Versatile Mage: Evolving from the One-eyed Wolf

Chapter 85 85, The Wool of the Hunting King

It is one thing to guard the city wall, and it is another to go out and fight the undead. After hearing the conversations of several leaders, many summoned mages began to back off. This is not a joke. If you are not careful, you will not be able to come back.

However, many righteous people also stood up, including retired veterans, locals of the ancient capital, hunting mages, and students.

Mu Bai, Zhou Min and others also responded, but Mo Fan remained silent. Since he heard what Chen Xian said about the evil abyss, he didn't want to meddle in other people's business.

"Yao Nan! You will be responsible for leading this group of mid-level assembled mages, and the rest of the high-level mages will follow me!" Zhu Meng said.

"Hey, I didn't say I wanted to participate." Mo Fan said. In this plot in the original book, he refused to participate, but was forced by Zhu Meng and Yao Nan.

As soon as these words came out, everyone around them widened their eyes. After seeing the high-level badge on Mo Fan's chest, they were even more incredulous, and then their expressions gradually became contemptuous. With such a high level of cultivation, you are so afraid of death.

"Humph, I almost forgot that you are already a high-level kid. Don't act like a coward in front of me. You hurt me badly last time! This time, let you taste the taste of righteousness. You will rush to the front later!" Zhu Meng seemed to remember something and said with a glare.

"Don't dream about it. This trick won't work on me. You can ask me for help, but you have to give me some benefits. I am just a student, not like you high-ranking officials." Mo Fan said directly.

"You want benefits, right? I see you are also a master hunter. I can issue you a bounty mission in the name of the hunting king. The mission contribution value is enough to increase your hunter level by one star! If you can kill a commander-level undead in this mission, there will be an additional 50 million bounty!"

Hunting King Du Xiao stood up and said. This little money was nothing to him. He also had an impression of Mo Fan. During the scaly-skinned mother demon incident, he solved the problem that everyone was helpless.

"What if I kill a few more commander-level undead?" Mo Fan asked. After hanging out with Chen Xian for so long, he has already smelled the smell of wool. This time he must be fleeced to death.

Sure enough, the hunting king Du Xiao did not take Mo Fan's question seriously and said directly: "50 million for one commander-level! There is no upper limit!"

"A gentleman's word!"

"It is difficult to catch up with him."

So many people present heard the hunting king's promise, but most of them regarded Mo Fan as a clown. How could a commander-level demon be killed casually? Even a team of high-level mages may not be able to completely take it down, let alone a high-level student.

Mo Fan ignored these people and followed the high-level team behind Zhu Meng.

An endless black cloud met the land of the dead on the distant horizon. A huge figure stood on the boundary and was slowly approaching.

This figure was surrounded by a tidal army of undead, like a new king raising his arm and calling on the hungry, wandering, and helpless people to attack the city.

As the existence of the Shayuan increased, the resentment and death it generated became stronger and stronger, and even accelerated the evolution of some rotten corpses, skeletons, and evil ghosts, allowing these undead who needed more years to settle to advance in advance.

The undead world has a strict hierarchy, and high-level undead can summon lower-level undead at will. Low-level undead lack autonomous consciousness and wander all day long. If there is an order to guide them, they are willing to obey, fearless, indifferent to death, and only have endless greed and desire for life in their hearts.

The more resentment there was, the more spectacular the number of undead gathered, and then the death aura swept across everything. Even on the city wall dozens of kilometers away, one could feel the stench of decayed corpses blowing in like the sea breeze.

In the center of the long northern city wall stood a towering tower, on which gathered more than 200 mid-level and above mages.

With an order, led by the four super-level mages Zhu Meng, Lu Xu, Fei Jiao, and Du Xiao, the mages jumped out of this perfect line of defense against the undead and rushed towards the black area that people feared the most.

Most mages still fantasized that they were participating in a war to kill the monarch, and waiting for the victory would become their beautiful life experience.

Soon, everyone rushed into the undead army. More than 20 high-level mages in Mo Fan's team took the lead in using high-level magic to clear the field, and everyone used magic to clean up an area.

For a time, various elemental forces were raging, such as the Sky Flame Funeral, the Light Falling, the Frozen Coffin, the Rock Demon's Eye, and a large number of high-level magics that directly cleared a large area.

The aggressive human mages quickly attracted the attention of the Ghost Tyrant. Several corpse ministers and bone ministers immediately rushed over, not daring to let high-level magic clean up the low-level undead.

Several super-level mages disappeared at some point. They hid in the dark and looked for an opportunity to wait for the death of the White Ghost Minister to give the Ghost Tyrant a fatal blow.

More than 20 high-level mages were invincible, and they directly led a large force to advance a kilometer in the undead army. The large force behind them only needed to clean up some undead coming from the left and right sides.

However, when nearly ten commander-level undead arrived, the high-level mages were all dragged on the spot. The commander-level undead were actually quite easy to deal with. After all, they had no IQ and did not need too many high-level ones. Five or six of them were basically a sure kill.

However, the task of the high-level wizard was only to delay the commander-level wizard, and there was no requirement to kill him. As long as he waited for the light magic array to be activated and the white ghosts were eliminated, he could carry out the beheading.

The battle was extremely intense. The army was completely surrounded by the Undead Legion. There were Undeads everywhere, and there was no way to retreat.

Either they could successfully kill the Ghost Tyrant, and several super-class mages would come to lead everyone back to the ancient capital, or they would be wiped out.

Mo Fan and another high-level light mage faced a commander-level bone minister. The bone-type undead was a skeleton. The skeleton of this skeleton was pulled from some kind of demon. It was completely a monster.

The defense of the bone minister was very strong. Mo Fan's Corona Radiance was obviously not as effective against him as against the corpse-type undead. However, with the possession of the Great Soul Seed and Little Flame Princess, he still suppressed the bone minister steadily.

But it was very difficult to kill him. The defense of this bone minister was too strong. Unless there was a high-level thunder-type + soul seed released by the deadly lightning, it was possible to directly shatter the crystal core and kill it with one blow.

Mo Fan's strength shocked another high-level light mage. Others were just holding him back, but he was ambiguous and directly suppressed the Bone Minister. He might really kill the commander-level undead at this rate. I'm not bragging.

"Brother Xian, you should do it. It's too hard for me to deal with this kind of thing!" Mo Fan suddenly said.

The Bone Minister thought Mo Fan was distracted, so he took the opportunity to throw out a bone whip made from the spine of an unknown creature, emitting a cold aura and hitting Mo Fan hard.

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