Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Chapter 125: One hundred twenty-five. traffic accident

125 traffic accidents

When I first arrived at Yan's home, Chen Weier was very shy. I originally wanted to push home, but I was moved by here and Zhao Yan’s thoughts, and I stayed here.

In fact, Chen Weier has just become my woman, and I don’t want to be separated from me so soon. But now it is in the home of Zhao Yanxi, how can she stay for a long time?

After a hard day, the three were exhausted. Zhao Yanxi has opened the bath water and is ready to take a hot bath.

"Yan Yan, let's wash it together!" I said with a smirk.

"Go to hell, you are a big satyr! Who wants to wash with you! I am going with Wei's sister." Zhao Yanyi tilted me and shouted. After that, he turned and pulled Wei Er upstairs.

I know that they must go to the second floor to take a shower. If you can get in and go with them... What a wonderful thing. But if you want to think about it, you must be turned away now. Still waiting for an opportunity to think of a way to say it.

I turned on the TV and changed a few channels, all of which were boring costume dramas. When I was alive, I hated to look at these things, ink did not say, but also white words.

When I was in junior high school, I saw this series of dramas. As a result, I read "暧昧" as a "warm taste" when I was in the exam. After I got home, I was swear by my dad. Until I worked all the time, I read a novel called "very pure and very awkward", and I really knew the pronunciation of these two words. It seems that I have to thank the author of the second generation of the fisherman!

I turned off the TV and lay on the sofa. In the quiet villa, I can only hear the sound of rustling water from the bathroom on the second floor, which makes me feel good.

I crept upstairs and went to the door of the bathroom. When I was able to get in, I found that the bathroom door was not locked! I can guess immediately, this must be deliberately left when Zhao Yanzhen entered. I can't help but smile. This girl is really a knife mouth, tofu heart.

Then, should I take off my clothes and rush in? I remember reading a joke and saying that a beautiful woman came to a man's house to bathe. As a result, there was no lock. After the man's discovery, he made a thought struggle. Finally decided to give up, because if you rush in now, he is a beast! As a result, the beautiful woman glared at the man after the shower and said: You are not even as good as the beast!

So of course I should choose to rush in, not to mention the fact that both beauty are my lover!

I quickly stripped off my clothes, pushed the bathroom door open, and rushed in...

When the first morning sun shone on me through the glass window, I opened my eyes openly. Looking at Yan Yan and Wei Er who are sleeping on both sides of my body, my heart is sweet...

It was too tired last night, I stretched out and confused.

When I woke up again, I was left alone in the house. At this moment, Zhao Yanxi came in with a pajamas and saw me sitting on the bed, so she asked, "Husband, are you awake?"

"Well, what time is it?" I asked. Yesterday, I was eager to take off my clothes and ran into the bathroom. I forgot my watch on the coffee table in the living room on the first floor.

"It’s almost eleven o'clock, big lazy pig!" Zhao Yanxiao said with a smile.

"Is it?" I rolled over and jumped out of bed and started looking for clothes. Suddenly I found Zhao Yanzhen staring straight at me, this gaze... I suddenly found out that Zhao Yanzhen was looking at my nakedness...

"What, you still want?" I asked Zhao Yanxi, asked in color.

"I want you a big ghost!" Zhao Yan said: "The rice is going to be done, wear clothes to eat!"

When I got dressed and came downstairs, I smelled a tempting dish.

"Husband, come eat soon!" Chen Weier's voice came out of the kitchen. Followed by Zhao Yanxi, he came out of the kitchen with a plate.

Unexpectedly, several seemingly ordinary dishes were made by Weier, and my appetite increased after eating a bite. It seems that in the future, Weier, the little cook, will have a good fortune in the rest of her life.

After dinner, I proposed to go out and take a turn, just try my new car. Both women agreed.

When I came to the garage, I skillfully dumped the car and stopped in front of the two. This is the oldest Jetta, or a manual file.

Looking at the "Song 000177" license plate hanging on the car, this is a typical small car, 7 or my favorite number! It is said that this brand is a leading car, and can enjoy some privileges to park or red light. However, I don't easily violate the traffic rules. I rarely do things that make life jokes.

"Hey? Husband, when did you learn to drive? How is this proficient?" Zhao Yanxi said in surprise. What I have done in this period of time, Zhao Yanxi is no longer clear, there is no time to learn the car, I heard that the driver's license is also done after the back door.

My heart said that the past lives have been open for five or six years, especially in the crowded places of Yanjing. If the technology is poor, don't even think about it.

"Oh, I used to learn a few days with the master in my dad's factory," I explained.

This reason sounds reasonable, so Zhao Yanxi is not suspicious.

In Songjiang City in 1995, there were not many cars. Although it is a provincial capital city, there are only a handful of families with private cars, which are basically the rich people in Songjiang. But most of them are like Jetta Santana, and high-end cars like Mercedes-Benz BMW are rare. Even Zhao Junsheng opened the domestic red flag.

Our car just opened the development zone, suddenly rushed from behind a white Honda car, even after I even turned to do not hit the right turn ~ ~ He thought I could let him! But I didn't mean to install b. I just didn't know that this guy had to turn right, so I still speeded up, so the Honda car was directly on my front.

My day! Laozi, this is a new car! My heart groaned, opened the door and jumped out of the car. At this time, it is not fashionable car insurance. After hitting the car, it is claiming for itself.

"Mother pulls a forced! You **** will drive!" A young man who jumped from the Honda car and smoked a cigarette, instead of talking to me, pointed at my nose and shouted.

As soon as I heard it, my heart will not hit one place at once! Fuck, you hit my car and still yell at me? When he sullenly said, "You talk and pay attention, now you hit me!"

"I hit you? You broke this Jetta, I don't want to hit me! You know what kind of car I am? Honda! Originally imported! Can you afford it?" The young man angered.

Rely on, isn't it a broken Honda? original imported? Nonsense, this time there is no extensive book, do you not import it yourself?

"My patience is limited, I hope you can do it yourself!" This person's worship of foreigners has made me uncomfortable to the extreme. If I didn't deliberately restrain my emotions, I would punch him out with a punch.

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