Veteran new police officer

Chapter 123 This is the surprise

The four younger sisters were frightened and they had to make up for it quickly.

Han Xin was about to accompany them to visit Wanda when she suddenly found a man squatting across the road. He was smoking a cigarette and looking up at the popular science education center from time to time.

"Brother, what are you looking at? Hurry up and leave!" Xiao Han Lu was a little impatient waiting.


Han Xin remembered who the guy was, put on her seat belt, started the engine, and drove the car slowly out of the parking lot.

At this time, a bus drove over with its turn signal on.

Han Xin turned the steering wheel lightly and pulled the car to the side. The bus stopped at the entrance of the popular science education center. Two teachers and several community workers wearing red vests got off the bus with a group of children to form a team. The auxiliary police lady who just explained came out and greeted everyone warmly.

Thinking of how scary the museum was, Xu Linlin leaned against the car window and smiled: "Poor little kid, he's going to have the same nightmare as us tonight!"

Xiao Hanlu snickered and said, "Children should receive anti-drug education."

Jiang Yue looked over and said, "I didn't expect that the education center is so remote and that so many people come to visit and study."

Han Xin looked at the cheerful children, but out of the corner of her eye she kept paying attention to the man across the road.

The guy suddenly threw away his cigarette butt, stood up, crossed the road quickly, and followed the children into the popular science education center!

Han Xin wanted to follow them and have a look, but Xiao Han Lu urged her, so she could only accompany them to the mall first.

Girls become crazy when they go to the mall!

Look at this, try that, even if you don’t buy it, you will still stay in the store for a long time.

It was simply torture for Han Xin. She simply sat on a bench outside the store and "played with her mobile phone." It wasn't until Cao Na sent a WeChat message that the children from the Yanggang Community Organization had safely left the popular science education center that she put away her mobile phone and went to accompany her sisters. Continue shopping.

I walked around until my uncle called and said that he and his aunt had arrived at the hotel, and then I took my sister, who had been shopping all afternoon and was still not satisfied, to the Garden Lakeside Hotel, sat around in the lake view box with large floor-to-ceiling glass windows, and had a reunion dinner. .

Video chatting with my mother is a must. Seeing that her son and daughter are getting along well, my mother cried with joy, and my aunt wiped her tears too.

My uncle hated seeing others cry, so he said a few words and told them to hang up quickly.

Compared to Da Hanlu, his aunt who had calmed down was more interested in Jiang Yue!

They kept asking Jiang Yue to eat food, and kept asking questions. If Han Xin hadn't kept interrupting, they would have gone to withdraw cash and give Jiang Yue red envelopes. As for the "disobedient" Xu Linlin, she was simply ignored by them as if she were picked up.

Jiang Yue was both embarrassed and moved. To be precise, she should have been infected by the affection of this complicated family.

Which mother doesn't love her child, and which child doesn't want to be with her mother?

How many uncles and aunts can be so kind to their nephews?

Cousins ​​who are better than real brothers and sisters, half-brothers and sisters, half-brothers and sisters, and sisters who are not related by blood. They talk and laugh and get along harmoniously. You can really feel the deep family affection. Even the best director cannot bring this out. A touching family drama!

After dinner, my uncle and aunt took a taxi back to Dun.

Xu Linlin has to go to work at "Dancing Star" as soon as possible, and Da Hanlu has to go back and "tutor" Xiao Hanlu with her homework. Otherwise, if the teacher checks on Monday and finds that she has not done her homework, she will die miserably.

Like last night, Han Xin sent Jiang Yue home at the strong request of her two sisters.

The two of them still walked from the basement, and without even thinking about what to say, they reached the elevator entrance.

"Brother Han Xin, don't send me away. Go back and spend time with Da Hanlu. She has been here for a day, and you brother and sister haven't had a good chat yet."

"She wants to 'tutor' Xiao Hanlu with her homework. Besides, I don't know what to talk to her about."

Considering that they have never lived together as brothers and sisters, they have nothing in common. If we talk about our respective families, it might hurt our feelings. Jiang Yue said softly: "Think about it, talking too much is not good."

Han Xin didn't feel how pitiful she was. She didn't want or need sympathy from others, and she didn't want to just watch her go upstairs. She smiled at her and asked, "Xiao Yue, do you have any training uniforms or police uniforms at home?"

"Yes, Brother Han Xin, why are you asking this?"

"Would you be interested in going out with me? If you're lucky, you might be able to catch a thief."

"You have something to do tonight!"

"It's not a formal action. I just think a guy is suspicious and want to see what he wants to do."

I have attended the police academy for the past four years, isn’t it just to eliminate violence and maintain good health?

Jiang Yue wanted to go and have a look, but she thought it was so late and said uneasily: "I am a student now, not an official policeman. Is it appropriate for me to go on a mission with you?"

"It's not like you haven't done an internship at the police station, and this is not an official assignment."

"Just the two of us?"

"Are you afraid?" Han Xin took out her phone and checked the time, looking at her with a half-smile: "Are you afraid that I have evil intentions, or are you afraid that I can't deal with the suspect?"

Jiang Yue didn't want to be looked down upon by him, so she raised her head and said, "Wait for me, I'll go up and change clothes."

"I'll go get ready too. I'll wait for you in the car."

"Okay, I'll be down right away!"

Han Xin watched her walk into the elevator, returned to the car, opened the suitcase, took out the law enforcement recorder, handcuffs and baton, and after thinking about it, she found a bottle of chili pepper water.

After opening the door and waiting in the car for five or six minutes, Jiang Yue came over wearing training uniform. She has a heroic appearance and her whole demeanor has changed.

Han Xin stared at her stupidly and forgot to drive for a moment.

Jiang Yue was so embarrassed that she lowered her head subconsciously, her expression turned into that of Xiaojiabiyu again, her teeth bit her bright red lower lip, and reminded: "Brother Han Xin, let's go."


Han Xin calmed down and quickly held the steering wheel and said, "There is a law enforcement recorder and a bottle of pepper water on the back seat. You don't need me to teach you how to use it."

"You look down on people too much. After all, I went to the police academy for more than three years."

Jiang Yue muttered, turned around, picked up the law enforcement recorder from the back seat, checked it, and put it on his shoulder.

Then he picked up the pepper water and put it in his pocket.

Han Xin drove the car out of the underground parking lot and warned: "It may be that I am suspicious. If not, then follow me when you act. Don't rush in front."

"I know, I'm a girl. I'm not as strong as you, so I won't be stupid enough to rush forward."

"I feel relieved now."

The more Jiang Yue thought about it, the more excited she became, and asked excitedly: "Brother Han Xin, what is the action and where are we going?"

Han Xin said lightly: "Anti-drug science education center, but it's still early, and you may need to stay there after you arrive."

"What can happen to the anti-drug science education center?"

"When we were leaving there in the afternoon, a drug addict followed the children from Yangang Community Organization in."

"Wouldn't it be good for him to receive anti-drug education?"

"But I have never seen many drug addicts in so many years who would take the initiative to warn themselves that they can no longer smoke in this way, so he probably did not take the initiative to receive anti-drug education in the afternoon."

Jiang Yue stared at him closely and asked: "Then why is he going to the popular science education center? There are a lot of valuable things in the education center, but even if he can steal them, it will be difficult to sell them. Besides, there are so many cameras installed in the education center. He Even if you succeed, you will be caught sooner or later.”

Han Xin smiled and asked: "Xiao Yue, think about it again, besides interactive VR equipment, what else does the education center have, or what would he be interested in?"

Jiang Yue closed her eyes and thought for a while, then exclaimed: "There are heroin, methamphetamine, K powder, and exhibits of various drugs in the education center! He went there for drugs, he wants to steal drugs!"

"It's fake, but he doesn't necessarily know it's fake. He probably mistook it for the truth."

"Were those drugs we looked at this afternoon fake?"

"Of course it is fake. How can we display real drugs despite how strict we are on drug management? Even if real drugs are displayed, you must apply first, and they must be weighed and returned in time after the display."

Jiang Yue reacted: "Just like the fake dishes displayed in some restaurants?"

Han Xin nodded slightly: "Well, the white powder may be flour, and the methamphetamine may be sugar. I don't know what the substitutes for Magu and K powder are, but the ones displayed in the museum are definitely not real."

"Even I don't know, and that guy definitely doesn't know either. So he goes to check out the terrain during the day!"

"should be."

"It's so scary. Once you become addicted to drugs, you will do anything for drugs."

"That's why I gave Linlin, Da Hanlu and Xiao Hanlu the 'surprise' in the afternoon. The anti-drug propaganda starts with the people around me."

Jiang Yue couldn't help laughing: "You also gave me a surprise, and I was also educated."

"How am I qualified to educate you?"

"You are qualified, you are now the leader."

"What kind of leader is a deputy squadron leader? Besides, I, the deputy squadron leader, don't have any soldiers under my command."

"It's still the Korean team without soldiers. Brother Han Xin, to be honest, you have changed so much. I can hardly keep up with you now and you before."

At eight o'clock in the evening in Linghai, there are no cars on the road.

Just as he was talking, he had already arrived near the anti-drug education science center.

Han Xin did not drive the car into the parking lot during the day, but parked in a parking space on the roadside, unbuckled her seat belt, climbed into the back seat, and patted her shoulder: "Xiaoyue, sit in the back. Sitting in the front is easy to expose."


Jiang Yue quickly unbuckled her seat belt and climbed into the back seat.

She regretted it as soon as she sat down. The car was dark, and there was no one outside. There was a man and a woman hiding in the car. The atmosphere was too ambiguous...

Han Xin really wanted to thank the abstinent person she met accidentally in the afternoon. She greedily smelled the faint fragrance on her body and sighed: "You just said that I have changed a lot, but in fact you have changed a lot. You are the same now." I couldn't stand up to you when you were a kid."

"What changes have happened to me?" Jiang Yue muttered, looking outside the car.

"A woman's 18th transformation has made her even more beautiful."

"I was ugly when I was a kid?"

"No, she was beautiful when she was a child, but even more beautiful now."

Jiang Yue's heart was pounding nervously. She clutched the pepper water in her pocket and said calmly: "No matter how beautiful they are, they are not as beautiful as Xu Linlin and Da Hanlu. They only know how to talk and lie..."

"It's not just rhetoric. I really didn't lie to you. You are different from them. You each have your own characteristics."

"What characteristics?"

"Your eyes are prettier than theirs, and your temperament is better."

"That's all, no more words?"

Han Xin grinned and said, "I don't have much education and I don't know how to describe it. Anyway, it looks good."

Jiang Yue had never been alone with a boy like this before, and had never been praised so awkwardly by a boy. She was both nervous and wanted to laugh.

Seeing that he didn't use any hands or feet to act like a hooligan, and it was unlikely that he was going to act like a hooligan, he loosened his grip on the hot pepper water and muttered in an incomprehensible way:

"Brother Han Xin, you yourself said that we are not suitable. This time I am helping you accompany Da Han Lu. Don't get me wrong."

You have to be bold when chasing girls. Han Xin doesn't want to beat around the bush: "It felt inappropriate at that time, but it feels quite suitable now. In fact, it wasn't that I felt inappropriate at that time, but...but..."

Jiang Yue couldn't help but ask: "But what?"

"Okay, I admit that I felt I wasn't worthy of you at that time, but I still feel like I'm not worthy of you now."

Han Xin could feel that she was very nervous and didn't want to frighten her, so she added: "Xiaoyue, don't be afraid. I won't force anyone to do anything. I just want to express what's in my heart. If you don't think it's appropriate, I can still be your brother." It’s nice to be your brother.”

Is this a confession?

Jiang Yue felt that he wanted to chase her yesterday, and thought about the possible ways he could express his love, but she did not expect that he would confess like this. Just when he didn't know what to say, a figure got out from behind a truck.

Han Xin also noticed it, gently grabbed her arm and leaned into her ear: "Don't worry, let's see what he wants to do."

A burst of hot air hit her ears. Jiang Yue shuddered and said in a daze, "I know."

As soon as Han Xin let go of his hand, he saw the dark figure entering the alley behind the popular science education center.

The map showed that it was a dead end, and I thought that the guy was probably going to climb over the courtyard wall from the inside. After climbing in, he would probably smash the door. It was easy to catch him, but what if the public property was destroyed?

He definitely doesn't have the money to compensate. If he had money, he wouldn't steal the "drugs" from the anti-drug science education center.

Han Xin didn't want to wait any longer, picked up the baton, gently opened the door and got out of the car.

Jiang Yue reacted, quickly turned on the law enforcement recorder, took out the chili pepper water, got out of the car, and followed.

The two walked to the entrance of the alley and saw that the guy was indeed climbing the wall, but they didn't expect that the courtyard wall was a bit high and it was difficult to climb over without any place to use strength. They even moved a few bricks from somewhere to stand up, but they still couldn't reach the top of the wall. .

I have never encountered such a stupid thief!

Han Xin couldn't help but smile and said: "Cui Yucheng, do you want to help?"

Jiang Yue didn't expect to be caught in the act by him, nor did she expect that he would be in the mood to joke with the suspect. She was stunned for a moment.

Cui Yucheng also didn't expect to be discovered and called out by name! Terrified, his legs weakened and he fell down from the unstable pile of bricks.

Han Xin walked quickly to him, stepped on his right hand, squatted down and grabbed his left hand, put down the baton and took out the handcuffs.

"It hurts. Who are you? You stepped on my hand..."

"Stop screaming, it will be fine soon."

Han Xin handcuffed him behind his back and pushed him to the ground. He took out a hammer from his waist and inserted it into his belt. He gently patted his head, which was covered with stockings, and said, "Put on stockings. Wear them." Gloves and a hammer, you are so well prepared, you should go rob a bank, tell me, what are you doing at the anti-drug science education center?"

His hands were so painful from being handcuffed that no matter how stupid Cui Yucheng was, he knew what he would do if he was caught by the police. He lay on the ground shaking with fear.

Han Xin didn't want him to see her, and she didn't bother to interrogate this stupid thief who came to the anti-drug science education center to steal "drugs". She turned around and said with a smile: "This is the jurisdiction of the Chengbei Police Station. Call the Chengbei Police Station and let them arrange it." A few people will take over.”

Jiang Yue didn't expect the suspect to be so easy to deal with, and realized that this was his surprise for him. He couldn't help but ask: "Can I call my dad and ask him to report?"

"Okay, hurry up."


PS: The book "Veterans and New Police" has nearly 300,000 words and has been put on the shelves. I have been very diligent since it was put on the shelves. I sincerely ask brothers and sisters who are reading books elsewhere to subscribe to Qidian for support!

Your support is the motivation for Lao Zhuo to code, please.

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