The whole night was peaceful, and everyone spent the first night safely. Then they began to wonder why the undead attacked them.

"Brother Xian, what do you think happened?" Mo Fan asked in confusion.

"Undead system, it is very likely that the undead mage manipulated the undead to attack the people of Hua Village." Chen Xian said.

"So, this Hua Village is being targeted?" Mo Fan asked.

"Nine out of ten." Chen Xian did not choose to tell Mo Fan too much information, allowing things to ferment in the original situation.

Another day and night passed. After dawn, they were very close to the ancient capital. Xie Sang seemed to have taken a more convenient route, and they should be able to reach the ancient capital before night.

The villagers chatted in a few words, and each of them had a little smile on their faces. They spent two consecutive nights safely, just when they thought they didn't need to worry about their lives next.


Suddenly, a scream came from the back of the team, and everyone was startled. Mo Fan turned his head sharply and found that the undead who appeared from nowhere rushed into the crowd and started the massacre.

Mo Fan completed the Star Track in an instant, raised his hand and cast a thunder seal, paralyzing and controlling the corpse.

However, the next second, another scream sounded from another direction, and then the undead began to crawl out of the soil all around. These undead did not have the bloodthirsty characteristics at all. Instead, they were like a group of mechanical killers who only knew how to kill and not eat.

The situation came too suddenly, and the formation was very scattered. Everyone did not expect that there would be undead in the daytime. For a while, people were attacked in several directions, and Mo Fan could not take care of them at all.

"Swift Wind Magic Eagle!"

"Little Flame Princess!"

Mo Fan released Little Flame Princess and Swift Wind Magic Eagle again to help him deal with the undead in other directions. He did not choose to let Chen Xian come out to help. After all, his body was too exaggerated and it might be counterproductive.

But he did not call, but Chen Xian came out on his own. The large space above Mo Fan's head was blurred, and Chen Xian's huge figure suddenly emerged.

However, he did not make much movement, but released sound magic to sense the surrounding movements. A sound wave was transmitted and rebounded, and Chen Xian immediately determined the position of the person in the dark.

The huge head like a hill turned to stare at the figure behind the distant rock, and a weak sound wave was transmitted with a big mouth.

Fang Gu, who was hiding behind the rock, was startled when he saw a giant wolf suddenly appear in the Huacun team. When the giant wolf stared at him, he was even more horrified. The blood in his body solidified, as if his heart was suffocated.

After listening to Chen Xian's remote sound transmission, he hurriedly left. After Chen Xian finished the sound transmission, he returned directly to the contract space without doing anything extra. These undeads were left to Mo Fan to deal with.

At this time, Mo Fan was much stronger than in the original book. His high-level cultivation allowed him to easily eliminate all these undeads.

However, because the formation was too large, Mo Fan could not take care of it, and several people were killed by the undead.

"Oh my god! How can the undead appear in the daytime!" Many villagers were immediately panicked. Seeing that they were about to fall into chaos again, Mo Fan wanted to tie them all up with iron chains.

"Brother Xian, is this a method of the undead system?" Mo Fan asked. He had no knowledge of such undead knowledge, so he could only ask for help from Grandpa Chen Xian.

"The undead's appearance in the world actually has very strict requirements for the environment. The Chinese undead need to appear in the conditions of strong death or dark, while the Egyptian undead need to be within the range of the dark light."

"The undead summoned by the undead system awakened by human mages must also abide by this rule. These rotten corpses and living dead are obviously Chinese undead. It is unreasonable for them to appear in the daytime. This should be the special method of the undead mage. I suggest you collect the corpses or crystal cores of these undead and report them to the Ancient Capital Magic Association. Maybe you will get something." Chen Xian said.

"So that's how it is. The Undead System has such a limitation. No wonder it is so much stronger than the Summoning System." Mo Fan nodded and put several representative Undead corpses and Undead crystals into the space bracelet as Chen Xian ordered.

Fang Gu still has some weight in the plot of the ancient capital. Before the catastrophe of the ancient capital came, Chen Xian didn't want to touch him casually to prevent the plot from changing.

As for how many people can be saved, it depends on fate. He will save those who can be saved, but it can't affect his own development path.

Chen Xian can't just jump out and announce the plan of the Black Church just to be a savior.

After a long time, when the undead no longer appeared, Mo Fan took the villagers of Hua Village who kept shouting and set off again. After experiencing the previous incident, they became much more obedient and stopped running around.

It was getting late as they walked along the way. They finally arrived at the gate of the outer city wall of the ancient capital. Soon they got a creepy news.

"All six villages in the Xianchi area were plundered by the undead, and there are few survivors!"

Everyone was stunned, and felt lucky to have followed Mo Fan to the ancient capital, otherwise they would have been eaten by the undead.

Mo Fan ignored these villagers. Since Zhang Xiaohou had been found, he only needed to take him back to his military district. He didn't care about the rest of the undead people, or who was targeting Hua Village behind the scenes.

After the work was done, he was going to leave, but there was a problem. Zhang Xiaohou, who pretended to have lost his memory, was unwilling to go with him. He only recognized Su Xiaoluo as his savior, like an unreasonable child.

Mo Fan was helpless and could only entrust Zhang Xiaohou to Su Xiaoluo's care. Anyway, he had already arrived in the ancient capital. After he reported his situation, he would wait for the military to pick him up.

He was still worried that Zhang Xiaohou had not been cured and sent back to the military, so he did not go back directly. He simply planned to stay in this ancient capital for a few days.

As for the nomination competition, it didn't matter. He had led the team many times by fighting four people alone and had already received enough points. He could not escape that vote.

The final screening ceremony was not that fast, and it would take at least a month to start.

Mo Fan, who had nothing to do, was preparing to meet his fellow villagers. He heard from the short man that a group of people from Bo City were also settled in the ancient capital, and occupied a Huili Street here to specialize in magic items.

Mo Fan walked along this Huili Street, passing several shops in a row and found that the accents were all from his own city of Bo. They lived a good life without the shadow of war.

As he walked, Mo Fan suddenly heard an extremely familiar voice. This voice had been against him for several years in high school. He would never forget it even if he turned into ashes.

"Zhao Tuizi!"

"Fuck, who the hell is yelling! Believe it or not, I will use magic to blast..." Zhao Kunsan was angry because his younger brother did not do well. He turned his head suddenly and his voice became smaller and smaller, as if he had seen a ghost.

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