Veteran new police officer

Chapter 118 Breaking the Defense and Kicking the Door

The division of labor is very simple, two people work in teams, and a total of four teams including Jiang Da are organized.

The task was also very simple. The first, second and third teams quickly became familiar with the case. After lunch, they split up to arrest Yang Chaomei and Lin Lihong's next family.

Sister Jiang made a phone call, and an old police officer and two auxiliary police officers from the detachment brought several large boxes of case files.

Cheng Zhi raised the walkie-talkie and said a few words. The staff of the training center moved five filing cabinets, one for each team, and the remaining one was reserved for the internal staff of the task force.

There were already network cables in the conference room, and two auxiliary police officers moved in four more computers, a printer, and a copier.

They were busy connecting to the intranet and debugging whether the printers and copiers were working properly. The staff of the training center brought in another white and blackboard.

Jiang Da was very familiar with the details of the 3.13 case. He posted 26 photos of suspects, including Yang Chaomei and Lin Lihong, on the white and blackboard one by one according to their level in the entire drug trafficking network. Then he connected with Guizhi on the spot in the mountain city, reported to Guizhi, and asked Guizhi for instructions...

Li Zheng from the Sigang Public Security Bureau was incorporated into the fourth team of which Han Xin was also the team leader.

He waited for a long time but didn't get the assignment or the case files. He was secretly worried when Sister Jiang opened her briefcase and distributed the urgently produced work permits to everyone.

The material and style look similar to that of a police ID. The photo is the one uploaded to Cheng Zhi yesterday afternoon. Below the photo is the name, and below the name is "Binjiang City Public Security Bureau" and the ID number.

The letterhead on the back is "Work ID" instead of "People's Police ID", followed by name, gender, blood type, date of birth, position, police rank, validity period and supervisory unit.

It is worth mentioning that the positions are all members of the anti-drug detachment.

Li Zheng received his police card last year. He was wondering what use this work permit could have besides showing off to his colleagues when he returned to work. Sister Jiang smiled and said, "Comrades, you won't need your work permit when traveling, but you can't use it when you go on a business trip." Very useful when traveling.”

Xu Haoran was the boldest. He raised his head and asked, "Jiang Da, what is the use of this certificate?"

"This work pass is not only the access pass for the training center, but also the access pass for the municipal bureau. After you come back from your business trip, you can check in at the training center and eat in the training center canteen by showing your work pass."

Sister Jiang turned to look at Han Xin again: "And at this stage, only three teams have business trips. The main job of the fourth team is to collect clues. Everyone is seconded to the detachment, and they will be the police of our detachment for the next year, so our jurisdiction That’s the whole city. If you have a work permit from the municipal bureau, it will be easier to work in the future.”

How can it be so easy to collect clues in drug cases...

Li Zheng did not expect to be assigned to the fourth team, nor did he expect to be assigned the troublesome task of collecting clues. He looked back at Cheng Zhi, with a grimace on his face and hesitated to speak.

Cheng Wenming knew that the little fellow was very reluctant, and also knew that the other brats were not convinced by Han Xin being the vice-captain. He looked at Han Xin with a smile and said: "Xiao Han, your fourth group is the trump card of our professional team. You are quite good." For the J-20 of our professional team! Your job is to break through defenses and kick down doors. Whether you guys have anything to do after the 3.13 case is completed depends on your fourth team."

He was used as a "humanoid drug-detection dog" in the branch, and he was still the same when he was seconded to the city bureau!

Han Xin smiled bitterly and said: "Cheng Zhi, your expectations of me are too high. Our anti-drug work in Binjiang is going so well. There are not many drug cases and few drug addicts. It is too difficult to collect clues..."

"There are always more solutions than difficulties. We have confidence in you."

Cheng Wenming turned back to look at political commissar Yun, then turned to look at Xu Haoran from the Anti-Narcotics Brigade of the Chonggang Branch. He took out a cigarette and said half-jokingly: "Comrade Han Xin, you first sweep the base area in Linghai, and then come to the city. Sweep. Xiao Zhi and I made a bet with Ren Da from the Anti-Narcotics Brigade of Chonggang Branch. If you can’t sweep up the clues that he didn’t find before, Xiao Zhi and I will treat him to dinner.”

"Cheng Zhi, I'm not familiar with the urban area."

"It doesn't matter if you are not familiar with it. When the time comes, I will ask Xiao Xu to cooperate with you, and your team members will continue to rotate. When you sweep to the urban area, Xiao Xu will be your partner. When you sweep to Sigang, Li Zheng will be your partner. When you sweep to the development zone, , Xiao Hou will be your partner."

Please don't be as good as the general!

Political Commissar Yun thought this was a good idea. He knocked on the table and said: "Every time you scan a place, in addition to arranging comrades who are familiar with the area to be your partner, the detachment will also give you strong support, such as asking the relevant case-handling units to cooperate. , I won’t let you fight alone.”

Although Linghai has no sense of belonging to Binjiang, he is still a Binjiang person.

Thinking that he had never been to several districts and counties, it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to visit. Han Xin smiled and said, "Okay, I'll give it a try, and I'll try not to disappoint you and Cheng Zhi."

"As Cheng Zhi said just now, we have confidence in you. What we want to know now is how long it will take to complete the sweep of Linghai."

"A month."

"Okay, then give Ren Da a month to prepare, so that he won't be unconvinced when he loses."

Political Commissar Yun smiled and continued: "The detachment has prepared a car for you. After dinner, Xiao Li will drive the car back with you. I will call Zhang Da later and ask him to arrange a place for Xiao Li." place. Starting today, all expenses incurred, including refueling, will be reimbursed by the detachment."

"Thank you, commissar."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me, I haven't finished saying it yet."

Political Commissar Yun looked back at Cheng Wenming and added: "After you are seconded here, we will be responsible for you. After returning to Linghai, we will report to Cheng Zhi every day. We must write a work diary and report back to the headquarters every Tuesday afternoon. Work is progressing. As a party member, you must participate in the organizational life of the team."


After sweeping Linghai, we will sweep in the urban area. After sweeping the urban area, we will sweep in the development zones. Then we will sweep district and county one by one...

The two leaders even compared him to a J-20, whose main task is to break through defenses and kick down doors!

Xu Haoran couldn't believe that his humble colleague from the Linghai branch was so capable, and he didn't even bother to study the materials on the 3.13 case anymore. Hou Wen and other police officers from Xingdong Branch were also shocked. They took a peek from time to time to find out what was so great about him.

Li Zheng suddenly discovered that being the first one to be assigned to the fourth group was not only not a hard job, but also probably because Cheng Zhi took care of him, a fellow countryman. He quickly picked up his phone, opened WeChat, and poked Ling Hai with his elbow. .

Han Xin reacted and took out his mobile phone to verify that his request to be added as a friend was approved.

Lunch was arranged in a box in the canteen of the training center. It was both a welcoming banquet and a farewell banquet. It wasn't until several other "Dragon Pearls" went to check out that Han Xin knew that someone had come last night. Those who didn't come last night also brought their luggage with them this morning. Come.

The detachment auxiliary police drove them to the airport and the train station.

Political Commissar Yun returned to the detachment, and Cheng Zhi was going to the city bureau to attend a meeting in the afternoon. In the blink of an eye, only Sister Jiang was left in the project headquarters.

Han Xin asked how the next expenses would be reimbursed. Instead of leaving in a hurry, she sat down and chatted with Sister Jiang.

Sister Jiang had a good personal relationship with Lan Doudou. She looked at him with a smile and asked, "Doudou said that you worshiped her as a teacher and that you were her apprentice. Is that true?"


"This is so funny. Whatever she can teach you, you can be her master!"

"Jiang Da, if we are a group of three, I must be my teacher. Sister Doudou has many advantages for me to learn from. And as you know in our squadron, there are only two leaders, Team Liu and Sister Doudou. If I don't want to accept Doudou as my teacher, I will I worship Captain Liu as my teacher."

"Then why don't you take Liu Haipeng as your teacher?"

"I wanted to worship him, but he was too modest and said that his level was limited and he couldn't teach me. Zhang was anxious and asked him to draw lots with Sister Doudou. Sister Doudou was lucky and caught her."

"Hahahaha, so Doudou didn't want to accept you as his apprentice..."

"They're too modest."

Sister Jiang pointed at him and laughed and scolded: "It's not that they are too humble, but that you are too trouble-making. Being your master is too stressful, and I might take the blame for you!"

Han Xin looked innocent: "Jiang Da, I am a party member. I was transferred back from the army. I obey orders and obey orders. How can I cause trouble?"

"Stop pretending. I've asked around. You haven't been transferred back for a long time, but you've caused a lot of trouble."

Gossip is a woman's nature. Sister Jiang looked at Li Zheng who was sitting by the door waiting, and asked nonchalantly: "Xiao Han, are you helping the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to arrest the squadron leader of your Criminal Police Brigade's Serious Case Squadron?" ?”

"I am obeying orders and performing tasks."

"The leaders of your bureau are serious. The bureau clearly has discipline inspections and supervisors, so why do you have to arrest me!"

"The bureau leaders may be worried that the boy is an old detective and will not be easy to deal with."

"It seems that I made the right decision to second you here. Work hard. Xiao Zhi and the political commissar have high expectations for you."

"Okay, I'll try my best."

"Go back early and call me if you need anything."

It turns out that the boss of the next month is not only good at collecting clues in drug cases, but also arrested the squadron leader of the serious crime squadron of their branch's criminal police brigade!

Li Zheng heard it clearly and was secretly shocked.

Han Xin didn't know what he was thinking, so she walked to the parking lot with him, looked at the car given by the detachment, turned around and asked, "Brother, where is your luggage?"

"Put it in the car. Team Han, where's your car?"

"My car is parked opposite."

Han Xin looked back, turned around and pointed at his pants: "Since you brought your luggage, you should also bring your pants and change them before leaving."

Li Zheng realized that he didn't want others to see that he was a policeman, so he quickly said, "Yes, I'll change him right now."

"Stop saying yes and stop calling me Team Han. How old are you this year? I'm twenty-seven. If you're not older than me, just call me Brother Han."

"I'm one year older than you."

"Then...then you can call me Lao Han, and I'll call you Lao Li."

He was not only a fellow of the "white shirts" but also a fellow of the powerful "old detachment leader". He really couldn't afford to offend him. Han Xin sighed secretly and took out the car keys: "It's time for me to get in the car and change my clothes. Please change." I will send you the location of the clothes. If you get lost in the car along the way, you can go to the Chengnan Police Station of our branch to find me."

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