Veteran new police officer

Chapter 113 It’s like a lifetime ago

At nine o'clock in the morning, Lirui Port.

Zhao Susu, instructor of the Entry-Exit Management Brigade of Linghai Branch, and policeman Wang Xiaohui, with the permission of the leaders of the Lirui Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station, took a group photo with "Chen Hong" in front of the country gate.

Ma Lulu Ban liked the name that Feng Tailin helped her choose. She said several times along the way that she would use this name when she arrived at Mr. Zhou's branch, and she would also use this name when she returned to China in the future. That poor Ma Lulu Ban had become a thing of the past.

Zhao Susu was very supportive. Not only did she call her "Chen Hong" along the way, but she also had a good chat. They even left each other's mobile phone numbers and added WeChat messages to each other, and they will keep in touch in the future.

Going further is Myanmar. Manager Tang, whom Mr. Zhou arranged to pick up Chen Hong, has already arrived.

After spending several days together, Zhao Susu was really reluctant to let her go. After Xiao Xu, the auxiliary police officer who was also participating in the deportation, took the photo, he took Chen Hong's hand and said, "We can only send her here. Don't worry, kid, we will I often go and look at it for you.”

"It's okay. You can go back. With Tai Lin here, I have nothing to worry about, my child."

"You go first, I want to watch you pass."

"Okay, see you, Sister Zhao, see you, Officer Wang."

"Goodbye, take care."

The repatriation mission may seem difficult to others, but in fact the mission was completed very smoothly. Chen Hong was very cooperative along the way and there was almost nothing to worry about.

Seeing her carrying a backpack and dragging a large suitcase towards the opposite side, Wang Xiaohui couldn't help but think of her husband and son who were far away in Linghai. Her heart felt sour and tears burst into her eyes.

Zhao Susu felt uncomfortable in her heart and kept waving, not only wanting to say goodbye to Chen Hong, but also wanting to say hello to Manager Tang who was waiting opposite.

The police at the border inspection station brought Chen Hong to two Myanmar military police, raised her arms, saluted, and said a few words.

The Myanmar military police looked at Zhao Susu and others and motioned for Chen Hong to come over.

I don’t know how many “three non-personnel” are repatriated every year. It’s that simple to deport “Chen Hong”.

Zhao Susu watched Chen Hong get into Manager Tang's car from afar, and turned around and said, "The mission is completed, it's time for us to go back."

Wang Xiaohui took out a tissue, wiped her tears and asked, "Sister, when will she come back?"

"It will take three years at the earliest, but her husband can bring his children to visit her. It is very convenient for us Chinese to go there."

"It's all for the sake of the children..."

"Who made our basic education in Linghai so good? Let's not talk about it. Go back quickly. Staying here will affect the work of the checkpoint."

Although she had spoken with Mr. Zhou and Manager Tang several times on the phone before, Chen Hong was still very nervous when she returned to Myanmar, where she had been away for many years, and saw Manager Tang who only talked on the phone.

Manager Tang not only served as a soldier, but also worked under Political Commissar Ding. He handed her a bottle of mineral water:

"I'll call you Chen Hong too. Don't be afraid. When you get to the factory later, you'll feel like you're at home."

"Thank you, Manager Tang."

"You're welcome. We rely on friends when we go out. We should help each other."

Manager Tang smiled and got down to business: "Mr. Zhou has already agreed with my friends here that after you settle down, let me arrange a time to take you to apply for your ID card and passport."

This is a top priority!

Chen Hong calmed down and said eagerly: "Manager Tang, how much does it cost to apply for the certificate? I brought 20,000 yuan. If it is not enough, I will ask Tai Lin to transfer it to you."

"You don't need that much. Mr. Zhou asked, and my friends here were also very helpful. They said that after getting all the ID cards and passports, 10,000 yuan should be enough."

Manager Tang knew that she missed her husband and children very much. He knew that it would be difficult for her to return to Binjiang to reunite with her husband and children in a short period of time due to illegal immigration. He also knew that she would not let her husband come over because of the children. He felt that she should arrange something for her to do, otherwise she would be idle. It's easy to have random thoughts.

He took out his mobile phone and searched for the company's website, and held it up to her: "Xiao Chen, we are a sugar company, specializing in the production of white sugar. This is the office building of our company headquarters, and this is the factory here. It was just completed and put into operation last year, and it’s not far from your hometown.”

"The factory is so big..."

"Tens of millions have been invested."

Manager Tang looked through the photos on the website and said with a smile: "Our design output is very high, but the output after production is not high. It is not a lack of workers or equipment, but a lack of raw materials, that is, a lack of sugar cane. "

Chen Hong asked timidly: "What should we do?"

"We came here for inspection before investing, and the SAR government also signed an agreement with us to promote sugarcane planting. But you know the situation here. Just relying on the SAR government's help in promotion is not enough. If you want to expand the sugarcane area and expand the planting scale, you only need to If we can rely on ourselves, are you willing to do the work of promoting planting and purchasing?"

"Manager Tang, I didn't go to school much, I..."

"It doesn't matter if you haven't gone to school much. This is not a job that requires a high degree of education. It is about communicating with local people and mobilizing them to plant sugar cane. We are not asking you to talk in vain. We will provide sugar cane seedlings, pesticides, fertilizers and technical guidance, etc. The sugarcane will be sold to us when it matures."

Chen Hong can only do farm work and chores. If she doesn't do these, she really didn't dare to nod her head.

Manager Tang had several phone calls with Zhao Susu to understand her situation and knew that she lacked self-confidence, so he said in a persuasive way:

"It's not as difficult as you think. The main thing is to deal with local farmers. You are a local, so it is easier to communicate than us. And as long as they are willing to plant, as long as they accept the guidance of our technicians, the benefits of growing sugar cane will not be higher than growing secretly. Few poppies.”

Thinking that growing poppies was not very profitable and could also harm people, Chen Hong quickly said: "Okay, I can try it first..."

"Then let's settle it. Also, the wages may not be as high as those in Binjiang. There are so many workers in the factory and they have to level a bowl of water, so at this stage we can only give you one thousand a month. What I said It’s RMB.”

"The salary doesn't matter, as long as you have a place to live."

"There is a place to live, just in the factory. The conditions of the dormitory are not bad. You don't have to worry about food. There is a canteen in the factory, and I usually eat in the canteen."

The off-road vehicle drove along the bumpy road for nearly two and a half hours and finally arrived at the factory built at the foot of a mountain.

Returning to her long-lost hometown, listening to the familiar local accent, Chen Hong felt as if she was a world away.

She had just gotten out of the car and was about to pick up her luggage when she saw two security guards dragging a short, thin, middle-aged man out of the factory and driving the man out of the factory, cursing all the way.

Manager Tang was not surprised. He waited for the driver to open the suitcase, raised his arm and pointed to a row of two-story buildings not far away:

"Xiao Chen, you live in the westmost room on the second floor. I have asked someone to clean it for you. It has a bed, a bedding, a desk, and you can access the Internet."

Thinking that the man was driven away by security because he took drugs in the factory, Chen Hong finally realized where she had returned and couldn't help but ask:

"Manager Tang, are there still as many fans as before?"

“Fewer people are doing powder, and more people are doing methamphetamine and ephedrine.”

Manager Tang sighed softly, turned around and pointed outside the factory: "They are sold in small shops outside. They cost a few yuan for a packet, which is easier than buying cigarettes or candy. In the surrounding woods, you can see a shack after just a few steps. It was drug addicts. They had no place to go, and there were many places where smoking was prohibited, so they hid in the woods and smoked, and no one even knew they died in the woods."

"I thought no one was smoking anymore."

"You are used to staying in Binjiang. It is the most economically developed and safe place in the country. But this is not Binjiang. There are some things you should pay attention to in the future. It is best not to go out alone, let alone lend money to others casually."

"I know, thank you, Manager Tang."

Just when Chen Hong settled down in Mr. Zhou's factory and went downstairs to the cafeteria to eat her first meal after returning to Myanmar, Han Xin opened her email at the reminder of Lan Doudou and saw the message Zhao Susu, the instructor of the immigration brigade, forwarded to Lan Doudou. Dou, Lan Doudou forwarded several photos to him.

Lan Doudou held up the police officer and said with a smile: "See, Ma Lulu's class is pretty good. You can rest assured now."

With the help of Principal Ding's old comrades, Han Xin really has nothing to worry about. He is more interested in the pretty young lady in the photo than what will happen after Ma Lulu's class returns to Myanmar.

"Master, who is this young lady who is sending Ma Lulu's class back with Teacher Zhao?"

"Why are you asking this?"

Han Xin smiled and said, "I'm just curious."

Lan Doudou did not expect that the "evil disciple" would actually ask about Wang Xiaohui, who had a crush on Yu Wenqiang, and said unhappily: "You can be curious about anyone, but there is no need to be curious about her. She already has a husband, and her son is one year older than my Xiaoyu." age!"

"She is also from the immigration brigade?"

"What have you been thinking about all day? Do you want to ask a beautiful woman when you see her? What evil have I done to accept a disciple like you..."

Han Xin felt the strong jealousy and said quickly: "Master, she is not as good-looking as you. Let me see how much powder she has put on. Her face and neck are not the same color."

"Really? Let me take a look."

Lan Doudou tilted her head and held the police pass between her legs. She picked up her phone and clicked on the photo forwarded by Zhao Susu. She enlarged it several times and smiled while looking at it: "It's true, he's already in his early thirties and he's still dressed up." Like a little girl trying to act young.”

Han Xin realized that she did not have a good relationship with the young lady in the photo, so she suppressed a smile and said, "Master, she is far worse than you in terms of taking care of her. You are just a little girl, you don't have to pretend."

"That's what your wife said too. Let's not talk about this anymore and get down to business."

"What's the matter?"

"Xiao Zhi wants to second you to the detachment. The Political Department of the Municipal Bureau has already agreed. The secondment letter has probably arrived at the branch by now. District Chief Zhang will probably also agree. But after the secondment, you will still be a member of our squadron, and you don't even have to work every day. Go to work in the detachment.”

Han Xin felt it was sudden and subconsciously asked: "You don't have to go to the detachment to work every day, and you still get your salary even if you don't work. Is there such a good thing?"

"What a beautiful thought!"

"Where do you want me to go?"

Lan Doudou looked back behind her, covered her mouth and snickered: "Zhang Da said that Xiao Zhi will pull you into a group in the afternoon. Xiao Zhi will explain to you in the group what specific work you will do after you are seconded. What about the detachment? If nothing happens, you still have to accept and obey the leadership of Captain Liu and me."

Han Xin asked: "Where is the brigade?"

"You have been seconded to the city bureau. The brigade cannot control you, at least for the next year!"

Lan Doudou thought about it and smiled: "On the surface, you seem to be out of touch, but in fact you are not. Captain Liu and I will keep an eye on you, and you have to report to us every day."

Han Xin thought this arrangement was quite good, especially during this sensitive period when she helped the Supervisory Committee arrest Chen Guoping and the inspection team's inspection branch. She couldn't help but smile: "Understood, I will resolutely obey the organization's arrangements and accept the command of you and Captain Liu, master!"

Today's unannounced visit was the same as the day before yesterday. Li Cainiao was the protagonist and Han Xin was just the driver.

After hanging up the phone and waiting for three or four minutes, Li Cainiao ran over with a bag on his back. As soon as he got in the car, he said excitedly: "Brother Han, I bought two more boxes. This one is darker and costs more than thirty yuan." They sell a box of Tramadol for 80 cents!”

"let me see."


This drugstore sells them in boxes. Han Xin looked at the manufacturer and production date on the outer packaging and said nonchalantly: "Well done, let's go to the next store."

Li Yijun put on his seat belt, took out his notebook to take notes, and asked: "Brother Han, do you know Lao Yang from Shuishui Police Station?"

"I know him. His wife owns a restaurant. I've eaten there several times."

"I thought you didn't know him. I thought you hadn't eaten at his house before. If you go to his house in the evening, I'll treat him."

Han Xin held the steering wheel and asked, "What's the happy event? Today is your birthday?"

Li Yijun thinks he is a know-it-all in the workplace, but in fact he is a rookie in the workplace.

He had only been working for a short time and had few friends. There were some things that Wang Wei couldn't tell him clearly, so he was still in the dark to this day. He really thought that his boss was celebrating their success at night.

He felt that he should give Han Keng a surprise, and said proudly: "You can't eat if you have nothing to do!"

"Of course you can, but Lao Yang's food is not cheap."

"It doesn't matter, it's just a meal, what a big deal!"

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