Veteran new police officer

Chapter 154 The overall pattern of bureau leadership

Li Zheng's team did not go well, and the team from Xitang Police Station failed even more.

The restaurant on the side of the national highway that used to sell movies closed at the end of last year.

It is said that someone in the auto repair shop next door also sold movies. The suspect who ran the restaurant was so frightened when he saw that the police went to the auto repair shop to arrest someone, he quickly closed the door and ran away.

The team of the Criminal Police Brigade had a great harvest. They captured a suspect and seized 12 kilograms of tablets, 22 kilograms of poppy shells, 6 grams of poppy seeds, 1.5 kilograms of benzoic acid and more than 300 sodium chloride injections.

The "top quality slices" seized before were made by the suspects by mixing in poppy shells.

However, the family that sold the raw materials to the suspect was listed as an online fugitive by the public security bureau of a prefecture-level city in Xishan two months ago on suspicion of selling controlled drugs. We don’t know where the guy is hiding at the moment, so we can only escort the suspect and take him with him. The seized drugs will come back first.

Catching a person is just the beginning. Next, there must be continuous interrogation, preparation of materials to apply for arrest, and then transfer... Each stage has a deadline, and everything must be completed within the deadline.

Several offices on the fifth floor have become "case handling centers". Yu Jinze is not only the deputy leader of the three task forces at the branch, but also the case handling policeman of the three task teams. He is also the back office staff of the three task teams, along with Zhang Yuhang, Liu Haipeng and others. Everyone is too busy.

At Cheng Zhi's request, Han Xin and Li Zhengze returned to the police officer training center, looking through mountains of information and studying how to crack down on drugs under the jurisdiction of the development zone branch.

"Cheng Zhi, didn't you just change people from the development zone when it came to the development zone?" Li Zheng asked puzzledly.

"They are all involved in the 3.13 case and cannot be replaced for the time being."

Cheng Wenming lit a cigarette and added: "Political Commissar Yun has said hello to the Development Zone Bureau. When you pass by, they will arrange for police assistance."

There are no outsiders here except Han Keng, and Li Zheng has no scruples. He said bluntly: "Community detoxification personnel and rehabilitation personnel who are required to do urine tests and hair tests, as long as they have not gone out and have passed all tests;

Entertainment venues have been raided three times. Precursor chemical companies and pharmacies have also been inspected. Even outsiders from key areas have been inspected. I guess it will be difficult to clear out the name. "

"Are you giving up now?"

"It's not that I want to give up, but that everyone has done their job well. We are unfamiliar with the place, what tricks can we find out?"

"I don't care about that. Anyway, I made a bet with the board of directors of the Development Zone Bureau. If I can be swept out, he will treat me to a treat. If I can't be swept out, I will treat him to a treat. You can't let me treat you!"

Cheng Wenming smiled, then turned around and asked, "Xiao Han, are you confident?"

Han Xin put down the information in her hand, raised her head and said, "No."

"How can you not have confidence!"

"Cheng Zhi, you are forcing someone to do something difficult."

"Since you think this task is difficult to complete, you two can only handle the case. The 3.13 case will be closed today, and twenty-one suspects will be arrested at the same time.

Under the personal command of Bureau Tang, more than a hundred policemen were mobilized from the Criminal Police Detachment, the Special Police Detachment and your branch, and they were busy waiting for the arrest. "

Han Xin doesn't like handling cases, and is even more afraid of writing.

When I think about having to interrogate suspects repeatedly and produce so many files, and even a typo will be criticized by the legal system and even the procuratorate, I feel that this is not a job for human beings.

"Cheng Zhi, I have no education, how can I handle the case!"

“What kind of police are you doing if you don’t solve cases?”

"Our brigade doesn't handle cases very well."

Cheng Wenming knew very well that the reason why Zhang Wenyuan agreed to take him in at that time was not because of his rich anti-drug experience, but because of his caring nature.

After all, the young man has been through life and death on the border and has made great achievements, so his hometown cannot ignore him.

But the situation of the young man is quite special. Unlike the cadres transferred from the army, even if they cannot be placed in the Public Security Bureau, they can still be placed in other units.

It can be said that if the Public Security Bureau does not take care of it, it is even less likely that other units will take care of it.

One can even imagine that Zhang Wenyuan assigned him to the anti-drug squadron at that time, just to let him hang out behind Zhang Yuhang and Liu Haipeng. Because he really couldn't put his academic qualifications to use, he couldn't do anything else.

An anti-drug hero was useless when he returned to his hometown...

Cheng Wenming felt it was a pity from the bottom of his heart. He looked at him with a smile and asked meaningfully: "Xiao Han, are you passionate about your work and life now? Do you have the same sense of accomplishment as when you were in the army?"

Han Xin didn't expect him to ask this, scratched her neck and said, "I'm passionate, my hometown is pretty good, and I found a girlfriend!"

"Are you preparing to put the swords and guns into the warehouse and release the horses to Nanshan?"

"Cheng Zhi, it's not what you think. I have found several clues since I was transferred back."

"For others, it is an achievement. For you, is it challenging and a sense of accomplishment?"

Han Xin was hit with a pain point and could only admit: "It's really not challenging, and it really doesn't have a sense of accomplishment, but I think it's meaningful."

Cheng Wenming suddenly felt that he was not like Li Gu, but a bit like himself. He rubbed his legs and sighed: "Xiao Han, if my legs were as nimble as yours, I wouldn't have to take a back seat so early."

"Cheng Zhi, what exactly do you want to say?"

"I saw a piece of news yesterday, and I saw you again today, and I was inspired by it."

"What news?"

"Our neighbor, the Guzhou City Public Security Bureau, in order to fully implement the 'Clean Border' operation, organized anti-drug backbones from all districts and counties in the city to go to key cities on the Nanyun border to carry out intelligence exchanges."

Han Xin was thoughtful, while Li Zheng looked confused.

Cheng Wenming smiled and continued: "In their words, this is called port forwarding, opening up a green channel for intelligence, promoting intelligence exchange, and innovating the joint investigation and control mechanism.

In fact, they want to check if there is a drug channel from Nanyun to their place. If there is one, organize the police to destroy it. "

Li Zheng asked curiously: "Uncle Cheng, do we in Binjiang want to arrange for someone to go?"

“They are doing better in economic construction than we are, they have more funds than us, and they have more police than us. Binjiang cannot keep up with this trend.

However, the 3.13 case was solved. When the provincial department summarizes the results of various municipal bureaus and conducts evaluations in the future, Binjiang may not be able to take first place, but it will certainly not be at the bottom. "

"Cheng Zhi, although they are rich, I don't think they can exchange any valuable information."

"Xiao Han, I'm not talking about whether they can exchange valuable information, but if you are their police officer, you will have the opportunity to visit your hometown again!"

Han Xin realized that Li Zheng's "white shirt" uncle wanted to boost his morale, so he quickly pulled out a picture from a pile of documents: "Cheng Zhi, I didn't expect that the Development Zone Bureau also found it during the inspection. Two marijuana plants were found.”

"let me see."

Han Xin handed the picture to Cheng Wenming, looked at him with a smile and said: "From the materials reported by the Anti-Narcotics Brigade of the Development Zone Branch, these are two wild marijuana plants, which were also discovered during an aerial inspection using an anti-drug drone."

Cheng Wenming looked at the picture and asked, "Isn't this wild marijuana?"

"I don't know if it's wild or not, but it's not the same species as what Li Zheng and I found in Linghai."

"Then what kind of marijuana is this?"

"It looks a bit like Indian hemp, which is often called drug marijuana. Anyway, it is not the kind of wild marijuana we commonly see, nor is it industrial hemp."

Li Zheng quickly turned on his computer, logged in to the system, and called up the on-site pictures uploaded by the development zone branch. While flipping through them, he frowned and said: "It doesn't look like it was planted intentionally. It's in the green grass of the community, and there are only These two plants.”

“Where did the seeds come from?”

Han Xin pointed at the computer and said very seriously: "They eradicated it immediately after they discovered it. Judging from the reported materials, they only inquired about the property of the community, but did not visit and inquire the owners of the community. They did not really trace the source of the seeds. !”

From the pictures, it looks like the neighborhood is huge.

The green area where the marijuana was found is also very large, and it is growing in a patch of weeds a few meters apart. Where did the seeds come from? How can I check this?

Cheng Wenming was wondering if Han Xin was changing the topic, when Han Xin added: "I just looked at several recruitment websites online and found that in the classified recruitment information of 'Liuba Tongcheng' Chonggang and Development Zone, someone posted something different. There is little information about recruiting 'merchandisers', there are no educational requirements, and they claim monthly salary is over 10,000 yuan."

Li Zheng couldn't keep up with his leaping thinking, and subconsciously asked: "A scam similar to 'paying a lot of money to get a child'?"

"Cheng Zhi just mentioned Nanyun, which made me realize that we cannot rule out the possibility of overseas drug traffickers deceiving young people who are eager to find jobs and transporting drugs in the past."

Han Xin picked up her phone, searched for the recruitment information she had just searched for, and held it up to them: "Cheng Zhi, look, there are many people leaving messages below. It's hard to say whether anyone in Binjiang has been deceived."

Cheng Wenming felt that it should be taken seriously and asked in a low voice: "How are you going to investigate?"

"I don't have the ability to check. This requires the assistance of the Internet police. If possible, I would like to check according to the time period of posting and replying to see if there is anyone taking a flight from our Binjiang to Nanyun during that time period."

Han Xin thought about it and added: "We can define a range, such as only checking those who bought one-way tickets, those with low academic qualifications, those under the age of twenty-five, and those with no criminal record."

Thinking that overseas drug dealers like to find people like this to transport drugs, Cheng Wenming muttered: "No problem, I will help you contact the Internet Police Detachment."

"Cheng Zhi, since you are determined to investigate, can you check by the way to see if there are any records of anyone in the development zone who has been investigated for gambling and who took a plane to Nanyun in the past six months."

"Do foreign drug dealers also find gamblers to transport drugs?"

"Pornography, gambling, and drugs are all in the same group over there. As long as money lovers dare to gamble, they will definitely lose. If they lose, contact their families to get money to redeem themselves. If their families cannot come up with so much money, they will not only be abused, but even tortured. Coercion to transport drugs.”

Han Xin took a deep breath and continued: "Overseas drug dealers will even force gambling addicts to record videos while swallowing packaged drugs, forcing them to claim that it was voluntary. If you dare to be dishonest, send the video to our public security agency and report it them."

"Check, check carefully, check carefully!"

Cheng Wenming picked up his mobile phone and emphasized: "Screen carefully. This is also to implement the spirit of the National Narcotics Control Commission's 'Clean Border' operation."


"In the early stage of this work, we mainly rely on Internet investigation. I will help you call Xiao Zhi first and ask Xiao Zhi to ask the Internet police for assistance. You first go to the development zone to find out what happened to the two narcotic marijuana plants."


As soon as he walked out of the office, Li Zheng quickly called the leader of his old unit.

Because it is possible for overseas drug dealers to recruit "merchandisers" through the Internet in Binjiang, and it is also possible to recruit "merchandisers" through the Internet in Sigang.

Han Xin felt a little overly sensitive. After all, it was just a possibility. No one knew if it was another scam.

Just as he was secretly wondering whether Li Zheng's "white shirt" uncle would turn his suspicion into a massive operation, Lan Doudou suddenly called.

Taking advantage of Li Zheng's opportunity to "tip off the news," he quickly went downstairs to read the code. After checking the code, he opened the door and asked, "Master, what are your instructions?"

"No instructions, just telling you a joke."

"You are so busy that you still have time to share a joke with me?" Han Xin got into the passenger seat and couldn't help laughing and asked: "What joke is it? Is it funny?"

Lan Doudou walked into the information room, closed the door and said with a smile: "It's funny if you say it's funny, but it's not funny if you say it's not."

Han Xin was confused: "Master, please stop showing off. What kind of joke is this?"

"The bureau leaders had no intention of introducing drug detection dogs. They knew that the Special Patrol Team was unwilling to keep dogs, so they deliberately called the Special Patrol Team and asked them to recommend someone to go to Nanyun to learn how to train dogs."


"Being prepared means not being in a hurry, but we actually took it seriously. Zhang Da even called to ask, but the police security office said that there is a plan, but this year's budget may not be enough, and the introduction of drug-detection dogs requires bidding. Anyway, there is no word on the matter."

Han Xin asked in confusion: "If you don't want to introduce it, why do you need to call the Special Patrol Brigade?"

Lan Doudou covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Because Secretary Huang mentioned this matter, the leader can't take it seriously if he mentions it. In fact, we should have thought of it long ago. No matter what kind of police dog is introduced, it is not cheap. There are not many in Binjiang. There are also How can the bureau leader spend this money to arrange for people to serve?"

"That means we won't introduce it."

"The people in the police security room didn't say it clearly, but the meaning is very clear. You can 'introduce' a dog. It doesn't have to be a drug-detection dog. You can also introduce a 'drug-detection dog'."

"A dog raised by an anti-drug office is called an anti-drug dog?"

"Put on the vest and tie the dog leash. If you say it is a police dog, it will be a police dog. There is no need to 'import' it specially, just use the one raised by the special patrol brigade.

It is said that the dog is very obedient. He will sit when he is asked to sit and stand when he is asked to stand. If the superiors come to visit and investigate, they will take it out for a walk. It can still show that we are very professional. "

Thinking that it is not cheap to bring in a drug-detection dog, Han Xin laughed and said, "The leader is really flexible."

Lan Doudou sighed softly: "It's not that the bureau doesn't have money, it's that it doesn't want to spend the money on this."

“Where do the bureau leaders like to spend their money?”

"Don't you see?"


"I haven't noticed this yet. Let's put it this way. The leaders of the bureau have a big picture. They like to build buildings, engage in big data, install various large systems, and install large LED screens everywhere. Even though they are older than us, in terms of following the fashion, they Crazier than us.”

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