Versatile Mage

Chapter 1494: Educate Mofan

"Bold, you a student is so vocal, it seems that the Pearl Institute only teaches you how to use magic, but does not teach you how to respect the elders!" Dean Perry took a step toward Mo Fan.

This step stepped on the ground, Mo Fan immediately twitched the sound of a bronze bell, the painful head had to explode, the spirit was messy and even thinking became difficult, and even forgot why he stood here to bear This inexplicable suffering!

Dean Perry’s eyes were sharp, and he thought that Mo Fan took the next step. In this step, Mo Fan felt that all the pictures around him had shattered, and they plunged into a chaotic abyss bottomless pit. The sense of weightlessness makes people panic!

Dean Perry's cultivation is quite high. She has almost smashed all the spiritual will of Mo Fan, forcing him to yield and forcing him to faint. If he is forced to support it, it is likely to cause mental breakdown!

"There are always people like you who have achieved a little achievement and they are all arrogant. I believe that the Dean of the Pearl Institute will thank me. Thank you for teaching me how to be strong and humble before you, and teach you real survival. The law is to do what you can, don't be so ignorant!!" Dean Perry stopped, and coldly scolded.

"Less here...speak nonsense here, you continue to come over, come to me, I lick your face, you only spit on me!" Mo Fan jerked his head up and still did not let himself collapse!

Many departments have given him more powerful and tough willpower. As long as they are not willing to give up, the body and spirit are absolutely affordable. Indeed, the pressure exerted by Dean Perry far exceeds the Feilun Waterfall, but this is not On behalf of Mo Fan will compromise, the more from the oppression of such a strong face, the more the Mo Fan will!

Dean Perry was a little angry and angry. In the past, when she was teaching those disobedient students, no one dared to hit her like this, and no one dared to slander her.

This time, she didn't care about anything anymore. She rushed toward Mo Fan. The pressure that she took in successive steps was even more magnificent. Mo Fan suddenly felt that the sky was falling and she was turned into a whole person. The dust fragments float in the void universe.

I don’t feel my body, I don’t feel my own consciousness, I’m as insignificant as I am, and even the meaning of my existence seems to have been lost!

The spirit has always been a terrible force. When Mofan fell into the gaze of the monarch Medusa, he experienced the torture and suffering of spiritual manipulation. In many cases, not only the spiritual attack is not only derived from The pain of the soul is more about the distortion of time.

If the pain is divided into levels, then the weakest pain lasts for months, a year, ten years, and a hundred years, and it becomes an unbearable suffering.

The mental pressure that Dean Perry brought to Mofan was to change the time, let Mo Fan break into an infinite loop, infinitely lasting, and never see the spiritual torture of the heavens. This is the highest state of spiritual assault. Whether it is the 蝎君美杜莎 or the original jump into the Yuanyuan, Mo Fan has a deep understanding!

If this is the first time that Mofan has experienced this kind of transformation and is suffering in the dark and cold universe, then he will soon collapse and soon will faint. There will be no fortitude and unyielding, and Li Yu’s little You and your promises will be forgotten, and you just want to be free.

After experiencing Medusa's gaze, Mofan's willpower is much stronger than before, otherwise how can you easily pass through the Feilun Waterfall!

Compared with the gaze of 蝎君美杜莎, Dean Perry is still a level, and the 蝎君美杜莎 is so powerful that people can deny themselves and make themselves self-destructive. Dean Perry is only a long torture. The pain of infinite enlargement...

And this is no way to kill Mo Fan! !

Open your eyes, if the pupils are shot with lightning, Mo Fan tells Perry with his own eyes. Her self-righteous power is actually nothing but a meaningless fantasy. This can't let myself back down and yield! !

"President Perry!" At this time, a teacher next to him couldn't stand it, and he stopped speaking.

Dean Perry can say that she has shown all her gas field strength, which is so large that the female patrols around her are suffocating, and one of the lower female patrols fainted directly on the ground.

"So so delicate, how to be a student of our alpine school!"? The dean saw his classmates fall down first, and angered.

I am a spiritual attack on a foreign school student who dares to provoke her own majesty. It is also his target. The person next to it can't hold up any ghosts. Where are the usual cultivations?

She did not stop. If she stops now, does it mean that her education has failed? Is there any student in the world who can’t be educated, and she will be able to turn them into a dignified manner and behave in a way that can’t be corrupted again? degree……

Dean Perry’s eyes began to become stabbed, and she used a psychic attack!

This kind of psychic attack combined with her powerful gas field made Mofan no longer float in the void world, but broke into a illusion world framed by Dean Perry himself.

In the illusion, Mo Fan’s mind became a child, as long as he spoke a little, and a big ruler would fall down...


Just as Mo Fan was to sink deep into this illusion, a familiar voice sounded.

Mo Fan woke up from the real illusion, and he looked at Dean Perry with a blank face, his face full of sneer and disdain.

"Even the soul magic is used, or the infinite loop of time, Dean Perry, I finally understand how you taught the students so rules..." Mo Fan looked at Dean Perry and smiled a little.

"Mo Fan, are you okay?" Professor Li and Professor Zheng rushed to Mofan.

The gas field is still not completely chic, and Professor Li and Professor Zheng have also used their own field to completely offset the aggressiveness of Dean Perry.

"The two don't need to panic. I always admire the practice of reshaping and re-cultivating the law. Your trainee is a top-notch among the students, but his form is very necessary to reshape. If not disciplined and Punishment, it is easy to go astray in the future. If the ordinary person is wrong, it is okay, but he is a powerful magician who will only bring more disaster to the world. This is a lesson for you. It’s not a bad thing to come to my Alpine school.” Dean Perry’s tone immediately calmed down. I don't know how the look of her anger and anger was collected at once. It was just like changing someone. Serious and generous behavior makes people feel that everything she does is for education.

"President Perry, you have caused some mental stress to my students with the momentum of the gas field. I can understand, but why do you use spiritual magic, do you use spiritual magic for a student?? You know that this will cause the students How much trauma!!" Professor Li is also angry.

How can Mofan go too far, it is just a mad statement, this Perry Dean actually uses magic, her super-level peak Master actually cast a spiritual magic to a high-level student? ? ?

"A little lesson, I will naturally be measured, not to mention the same for some unreasonable students on weekdays." Dean Perry said faintly.

"President Perry, your Alpine school is really an eye-opener for our Pearl Institute. We never use magic in teaching chemists, especially the spiritual department." Professor Zheng is also angry at this moment.

"Her education is to force other people to instill her spiritual shackles, kill one's own nature, turn them into puppet machinery... No wonder you have no brains, no wonder there will be an innocent new one. The students came to sin! It’s amazing, it’s amazing! It’s like the holy snow in the Alps. In my opinion, even the water in the pits of the city’s broken streets is not as good as water. They can at least water the vegetables. You will be rotted and wilted on the plants! Mofan shouted.

Dean Perry heard these words and his body trembled a little.

Unforgivable, unforgivable! ! !

They are compared to Maokengchi Water. They live in the sacred Alps and are accompanied by the purest white snow. The students who go out from here are admired by everyone. Countless people are proud to be able to visit their alpine schools. This guy even put them Said to be the water of the septic tank! ! !

And the most violent thing for Dean Perry is that this kid has been so strongly attacked by himself, why his tongue is getting more poisonous! !

"Mo Fan, let alone, let's get out of here. We will be honest with the principal when we happen here." Professor Zheng is also mad at him, but he knows that this is someone else's territory, and there is no point in how to make trouble. !

"The use of spiritual illusion for the students, and only their own students can accept this kind of education, I would like to ask the world school, so whether there is any invasion / human rights!" Professor Li accused.

"What do you want to do, that's your business, don't send it!" said Perry, unceremoniously.

Professor Li and Professor Zheng immediately supported Mo Fan. They saw that Mo Fan’s legs could hardly walk. This is still Mofan’s mental strength and physique are beyond ordinary people, and it is replaced by other magicians. Vegetative!

Trauma, they can't be cured with any magic. Now they can only take Mofan away from here and show this to President Xiao and the Principal of Pearl. Perry is strong and is in high position. Here they are It is not a good idea.

"I can't leave yet," Mofan said.

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