"What! Who is the Great Deacon of Heijueting Hujin?" Mo Fan could not accept such an outcome. He finally saved the person, but he was going to die again.

"It was Mu He from your Bo City. Unfortunately, he had already hidden himself. The guards I sent out could not find him at all." Han Ji said.

"Mu He!!!" Mo Fan's gums were bleeding when he heard this name.

"Don't worry about this person for now, Mo Fan, do you have the Earth Holy Spring in your hand?" At this time, the prophet of the capital of the gods walked in and said.

"Earth Holy Spring? What do you want the Earth Holy Spring for?" Mo Fan asked in confusion.

"We found that the Earth Holy Spring and the Kunjing water are the same ingredients, which can neutralize the Nine Nether Dew in the violent rain. The Kunjing water of Fanggu has been used to refine corpses. We are now in urgent need of a portion of Kunjing water to neutralize the rain and let those undead souls sleep." The prophet of the capital of the gods said.

"Mo Fan, no matter what you want, I promise you on behalf of the Ancient Capital Magic Association that I will never let you suffer." Han Ji said.

Seeing this, Mo Fan sighed and said, "If I had it, I would definitely take it out, but my situation is the same as Fang Gu's. I have already refined the Holy Spring."

Han Ji seemed to have expected this result long ago, and collapsed on the chair with a decadent look on his face.

"It seems that God wants to destroy my ancient capital."

The prophet of the capital of the gods has not given up yet, and gritted his teeth and said, "There is still hope, if we can find the tomb of the ancient king!"

"It has been two thousand years, and no one has found it. But he will wake up soon, maybe we can know it before we die." Han Ji said dejectedly.

Originally, Chen Xian was still considering whether to tell the information that the tomb of the ancient king was in Shayuan. After thinking about it, he rejected it and asked Mo Fan to find Mu He directly.

No matter what, Zhang Xiaohou must be saved, so Mo Fan must find a way to find Mu He. Telling it himself will only add troubles and cannot explain the source of the information.

Chen Xian still knows what information needs to be explained and what does not. Information like this that concerns the lives of the entire city will not be let go unless you get to the bottom of it.

Mo Fan took action immediately after leaving the yard. He found Mu Bai like in the original book. After confirming that Mu Bai was not Hei Jue Ting, he told him that Mu He was the chief steward of Hu Jin.

Although Mu Bai had suspected it long ago, he was still very upset when it was really confirmed. This was his biological father. Although he had never admitted it, Mu Bai knew that he was his illegitimate son.

His biological father turned out to be such a person who had lost his humanity. In his eyes, Bo City, the ancient capital, so many lives were as cheap as white mice in the laboratory.

Mu Bai finally chose to kill his relatives for the greater good, just like in the original book. He passed the false information that Mo Fan owned the Holy Spring to a confidant of Mu He and successfully lured Mu He out.

However, this time, Mu He and Mo Fan's meeting was not as pleasant as in the original book. In the original book, Mo Fan knew that he was not as strong as his opponent, so he did not act rashly, and let Mu He go to the bell tower watchtower in a blue uniform to negotiate with the top leaders.

But at this time, Mo Fan was a high-level magician. Mu He wanted to use Mo Jiaxing to humiliate Mo Fan, but Mo Fan exploded and fought with him in the city, settling new and old scores together!

Under the possession of Yan Ji and the powerful mental beating of Chen Xian, Mu He had no power to fight back. He was beaten black and blue, his teeth were almost all gone, and his hands and feet were all broken. He looked like a human being.

Mo Fan pulled his hair and walked towards the Bell Tower Magic Association like dragging a dead dog.


It was dark! !

Shocking! !

At some point, the sea of ​​undead had already flooded to a kilometer away from the inner city. Looking at the endless death, darkness and fear, it seemed as if the soul was about to fall into the sea of ​​despair.

Everything outside the inner city had vanished. The undead army had brought unimaginable destruction just by passing through.

The inner city covered by the golden barrier seemed to be a lone boat, swaying in the black ocean and ready to be submerged at any time.

On the city wall, military mages stood in rows. No matter what level of mages they were, their eyes were filled with deep fear.

The undead finally came!

Those who had not yet entered the inner city had no hope at this moment. Death would be a luxury, and turning into undead was the final outcome.

At the north gate, the crowd was as thin as mud and sand, and was slowly squeezing into the city gate, but the black frenzy had already swallowed them.

Hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of people, death was happening in every corner, like the real doomsday.

Crying and shouting filled the cold air, hoarse and exhausted!

Corpses, ghosts, and bones filled the sky like a tsunami, the earth and buildings collapsed, and the sky and clouds lost their color!

How many people have not evacuated yet? Just looking at the tears and desperate shouts of the crowded inner city, you can know that there are countless people...


Mo Fan dragged Mu He, who was like a dead dog, to the top of the bell tower. Many senior executives had already received the news and were waiting here. Many restricted super-class mages were also here.

Many guard mages also came, but there was no sign of Lu Huan. After all, the Lord of the Underworld had already started to attack the safety barrier, and he had to go up to resist.

The mountain corpse also approached here, and it was close to the restricted area. Once the mountain corpse started to attack, it would be time to execute the restricted super-class.

"This is Mu He, you should find a way to pry information out of him." Mo Fan said.

"Cough...cough...ha...Mo Fan!!! You are just a...insignificant...little character...you...can't...change anything!!!" Mu He, whose mouth was full of blood, continued to talk nonsense. .

The eyes of all the high-level officials were focused on him, and everyone wanted to kill him with a super magic spell.

Considering that Mu He was still useful, Han Ji still suppressed the anger in his heart and forced himself to use healing magic to simply heal the wound in his mouth so that he could speak normally?

"Mu He, where is the tomb of the ancient king? I don't think you want to experience the curse of the military!" Military Commander Yaoting said seriously.

Hearing this, Mu He, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, showed a mocking smile and said to everyone: "If you release a few innocent elders, congressmen, and military commanders, we can make a deal. In order to express my sincerity , I can give Zhang Xiaohou the antidote first!"

Obviously, his purpose is to keep Salang alive, and the bargaining chip is the imperial mausoleum. This is just a glimmer of hope for the ancient capital, but the ancient capital has no choice.

"Let him go!" Han Ji, who had been mentally prepared, said coldly.

However, they did not release them all. They only released Zhu Meng, Du Xiao, Fei Jiao and the other three first.

"You can continue talking!" Han Ji's eyes were full of murderous intent, as if he wanted to tear him into pieces.

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