Veteran new police officer

Chapter 135 You are the suspect

In the next few days, no more problems were detected, and no one was found to be growing opium poppies privately. Only a few wild marijuana plants were found beside a small canal.

To engage in such a big battle, achieve so little, and even publish news and propaganda, seems to some people to be making a fuss out of a molehill.

Han Xin felt that it was very necessary, because the anti-drug campaign must maintain a high-pressure posture and must not be relaxed at all, so after eradicating the few wild marijuana plants, he did not finish the work. Instead, he asked Zhang Yuhang to contact experts from the Municipal Forestry Police Bureau and the District Rural Agriculture Bureau.

Please do some research and analysis on the location and environment where those marijuana plants grew, and confirm that that area is on the migration route of several migratory birds. The marijuana seeds were probably picked up by passing birds, or were eaten and left undigested. Only when the person pooped there with his excrement did the matter come to an end.

Qingming Festival, a short holiday.

Dad came back from Jiangcheng. He was more generous than his son and actually brought back two boxes of Maotai.

One box was given as a meeting gift to Comrade Lao Jiang, an in-law whom he was no longer familiar with. The remaining six bottles were divided into three parts, and two of them, along with cigarettes and fruits prepared by Ge Sulan, were given to Sheriff Ye and his second aunt's grandma respectively. Jiang Guiying, the two great matchmakers.

The two children finally came together. Jiang Guiying was very happy and accepted it generously.

Chief Ye refused to accept it, saying it was too expensive.

After sending everything away, Han Xin will naturally not mention it again.

Let's just tell Lao Ye the facts and reason. First of all, they are not in the same company. Secondly, the position is higher than his. There is no question of bribery or non-bribery. I just expressed my gratitude to the matchmaker according to the Linghai marriage custom.

Lao Ye had no choice but to accept it reluctantly.

The last two bottles were consumed when the Jiang family and the two big matchmakers were invited to dinner. The atmosphere was as enthusiastic as the last blind date, but the moods of Han Xin and Jiang Yue were completely different from the last time.

Mr. Jiang, Mr. Han, and Ge Sulan fully learned the "lesson" from the last time and did not mention when to get engaged, when to get married, or when to have a baby. They agreed that the children should make their own decisions regarding the children's affairs. , but both children must participate when worshiping ancestors.

Why don't they just go to the grave together to burn paper and kowtow a few times? Han Xin and Jiang Yue agreed immediately.

In the past, when someone died in Laolinghai Village, they would ask a Feng Shui master to take a look and bury them in their own land if possible.

Later, due to land acquisition and demolition, all graves had to be relocated, and the ancestral graves of the two families were moved to the same cemetery.

Therefore, there is no need to "stagger the peak" for worshiping ancestors. At around nine o'clock in the morning on Qingming Festival, we go with the sacrifices, burn some paper here, kowtow a few times there, and the whole process is completed quickly.

The elders went back to continue drinking and played cards together after drinking.

Han Xin accompanies Jiang Yue to practice driving. Lao Jiang doesn't care whether it's real practice or fake practice, and when he will come back from practice...

Judging from her driving experience, Jiang Yue is not a novice.

As early as after the college entrance examination and before enrolling in the police academy, I had already used the summer vacation to get my driver's license.

But after getting the certificate, she never touched the steering wheel again. As soon as she got into the car, she looked for the clutch and asked how to put it into gear, thinking it was still the kind of car she drove when she first learned.

Han Xin was like a driving school instructor. After teaching for nearly an hour on the development zone avenue with few cars, Jiang Yue gradually found some feeling.

"I just said it's not that difficult. Don't hold on so tightly. There's no need to be so nervous. Just relax."

"I'm afraid..."

"There's no one on the road. What are you afraid of? Besides, it's a pretty good drive."

"I'm afraid of hitting a tree."

"The steering wheel is in your hands. As long as you concentrate, you won't hit the tree."

"Okay, I'll focus."

You already have a basic foundation, and you will become more proficient in the operation after practicing for a while.

Seeing that she was driving more smoothly, Han Xin smiled and turned on the navigation, using Bluetooth to connect to the large central control screen: "Follow the navigation, increase the difficulty, and practice on roads with slightly more complicated road conditions, otherwise you will never dare to really hit the road."

Jiang Yue took a peek at the big screen and asked nervously: "Which road should we practice on?"

"Go to the new national highway to practice. The new national highway is built almost like a highway. The traffic volume is not particularly large. There are very few pedestrians and electric bikes. It is just suitable for novices like you to practice driving."

"There are a lot of cars on the national highway and I don't dare to drive."

"What are you afraid of? I'm here, I'm watching over it for you."

"Okay, I'll try."

Han Xin not only wants to take her to practice driving on the new national highway, but also wants to take the opportunity to practice driving with her to go to the city. But she can't say going to the city now, otherwise she will be even more nervous.

He leaned over to pick up the water, opened it and took a sip, and asked with a smile: "Xiaoyue, my dad and your dad are waiting for a reply. What kind of car do you like?"

Graduation was about to begin, and my parents had already prepared to help buy a car, but Mr. Han and Aunt Ge actually rushed to help buy it.

Jiang Yue felt sweet in her heart, holding the steering wheel tightly and said, "I don't like driving, and I don't want to buy a car."

“Not having a car is inconvenient, especially in our line of work.”

"If you are scheduled to be in an urban area after reporting, so close to home, you only need an electric car. What to buy a car for? It will cost so much money, buy a parking space, and pay for insurance and gas. It is really unnecessary to think about it."

Jiang Yue smiled and said: "If you are assigned to the township police station, you can just buy a transportation vehicle at that time. There is no need to buy such a good car."

Although Han Xin was practicing driving with her, she was a little worried about the female driver taking to the road. She muttered: "Then don't buy it for now. Let's drive my car first."

"What are you going to do if you drive your car?"

"Our unit has a lot of cars. I rarely drive this car, it's almost idle."

Just as Jiang Yue was about to say that people would laugh if she drove your car to work, Han Xin's cell phone suddenly rang, but it only rang twice before the other party hung up.

"Maybe it was a typo..."

"No, that's right."

Han Xin leaned over and tapped on the large central control screen, dialing back.

After a few beeps, the familiar voice of "Boss Chen" came from the car's stereo.

"The call was answered very quickly today. Tell me, why didn't you call me for so long? There was no news at all. I really don't understand why you are so proud!"

"Chief of Staff, today is Qingming Festival, so it is unlucky to say this."

"When did you become so superstitious? Your head seems to be more valuable than mine!"

This was the only thing he could argue with "Boss Chen". Han Xin glanced at his girlfriend and said with a smile: "Chief of Staff, although my head is more expensive than yours, it's not that easy to cash in my head." .”

"Boss Chen" had just returned from organizing the police to sweep the graves at the Martyrs Cemetery. He took a look at the document marked "confidential" and said: "It's really not that easy. I have good news for you. That old bastard is not doing well over there at the border. , first he was fooled by two local snakes and lost hundreds of thousands.

Then we cooperated with a few gamblers, forcing those who had lost all their money and still owed a lot of debt to bring drugs, but we intercepted them all.

Even several of his subordinates in the country were taken over by us. Now he wants money but no one, and he wants people but no one. If he wants to stand up, he can only go into battle naked. "

Han Xin did not expect that the old leader would say this, so she quickly turned off Bluetooth, held up her mobile phone and asked: "Chief of Staff, since we have locked his location, why don't you ask the military and police opposite to help capture him?"

"You think we don't want to. The main reason is that the guys on the opposite side are unreliable. They leaked the news and missed two shots in a row."

"Chief of Staff, that's what I said..."

"I know, but don't worry, he won't be able to survive for a few days. He has no money and resources. He will soon be unable to survive there. I guess he will soon take risks."

"Great, if you can get rid of him early, I will be free. Now I can't even go far away."

"Boss Chen" subconsciously asked: "Where do you want to go?"

Han Xin realized that she had said the wrong thing and quickly said: "Actually, I don't want to go anywhere. It's good to stay in my hometown. It's just that my current leaders have issued a ban on me. I can't leave Binjiang without their permission. I always feel so... Not free at all.”

"Why do you have so many problems? I still don't feel free! Can you think of something serious? Find a girlfriend as soon as possible and start a family as soon as possible."

"I have found it!"

"found it?"

"I'm not going to lie to you, I really found it."

"It'll be great if you find it, but it's too far away and I won't be able to drink it as your kid's wedding wine. Remember to ask Political Commissar Ding to send me some wedding candies when the time comes."


Although Bluetooth was turned off just now, the distance was too close and the sound insulation effect of the car was relatively good. Jiang Yue could hear clearly and was secretly shocked.

As soon as he ended the call, Jiang Yue asked worriedly: "Brother Han Xin, what did the chief say to you just now?"

"It's okay, he just likes to joke."

"There must be something wrong, I'm not a fool!"

Now that the relationship has been established, there must be a minimum of trust between each other.

Han Xin weighed it up and said calmly: "It's true that something happened. In fact, I was transferred back because of that incident, but it's not as scary as you think, and it's not as exaggerated as in movies and TV shows. I can That’s all I have to say, don’t worry, nothing will happen to you.”

Jiang Yue understood the confidentiality discipline. After being silent for a while, he whispered: "You have to be careful."

"I know, I'll pay attention."

She would be even more worried if we talked about it again. Han Xin immediately changed the topic: "Xiaoyue, I set up the navigation to go to the city. Let's go to the city."

"What are you going to do in the city?" Jiang Yue asked subconsciously.

"I'm seconded to the anti-drug detachment. I can't know anything about the situation in the city. Let's go shopping together, go shopping, sing, watch movies, and see if there's anything delicious to eat."

"Is this considered work?"


Jiang Yue thought about it and asked, "Can you come back tonight?"

Han Xin didn't expect that she would ask this, so she couldn't help laughing and said: "What to do when you come back? Just travel!"

"Why don't you come back when it's so close? If you don't come back, I won't go."

"What are you afraid of? If you are really afraid, there is pepper water in the suitcase, hahahaha."

"Why are you laughing? You will bully others..."

"I want to laugh when I think of the way you used pepper spray last time, as if you were ready to spray me, not the suspect."

Jiang Yue was amused and laughed: "You are the suspect!"

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