Mo Fan came to his senses. He naturally didn't need to rush to hide in the inner city barrier like ordinary mages. Even if he was surrounded by the army of undead, he and Chen Xian could fight their way out. As long as they didn't face the existence of the monarch level, they were not afraid of the number of undead.

At this time, he naturally understood what he had to do. The most important thing to do at this moment was to help more people evacuate to the safe barrier. He jumped off the city wall in one step, and the Wind Magic Eagle caught him instantly.

Flying towards the direction of Bocheng Street, there were still a large number of people in Bocheng Street who had not yet evacuated. One hour was far from enough. Zhou Min, Mu Bai and others were organizing people to withdraw to the inner city in an orderly manner. The team had lined up to tens of thousands of people.

Just like Principal Zhu during the Bocheng disaster, this time it was their turn to stand up. It was their responsibility as mid-level mages to cover the evacuation of ordinary people! !

At the front of the team were more than 20 beginner earth magicians, who used ground waves to accelerate the large group. Gudu was not a small city, and the distance between the outer city wall and the inner city wall was nearly 10 kilometers. Even the magicians had to run for a while, not to mention ordinary people.

Fortunately, they evacuated an hour in advance. The road traffic conditions were always maintained by the magicians in real time. Some people had already entered the inner city by car. The remaining 10,000 people had no choice but to walk.

If it weren't for the blue alert, Zhou Min and Mu Bai's identities alone would never have persuaded so many people to evacuate. Fortunately, everything was still in time.

Mo Fan fell from the sky and came to Mu Bai and Zhou Min and asked, "Why are there still so many people who haven't evacuated?"

"Mo Fan! Some people have already evacuated first. These are slow runners. Once the purple alert appears, the road is completely blocked and the car can't move at all." Zhou Min explained.

"It's already my best to be able to do this. What happened? Why did the purple alert suddenly start?" Mu Bai asked.

"The undead are about to break into the city. The outer wall can't be defended. There's no time to explain. Follow me to the main road and find a group of people who can drive. Go and requisition those big trucks that no one drives. You don't need driving skills, just know how to move forward and brake. I'll lead the way for you!" Mo Fan said.


Mu Bai and Zhou Min immediately took action. After a while, they found hundreds of young people who could drive and asked them to find vehicles on the road.

Because the whole world of France is often full of disasters, when taking the driver's license test, people are also taught that if they want to abandon the car when a disaster comes, they should leave the keys in it to facilitate the movement of rescuers.

These people easily found hundreds of big trucks. Under the command of everyone, all 10,000 people got on the car. In order to survive, everyone didn't care about moral integrity. As long as they could sit or stand steadily, they could "get on the car". The scene was comparable to Indians taking a train.

Some people couldn't stand it and chose to find a car to drive by themselves. Anyway, there were keys in it. All 10,000 people found transportation in various ways.

Mo Fan walked in front of the team and asked the Wind Magic Eagle to push all the ownerless cars to the side of the road. He also used telekinesis to help.

He did not choose to let Chen Xian do it because he was too big and inconvenient. He would damage the road with one step, so he could not drive any car!

However, he could use telekinesis to help Mo Fan. His telekinesis was much stronger than Mo Fan's. He was more powerful in both mental power and space system cultivation, and he also had the enhancement of the golden finger hell curse.

The hell curse provided Chen Xian with a 300% magic bonus. Telekinesis, as an elementary magic, could naturally enjoy the full bonus perfectly. The bonus of the golden finger was not ambiguous at all. It was tripled, which was equivalent to 3 Chen Xian using telekinesis at the same time! ! !

Therefore, his telekinesis was also ridiculously strong, but he could not use it in a fight. Telekinesis also had a casting range. Otherwise, space telekinesis would be too buggy. He kept using telekinesis to disgust people from a long distance. Mages were fragile. Any telekinesis of the first level of mental power could break a person's neck.

Chen Xian's telekinesis range is currently 100 meters around his head. This range is quite large for humans, but it is really useless for Chen Xian. If he grows taller, this telekinesis can't even reach his feet.

However, the casting range increases with the improvement of the spiritual realm. Chen Xian's body size is not faster than the improvement of the spiritual realm.

As for the power of telekinesis, it is useless to him. Let alone lifting himself, it is difficult to lift one of his arms.

Of course, pushing a car is still easy. Telekinesis can adjust the power according to the amount of magic energy invested. The more you invest, the greater the power. It is a sustainable casting skill.

So, a magical scene appeared on a main road leading to the inner city of the ancient capital. The way the Swift Wind Magic Eagle cleared the way was to flap its wings and directly lift the car to the side of the road. Mo Fan drove the ownerless cars to the side of the road wherever he passed.

The large army behind him followed closely, and the various vehicles carried by the crowd moved quickly on the cleared road. Zhou Min, Mu Bai and other mages took separate orders to ensure that every car was as overloaded as Ah San, while maintaining order and preventing panic from spreading.

Mo Fan and Chen Xian worked closely together, making the originally congested road miraculously smooth, and the large group behind them became longer and longer, with countless people who had not yet successfully evacuated joining in.

Those who can drive drive, and those who can't drive just squeeze in!

After passing a long paralyzed section, they came across a section taken over by the Imperial Guard Mage. Seeing that there were so many people in the large army behind them, the Imperial Guard Mage was very cooperative and gave them priority to pass.

The journey that would have taken more than two hours on foot was delivered to the inner city barrier in less than half an hour.

When people got off the bus and looked around, many people had tears in their eyes, fearing the unknown dangers and being deeply grateful for being rescued.

Many of them cast grateful eyes to Mo Fan, Mu Bai, Zhou Min and all those who lent a hand in times of crisis. Some even stepped forward and expressed their gratitude with short words or a deep bow.

"Thank you, thank you so much! If it weren't for you, we might still be at a loss outside." A middle-aged woman held Zhou Min's hand, her voice trembling.

"This is what we should do." Zhou Min said.

"Everyone hurry into the inner city and find a place to settle down. Don't cause trouble for the military mages!" Mo Fan said loudly.

Looking at the people with eyes, he seemed to recall that when the disaster hit Bo City, he joined the school team for warmth, but was ordered to become the vanguard, shuttled through the streets full of dangers, and saved countless residents who did not have time to evacuate.

Now that time has changed, when the disaster came, he still led everyone to evacuate the safety barrier. Some things have changed, but some things have never changed.

This time, he is no longer an insignificant little character in the disaster!

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