42 big brother?

"I--that, thank you just now." The little girl was called by me to slow down.

"Oh, actually, I am also a rogue, that is, I temporarily changed my mind." I said.

"Oh, I know that you are a good person." Little beauty looked at me gratefully.

I looked at her with her eyes, and I immediately trembled and hurry to look elsewhere. The eyes of this little girl are really hooked. Just look at it, I have some physiological impulses, and I wonder that so many bad guys have such bad thoughts about her.

"What are you running out so late? You don't know a lot of bad guys in this year?" I taught her. I don't know what her aunt is doing. Anyway, if I have such a flowery daughter, I would never dare to let her go out in the middle of the night.

"I - I went out for the first time, and I got lost when I got off the bus." Xiaomei said with embarrassment.

"Oh, this way. Then you will tell me the phone number of your family, I will contact you for help." The courage is a visitor from a foreign country, I will play a good citizen image of Songjiang City.

"I - I don't have a home!" The little girl bit her lip and said reluctantly.

"No home? Are you an orphan?" I asked strangely. I really don't believe that this little girl can still live to the present, and it is not long before she is given the first **** and then kills.

"My mom and dad don't want me anymore!" The little girl said it here, her voice was sobbing.

Hey! I sighed. It turned out to be a child abandoned by his parents. I really don't know what his aunt thinks. This kind of daughter is sold in a remote mountainous area. It is also a high price! No, what? How can I think so, I am a good citizen.

So I said, "Little sister, what are you going to do in the future? Or will I take you to the police station?"

It seems that this little girl is bigger than I am, but no matter who, let me be the hero of beauty. I can't always tell her: Big sister. That's no face. Let me say that I am so tall and tall, as long as I don't say, who knows that I am 16?

"Big brother (surely, you can't take it off), don't send me to the police station, so they have to send me back to Mom and Dad!" Little girl pulled my sleeve and spoke.

Oh, I can’t stand it. This voice is simply a little fox. But listening to her, it seems that her aunt does not want her?

"Actually, it is actually my own departure from home!" Little beauty saw my doubts and finally said the truth.

"Hey, I said little sister. This is what you are wrong with, you think about it, you are leaving home, your mom and dad are anxious? Or listen to the big brother, let's go to the police station!" If a beautiful flower is sent back to the greenhouse as soon as possible, it will be difficult to prevent accidents.

"I beg you, big brother. Don't send me back! I don't want to go back to that house! Mom and Dad don't love me at all. They only care about their entertainment every day, they don't care about me. They - anyway, I I don't want to go back! Big brother, I really have enough!" The little girl said, and the eyes were wet. The tears slammed down and fell out of control.

I quickly flipped through my pocket for a long time and pulled out a handkerchief to gently wipe her tears from her face. Hey. This is what Zhao Yanzhen gave me, I actually took it to another girl to wipe the tears.

"Okay, don't cry. I won't send you to the police station!" I comforted the little girl, I don't think she was so young and had so many thoughts. Didn't I have a rebellious mentality when I was with her?

“Really?” asked the little girl happily.

"Of course it is true. Big brother never lie." I said awkwardly. I thought that the best thing for Laozi is to deceive people.

"Big brother is so good!" The little girl immediately broke into laughter after listening. Suddenly turned around, the little mouth gently kissed me on my face.

My first reaction is that it is not good! What is wrong with this? My poor face, this time must be covered with nose and tears!

"Well, I promise you not to send you to the police station, you can go. I want to go home." It’s almost ten o'clock, and I think I won’t go back to my mom.

"Ah? Big brother, have you throw me here?" said the little girl with a small mouth.

"That's not how? Send you to the police station and you won't go!" I have to go quickly, and I won't go back to my mother. I should go to the police station.

"What do I do when I meet a bad guy again?" The little girl looked confused and looked at me helplessly.

"-" can't stand it, come here again. Looking at her like this, I reacted again.

"Then you said what do you want to do?" I said helplessly.

"I want to follow my big brother, so that my big brother can protect me!" The little girl squinted her eyes and looked at her.

God! Sure enough, she was premeditated, and finally wandered me around for a long time. Take her home, I am naturally happy. Such a little girl, taking home and looking at it is comfortable. But what about my dad and my mom? Could it be that they said that this person was picked up on the avenue?

The little girl’s family saw my face in the dark and uncertain, a very embarrassing look, and said pitifully: "If you have a big brother, then forget it, let me live in this wilderness."

——Although I know that this little girl is here, what is the wilderness, this is the urban area! Still self-destructive? It’s possible to kill yourself. Can you give me a look? But I still couldn't help but feel pity. I sighed and said, "Well, I will take you back. But let's say it, just this one, after this night~www.readwn.com~ I will Help you find another place to live."

The little girl once again cheered me and kissed me. Why is she so willing to kiss others? Didn't she learn that men and women don't give up?

I stopped a taxi and let the little girl go up first. I told the driver the address of my home. Well, I am also a billionaire, and occasionally I have to play a few times.

I am back home, my mom, my dad is standing in the living room, glaring at me, just about to attack, suddenly found that there is more than one person behind me.

"Uncle and aunt are good!" said the little girl with a sweet mouth.

"Who is this?" My mom looked at me strangely.

I just wanted to explain that Xiaomei first talked: "Auntie, my parents don't want me. I was bullied by others on the road. Fortunately, my big brother saved me. Auntie, I am homeless now, you will take me. ""

When the little girl opened her mouth, I looked at her with a stunned look. Some of them couldn’t speak, is this too? Is it familiar? This is my home, I didn't talk, but she spoke first.

Do you dare to live in my house?

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