Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Chapter 242: Two hundred and forty two. Laughing and deducting your salary

242 laugh again and deduct your salary

"How is it so slow! It is slower than a snail." Su Yingzi said impatiently.

Rely, it is quite bad to say that. I came here with Serena for the first time, where I know where the parking lot is. When we were looking for a personal question, I suddenly saw a clean car coming from a distance, and it seemed that I was just finished working and going back to the warehouse. So Serena suggested to follow this car and definitely get to the parking lot.

So we both followed the clean car, but I didn't expect to finally follow a rockery. When the car stopped, he jumped out of the car and a man and a woman wore the clothes of the next man. When they got off the car, they hugged together and began to chaos.

I did not expect that it was a pair of people who came out to fight the field! But how does this matter explain to Su Yingzi!

Su Yingzi saw me not talking, thought that I was losing money, and continued to teach: "Hey, be careful, I will complain to you at your company."

"Miss Su, if you are not satisfied, you can dismiss me at any time." I said something unhappy. The people of my own family are not managed well, and they are still pointing fingers here.

"You..." Su Yingzi just wanted to get angry, suddenly his eyes turned, and some said awkwardly: "Get up in the morning, someone seems to call me..."

"Cough - cough -! Well, we will pay attention next time." I quickly said. I want to show my appearance in front of my grandson!

Su Yingzi is as excited as she has caught my little sister-in-law. Pointing at Ferrari: "Will you drive? You give me a driver."

"Me?" I asked myself.

"Crap, don't I talk to the air!" Su Yingzi said.

No, right? Let me have a big man to open a red Ferrari? Others don't blame me for being a little white face.

"What about him?" I looked at the Ferrari sports car in only two positions, and said helplessly.

"If you want to drive him, I don't have any opinion." Su Yingzi said with a smile.

"Brother, sorry, you run with the car." I patted Du Xiaowei's shoulder and said.

"Ah? Is it me?" Du Xiaowei looked at me incredulously.

"Yes, don't I talk to the air?" I laughed. Haha, it seems that the whole person feels really cool.

Du Xiaowei looked like an innocent look and cried. I want to refute, but my identity is there, one level bigger than his master. He can be said to have hardships.

I looked at Du Xiaowei like this and smiled. "Is the bullet next to it? Didn't Zhang Mengjun sit in it yesterday? They will follow us in a while, you squeeze with them."

Xiaowei heard that he didn't have to run, and nodded in a hurry.

"Get on the bus." Su Yingzi squinted at me and said, "Why don't you wear the clothes for you?"

"Western suit? Please! Wear it like a triad, such a conspicuous dress, let me wear it out to the streets? The rate of return is guaranteed to be 100%." ​​I said with a smile.

"That doesn't necessarily..." Su Yingzi knew that I was telling the truth, but couldn't help but argue.

"Oh, yes, there are also many people who regard me as a triad, and simply dare not look at it," I said.

"Hey! Go back and deduct your salary." Su Yingzi threatened.

I laughed twice and opened the door of the red Ferrari sports car and sat up.

"Hey, how do you do this person? Do you understand what a gentleman's demeanor is, what is a woman's priority?! I don't know if I want to open the door to the lady first!" Su Yingzi said angrily.

I helplessly reached out and pushed the front passenger's door open and said, "Come up!"

Su Yingzi was awkward and angry, and said in angrily: "Which person, what attitude. Hey! I decided, I must deduct your salary!"

"You can't get up? I don't come up, I go back." Saying, I am going to leave.

Su Yingzi snorted and slammed into the car. Close the door and still don't forget to glance at me.

It’s funny, I even raised a bar with a little girl. Since reborn, this seems to be the first time? No, there is also a Ye Hao, who always likes to lift the bar with me. Thinking of Ye Hao, my heart could not help but tremble, and the set of phone numbers that Zhao Yanzhen gave me was in my mind.

Should I call her? But before she left, she chose to leave a letter and not call me. I think she should still be unable to face me. Still wait for a while to calm down and call this phone again. I thought of it, I sighed.

"What's wrong? Angry? Is it so stingy, isn't it just about deducting your salary? Look at your appearance, sighing! Don't you?" Su Yingzi looked at me strangely.

"Nothing..." I said, "Where are you going?"

"Let's go to the commercial street." Su Yingzi thought about it.

“Commercial street? Where is it?” I first came to the city, I don’t know what the commercial street is. Although I have seen the local map before, there are many commercial streets, who knows which one she is talking about.

"Stupid death, just in the mysterious view!" Su Yingzi said.

Xuanmiao view? I know this, but it is not a scenic spot of historical sites! But I didn't ask much, I nodded and started the car.

Ferrari is indeed much better than my Jetta. It seems that I should change into a good car after I go back.

"Hey, can you drive?" Su Yingzi said slyly.

Usually used to Jetta, put on a good car and some are not used to it, the sports car is particularly fast when starting, so it is a bit difficult to master, after a few brakes, Su Yingzi immediately did not want to.

"There are so many problems!" I muttered.

"What are you talking about?" Su Yingzi pointed to her ear and immediately heard what I was talking about.

"Nothing..." I don't want to argue with her.

"Nothing is what I heard." Su Yingzi did not care.

"Nothing is nothing!" I said.

"Impossible You must say." Su Yingzi said.

"I said that you have a lot of hair, OK!" I suddenly got the idea of ​​teasing her.

"A lot of hair? What hair?" This time, Su Yingzi is inexplicable. She didn't listen very carefully just now. It seems that it seems to be this sentence.

"Ask so much!" I said.

"No, you have to say!" Su Yingzi looked at the bottom of the question.

"It's just a lot of hair underneath!" I smirked: "Is satisfied?"

"What... ah? You hate it!" Su Yingzi immediately blushes, remembering the scene in the Guobin Hotel in Songjiang City, did she see her...?

"Rogue!" Su Yingzi almost violently walked away and waved her fist to me. Just in my hand holding the steering wheel, Ferrari's steering wheel was extremely sensitive, and the car suddenly trembled, and went down the retrograde road, hitting a truck opposite.

"Ah-!" Su Yingzi screamed in horror.

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