginable, not inferior to the time when the ancient capital beat the corpse of the mountain.

There is no surprise about the gigantism. After all, big is strong, which is what he has always pursued.

At the same time, his element furnace also ushered in a small improvement. Chen Xian felt that more nerves and channels extended from it and transmitted to every corner of the body.

The element furnace has become more handy to use, the power has been greatly improved, and the efficiency of energy use has also greatly increased. If the previous body still feels a bit bulky, then the upgraded body circulation system is now flexible and sensitive.

As for the propulsion system, there is no change, except that the bones have become stronger and more resistant to high temperatures, and can withstand greater power.

Coincidentally, the demon core in the spiritual world has grown into a star-like existence, which is extremely dazzling! The quality of the demon power has increased by many times. After combining with the red lotus demon power of the element furnace, the propulsion power is amazing!

The day when the world is in trouble is just around the corner!

The biggest change in Chen Xian's promotion to the monarch this time is his appearance. His body is covered with countless huge purple tentacles, some of which are even ten meters thick and dozens of meters long! It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a tail.

Chen Xian's whole body seems to be polluted, and this kind of tentacles have grown from head to tail. These purple tentacles look like energy bodies from a distance, but they actually have entities. Chen Xian can sense something similar to biological cells in them.

The most outrageous thing is that Chen Xian can control this thing, but he can't feel any touch or pain, just like the experience of telekinesis.

Moreover, this tentacle is not only not afraid of magic attacks, but also physical kinetic attacks. It can be said to be very amazing. Elements with vitality will be directly absorbed when they touch it, and sharp slashes will cut it into pieces. They will slowly crawl towards Chen Xian and finally return to the original position of the tentacle.

Not afraid of fire, electricity, or cold, it is simply an unsolvable freak. There are more than a thousand tentacles like this on Chen Xian, and the number is still increasing.

The tentacles are big and small, the big ones are comparable to his tail, and the small ones are like hair. After countless experiments and unable to get rid of it, Chen Xian had to accept this fact.

And the culprit of all this is his fourth golden finger-the Eye of the Void!

For this golden finger, Chen Xian can only describe it as weird.

The appearance of the Eye of the Void is extremely mysterious, and it is not comparable to ordinary things. It grows in the depression between the two corners of Chen Xian's forehead.

This eyeball is not made of flesh and blood, but presents a deep purple-black color, as if it is the condensation of the darkest part of the night sky, which contains the mystery of the movement of stars and the call of the void abyss.

A faint light flickers at the edge of the eye socket, and the color subtly changes between blue and purple, as if the light of a distant galaxy has traveled through billions of light years and finally converged here.

There seems to be no pupil in the center of the eyeball, but instead a chaotic vortex pattern, which keeps rotating and fluctuating, making people feel both blurred and deep, as if it can swallow all the sights that look at it and pull them into the endless void.

When the Eye of the Void opens, the surrounding space seems to be subtly distorted, and circles of imperceptible ripples appear in the air, as if the boundary between reality and another dimension is gently moved.

It exudes an ancient and timeless breath.

The weird thing about this Eye of the Void is that Chen Xian can't control it at all. The only thing he can control is opening and closing his eyes. As for controlling the rotation of the eyeball or other functions, don't even think about it.

The way he opened and closed his eyes was also very strange. The eye sockets of the Eye of the Void were covered with a large number of long and thin tentacles. These tentacles were the same as those growing on Chen Xian's body. Only these evil tentacles could make this evil eyeball truly close its eyes.

After all, once the Eye of the Void is opened, it will go crazy, shooting lasers randomly, which is the same purple laser that Chen Xian used to instantly kill the three-headed hell dog.

Once Chen Xian opens it completely, his eyeballs will shoot everywhere uncontrollably. The power of that thing can kill even a commander-level demon in an instant. Once it gets out of control, the consequences will be disastrous.

Fortunately, these ghost tentacles can suppress it, and other substances may not be directly penetrated by the purple laser.

As for how Chen Xian accurately controlled the purple laser to instantly kill the three-headed hell dog? It's very simple, just open it a little, let the tentacles gather into a cone shape, narrow the field of vision of the Eye of the Void, so that he can only see a point, so that Chen Xian can point where to hit!

The advanced Chen Xiang shocked Mo Fan as soon as he appeared. Who is this big tentacle monster? Where is my fairy brother?

"Brother Immortal? Are you okay???" Mo Fan asked worriedly. There were so many tentacles that couldn't be related to health. Could it be that they were contaminated by something weird?

"It's okay. Something went wrong while practicing the magic. Just wait for me for a while and let's go." After Chen Xian finished speaking, he picked up Mo Fan and took off directly with Yu Shishi.

Fanxue Mountain is not too far from Nanling. It is almost a 800-kilometer flight to the northwest. At Chen Xian's advanced speed, it can be reached in less than half an hour.

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