Versatile Mage

Chapter 945: Nasca painting!

The propeller rotates at a high speed, with a blue sky overhead, and an orange-red wilderness below. From afar, you can even see some strange lines and geometric patterns randomly distributed in this orange-red color. On the ground and extending further afield.

"What do you think is that?" Nan Yan said with amazement at the earth.

The crowd looked at the guide of Nanxun and found that the lines and figures on the earth actually formed a huge painting of the apes! !

This scene suddenly shocked everyone who went to Nazca. They used to walk on the ground. Even if they saw some strange lines, they didn’t know what it was. They could look down on the land in the sky above 1000 meters. At this time, it was discovered that this is a giant painting spread out on the earth. The appearance of the painting is the ape! !

"You can't remember the creatures that attacked the Yale veins, as if they were painted by this painting!" Jiang Yan said.

When they traveled from Lima to the Nazca area, they learned about the veins from Osto and saw some quirks of information that they didn’t think of at all. Engraved in the forbidden land of Nasca, it can't be said to be lifelike, but looking down from the sky, the earth is a drawing board, the lines are wide, it is really incredible! !

"Look at the front!!" At this time, Nanxun found something again and shouted.

Ai Jiangtu was armed with a helicopter. He flew in the direction of Nanxun. There were many spiral patterns on the earth, and there was a straight long line, as if a fine instrument was used on the ground. Longitudinal cutting.

These spirals, straight earth lines, are composed of strange birds, even if it is just a pictogram, everyone can still be sure. That is the strange bird that attacked them before! !

The strange bird figure was laid on the ground and was slightly covered by a cloud below, but this cloud still could not cover the entire body of the strange bird. Obviously it’s bigger than the previous quirks, but it’s also magnificent...

This...this is the NASCAR giant painting? ? ?

It’s too shocking! !

Mo Fan has learned some information from the spirit. When I was able to witness the paintings of Nascar, I still had a big uproar in my heart! !

How is it done? ?

People's vision is quite limited on the ground. In any case, it is impossible to complete an accurate line that is hundreds of meters long on the ground. You must know that they have actually entered the Aijiang map before, but they have no The secrets of discovering these lines, only this time, can barely be discerned in the high altitude of several kilometers...

This kind of painting is a project that human beings cannot accomplish at all. What's more, according to the information given by Lingling, this painting actually has a long time! !

"There is a ... a spider over there!" Jiang Shaobu pointed to another direction and said to everyone.

Spider painting!

As the helicopter changes direction, the spider's paintings are vividly displayed in the broad field of vision. The spider paintings look even finer, and it feels that it will be swept from the ground.

These paintings are too large, and the majestic lines outline the mysterious mystery, which is a dangerous signal to people.

"I want to know that these things were originally painted on the ground, and they will not step into it!" Jiang Yan said with some fear.

"Yeah. How can we be so confused?"

"Weird bird painting, we were stepping into the soil of the strange bird painting at that time!" said Jiang Shaoxu.

"Mofan, how did you know this??" Ai Jiangtu turned his head. Asked.

When you arrive in the Nazca area, everyone means walking on foot, because any dangerous place is forbidden to fly. This is a basic common sense to go out into the wild. But Mo Fan means that if you go straight in with a helicopter, there will be unexpected gains.

Sure enough, walking on the ground and looking down in the air is completely two concepts. The secret of Nascar seems to prevent the human beings from being as small as gravel from the beginning. Only the giants of the gods can understand the meaning.

"It is no wonder that the locals will say that this is a place where God is forbidden. These paintings are simply the ancient giants who remain in the world. It is incredible." Nanxun was very impressed.

"So what should we do now? We are being stared by the strange birds, how can we solve this doom problem." Zhao Manyan does not care about the miracle miracle. He now only wants to quickly remove the **** fate.

"Let's go down and draw on the strange birds," Mofan said.

Then Mo Fan didn't know what to do, Ling Ling gave himself very little information, and the mysterious things that these others did not know were still known from the old man.

Mo Fan is actually quite puzzled. Isn’t the old man a hunter’s old driver in a hunting ground? Why do you know about such events abroad?

Is it difficult for this old man to have any other unidentified status before? ?


A heavy bang, the black helicopter swayed and slammed into the ground.

All the people on the plane screamed, thinking that they had been attacked when they landed. They just had to prepare to copy the guys. As a result, the driving position uploaded a low voice of Aijiang. "Sorry, my driving age is only a dozen hours. The rise and fall is not Very safe."

Ai Jiangtu is a mage, and the driving aspects of these military aircraft are really not seriously studied.

Looking at the plane half-squatting on the ground, everyone's full black line, will not open you so arrogantly to drive away the Peruvian driver, they are ordered to escort, even if it is forbidden to enter! !

"Stop a helicopter here, will you be angry with the **** of birds?" Jiang Yan asked weakly.

"It’s already offended anyway, let’s go and see what else to find,” Mofan said.

Walking in the Nascar paintings, the sun shone on the land, and the lines loomed a little brightly...

Walking in this huge painting, the lines look very dull, like the most common irrigation ditches, no one would have thought that after connecting them, it would be such a shocking sight.

"Nothing at all."

"The last time we were walking around here, we found nothing and didn't see anything. Then we were inexplicably chased by those strange birds." Jiang Shaoxu said.

"Yeah, we really don't know that this is a forbidden place, thinking that there will be any treasure, to explore some." Zhao Manyan said.

Constantly looking for in the paintings, but nothing, this makes everyone feel a little uneasy.

They only have a week in Lima. They have spent a day in Lima. It takes nearly a day to fly here. There is not much time given to them. If there is no progress, they will be in trouble!


The Nascar giant paintings are still quietly printed on this magical land, accepting the radiance of the sun and the moon, experiencing the erosion of squally winds, lightning and heavy rain... but their patterns have never been blurred.

Even in the historical records of the past, there have been similar monster disasters. Due to the constant changes in the localities, many historical documents have been lost. The Nascar incident has never had a correct answer.

In just a few days, how easy is it to solve the mystery of NASCAR?

Mo Fan and others have been sleeping here for three days, and there is still no progress.

During the period, they saw the strange paintings, the white light and the strange light. In the middle of the night, they saw the bright red light of the spider paintings. They faintly saw the hordes in the fog in the middle of the night. The spider is crawling in a fixed direction.

The incredible picture of this scene made Mo Fan and others clearly aware that this is a forbidden place that magic can't explain, and they firmly believe that they will not find out why they angered the Nasca strange birds, they will certainly suffer from it. Skatian God's punishment! !

In the chilly morning, Mo Fan awake from the tent, Jiang Yan and Nan Yan excitedly woke everyone.

"Everyone is coming to the mountains, to the mountains of Nasca, I think I know the reason!" said Nan Yan.

The crowd immediately went to the Nazca Mountain, and they could also see a stunning painting on the foothills. In the morning light, these paintings added a bit of sacredness, as if their existence was In order to guard what, the sea of ​​sang, the guardian will never stop.

And by the side of the morning light, everyone noticed that the eye position of the strange bird painting is bleak!

"You can't remember when we were painting on the ground, there is a groove in the eye position. You look now, the strange bird is painted in the morning light, all the body parts are lit, the eyes are missing, it is likely to be grooved. The eyes that originally belonged to the body part of the strange bird were stolen!" said Nan Yan.

The painting is a whole, especially in the morning light. The place where the whole painting is missing can be seen at a glance. Nanzhao’s speculation is correct.

The question is who stole the eyes of the Nasca blame bird? ? ?

“Is it our team?” said Jiang Shaoxu.

"Is it because some of them have stolen? So they are not willing to come here." Zhao Manyan said.

Nanxun shook his head and said: "Not at the time, we were in danger in the old castle. In that case, we were not willing to pay back our eyes. Then this person is joking with his own life. I think we must step into Nass. During the time when the card was banned, the eyes were stolen, and the Nasca blame bird made all the targets that had recently entered the forbidden area as targets. Have you forgotten that many cities in southwestern Peru have been attacked, many The veins are surrounded, the strange birds are chasing us, quirks, spiders, but it seems to be attacking other places...accurately, it is where the thief is."

"That is to say, the Nascar monsters do not know who stole it. They have to choose to attack people who have recently entered the market?" Jiang Yan said.

"It must be like this! Now we only need to find out the thief. All this should end. You can't remember the words engraved at the foot of the mountain. It is exactly this. It means that everything must be returned, otherwise the doom is infinite. Endless!" said Nan Yan. (To be continued.)

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