Versatile Mage

Chapter 1484: Vegetarian school

Reasonable, Mo Fan feels that he was really pitted by the indigo teacher!

She said that at dinner, she will definitely have a change in their school. This sentence is really not a problem. It is because Mo Fan’s impression of the Alpine school is now worse than a worse one! !

"These vegetables, these breads, these, I want to eat meat!" Mo Fan almost collapsed.

I was hurt, and I can't eat anything to supplement my blood. Who can think of this broken Alpine school is actually a group of vegetarians, except for these white flowers, delicate, tender and tender female students. No, you can't see the meat again!

How many mountains and wild animals in the Alps, but the small life on the door of the canteen is the most lovely and wonderful elf. When you meet, you will bring good luck and hurt them will come bad luck!

"I also admire you very much. Since you don't eat a bit of meat, how is your folk style so embarrassing!" Mo Fan said to Teacher Indigo.

Indigo teacher is also a typical old fox. No matter how ridiculous you are, she uses a warm and normal tone. Some of the words that are made are more smoke-free and a fist hit on cotton.

"We are just focusing on spiritual practice. It is so impetuous that you are very suitable to practice more in us. I believe that within a few months, your temperament will change. Why do our female students in the Alpine school always To give others a sense of purity and holiness like Tianshan Snow Lotus, it is our unique management of the school and the persistence of vegetarianism, respect for nature, friendliness and not cowardice.” Indigo teacher said in a serious way, she laughed The wrinkles on the face will be obvious, but she does not hide it.

“Mr. Indigo is very reasonable. Our Pearl Institute is located in the bustling city. It is just like the back gardens of KTV, barbecue stalls and bars. These will always cause some disturbance to the cultivation of the students. A determined person will be more intoxicated. We should learn from you and open up a new campus in Beiyushan. Let the freshmen be placed in the beautiful scenery of the mountains to retreat, sharpen their minds and let them step into the society. The professor nodded his head and was very admired for the Alpine Academy.

"Wow, Professor Zheng, you are all respected. I think it is not a bad thing to have some flowers and wines around. Like I used to be called the little prince at night, I am arrogant and extravagant. But then I can’t practice well, do I play the national game? They used this semi-closed type to force the students to do asceticism in Switzerland, and sooner or later they will rebound." Zhao Manyan said quite disapprovingly.

"There are different ways, but all vegetarian food is a bit..." Professor Li is also a person who loves to eat meat and drink. He doesn't love to come here because he is imprisoned here.

This feeling is really uncomfortable! !

"Vegetarian is even, even the oil is not released, indigo teacher, this time I came to your school to study and exchange, I learned a lot of things, tomorrow morning, I will trouble you to send two students with a slightly normal brain to send us down the mountain." Everything can't stand it.

Also said that this is a man's paradise, fart!

The women here are mostly beautiful and plain, with a sub-aura, but they are all eyes high in the sky, feeling that men all over the world are dirty, and do not know which brain-residing school leaders instilled this kind of The idea is that the age of the horses is gone. The monasteries are all spread over WIFI. Even the mobile phone signals are not covered here. I don’t know if I thought I passed back to the ancient Middle Ages in Europe!

"Hey, Mo Fan, don't be so resentful. We have to say that we have to complete this one-month study and exchange, and how can we leave tomorrow." Professor Zheng said.

"One month??" Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan shouted at the same time.

It’s not that I’m here to go around here, I’ll be able to go there, how can I become a month, what a joke, I can’t eat meat here for a month, that’s better than a month’s | !

"Mo Fan, there is a judge in the Alpine Academy. This time, she also wants to do a complete magical academic exchange with our school. How can I say that I will leave and perform well? Let the judge look at you. So that you can have more power in this holy ruling!" Professor Zheng said with a strong heart.

"I am not afraid of shadows," Mo Fan said.

"That line, if you go tomorrow, we will go back to China tomorrow. What will happen here will not be ours." Professor Zheng said.

"...Professor Zheng, I thought that you are different from Professor Li. It is the kind of person who wants to face." Mo Fan said.

"The little boy said what he said!" Professor Li immediately cried out with dissatisfaction and pointed to Professor Zheng. "You compare me to this kind of person."

"Old Li, how do you say, Lao Li, this is not for the school to complete the exchange indicators!" Professor Zheng shouted.

"Okay, well, the two predecessors should not argue. Since it is a good month-long exchange, naturally it will not leave if you leave. Mo Fan, do not be so paranoid, I also know that you are in the Holy We are also willing to help in the matter of the academy. We do not believe that you will kill an innocent knight of the Jin Yao." Indigo teacher said.

"I also believe that he does not, because it is impossible to kill the Jin Yao Knight of the Parthenon with his strength." At this time, Heidi spoke, and she showed a different temperament than ordinary people. It’s not that you can’t eat the fireworks, and you can’t say that it’s out of place.

"How did you get this potato so smooth, the chef must have a good craft." Mo Fan picked up a cooked potato without adding any seasoning, and said with no usefulness.

Heidi didn't understand what Mofan was saying at first, but after a little thought, she immediately realized that the characteristics of her private land were unobstructed by Mo Fan, and her face suddenly became angry, on the table. The silver plates began to shake slightly and made some collision sounds.

"Heidi, pay attention to controlling your emotions. The noisy waterfall can't affect your mind. Don't let some words make you unable to keep calm. This is a month of magical academic exchange. I ask you to accompany you all the time and be with me. You can't use any offensive magic without permission.” Indigo teacher frowned, and said to Heidi very seriously.

Indigo has a rule, that is, you must not use any magical atmosphere when you dine. You must maintain proper respect for food. This is the treasure that nature has given them. It is not allowed.

Heidi was also irritated by Mo Fan’s words, and his mind was not accepted.

"Yes, teacher Indigo." Heidi knew that he had committed the indulgence of the teacher, and immediately bowed his head.

"Okay, this is also a kind of practice for you. Your strength is strong enough. I believe that it is not a super-level wizard. It is difficult to compete with you, but don't forget that not all enemies will compete with you." They will even use a language that is ten times more vicious than Mofan's jokes, and the means of more abuse. If you don't keep calm, your dimension will easily be broken." Indigo teacher taught.

Treating others, indigo teacher seems to be extraordinarily gentle and kind, but also a bit of casual, but she treated Herti to show her strictness as a mentor.

"I remember, teacher." Heidi nodded, and the anger gradually dissipated, no longer saying a word, maintaining his own elegance and enjoying the soup.

Mo Fan smiled there, and Heidi’s firm belief did not go to see Mofan’s disgusting face, lest he lose his manners.

"Indigo teacher, you are so strict with the students' ceremonial requirements. The so-called quality of a student can map out the whole school's heritage and connotation. In this respect, our Mofan classmates and Zhao Manyan and their classmates do give us the Mingzhu Academy. I have written a lot of black spots. Hey, hehe." Professor Zheng said.

Hearing this sentence, Li Ximei and Mu Bai are both holding on to laughing, and Professor Zheng is too real.

"I think your Pearl School should be more free and easy. It is this kind of free and easy that allows the trainees to feel a relaxed atmosphere of self-cultivation, and also enable the students to display their talents, not to mention the occasional wild horses. The general students can also add a lot of energy to the school.” Indigo teacher also said very politely.

"Do you like each other to be interested in each other?" Mo Fan said.

"Where, where is the truth," said the teacher.

"Yes." Professor Zheng also nodded.

"...Professor Zheng, I found that you are just not laughing, but the truth is really the same as Professor Li. It is no wonder that you two are the most famous CPs of our Pearl Institute," Mo Fan said.

"Mo Fan, you do not think I can not beat you." Professor Lee Mo Fan a stare.

"When I didn't say anything, eat vegetables, eat vegetables..." Mo Fan put a small broccoli in his mouth.

Sure enough, this broccoli was boiled with boiling water, and even the salt was not put, the kind of eccentric taste like eating grass made Mofan somewhat collapsed, especially when I thought of staying here for a month... What do I want to do? I heard the words of Zhao Manyan and came here to love female college students!


At night, the female students here are sleeping very early. No matter how brightly lit the whole school full of ancient European atmosphere, half of the female students dressed in **** style can't be seen on the promenade, in the school, and in the fallen leaves.

The Alps are not all Swiss students. In fact, there are not many Swiss students. They recruit students from all over the country. They don’t care what their international and bloodlines. If they enter the Alpine Academy, they will be regarded as a large group. For the family, the Alps are the gods of faith...

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