Versatile Mage

Chapter 1830: Cobalt blue eye group

“How deep is the following?” Jiang Shaoxu asked Mo Fan.

"Two hundred meters or so, not very deep." Mo Fan said.

"Your dark matter can now be used as a measuring instrument?" Zhao Manyan said.

"Hey, I have added some effects in Guangzhou, just to try the effect on this island this time." Mo Fan smiled.

The sea became colder and colder, the chill began to pass through the skin, and it was cold to the body. The boat was hit by a slight wave and slowly drove into Asahi Island. In the absence of any sea fog at night, the irregular outline of Asahi Island In front of my eyes.

There is a tall coconut tree on the periphery of the island. The short ones are more than 20 meters high, and the tall ones can reach 70-80 meters. The big coconut crown can just accommodate the next big bird's nest. Mofan can see the sight. Far away, he soon found that almost every three of them had a hay nest on the outer big coconut trees. The hay nest was quite delicate. It felt like the trees woven on the trees, the big coconut leaves. The shaded umbrellas are like a tropical resort.

"How do their nests look so beautiful, let alone the bird nest on it, you change two people, one man and one woman, and spend a little honeymoon on it, it is estimated that you can give birth to one child." Nearly, Zhao Manyan Also found those beautiful coconut tree nests.

"The bird king has always lived with its owner. Many of the bird king's skills have been learned from humans. It is estimated that it has also been taught to its people." Chen Shuo, a veteran, said with some embarrassment.

Two kilometers away from the island, Tang Yue came here to explore, but it was only this distance, it was forced back by the featherless birds in the sea.

The coconut trees are so dense that they provide a perfect nest environment for the featherless birds, and it is easy to get lost in these big coconut trees.


A strange call came out of the island, and everyone on the boat was immediately alert and stared at the high cliff.

The island is on a high ground. The place where they want to land on the island is about 20 meters away from the sea level. It is believed that the island will have a higher position before the sea level has risen. This is equivalent to an extra line of defense. It is naturally more advantageous to be defensive and alert.

The coconut groves have appeared one after another in the sea breeze. Among the gaps of the coconut leaves that are almost connected together, a cobalt-blue thing like a cave diamond lights up, from the beginning of the sporadic In a short time, it suddenly became a big one!

These cobalt blue drill collars are all high, they look down, staring at the boat swaying on the waves, the chill in the shackles makes people feel hairy!

"Rely, don't you say that they will sleep like a dead pig? How can one eye shine brightly!!" Zhao Manyan said.

"These featherless birds on the island are of a higher level, they will not completely sleep," said the old soldier Chen Shuo.

"What to do, we are nearly two kilometers away from the island." Zhao Manyan said.

"Hard, what can I do!" Tang Yue said.

Tang Yue took the lead, and her body turned into a shadow bird, and she flew directly in the night, elegant and revealing a few dark qualities.

Zhao Manyan saw Tang Yue had already pulled out a hundred or two meters, and could not help but erect a thumbs up: "Your teacher is really just!"

Mo Fan will not fly, even in the night, his avatar geese are just a kind of gliding state, only to fly a few hundred meters will land, and Tang Yue is completely transformed into a night bird A little bit more vampire Bola becomes a bat's sense of sight, can fly freely under the night, the speed is very fast.

"Walking away, being blocked at sea, we are even more uncomfortable." Mo Fan said quickly.

On the back of the little spirit, Mo Fan also abandoned this meaningless small steamer, followed by a glimpse of the shadow left by Tang Yue and rushed to the island.

In the two-kilometer sea, Mo Fan has no place to settle. He can only use the night to make some articles, but when Mofan is in the shadow, other magic is difficult to display, and it is very fragile, so the two-kilometer sea must be Zhao Manyan. Jiang Shaoxu and Mu Bailai escorted.

Mu Bai wants to continue to cool down. He is actually a state that needs protection. The repair of veteran Chen Shuo is probably at a high level. It is not particularly good. He can only barely protect the safety of Mu Bai.

"You, a large group of people, actually want me to protect!" Zhao Manyan saw that the situation was not right, and immediately complained.

"Less nonsense, Tang Yue is not opening the road ahead, hurry!" Mo Fan said.

"Don't give up the boat, give me up!" Zhao Manyan called.

Zhao Manyan did not leave the boat. He evoked a seven- or eight-meter-high rush, and the ship rushed to the wave and killed the island as fast as a surfer.

After a while, Zhao Manyan’s boat of the surfers surpassed the slow-moving Mo Fan. Mo Fan thought about it for a moment, but it would be safer in the past, so there was a place to step on the foot, so he jumped back with the spirit. This surf boat.

"You may be mentally retarded." Lingling felt extremely disgusted with Mofan's behavior of returning to the ship and returning to the ship.

Mo Fan has no words to refute.


The screams were more noisy, and the featherless birds that were sleeping were finally determined to be enemies, and the screams gradually exploded on the island.

In fact, the featherless birds on these islands are also somewhat wrong, mainly because they did not expect that the featherless birds guarding the seas would sleep like sea stones one by one. The enemy had already arrived at this position and there was no reaction.

The cobalt-blue eyes flew up, and the black coconut grove suddenly appeared a spectacular picture: it was like a whole cobalt blue firefly tribe in the forest was awakened by their uninvited guests. The treetops flew into the night!

Of course, Mo Fan knows that behind these eyes with cold and fluorescent eyes, they are strong and sharp bodies. They have no feathers, and the skin is cold and dark. It is almost dissolved in the night, and only these extremely bright eyes can be seen!

"How is the island so much!" Jiang Shaoxu exclaimed.

"There was so much reproduction, incredible, unbelievable!!" Chen Shuo, a veteran, also looked silly.

According to his plan, hibernate the featherless birds in the sea, there should be only a few higher grades of cobalt blue featherless birds and large birds on the island. The number of cobalt blue featherless birds should not be There will be too many, they are also the immediate family members of the bird king, the breeding conditions are limited, Chen Shuo veteran estimated that the cobalt blue featherless bird is about one or two hundred heads...

But look at the current situation, where is the size of one or two hundred heads, there are not one thousand and eight hundred, the number is more than six or seven times! !

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