Veteran new police officer

Chapter 146 Diamond King Xiaowu

Get up at 5:30 in the morning, wash your face, brush your teeth, get dressed, and make the bed like a war.

We meet downstairs at 5:50, run downstairs while buttoning up, do a few laps in the morning exercise, and then line up to have breakfast in the cafeteria.

After breakfast, I went back to the dormitory to do my duty. In addition to being on duty in the dormitory, I also had to tidy up my own housekeeping. I had to fold my quilt like tofu cubes. I couldn't take it seriously, and I would check it every day.

No matter where you can see it or where you can't see it, it must be spotless. The inspector wears white gloves to inspect. He can tell if there is any dust by just touching it. Those who fail will be reported to the list.

There is a class, and everyone will line up for roll call.

There is no class, but we still have to gather and take attendance.

Self-study and exercise are allowed, but you can’t go back to the dormitory.

You have to queue up to go to the canteen to eat at noon, and you have to queue up to go to the canteen in the evening. There are various roll calls and various queues. It feels like I am racing against time every day.

Then there are various changes of clothes, wearing training uniforms and training shoes for running; wearing duty uniforms and duty leather shoes for queue training.

Wear a six-piece set of duty uniforms, duty leather shoes and police equipment in class, wear training uniforms and training shoes in physical fitness classes, and wear your own physical training uniforms in fighting classes.

Wear casual clothes and leather shoes for evening classes and some formal occasions.

The roll call was late, and I wore duty uniforms and duty leather shoes...

It feels like I'm on a catwalk every day, and I have to change clothes three or four times a day at most!

The bag given by my mother cannot be carried on the back, and the police academy does not have schoolbags, only the briefcases issued uniformly.

Carrying a briefcase, wearing a tie, and leather shoes to go to class every day feels like I'm not at school, but at work.

As he was about to graduate, Jiang Yue was in a daze, not knowing how the past four years had passed.

"Third brother, I'm talking to you, why are you distracted again?"

"Graduation season is both the breakup season and the love season. The adultery that was hidden from everyone before has come to the surface. Third child, are you like Chen Cailin, who has been dating for a long time and has been hiding it until now?"

Jiang Yue calmed down, turned over and looked down at the two best friends on the lower bunk, laughing and scolding: "What the hell are you talking about? It's so ugly!"

Yu Xiaoyu leaned against the wall and joked: "If I don't call you Lao San, I can't call you Xiao San."

Cai Mei pointed at her and asked: "Answer my question first, do you have a boyfriend?"


"You can tell he's lying right away."

"Tell me honestly, do you have it or not?"

"If you say no, there won't be. If it were true, would I be able to laugh now?" Jiang Yue reached for a pillow and placed it beside the bed.

Whether you can laugh or not, it's really a sad topic.

Yu Xiaoyu was touched by the pain point and murmured: "It's not a bad thing not to talk about it. I finally feel it. It's really uncomfortable. Although he and I both know it in our hearts, we can just find a reason to end it... I won't say it anymore. , I want to cry when I talk about it.”

After graduation, they have to go their separate ways and want to be together unless one of them gives up the "iron rice bowl" they are about to get.

And life is very realistic. Whether you can find a suitable job after giving up, whether you can survive in a strange place, whether you can be accepted by the other person's parents, all of this is unknown.

Cai Mei experienced such pain last year. She had been dating her boyfriend for two years secretly like a thief, but they broke up because of graduation.

She felt the same way, put down her phone and smiled bitterly: "I cherished it so much, but it was clear that neither of us had loved enough, so it ended so cruelly. In this era, no one would believe it if I told you."

The more Yu Xiaoyu thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became, and she said bitterly: "I have spent four years of my youth in exchange for a salary of several thousand yuan a month, and I have to break up with the person I like. It's really frustrating to think about it!"

"If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer hardships before your eyes. The senior sister who welcomed us back then was right, love is just a matter of lip service, it is all illusory and useless!"

"The funniest thing is that today, a stupid junior came to me and confessed his love to me."

"Xiaoyu, who is so stupid? He doesn't know that you have a boyfriend or that you are breaking up?"

"That's the one who struck up a conversation with us during lunch."

Love in the police academy is very romantic!

Due to the strict control, I can only do it secretly, which is a bit like falling in love with a hawthorn tree. That feeling is something ordinary college students don't have.

Love in the police academy is cruel.

Because most people have to return to their place of origin after graduation. No matter how good the relationship between two people is, they will eventually bow to reality, and it is difficult to have a happy ending.

Jiang Yue sympathized with their experiences and was glad that she had resisted the temptation. Listening to their complaints, she couldn't help but say, "The senior sister who welcomed us back then seems to have also talked about it in school."

Cai Mei raised her head and said, "She has been hurt, so her words are good words."

Yu Xiaoyu muttered: "If you want to talk about reminders, there are a lot of people who have reminded us. I remember which teacher told us that why boys and girls fall in love in the police academy is because they find life in the police academy boring."

"But life in the police academy is really not interesting. I can't do anything, and I am ranked first in internal affairs. Life is like going to jail, and the management is inhumane. If I had known that this would be like this, I would not have applied for the police academy if I had killed myself."

"And I haven't learned anything in these four years!"

Cai Mei banged her pillow and muttered: "We don't teach those platforms that are commonly used in work, those that are really useful, and they guard us like thieves. Even the auxiliary police at the police station know more than us."

Yu Xiaoyu, who was already very sad, became angry again: "You will find out when you get to the unit. No matter which department you are assigned to, you will be beaten and tortured by the social recruiters.

Technical investigation was beaten by the local communications department 985 and 211, network security was beaten by the local network department 985 and 211, and criminal technology was abused by the local chemical industry department 985 and 211. "

Cai Mei chuckled and said, "We girls are fine, but the boys are in dire straits. They may be brutally tortured by the auxiliary police or the soldiers who have demobilized from who knows which special operations unit."

When talking about this, Jiang Yue couldn't help but smile and said: "Brother Bing is very powerful, so the biggest advantage for us police academy students is to tell the recruiters during dinner and chat that we are from a major."

"Lao San, do you like Brother Bing?"


"Then why do you say Brother Bing is very powerful?"

"Yeah, the more I look at you this time, the more weird you feel. Tell me honestly, is there a man?"

Jiang Yue had already said that we would talk about it after graduating from college. Jiang Yue didn't want to slap herself in the face, so she quickly said: "It's almost time to turn off the lights. Go to bed quickly. If you are caught by the inspector, it will be miserable."

"Didn't the lights turn off? The fourth child hasn't come back yet!"

"Don't change the topic, just tell the truth as if we are best friends!"

"I...I really didn't."


"Who lied?"

"You'll know when you look in the mirror, you little brat, you're still trying to get away with it."

Jiang Yue subconsciously touched her face and found that it was indeed a little hot. She could only say with an embarrassed look: "Okay, we talked about one, but I am different from you. I talked about it in my hometown."

Yu Xiaoyu's heart was burning with gossip, and she stood up suddenly: "What do you look like, and how old are you this year?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, the lights are almost out, let's take a look."

"What's so good about him? He's not handsome."

"What's the point of being handsome? As long as you have money, hurry up and let us see."

Jiang Yue suddenly wanted to share it with her best friend. She picked up her phone and pulled out her boyfriend's photo. She snickered and said, "Don't laugh at me, and don't tell others."

"Do not worry."

As soon as Yu Xiaoyu grabbed the phone, Cai Mei ran to her bedside, looked at the phone and said: "Although he is not very handsome, he is not ugly either. Third child, what is his name and how old is he this year?"

Jiang Yue covered her mouth and smiled: "My surname is Han, my name is Han Xin, Ri Jin Xin, I am twenty-seven this year."

"He's twenty-seven, what does he do?"

"Come with us."

"Why did you find a did you meet?"

"We have known each other for a long time. He and I are neighbors. We saw each other almost every day when we were young. Later, he joined the army and was transferred back to his hometown last year."

"It turns out he is really a soldier. He must be a special soldier."

"How can there be so many special forces?"

Jiang Yue didn't know how to explain it, so she held her chin and said happily: "I used to be a villager group, and now I live in a community. I know everything about him. My parents like him very much.

I didn't want to find someone so familiar to me at first, and I don't know if it was because he had been a soldier for eight years and was not particularly familiar with him. But later I thought it was a good fit, so I just thought it would be a good match. "

Her vision was so high that even the school instructors chased her.

Yu Xiaoyu didn't quite believe what she said, so she raised her head and asked, "Can this kind of thing be reconciled? Tell us the truth, is his father a leader and is his mother a senior cadre?"

"Where are you thinking? Can you stop being so snobbish!"

"Can't I care about it? What does his family do?"

Jiang Yue said with a bit of embarrassment, "His dad works in engineering, and there is a construction site not far from our school."

Cai Mei exclaimed: "I'll go, I'm rich!"

"I really wasn't going after his family's money, and...and when we first started talking, I didn't even know how much money his family had. Believe it or not, even he didn't know it at that time."

"How could he not know."

"His father and his mother divorced very early. During the years he was in the army, he rarely contacted his father. He didn't tell his father when he was transferred back to his hometown. If his father hadn't gone back to his hometown for the New Year, he wouldn't have known he was transferred back."

"His father has prepared a lot of property for him?" Yu Xiaoyu asked enviously.

Jiang Yue said with a smile: "He has lived alone these years. His grandma raised him. He has a house and a job. He really doesn't care whether his father gives him money or not."

"Then how much money does his father have?"

"Yes, that's the point!"

"I don't know this. I only know that there is a single-family villa in Jiangcheng and several houses in Hexi. I have to transfer one to us and help with the decoration. I will go back to my hometown as soon as I graduate, and I have no chance to decorate it. He lived in it, and it was hard to sell it after it was renovated, so he didn’t ask his dad to help him dress it up.”

"How many more houses are there in Hexi!"


Yu Xiaoyu was shocked, pointed at her and said with a smile: "Lao San, Lao San, it turns out that you don't like this or that, just because there is a Diamond King Xiao Wu in your hometown!"

Cai Mei clenched her fists tightly and said as if she was going to hit a rich man: "We have to treat you. Treat us out for a big dinner this weekend. Go to the most expensive restaurant!"

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