Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Chapter 25: The box is only that big

25 boxes are only that big

Thinking a little, I have a solution in my heart. I shouted: "Driver, open the door!"

The driver who drove the car was also scared at this time. He did not expect four robbers in his car. At this time, I heard someone telling him to open the door. He couldn’t wait for the robbery to get off the bus, so he quickly opened the door.

I took Zhao Yanzhen and got out of the car. The three thief accomplices who came to me thought that I wanted to run, and I quickly followed me to get off the bus. In fact, what I want is this result.

The accomplice called out: "Don't let him run, and the brothers grab him to kill him!"

But what surprised them was that I didn't run at all after getting off the bus, but stood on a clearing on the side of the road.

"Kid, you are very familiar!" The accomplice B saw me standing still, thinking that I was afraid.

"Big brother, second brother, he and his nonsense, and quickly avenge the third brother!"

"Yes, go up to him!" The other two listened to me immediately.

I pushed Zhao Yanxi down, and it was easy to flash a few people's attacks and ran to them.

Without waiting for a few people to react, I quickly slashed the back neck of several people, and several thieves screamed down on the ground.

"Remember a word, many lines of injustice will be self-sufficient. Don't let me see you again!" When I left, I dropped a word.

"Ah!" The people in the car reacted at this time, flocking around a few thieves, and several people still took out the big brother, they want to touch the light of this courage.

I took Zhao Yanxi and quickly left the crowd and disappeared into the street. I don't want to wait for the police to come. Although I am brave, I will delay a lot of time when I record the confession, and Zhao Yanxi and I will be late soon. I believe that the timid passengers will definitely say that the confession is quite perfect, of course, they will put gold on their own faces.

Although we were slow to catch up, we arrived late at the Children’s Palace.

Xu Laotou saw us both, and did not say anything. What can he say? He also points to our two achievements.

Xu Laotou handed me a copy of the disk of 2.0 and went back to give lectures to other students.

"Liu Lei, would you program?" Zhao Yanxi saw me install, strangely asked.

"It will be a little bit." I said.

"Do you have a computer at home?" Zhao Yanxi is puzzled. The mysterious things of computers are not easily accessible to ordinary people.

"No." I shook my head. Of course, my family is gone. If I have to come here, why?

"Then you have studied computers before?" Zhao Yanxi asked some incredulously.

"No." I don't lie to her because I have never learned a computer in this world.

"Oh." Zhao Yanzhen thought I didn't want to say, unhappy, bowed his head.

Ugh! I sighed and said to Zhao Yanxi: "Yan Yan, I don't want to say something, but I don't know what to say. But one thing is certain, that is, my love for you is true."

"Yeah." Zhao Yanyin blushes with a sigh of relief. After a while, he said to me: "It doesn't matter, Liu Lei. I believe in you."

I patted her little face and started to do my thing.

My previous strengths were c# and c++, but both languages ​​were developed based on the c language, so I am now comfortable with c, which is a bit cumbersome.

Fortunately, the engineering of an input method is not very big. I believe that I can complete and improve it in one day.

Huh, I took a breath and finally finished. I started excitedly and started preparing to debug my input method. This input method is not difficult to say, but the most important thing is to implement the plug-in in wps. Although I already have the idea of ​​developing a set of office software myself, but this product is currently ready to sell for money, so can it be in wps Stable use is the key to the success of this product.

I looked at it and used it without any problems. It can be a perfect input of Chinese characters, but when I run wps, the computer freezes.

What happened? I restarted the computer, started, run the input method, open wps, or crash.

impossible? How can it crash? If it is not compatible, it is very likely, but why is it crashing? I could not understand.

Forget it, take a break and talk about it later. I stretched out and looked up, and I found out that the entire computer room was empty, leaving me alone.

Zhao Yanxi? I saw that the seat around me was empty. I didn't know when she left. Just thinking about it, Zhao Yanxi came back from the door with two small plastic pockets.

"Are you finished? I bought two boxes of lunch, and I ate it first." Zhao Yanzhen came over and handed me the meal.

I took it over and saw that it was a box of rice and a box of dishes. I asked strangely: "How is this dish so much?" Last time Zhao Yanxi gave me only half a box of lunch at the school, I didn't have enough food.

"Dish is free to take it by yourself." Zhao Yanxi explained.

"Oh, why don't you take more time?" I asked casually.

"I thought about it, but the box is so big. If you take more than one, you can't fit it!" Zhao Yanyi opened the box and ate it first.

If you take more than one, you can't fit it! A thought flashed through my mind, right, that's it! The capacity of the box is limited, and the memory of the computer is the same. At this time, the computer memory is mostly 8m. I didn't notice this when I wrote the input method. I have inherited the programming experience of my previous life in the m soft company - taking up a lot of memory to ensure the stability of the program. This is the reason why the computer crashed after I ran so many programs.

I thought of it I was so excited that I took Yan Xiao’s little face and kissed him up.

"I hate it! People eat, what do you want to do!" Zhao Yanzhen struggled with dissatisfaction.

"Nothing, my wife! I am so happy!" I picked up the lunch and ate it. Now that I found the problem, I will be able to do it. I believe that the afternoon is perfect.

My input method was finally fully debugged at 7:00 pm that day, achieving a good memory resident, and it was easy to call out via hotkey under wps.

In the meantime, Zhao Yanzhen has been silently accompanying me, and does not ask, occasionally playing a small game of fingering. When Zhao Yanxi heard that I was very happy and yelled "Successful", I was very happy to kiss me, although she did not know what I was doing from beginning to end.

I feel happy that I can have a woman like Zhao Yanxi after being born again. Many times, no matter what I do, she does not understand, she will support me silently.

Zhao Yanxi originally planned to go out with me in the afternoon. In the morning, he excused himself and said that he would prepare for the competition in the Children's Palace in the afternoon. I didn't expect that I didn't make anything for this delay. Although Zhao Yanxi did not say anything on the surface, I still felt her regret with a little regret when I sent her home.

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