Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Chapter 267: Two hundred and sixty-seven. Hold the grandson earlier

267, morning, grandson

"Okay," said Zhao Junsheng. Zhao Junsheng’s proposal to me has always been resolutely implemented without any objection.

"You can pick up the phone!" I said to Su Yuanchao. At this moment, although the Soviet aid group did not know who I was calling, my tone has already made him stunned!

Although Su Yuanchao was puzzled, he still picked up the phone: "Hey, hello, I am Su Yuanchao, the chairman of the Su Shi Group!" Su Yuanchao humbly self-reported the door, and he could judge by the feeling that the other party Definitely the industry is big!

"Hello, I am Zhao Junsheng of the Shuguang Group!" Zhao Junsheng said: "I will find the following people about the investment plan, and I will pass it on for you in a while!"

Zhao Junsheng opened a door to introduce a self-introduction that did not scare Su Yuanchao to heart disease! The president of Shuguang Group actually said that he would invest in Su Shi! Su Yuanchao instantly stayed away. He did not believe that this person actually had such a large amount of energy. He could order the president of Shuguang Group to invest in another company for one hundred yuan... or US dollars!

Until Zhao Junsheng “fed” several times on the phone, Su Yuanchao was relieved from the shock. Some of them were flattered and said: “President Zhao, I am very honored that you can look at our group! Thank you for your favor!”

"I didn't look at your group, let alone the favor. The information I have for your group is still zero. I am also doing things for others, so you don't have to thank me!" Zhao Junsheng is also an old fox. I don't know where I am. Sending people, so simply said directly.

"Ah?" Su Yuanchao glimpsed, did not expect people to be so straightforward, but immediately relieved, the president Zhao is originally a nb character, can talk to himself already has a face! However, Su Yuanchao immediately thought of a more serious problem. Zhao Junsheng actually said that he also did things for others! What is the identity of the young man sitting in front of him now? However, I found that this young man has been pleasing to the eye, and even thought he became his son-in-law.

"Mr. Liu, your relationship with the Shuguang Group..." Su Yuanchao asked cautiously, and there was no such arrogant momentum. The name for me changed from "smelly boy" to "Mr. Liu". .

"You want to know, I might as well tell you, the Shuguang Group is what I opened! Zhao Junsheng is also one of my old men. His daughter is my big wife. If you feel that Xiaozi follows my grievances, you can come up!" I am lazy Said on the sofa.

Although Su Yuanchao also thought that my identity is not simple, but did not think that it is so simple! Today, his shock is the most in his life. Listening to me, I can’t help but regret it. I almost offended the **** of wealth!

"No grievances, what is wronged, it is my family's small posture!" Su Yuanchao is a businessman, and the reaction is extremely fast, immediately said: "I am also a man, this I understand, understand! Especially we do this big thing The men of the children, who are not three or seven, even a few outside me!"

I rely on! This kind of words can be said, I am really convinced!

"Well, my identity, you know it, I don't want other people to know! If you let me find out that you have leaked my identity, you have to think about it! I have the ability to make your group fall into crisis again!" "I warned.

"Mr. Liu, don't worry! I won't say it, including Xiaozi, I won't tell her! Right, Xiaozi just said that it is really true. You see that I am also old, I really hope to go early. Children hold their grandchildren, if you haven't, you have to hurry!" Su Yuan said with a flattering look.

I really have nothing to say! This kind of father is the best!

"My own things don't have to worry about you!" I said coldly.

"Yes, yes, your young people still have their own ideas!" Su Yuanchao saw that I was not happy, and immediately stopped.

Su Yingzi is really in the hall for a long time. She is nervous and can't do it. She doesn't know how Liu Lei and her father talked about it. If it really collapses, how can he choose?

After a while, Su Yingzi heard the sound of going downstairs. When she turned her head and looked at it, it was a glimpse!

I am going downstairs with Su Yuanchao at the moment. Although the plan has not yet arrived, but 100 million US dollars has directly hit the account of the Su Shi Group, Su Yuanchao did not mention how excited! Looking at the baby nuns of this best nb that my daughter found, it is really more and more happy! It seems that I was really dazzled, such a great young man, he just wanted to leave him to leave Xiaozi!

Of course, although I don't really like Su Yuanchao, in the face of Xiaozi, I have to make a gesture. It seems that I and Su Yuanchao seem to be very friendly.

Su Yingzi saw that the two of us were talking and laughing, and the boulder in my heart finally landed. Knowing that the two of them must have been settled, so they ran over and took their father and said, "Dad! Do you agree?"

"Agree, agree! How can I disagree!" Su Yuanchao said in a big way, forgetting and not knowing who was just strongly opposed.

"Liu Lei, what did you say to my dad, how is he so happy?" Su Yuanchao is strange, even if his father agrees, will not be so happy? I have to laugh at my mouth.

My heart said nonsense, Laozi gave him 100 million dollars plus a magnetron production line, the fool is not happy! However, the mouth said: "Xiaozi, Su’s uncle listened to my deeds and felt that I am very promising, so I will give you to me!” Of course, I have a future, and it is a “money” way.

Su Yingzi screamed, apparently did not believe what I said, but could not think of any better reason, so I returned to a "waiting you later" look.

After everything was done, it was time to deal with the family. My parents called me to urge me several times and told me to go back quickly. No way, here and Su Yingzi's father and daughter said goodbye. I talked with Su Yingzi once, this Nizi intends not to leave the entertainment circle first, but I did not strongly ask her to quit. After all, there must be a process for everything. However, she promised that I would handle the matter as soon as possible and find a suitable opportunity to launch the show business.

Similarly, I also talked with Su Yuanchao once and instructed him to destroy the Feifan Group as soon as possible. If you need funds, you can contact me at any time. Su Yuanchao was full of promises. This guy had long seen Li’s Feifan Group not pleasing to the eye. It’s hard to have such a nb opportunity to kill them. Su Yuanchao naturally wants to.

Nowadays, after a few days of restructuring, Su Shi has already hardened a lot in the industry. The Shuguang Group has given the magnetron production line free of charge to Su Shi, which is enough for the news media to speculate for a while. Needless to say that $100 million in capital injection!

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