Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Chapter 8: First intimate contact

8 first intimate contact ()

After class, Guo Qing turned his head: "Boss, you are not really strong! In the morning, I slammed the class teacher, and I went to sleep in the math class in the afternoon. I didn't expect to ask you to do the whole question on the blackboard. You are a superman." ?"

Zhao Yanxi said after listening: "Cut, who knows if he is blind."

Immediately after I heard it, I said, "Meng, Meng, luck is good." Then I went to sleep on the table. I thought about making money last night. I thought about it in the middle of the night. Today I was stunned again, and my sleepy eyelids were fighting. .

"Hey, why are you sleeping again? Who is it!" Zhao Yanxi whispered.

Just as I slept soundly, a book was heavily placed on my head, and an angry but extremely moving voice came to my ear: "Liu Lei, you stand up for me!"

I opened my eyes and watched the beauty in front of me: "Big sister, you let me sleep for a while!"

"Boom", everyone laughed.

I licked my sleepy eyes and found that my class teacher, Ye Hao, stood next to me. I immediately woke up a lot and stood up from the seat. "Teacher is good!" I said hello to her mechanically.

Ye Hao looked at me with anger: "Liu Lei, you are so courageous! Sleep in class, according to others and me, you are sleeping in the last math class! This is only a few days after school, you will be scattered. In this way, after school, you will stay and come to my office."

After I sat down, I found that Liu Kesheng was sneering at my thief. Damn, I thought, I dared to sue me behind me.

Ye Hao walked back to the podium and said to us: "This is an English class. Please open the book and turn to the first lesson!"

I was slouched and threw the English book out of the table and threw it on the table. When I was at the university, I passed the English level 6. Now I am told to learn these simple English conversations.

After reading the text over and over again with other people, my spirit is almost about to collapse. Fortunately, when I was near the edge of my collapse, the bell rang, and Ye Hao put down the book and said to us: "After school, the value of the day is left to sweep. Liu Lei, you come to the office with me!"

I boringly closed the English book and stood up. Guo Qing turned to me and said, "Boss, you are careful!"

I gave him a smile that didn't matter.

I followed Ye Hao on the fourth floor and went to the innermost teacher's office. Ye Hao took out the key and opened the door, let me go in first. After Ye Hao pulled out the key and locked the door.

This office is for two of us, a single man and a woman. She just locked the door, did she suggest something to me? Should I rush to immediately pull off her clothes and do something?

Just as I was thinking about it, Ye Hao went to her desk and slammed the lesson plan on the table: "Talk about it, Liu Lei, what the **** is going on?"

I am still thinking about it in my mind, and what excites me even more is that the angle I am standing at now can just see the looming whiteness of Ye Hao in half through her neckline...

Ye Hao did not notice my expression and continued to say: "Liu Lei, I just thought of you when I first reported it. I wanted to arrange for you to be a class representative, but you are too disappointed! ”

Ye Hao stood up, facing me face-to-face, and I was only a punch away. I could even smell the scent of her body.

This should not be the smell of perfume, but a girl’s own body fragrance...

However, Ye Hao did not notice that she was standing in front of a pervert who was about to invade her appearance in the appearance of a child. She was still educating me: "I know that your junior high school is very poor, and your grades are also good. Very bad, but you can't give up on it because of this. Since you came to the fourth, you should regard it as a new beginning in your life. If I don't say more about you, go back and think about it!"

Hey! I finally got rid of it, Ye Hao, Ye Hao, you don't know how painful I was? You are so close to me... Is this not making me sin...

I didn't dare to stay any longer, and immediately turned and walked out of the office. Just when I was about to go out, Ye Hao stopped me again: "Liu Lei, can you understand the English class today?"

I don't want to stay any longer, and I don't want to let go.

"If you can understand, there are more things to memorize in English. Liu Lei, use more snacks. Don't let the teacher down!" said Ye Hao.

I nodded out of the office. At this time, I felt that Ye Hao was actually very considerate for the students. How did I hate her so much in my previous life?

Back in the classroom, I found that all the people were gone. I packed my bags and left the school.

When I walked to the school gate, unexpectedly found out, Guo Qing actually stood there waiting for me, my heart could not help but feel moved.

"How have you not gone yet?" I asked.

"Boss, I am not waiting for you! How, Ye teacher is not embarrassing you?" Guo Qing asked.

"No," I shook my head. "Ye teacher is actually quite good."

Guo Qing also said strangely after listening: "Is it?" Guo Qing was very puzzled. I was called by Ye Hao to train a meal. It was incredible to say good things to her.

I am not far from Guo Qingjia, so we both took the same road and went back. In the car, I asked Guo Qing: "Are you free on Saturday and Sunday?"

"Nothing, what happened?" Guo Qing asked.

"I reported a Sanda class, can't you go?" I said.

"Sanshou? It seems very interesting, I will go back and discuss with my dad." Guo Qing said.

I am afraid that Guo Qing’s father did not agree, and he gave me the set of words that I told my dad.

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