Versatile Mage: Evolving from the One-eyed Wolf

Chapter 79 79, Heading to the Ancient Capital

Chen Xian emerged from the void, and the spatial telekinesis lifted Mo Fan and placed him in the fur on the back of his neck for protection. The wings of the bone spear came together and sprayed high-temperature airflow into the sky, flying towards the direction of the ancient capital.

In just one hour, Chen Xian approached the ancient capital. The dark clouds here were as dense as black velvet, covering all the sunlight. There was no rain, and the sky and the earth were dark. Coupled with the gray and dry colors brought by the season, there was no vitality at all.

At this time, the ancient capital was in a state of martial law, and even a high city wall was built in the outer city area. This was not the ancient city wall of the ancient capital, but a temporary outer city wall, which was dozens of times larger than the inner city wall.

The people who originally lived in the suburbs have all been required to move within the city wall. Such a large area of ​​security is rare even in the world.

There are people from the Magic Association guarding the city gate, responsible for interrogation. It doesn’t matter in broad daylight, but ordinary people are strictly prohibited from entering and leaving at night, because they will be the food of the undead if they leave the city gate.

Chen Xian followed a passenger plane and slowly descended from the black cloud, arriving directly near the airport. After Chen Xian slowed down Mo Fan with a telekinesis, he hid in the contract space.

Several airport mages had come to confirm the situation. Even though Chen Xian carefully controlled his power, some people still saw such a huge beast.

After landing, Mo Fan turned into a shadow and fled away. Landing directly in the city can reduce a lot of cumbersome identity verification procedures and save a lot of time.

Mo Fan had no intention of experiencing the fireworks of the ancient capital, and went directly to the Bell Tower Magic Association.

The Bell Tower Magic Association is the center of Xi'an, standing in the inner city wall. Mo Fan originally wanted to go to the military district where Zhang Xiaohou was affiliated to to understand the situation, but he felt that it was just a waste of time, so he simply asked the person who sent the death message directly.

The man told him that Zhang Xiaohou disappeared during the rescue operation. The body was not found, and no rescue was sent, but it was certain that the missing place was between Yangyang Village and Hua Village.

Both Yangyang Village and Hua Village are members of the Weiju Clan, a special existence. They are the pure descendants of the ancient king and are not attacked by the undead. Their villages are in the suburbs, but they have remained safe and sound despite the undead riots.

Unfortunately, these villages completely refuse to use modern equipment, which makes it difficult to transmit information. The annihilation of the entire army was reported by a villager, and it is unknown how many days have passed. The military has not verified it at all.

Mo Fan is not familiar with where the Weiju Clan is. Even if Chen Xian has a strong flying ability, it is not convenient to find them in the vast dark clouds outside the outer city wall.

The most important thing is that there are monarch-level undead in the undead area outside the city. Chen Xian does not want any accidents to happen in this plot, so Mo Fan needs an experienced guide.

It is still quite dangerous to leave the city at this time, not to mention the vicinity of Yangyang Village where the Shayuan has appeared. The Magic Association can't find anyone interested. Mo Fan found the dwarf man as a guide in the Hunter Alliance, and was blackmailed for 10 million just like in the original work.

The departure time was set at dawn the next day. Mo Fan couldn't sleep all night, so he ran to the outer city wall in the middle of the night to watch the battle between the military wizard and the undead.

The outer city wall guards at night were more than ten times more than during the day. Looking down from the city, you can see many figures wandering aimlessly outside the city.

The dark clouds slowly pressed down from the sky. The land was moistened by the rain and dew of death. Unknown undead crawled out one by one. Their green eyes stared at the outer city wall, as if they smelled the smell of living people.

They came like zombies. Their black bodies looked like a group of refugees running for food from a distance. But when they gathered together densely and turned into a rotten flood and crashed into the city wall, their hideous faces and hungry eyes made countless wizards feel numb! !

The magic of the military wizard fell quickly. The magic of different colors such as flames, frost, thunderbolt, and storm bombarded wildly. Large pieces of flesh and blood were splattered, which was so spectacular that it was chilling!

On the distant horizon, a huge shadow slowly emerged, and the surrounding area was full of undeads. It was hard to imagine how many there were.

It was obvious that a monarch-level undead appeared, but the ancient capital seemed to have not seen it, and had long been accustomed to this existence.

Mo Fan was shocked. He had always thought that war was far away from people, but he didn't know that this ancient city that had carried endless years was facing such wars all the time.

The decisiveness between the living and the dead!


The night seemed short to those who stayed up late, but at this moment, Mo Fan felt it was so long. Fortunately, he finally made it to dawn. The slight tremor of the earth outside the city had disappeared, and the outer city wall seemed to have changed. The battle should be over.

Mo Fan went directly to the south gate to meet the dwarf. At this moment, there were already several people gathered around the dwarf.

Mo Fan immediately noticed Asharuya, her two followers, the dwarf and a member of the Weiju tribe. Including Mo Fan, there were six people in total.

Everyone registered and set off directly. The south was the direction of Qinling Mountains, so flying was not feasible, and everyone could only walk.

Along the way, Mo Fan's eyes never left Asharuya's buttocks, and evil thoughts gradually arose in his mind, and the thing below also became hard.

"Hey, short man! Where did you find this woman?" Mo Fan couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Hey, she came to me herself." The short man's eyes flashed with lust, and he said to Mo Fan: "Why, you were also seduced?"

"I just asked casually, I feel that she is not simple." Mo Fan said stubbornly.

"How can it be simple? I have seen all kinds of beauties. As for this top-notch one, as long as I can have sex with her once, I will never touch other women in the future." The short man looked wretched, obviously thinking that Mo Fan was a fellow.

"Can't you think healthier!" Mo Fan continued to say stubbornly with a small tent on his head.

"Tsk, look at your little achievement!"


It was getting dark. In this season with long nights and short days, the sun sets at around five o'clock, and the undead will start to appear after dark.

"Come, eat this!" Da Zhuang, a man from Weiju, took out the gray garlic from his backpack and handed it to everyone.

Mo Fan didn't think much about it, and took it and ate it directly.


The next second, Mo Fan sprayed it all out.

"Fuck, you're feeding this to dogs, it's so stinky!" Mo Fan cursed.

"This is gray garlic, it can cover up the smell of living people, and the undead won't attack us if we eat it. There are limited quantities, and you wasted one. If it's not enough tonight, you can do it yourself!" The dwarf said unhappily.

"I don't need this kind of thing, at worst I can just kill my way through!" Mo Fan said.

Asharuya cast a curious look at her. Some experienced high-level mages have to be extremely careful in this land of the undead. Those who dare to say they can kill their way through here are either very powerful or have a problem with their brains.

"Humph! Then I'll wait for you to kill the undead!" The dwarf said sarcastically.

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