Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Chapter 240: Two hundred and forty. Injury

240 shots hurt people

When he said two words, he immediately felt that he had lost his word! If you export this word, it is obvious that you already know their identity! Instead of treating them as private enemies! It is impossible to use the two words to treat the enemy!

But I didn't break it anymore. I have already guessed the purpose of these people. They can't admit that there is any difference! The black man who led the head thought that I didn't hear the flaws in his words and laughed at himself.

Li Quan got the approval and immediately stood up. Some eager to start is gearing up.

"Get it!" Serena said impatiently.

After Li Quan listened, he was like a stimulus. He rushed to punch and punched Wei Wei. The speed is fierce, and it is obviously a good hand to practice hard work. If the opponent is not a small Wei, but an ordinary character, he will be beaten by this fist, it is likely to be disabled!

I can't help but frown on this person's sorrow! The whole body strength of this person is concentrated on the fist, even if I am so on, it will hurt for a long time!

Serena seems to be quite vocal about Li Quan’s behavior as a killer. He has already said that it’s just a matter of learning, and the opponent is still heavy! Xiaowei lightly flashed the fist of the big man, originally wanted to make two moves with him, so that he would not lose too ugly, but at this time Serena has not thought so, and jumped to the back of Li Quan. Because of his size, Li Quan is obviously not as flexible as Serena. He has not responded. The neck behind him has been hit hard. He hasn’t even heard anything, and he fell to the ground without a word.

The face of the black man is a bit ugly, but it is not his own. Some of his secrets, Li Quanyi, went down to death, but what is the use of the dead hand? Obviously, the strength of others is more than double that of their own. Is it going to go up and fight with other people's wheels now? Even if it is a wheel war, the family has not been so good, and one person has already fallen, and the other party has not shot yet! If you stick to the wheel battle, let alone Mr. Su blame, he certainly can't eat and walk. Then the face was a bit ugly and said: "How do you get hurt?"

"You regard us as an enemy. I have stunned him to be cheaper! If it is changed to normal, he has become disabled." Serena said.

The black man headed by "..." is a little short-lived, but he doesn't know what to say. Fortunately, at this time, I came over again and made a solution for them: "Well, Zhang Mengjun, you all stop, these two men are the bodyguards invited by the master, not the enemy."

"Yes, Wang Guanjia." After the black man who was headed, he stood respectfully.

"Mr. Liu and Mr. Du are right. I am the steward of this house. The surname is Wang. The bodyguards in the house are not clear, so that there is a misunderstanding. I hope you will forgive me!" said Wang Guanjia.

I am cold in my heart, I don’t know what to blame. Most of them are your conspiracy instructions. But the mouth said: "It doesn't matter, we are taking the liberty and hurting you."

After the Wang Guanjia listened, the expression was somewhat unnatural, but it returned to normal in an instant, but said calmly: "Please come in, let Mr. Su have been waiting in the living room."

I didn't say anything. I went inside the villa's inner door behind the Wang Guanjia. When I entered the door, I saw that Su Yuanchao was sitting on the sofa in the hall. On the computer monitor next to the coffee table, it was just the doorway. The place to fight.

"Two good martial arts, it is Su Mou took the risk." Su Yuanchao said on the sofa and smiled. Did not stand up to treat guests.

Some disgust in my heart, said faintly: "If Mr. Su does not trust us, we will withdraw the deposit."

Su Yuanchao’s face changed and said: “Mr. Liu doesn’t mind, Su is also...”

"Dad! Since you have invited people to come, you should not trust others!" During the conversation, a sweet voice came from the stairs. The owner of the sound is Su Yingzi.

Then there was the sound of going downstairs. In the twinkling of an eye, Su Yingzi appeared in the hall. Su Yingzi, who has no make-up, makes me shine. The first two times I saw the formal dress and dressed up. Now, Su Yingzi just wears a casual sportswear, and naturally puts the hair in the back. Gives a very fresh feeling.

"Oh, it’s Dad’s wrong." Su Yuanchao saw her daughter to give herself a break, said with a smile.

Du Weiwei and I were arranged in the downstairs room. Sujia was quite generous and arranged a separate room for us.

In the evening, I called Zhao Yanzhen and asked about the school.

"Is there still no news for her?" I asked for a moment of silence.

"No, that day, Ye Bobo came to Grandpa's house to find Grandpa to play chess. I tried his tone. He seems to know something about you very much. He only knows that Ye Hao suddenly decided to go to study." Zhao Yanxi sighed and said. .

"Forget it, I will see you again someday. I don't believe she will not go home forever." I said.

"Where is someone like you, you will not take the initiative to find her?" Zhao Yan asked.

"Looking for her? How to find?" I smiled bitterly. Can I go to Ye Bobo's home to ask? They are not suspicious! I have to know, but I **** their baby daughter, let them know that I am not dead!

"Oh, then see if you want to find it!" Zhao Yanxi said mysteriously.

“Do you have a way?” I asked strangely.

"Of course, don't look at your wife, who am I~, of course, as your big wife, I need to keep abreast of the movements of your little wives." Zhao Yanyi said proudly.

"Yan Yan, tell me, do you know where she is?" I asked with some excitement. After all, this time has been pressing on my mind like a big rock.

"Oh See you urgently, isn't she very important?" Zhao Yanyi said sour.

"Yes..." I just didn't feel right when I answered two words. Isn't that around me? So quickly added: "Of course, every woman of mine is very important to me, but you are the most important one."

"Hey, count you can talk." Zhao Yanyi said with satisfaction after listening: "Look at your honest share, give you a clue, tell you her mobile phone number, take notes, is 139xxxxxxx, a total of ten The number, you repeat it."

"139xxxxxxx, ok, I know." Actually, I don't need to use a pen to remember at all. My memory is amazing now. This is the result of that inexplicable ability.

"But how do you know?" I am a bit strange.

"I said to Ye Bobo, I miss Ye teacher more and want to talk to her." Zhao Yanxi smiled.

I am ashamed, this is OK! It seems that girls are easier to do.

I also said some unnutritive thoughts, I hang up the phone.

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