Chen Xie came directly to the entrance of the wolf den. With the demonic vision of the three-eyed demon wolf, Chen Xian could easily see countless scarlet dark eyes staring at him in the cave. They were three-eyed demon wolves! !

And their cubs.

Chen Xian walked in without any hesitation. Not to mention that his personal strength was enough to flatten this wolf den, even if he had no strength, with his smart brain and the identity of a demon wolf, he dared to sneak these stupid wolves! !

The moment Chen Xian entered the wolf den, all the three-eyed demon wolves in the cave were alert. Even if they sensed that Chen Xian also had the bloodline of the three-eyed demon wolf, they could not ignore his challenging posture.


Chen Xian stepped into the depths of the wolf den, found the target, a huge three-eyed demon wolf, and shouted violently at it, disguising himself as a powerful lone wolf who intended to challenge the authority! ! !

The roars of the surrounding three-eyed demon wolves suddenly came one after another, and the air was filled with a tense and dangerous atmosphere.

Facing Chen Xian's blatant provocation, the three-eyed demon wolf, as the leader of the wolf pack, did not show any fear. In front of many of its kind, only the strong can defend their position. This is the survival rule of the demon wolf clan.

The large three-eyed demon wolf slowly walked to Chen Xian's eyes. This was a demon wolf that had reached the strength of a great war general. No wonder he could be the boss of a three-eyed demon wolf nest. However, compared with Chen Xian, he was still one level lower, not to mention that Chen Xian also had the bonus of feast soul, furnace and magic.

"Roar!!!" Chen Xian stood up, and roared at him with a body twice as tall as him! ! !

The sonic magic mixed with the sound magic directly gave him a shock wave-like face-washing experience like a storm. The three-eyed demon wolf leader realized that he was no match for the wolf in front of him, but out of dignity and territorial awareness, it did not immediately choose to give in, but tried its best to resist Chen Xian's sonic attack.

The surrounding wolves also retreated under this strong impact. They felt the domineering aura emanating from Chen Xian. The powerful energy that did not belong to ordinary demon wolves made them feel awed.

Chen Xian used this momentary deterrent effect and locked his eyes on the leader. He burst out with all his strength and attacked as fast as a flash of lightning. The strength of his whole body gathered in his fist. The muscles that expanded instantly were as hard and powerful as a small hill. He punched the wolf king directly.

With a loud "bang", the heavy fist hit the wolf king's head like thunder. The power overflowed, and the wolf king had no way to resist. The figure flew backwards in an instant and hit the hard rock wall of the cave, making a dull "boom" sound. The rocks collapsed, dust flew, and the wolf king fell heavily to the ground, causing chaos and panic.

The originally stable cave structure was destroyed by this punch. The surrounding rock walls collapsed one after another, and the rubble rolled down. The huge sound echoed throughout the wolf cave. The other three-eyed demon wolves were even more terrified and avoided one after another. The scene was once out of control.


After Chen Xian subdued the wolf king with one punch, he immediately raised his head to the sky and let out a wolf howl that shook the valley. It was the declaration of the winner and a new round of reconstruction of the order of the wolf pack.

The wolf howls rolled and rippled, echoing in the cave, and the lingering sound lingered for a long time. The originally restless three-eyed demon wolves instantly calmed down, and their eyes revealed awe and obedience.

Chen Xian looked around and found that all the demon wolves had bowed their heads to show their submission. He quickly approached the three-eyed demon wolf cubs who were playing together. At this moment, they had no idea that the wolf king had changed.

As the new king, whatever Chen Xian did was reasonable. He took out a huge bag from the space "bracelet", opened it without thinking, and put all the dozen cubs in it.

Human space bracelets were too small for him, so he put them in the pocket of his stomach and tied them directly with hair. When he needed to use them, he would directly take them out of the "four-dimensional pocket" like Doraemon.

This bag is made of the skin of a special demon and is very durable.

It was originally prepared to hold other things, but I didn't expect it to come in handy at this time.

After Chen Xian packed all the cubs, he ignored the puzzled looks of the other three-eyed demon wolves, carried the huge bag and walked towards the cave entrance step by step.

The surrounding demon wolves were confused. What's wrong with this new king? Where is he taking the cubs? However, only a few worried female wolves followed him, and the other three-eyed demon wolves all lay there.

When Chen Xian walked to the cave entrance, he saw several female wolves following him, and he immediately turned around and let out a majestic roar! The female wolves were so scared that they ran back directly.

After Chen Xian confirmed that there were no more three-eyed demon wolves following him, he turned around at the entrance of the cave and disappeared from the sight of the three-eyed demon wolves, and then ran wildly with his legs! ! !

Run! ! !

It's really exciting! ! ! !

Chen Xian advanced at full speed. In a small place like Nanling, he could avoid all dangerous places by relying on the sound system and the smell of demons.


In less than an hour, he ran out and returned to the Bocheng Fortress!

"Oh Li Ge!!!!!!!!!!"

Outside the fortress, Chen Xian used the sound magic to shout a huge Oh Li Ge. This was the code he and Mo Fan agreed on.

In less than a few minutes, the two flew from the fortress to Chen Xian.

"Brother Xian, you are back. Did you find the Winged Wolf?" Mo Fan asked.

"I found it, but it is still injured. There are flames on its back and wings! It is currently hiding in a valley to recover." Chen Xian said.

"It must be him, the flames are burning the same parts as I attacked him!" Zhan Kong said excitedly.

"Then let's go quickly, everything is ready! Hey? Brother Xian, what are you carrying? Why is there still movement?" At this time, Mo Fan found the animal skin bag carried by Chen Xian, and the three-eyed demon wolf inside was struggling hard because of the uncomfortable space.

"This is a surprise, let me show you!" Chen Xian said, and took off the animal skin bag and opened it, revealing more than a dozen wolfdog-sized three-eyed demon wolves!

"This is! The cubs of the three-eyed demon wolf!!! 1234...16!!!" Zhan Kong exclaimed.

"Hiss!! Isn't that a fortune? Brother Xian, where did you get this?" After visiting auctions and magic markets many times, Mo Fan is no longer the bumpkin in the original book. As a summoner, he still knows the price of the war general-level blood cubs.

Any one starts at 20 million! Moreover, the supply is in short supply and it is sold out immediately once it appears on the market. Although the three-eyed demon wolf is not as precious as flying monsters, it is still very valuable as a large monster.

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