Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Chapter 278: Two hundred seventy eight. Nowhere to go

278 no way

The people who checked the accounts here have not yet settled. The people at the police station there have come. I don’t know where to turn out the case papers, saying that the fish rafts are suspected of violent demolition and illegal operation!

When the fish scorpion looked at the case file, some of them were crying and laughing. It was actually a file of five years ago! Moreover, it was indeed the work of the company. At that time, the fish was contracted to a relocation project. Among them, there were several nail households. The fishing rod had to take a tough approach, and even the threat of intimidation made these people. This is not a big deal, but it is not too small! It is reasonable to say that five years ago, there are still people who will pursue it, but the legal validity period has not yet passed, indicating that the case is still in the validity period!

Just when the fishing rod was too busy, the people of the Discipline Inspection Commission and the Procuratorate came again, saying that he was involved in the economic crime of Liu Sho, the former Minister of Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, suspected of huge bribes! As soon as the fish licked, I really sent 100,000 yuan to the Liu Sho!

The fishing rod felt that he was going crazy. The company gave the Trade and Industry Bureau a seal, and the account was sealed by the tax bureau. He was also told not to leave Songjiang City.

When the fishing rods have nowhere to go, the trouble is coming again! The original mistress of the fishing rod came to the door and told the fisherman to **** her! The fish cockroaches are completely helpless this time. So many unfortunate things happen together. If you are stupid, you can also understand that you are offending people!

No way, the fish is afraid that there will be any indiscriminate things coming to the door in the future. I will pack my luggage overnight and bring valuable things to run. The company’s money can’t be taken out. It seems that he’s been a white struggle for most of his life.

But the fishing rod ignored a little, and the people of Sanshi Gang waited for him to run!

The fishing rod did not dare to make a plane, and did not dare to go to the train station to buy tickets. So I found a trafficker who sold the yellow cattle ticket near the train station, gave him five hundred dollars, and bought a ticket to the city of y.

Illegal organizations such as ticket sellers everywhere will definitely have more or less contact with local gangs! This is inevitable. No one is covering you. Can you sell tickets here? This is a big fat, if no one is covering it, it has already come to grab the site!

The railway station in Songjiang City is no exception. The scalper ticket sellers here are basically the outer members of the Sanshibang. What is the Sanshibang? The biggest black power gang in Songjiang, other small gangs, unless they don't want to live, or no one dares to move on the ages.

In the past two days, the Three Stones received the above message. They wanted to catch a man named Yu Yu, and watched this person run. This ox bull dealer has a portrait of a fish!

When the scalper trafficker sees the fishing rod, he must be crazy! Is this simply giving yourself a chance! This fishing rod is said to be the person that Guo Laoda personally wants. If he catches him, it is not a great achievement! Don't say rewards, even the upper position is possible!

The scalper trafficker seems to have seen the future waving to himself, but the surface has not been revealed too much, just telling the fish, the ticket to the city of y for two days is quite tight, has sold out, let him follow himself, to see other There are no tickets in the hands of the ticket seller.

The fishing rod is also doing business. Knowing that this guy is leading himself to buy a ticket is undoubtedly wanting to split some profits out of the middle, but the fishing rod is not broken. He does not care about this money. He can have an insider to help him find Tickets are much easier to find than himself.

However, the fish scorpion soon found that something was wrong, and the scalper trafficker took him into a small alley with him.

"What are you doing with me here?" the fisherman asked alertly.

"Of course, I am going to find you a ticket. Our old nest naturally needs to find a hidden place. Otherwise, the police are not very easy to find the door?" The cattle dealer explained.

After the fish scorpion listened, it also made sense. He did not suspect him and followed up.

There are no two steps left, and the fishing rod feels wrong! This alley is obviously an abandoned construction site! When he was born in real estate, he immediately thought of it. The land next to the train station was originally a bungalow. Now it has been demolished, and some of it is demolished by its own company! There isn't even a complete house here. How can someone live? Even if the ticket sellers are to avoid the police tracking, they will not live in an open-air house.

Just thinking about it, a few people suddenly appeared behind the fishing rod, and the fisherman cried in horror: "You guys... what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Are you still unclear?" The cattle dealer turned back and said.

"Do you not ask for money? I... I will give you!" Although the fish is usually very horizontal, but now it is a very special period, the fish don't want to make extra money, and want to quickly send these people to escape.

"Money? We don't want money!" The cattle dealer said: "Brothers, tie him back! A few of his buddies have made great achievements!"

Since the beginning of the first sight of the yak dealer, I know that my chance to fly this time is here! I immediately called my brother, and of course I said the usual idioms. The fisherman thought that he was the source of the ticket, and there was no doubt.

After the previous scene, the fishing rod was pushed by a few people and pushed onto a Songhua River mini, and went straight to the headquarters of the Sanshibang.

The cattle dealer is the three monkeys Ding Bao Sanyi, although it is the periphery, but it can also be contacted. Ding Bao Sanyi listened to his own hand to catch the fish, and immediately happy enough! Others don't know, but he Ding Baosan, as a veteran of the Three Stones, can't possibly know, this time to catch the fishing rod, but the highest instruction in the gang! What is the highest indication? That is the command of the boss of the boss! This is a big thing to put gold on his face. Three stone people help so many people, but his Ding Baosan’s men have caught the fish!

At the headquarters of The fish cockroaches scared the air and didn't dare to breathe. Looking at the big men who were so fierce in front of them, the fish cockroaches almost didn't pee!

Yuyu knows that he has been arrested by the underworld. Usually, he is a gangster-like company, but it is a small fight. It is simply the style of the mantle. Now I see the plot in the movie. Can you not be afraid?

"Big Brother... You catch me... What's the matter?" the fisherman asked cautiously.

Ding Baosan looked at the appearance of this fishing rod and came to the air. He went up to two flying rafts and said, "Mom, how is the head of this kid look like this?"

Where do you dare to resist the fish! I screamed hard: "I like, no, I am, boss, you will spare me!"

"Is you spared? You still don't know if you made a mistake yourself?" Ding Baosan went up again, but this foot began to work hard, and suddenly the half of the fish's face became a girl.

The fish is also wondering, is this too back? How do the underworld people find themselves again? Haven't you offended the characters in the underworld?

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