Veteran new police officer

Chapter 141 Hot piece!

Zhang Yuhang was shocked when he received the report and wanted to join the group to hear what was going on.

But the leader of the group was Han Xin. He didn't want to affect Han Xin's command, so he could only ask Lan Doudou to return to the unit quickly.

If such a big thing happens, you must report it to the team leader immediately. But two cadres from the inspection team came and were talking to Huang Da in the conference room.

He didn't dare to knock on the door easily, so he had to first find Yang Qianli, who was in charge of the ideological and political work of the brigade.

Yang Qianli was as tough as ever. After asking a few questions, he knocked on the door of the conference room and reported the urgent action to the cadres of the inspection team.

Inspections are important, but they must not affect the normal work of the units being inspected.

The two cadres expressed their understanding and asked Huang Da to go ahead and ask Yang Qianli to notify the second person on the list, the technical squadron forensic doctor Lao Chen, to come and talk.

After the arrangements were made, Lan Doudou rushed back in a hurry, ran into the team leader's office, and turned the volume of the group chat to the maximum.

Huang Da was confused after hearing this, and was thinking about whether to report to Bureau Chen when he heard Han Keng say in the group: "Chief Cui, are you in place?"

"Team Korea, Team Korea, we are in place!"

"Okay, let's go in together and target the big car with the hood open at the end!"

Han Xin took out her city bureau work permit and hung it on her chest. She took a baton and led Li Zheng, Li Yijun, Chen Zhengbang and policemen from Sigang Public Security Bureau. Under the surprised gaze of the logistics park security guard, Han Xin walked towards the city from three directions at the same time. The big car surrounded them.

Several drivers who were resting in the cab of a large truck noticed it, opened the door, jumped out of the car, and watched the excitement.

The bosses and wives of cargo terminals also noticed the movement outside and walked out of the office in unison. Some held up their mobile phones to take photos and videos, and some followed happily to watch.

The few drivers at the back quickly spotted them, each looking more nervous than the other. The tallest one quickly climbed up and pressed down the hood.

Han Xin didn't want to be photographed by the crowd and posted online, so she still wore a mask and the on-site inspection vest. She walked up to them and asked coldly: "What are you doing around here? Are you having sex?"

With so many police officers arriving at once, the driver standing at the front was pounding in his heart, his eyes flickering, and he did not dare to look directly.

Although the fat driver next to him was a little nervous, he was not particularly scared. He actually said with a flattering smile in Mandarin with a northwest accent: "No irony, we finally met here and chatted."

What hot film...

Li Zheng was even more confused, Li Yijun was also confused, and even Huang Xiao, Yang Qianli and Zhang Yuhang who were listening to the group voice in the brigade were confused.

Han Xin didn't have time to explain to her colleagues. She looked around at the drivers and asked, "Really or not?"

"Really, how can we iron a piece of cake?"

"It's not good if it's too hot. We've stopped burning it a long time ago. Smoking is just as refreshing as smoking. Comrade police, have one!"

"Thank you, I won't smoke."

Han Xin pushed away the cigarette offered by the fat driver and pointed to the hood: "Open it and check it out."

The fat driver was anxious and said with a grimace: "Comrade police, what's there to check? It's full of oil. It's not good for you to get dirty."

"Seriously, what do you think we are doing!"

"Comrade police..."

"You're not cooperative, are you?"

"Okay, let's just do a little perm. Comrade police, perming is not a big deal..."

"Hurry up, stop dawdling!"

The fat driver had no choice but to open the hood.

I saw a soldering iron connected to the battery, and there was an iron box next to it. There was a gray-white thing in the box, which looked a bit like a stone, and a bit like a large piece of heroin on TV, with black marks burned by the soldering iron. .

Li Yijun reacted and quickly pointed the law enforcement recorder at the guy on the engine.

Li Zheng, Chen Zhengbang and Lao Cui did not expect that there would be a problem during the real inspection. They clutched their batons and paid attention to the drivers present to prevent anyone from taking advantage of the chaos to escape.

Han Xin wasn't worried about them running away, unless they didn't want a car, and there were surveillance cameras everywhere in Binjiang, so where could they run away.

Just like that, he took out his gloves from his pocket, put them on slowly, unplugged the power cord clamp of the soldering iron, took them out together with the iron box containing the gray-white tablets, and placed them gently on the ground.

Then, he squatted down and looked under the car, and as if by magic, he found several rolled twenty-yuan notes.

"Li Yijun, go get the survey box."


Li Yijun calmed down and quickly turned around and ran to get the "special drug detection equipment."

Han Xin put the banknotes into the iron box, stood up and said: "There should be more than four people who have been permed. The people who have been permed should come over here and take the initiative!"

The drivers knew that it was useless to argue. If they were taken for testing, they would be able to detect whether they were hot or not. They all walked to Han Xin's left hand side with a frown on their face.

"Only you six got permed, and no one else got permed?"

"Comrade police, I...I just burned it a few times."

"It's already hot after a few bites. Come over here."

Han Xin motioned for him to stand on the left hand side, then turned around and said, "Let me ask you for the last time, is there anyone who has had perms and didn't stand up?"

A driver who was hiding behind squeezed out and said uneasily: "I also burned a few times."

"Comrade policeman, it's not just a few bites of iron and it's not taking drugs, what a big deal..."

"Did I let you speak?"

Han Xin turned around suddenly, and the driver did not dare to say anything.

Seeing Li Yijun bring the survey box, Han Xin pointed to the office opposite: "Who is the person in charge of this company?"

A freight station owner who was watching the excitement said quickly: "I am a comrade policeman. I don't even know what a piece of film is. What does this have to do with me?"

"It's okay, I just want to borrow your office."

"No problem, just scare me and use it if you want."

There were more and more people watching. Han Xin didn't want to delay, so she turned around and said: "Those who have been permed should go to the office first. Li Zheng and Chief Cui will register their ID cards, driver's licenses and car numbers first."


"Who owns this car?"

"Me." The fat driver raised his hands and frowned.

Han Xin stared at him closely and asked: "It's not just the few pieces in the box, where are the rest of them hidden?"

"Comrade policeman, it's not mine, I just permed it together for a while."

"Think about it carefully. If I find it, the nature will be different."

"It's really not mine. If you don't believe it, get in the car and search it."

"If it's not yours, then whose is it?"

" belongs to Lao Qian."

"Who is the old money?"

"We just went in, comrade police, we just did some perms for a while..."

"Ask what you say, where does all this nonsense come from? It's not easy for you to make some money when you are away from home. I can afford it, but can you afford it?"

The fat driver realized that he couldn't leave without telling the truth, and as Han Xin said, he really couldn't afford it, so he could only point out with a grimace.

Han Xin called the driver surnamed Qian out and found a large package of tablets from the secret compartment of his truck cab. Based on the instructions of the driver surnamed Qian, Han Xin also found a small package of tablets from another driver's car.

Li Zheng and Chief Cui were not idle either. While taking notes, they asked about the ins and outs of their gathering to have sex.

They are all fellows from Inner Mongolia, and they all work outside to sell goods. They used to like to have sex in their hometown.

This time, there were five vehicles transporting goods for the same company. As they approached Binjiang, each one became more tired than the other, so I asked in the WeChat group where we usually communicate who had a piece of film and who was near Binjiang, and then we got together.

The driver Han Xin asked Li Zheng to follow was also permed, but only after unloading the goods.

They thought it was not a big deal, and each one explained more happily after opening their mouth. They even took the initiative to ask how much the fine would be. If the fine was three to five hundred, they were willing to accept the punishment and wanted to pay the fine and leave early.

It was really hard and not easy for them to make some money. Han Xin didn't want to embarrass them from the bottom of her heart, but she couldn't just let them go. Just when she was thinking about whether to report to Cheng Zhi or the brigade leader first, Zhang Yuhang called. .

"Xiao Han, what happened to the drivers you checked?"

"They admitted to 'sanding the flakes', and we seized about one kilogram of 'flakes' and hot and suction tools such as a soldering iron and banknotes at the scene."

"What is Pianpian?"

"Pianpian is a name from their hometown, but it is actually sodium benzoate, which is a stimulant drug prepared from sodium benzoate and caffeine in a ratio of approximately one to one.

Didn't I check a few breeding farms some time ago? The management of caffeine is now very strict. If you guessed correctly, the caffeine in these sodium chloride coffee is extracted from veterinary drugs. "

Han Xin walked to the police car driven by auxiliary police officer Xiao Xu, looked back at the drivers who were begging Li Zheng and Lao Cui, and then said:

"Caffeine is a stimulant. Drivers who are tired and tired after driving often use it to refresh themselves. And the practice of scalding pills has a long history in some places in Xishan and Inner Mongolia.

It is said that people in some places even used hot slices as a necessity to entertain relatives and friends, and put Anna coffee and cigarettes together when entertaining. It is because it is abused by people in those places that Annatto is classified as a controlled drug. "

This was the first time Zhang Yuhang had heard of it, and he muttered: "Since it is a controlled drug and it has been abused, it is drug abuse. As long as it is drug abuse, it must be investigated and dealt with!"

"Zhang Da, the problem now is how to investigate and deal with it."

"Just investigate and deal with it according to laws and regulations."

"Zhang Da, what I mean is that the situation is different in different places. In our case, it is definitely considered drug abuse. As long as the urine test is positive, it can be recognized and they can be ordered to detoxify in the community and their driver's license will be cancelled. But in their hometown, it may be They will only be fined a few hundred yuan and may only be administratively detained."

Zhang Yuhang found it unbelievable and asked doubtfully: "They have such loose control?"

Han Xin explained: "It's not that the control is lax, but that there are too many people doing it. If the community is ordered to detoxify, and if relapse is found, drug detoxification is forced, the anti-drug department will not be able to handle it, and the detoxification center will not be able to close it. What now? I don’t know, but it was like this before.”

Just as Zhang Yuhang was about to speak, Yang Qianli grabbed the phone and said categorically: "Xiao Han, we don't care how they investigate and deal with it, but as long as someone takes drugs in our jurisdiction, they must be severely investigated and dealt with according to regulations!"

"But this place falls under the jurisdiction of Chonggang Branch."

"I just listened for a while. We found the clue. You chased it from Xitang and seized it. At the worst, we need to write a cooperation letter!"

"I'd better report to Cheng Zhi first."

"My little ancestor, can you have a sense of collective honor? The inspection team is looking for people to talk to in our brigade one by one. If you make some achievements at this time, let the leaders of the inspection team see how good it is!"

Han Xin wanted to help her unit, and then she thought that Xiao Zhi and Cheng Zhi had originally planned to stimulate the Chonggang branch. She touched her chin and said, "It's okay for our branch to investigate and deal with it. The key is that I can only take the people back, and their car I can’t help it, if it’s just parked in the logistics park, who will be responsible if the goods are lost?”

"Huang Da is by my side, Huang Da told you."

"Xiao Han, I'm Huang Xiao, don't worry about the car. I'll report it to the bureau leader and ask the bureau to arrange traffic police assistance. All people and cars must be brought back to me. The source of that video must be traced!"

"Yes, I will do a urine test on other drivers first to confirm whether there are any who have been burned but have not admitted it."

"There are many people involved in the case, and the situation on site is complicated. You should stabilize yourself first. We will apply for a cooperation letter now. When we get the cooperation letter, I will personally lead a team to support you."

"Don't worry, Huang Da. Those drivers don't think hot stamping is a big deal, and they have cars and goods here. Generally speaking, they are more cooperative."

"That's good. I'll report to the bureau leader first. We'll be there in an hour and a half at most!"

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