Versatile Mage: Evolving from the One-eyed Wolf

Chapter 43 43, smooth things over, return to Bo City

At that time, I defended Mo Fan, who was the winner, and condemned the pinkeyes in the Qing Campus. But the situation at this time is different from the original. The core rule of the Beast Fighting Competition is to put it bluntly, gambling, but the allocation of the main campus is not. It is allocated from strong to weak through the ranking list. It seems that the weak can prey on the strong, but in fact the core of the rules is "fairness" just".

People who have put in more effort and stayed on the main campus for more years are naturally ranked higher and more resources are allocated. Although it is not absolutely fair, it is relatively fair and not as dramatic as the beast fighting competition.

Although Mo Fan did not violate school rules, his behavior took advantage of loopholes in the rules and seriously undermined the core of fairness and justice, which is quite bad.

If it were an ordinary student who took advantage of the loopholes in the rules, Dean Xiao would of course let the dean of students handle it. But Mo Fan was different, he was a genius!

As Chen Xian said, geniuses always have more privileges! Dean Xiao must not only maintain fairness and justice, but also consider the actual situation and impact.

Abbreviation: Hexi Mu!

He pondered for a moment, trying to ease the tense atmosphere, and said: "Mo Fan, I can understand your dissatisfaction. The college is definitely not targeting you alone, but is targeting all behaviors that may involve unfair competition or lead to bad habits. It must be regulated. Indeed, every one of your actions is reasonable, legal and compliant, but please also consider it from the perspective of the college. While ensuring fairness, we also need to ensure the health of the training environment.”

After a pause, Dean Xiao continued: "If you have transferred these resources to other students, and the transferee himself is not involved in the matter, then we will naturally not recover it. However, we will announce the recovery to the public. All the extra resources you get, and you have to review the matter, and the school will not take any other disciplinary action against you."

Finally, he said gently: "The college is not a court. Our goal is to guide every student on the right track, rather than simply impose punishment. I hope you can understand the school's decision. At the same time, I also ask all faculty and staff to treat All students should be treated equally, and violations should be severely punished in a fair and impartial manner. As for the issue you mentioned about children from aristocratic families, the college does not understand the situation. It is just that the situation is complicated and difficult to deal with. It can only be improved slowly. We are all working hard to create a more fair and harmonious society. learning environment.”

After Dean Xiao finished speaking, he looked around and saw that everyone calmed down. Mo Fan seemed to be convinced and couldn't help but feel satisfied with his and Xini's abilities.

A simple translation of Dean Xiao's words is: You write a review, and we will announce to the public how to severely deal with Mo Fan, and this matter will be over.

"I understand, Dean Xiao."

However, Mo Fan seemed to be convinced, as if he was feeling guilty. Chen Xian's eyes turned white when he sensed all this.

"As long as you know, go ahead!" Dean Xiao said.

Mo Fan walked by. Several deans wanted to say more, but Dean Xiao interrupted him directly: "Okay, that's it for now. The rules of the rankings will be changed. Be sure to eliminate any malicious intent." Possibility of controlling the rankings!”

"Understood, we will sort out a suitable plan right away!"

After that day, Mo Fan's behavior became much more honest. He followed the same rhythm of life for two consecutive months, hunting monsters, doing tasks, looking for Xinxia, ​​and the Three-Step Tower.

And his savings also increased to 200 million, because during the period, the demon hunter exploded a warrior-level spirit, which was considered a very high income.

It is worth mentioning that Mo Fan quietly strengthened the fire and thunder element by 49 stars, and was able to release the fourth level Fiery Fist and Thunderbolt.

The monster hunter was really too aggressive. He killed more than 200 warriors. The warrior-level remnants were enough to strengthen half a star. Counting so many slave-level warriors, 98 stars were more than enough. Even the 49 stars of the shadow system are almost reached.

Today Mo Fan and Chen Xian returned to Bo City. At this time, Bo City has turned into a military fortress. Most of the original Bo City people have moved away. Less than one tenth of them are left here. It seems that there are few Infused with a lot of life.


Mo Fan knocked on the door. It was still the same old house. After the disaster, it was simply renovated and repainted.

"Mo Fan is back! Come on, come in, you can eat right away. Dad made dumplings today!" Mo Jiaxing smiled with a smile on his face. Because he really couldn't adapt to the life in the Magic City, he returned to Bo City alone.

"It smells so good!" Mo Fan looked greedy.

After a comfortable meal of dumplings, Mo Fan gritted his teeth and looked out the window at Bo City, which was being rebuilt. The red fortress wall was built around the primitive mountains in the south, blocking those forests where monsters might break out.

"Why do you have time to come back to see me today?" Mo Jiaxing asked while washing the dishes.

"We've made an appointment with Mr. Zhankong. We're going to go into the mountains to hunt monsters!" Mo Fan said nonchalantly.

"Monster hunting? How can a busy guy like Commander Zhan have time to hunt monsters with you?" Mo Jiaxing looked confused.

Mo Fan didn't explain too much. Naturally, he came here not to hunt ordinary monsters, but to assist Zhan Kong in killing the Winged Wolf! !

Chen Xian asked him to ask Zhan Kong about the progress of the crusade many times, and every time Zhan Kong always said it was almost almost, until yesterday Zhan Kong got impatient when Mo Fan asked him, and said directly: "You can do it! Just ask Ji Feo !”

So, they really came.

"This is not an ordinary monster hunter. Let's not talk about dad. I'm going to find Boss Zhankong first. He may not come back tonight." After Mo Fan finished speaking, he stood up and was about to go out.

"Be careful, the demon wolves in Nanling are very ferocious!"

"I know..."

"Be careful!"

Mo Fan had already walked away, but Mo Jiaxing's warnings were still coming from behind him.

After a while, Mo Fan came to the military headquarters, and after asking a military mage, he soon came to Zhan Kong.

"You kid, you really dare to come here!" Zhan Kong was also very surprised to see Mo Fan, and he came up and hugged his shoulders and patted him hard.

"Of course, Boss Zhan Kong, I've become stronger! Count me in on the killing of Yi Cang Wolf!" Mo Fan said happily, and he was extremely excited to fight side by side with the person who protected him in the past.

"Oh? It's only been a few months since we last met, and you're so confident. I want to see how strong you are!" Zhan Kong said, and he unceremoniously probed Mo Fan's spiritual world with his mental power.

He was shocked when he saw it!

“Hiss! All four systems are at full strength! Are you on drugs? So fast!!!” Zhan Kong couldn’t believe it at all. Mo Fan had actually improved his cultivation to this point. If he could break through again, wouldn’t he be the same as himself?

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