Sarang lowered his head and said nothing. He was dragged back to the bell tower. Even though it was shattered by magic, it was still the headquarters.

Mu He looked at the captured Saran with horror in his eyes. This meant that they were finished.

"First, destroy the cultivation of these two people!" Zhu Meng suggested. These Hei Jue Ting were cunning and might have some unknown means. It was the simplest and crudest to destroy their cultivation.

Han Ji nodded and signaled a guard mage to come forward. After feeding Saran mental poison, he cooperated with everyone to use secret methods and successfully used the curse system to destroy his cultivation. All galaxies collapsed and he couldn't even use magic.

Saran's soul seemed to be torn apart. He fainted on the spot, and so did Mu He.

"Come here! Pry the location of the imperial tomb out of their mouths as soon as possible!" Han Ji said.

Professionals arrived immediately, and did not intend to avoid the crowd. They directly attacked Saran and Mu He openly, and various spiritual curses and undead magics fell on the two, preparing to dig out information from their brains.

"President, there are forgetful insects!"

Saran and Mu He had implanted forgetful insects in themselves, not the immature ones like Zhang Xiaohou, but forgetful insects the size of a real centipede, attached to the epidermis of the brain.

"What!" Through the magic halo of the professionals, everyone saw the forgetful insects in Saran and Mu He's minds, and they couldn't help but feel crazy. These people in Hei Jue Ting were really cruel to them.

This means that they may not be able to pry out any valuable information from Saran and Mu He.

"Boom!!" At this moment, three kilometers outside the city, deep blue waves suddenly rolled up under the dark sky, and white waves rolled in the sky.

A sudden tsunami descended from the sky, heading towards the densely packed undead. The layers of undead originally occupied the entire open space under the city gate, and under this attack, they actually cleaned up the city gate.

Thousands of undead were engulfed by this shocking water roar, heading away from the city gate.

"It was Lu Huan who made the move!" Fei Jiao said.

"The chief of the imperial guards made the move!"


Lu Huan's move was very exciting, but before the excitement lasted for two seconds, a deafening roar followed, and the Lord of the Underworld also made a move, and directly found Lu Huan for a PK in the imperial city.

"It's worthy of Lu Huan, he can stop the Lord of the Underworld alone." Zhu Meng said.

The sky gradually darkened, and the people standing in the bell tower could just see Lu Huan flying into the rainy sky and fighting with the huge white Lord of the Underworld.

Lu Huan basically used super-class magic, and the high-level magic mixed in it was surprisingly easy to use. He alone could match an entire mage army. The magic energy fluctuations that rolled up casually turned hundreds of undead spirits into nothingness!

Most of the people present were also super-class mages, but none of them could break out of the golden barrier like Lu Huan and fight with the monarch in the vast sea of ​​corpses.

However, before everyone had time to sigh, the next second Sha Yuan jumped over, and the space where Lu Huan and Haisha Mingzhu fought was peeled off layer by layer.

The misty rainy day was actually swallowed up in one piece, and what was exposed was a huge dark vortex. The dark vortex slowly expanded, like a black hole that was suddenly born, emitting a fatal attraction.

The entire space around was completely distorted, and the first to sink into it were the tens of thousands of undead spirits, followed by all the matter within the distortion range.

Lu Huan and the Lord of the Underworld were right above the Sha Abyss. They almost wanted to get out at the same time, but found that there was no way, and their bodies gradually fell into the hell furnace.

The dark vortex slowly opened like the entrance to hell, and it was like some huge terrifying creature opened its bloody mouth.

Ghosts cried! Corpses roared!

The most horrifying sound in the world came from it, with the most desperate, resentful, and painful emotions.

"Sha...Sha Abyss." I don't know who broke the silence first.

A chilling feeling passed to everyone, making people tremble in their limbs and scalp numb!

The Lord of the Underworld and Lu Huan were finally dragged into it, without even a wave rolling.

The two strongest beings died in such an unclear way. Is this the Sha Abyss? Is this the black forbidden land? Is this the hell furnace?

Deathly silence, the entire inner city fell into a dead silence, and everyone's voice seemed to be dragged into the Sha Abyss.

"Not good, the Sha Abyss is approaching the inner city!" Zhu Meng said.

With his reminder, everyone vaguely remembered the drifting paths of the evil spirit abyss in the past, which were closer to the ancient capital each time, and now it had landed directly in the outer city.

No one dared to think about the terrible guess. If the evil spirit abyss jumped next time, would it appear directly in the inner city?

Panic immediately appeared on the faces of many senior executives, and they began to prepare to retreat.

Han Ji's face was full of helplessness. Even if he caught Saran, it seemed useless at present. At most, he could kill her to vent his anger.

Just when everyone was in despair, a guard mage walked up to the prophet of the capital of gods and handed him a note.

Only he could understand the secret language symbols. When the prophet of the capital of gods opened it, his eyes were immediately very excited. This person finally sent a message.

"President, there is hope!"

Han Ji's empty eyes had a hint of light.

"The tomb of the ancient king has been found, and it is in the Shayuan. I know everyone thinks this is hopeless, but listen to me first. No one, including the most powerful wizard, can step into the Shayuan, but there is a group of people. The Shayuan will not refuse them, and they are the people of Weiju Village!"

The prophet of the capital of the gods said excitedly, but hidden under the excitement was despair. He did not tell everyone that the Shayuan would jump for the second time in less than a day, because he was afraid that the morale of the army would be completely dispersed after he told them.

"Is this true?"

"How can you be sure that this is true?"

The senior officials were very excited. Finally, after a lot of explanations and verifications, they confirmed that this was true and the tomb of the ancient king was really in the Shayuan.

They brought Fang Gu here, and after the secret training of the village chief mentioned by Fang Gu, they confirmed this fact.

"We are blessed by God. Even if we fall into the kingdom of death, we are still respected guests. I don't know if this kingdom of death refers to the Shayuan. If you need me to go to the Shayuan, I am willing to try to make meritorious contributions." Fang Gu said.

Two thousand years have passed, and many things have long been blurred. No one can confirm whether they are still valid.

"I'm glad to hear you say that." Han Ji said.

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