Veteran new police officer

Chapter 161 Peace is Blessing

Plans never change.

Han Xin packed her luggage early in the morning and handed the home and car keys to Father and Mother Jiang.

He was about to call and ask Li Zheng's uncle "White Shirt" where to meet, but "White Shirt" called himself and said that the anti-drug detachment arranged a car to take him to Jiangcheng and asked him to take a flight from Jiangcheng to Nanyun in the afternoon. .

He said that there was a meeting in the morning, and the large group might not be able to leave until later. He also planned to leave from Binjiang Airport and made an appointment to meet at Chuncheng, the capital of Nanyun Province.

Han Xin didn't expect that the meeting was more important than the task, so she could only say goodbye to Jiang's father and Jiang's mother, and set off alone in the detachment's car.

In fact, the meeting Cheng Wenming attended was indeed very important, and it lasted from 8 am to 11 pm.

And this meeting has a lot to do with Han Xin’s suspicion yesterday morning about overseas drug dealers deceiving mainland people into transporting drugs!

After Xiao Yunbo received a call from Cheng Wenming yesterday morning, he asked Sister Jiang to work with the Anti-Telecom Internet Fraud Center to inquire about the airline's ticket purchase records and conduct analysis and judgment.

It was discovered that on November 16 last year and January 21 this year, two local young men went to Nanyun from Binjiang Airport with one-way tickets.

As a result, one was arrested on November 25 last year and the other on February 28 this year on suspicion of drug trafficking.

One only took ten days from departure to arrest, and the other only took seven days. This shows how "efficient" overseas drug traffickers are!

This has been discovered, how many more have not been discovered?

The leaders of the bureau attached great importance to this and immediately asked the Anti-Electronic Fraud Center to compile police information and clues about all parties involved in overseas situations in the past six months.

I don’t know if I don’t summarize it, but I will be shocked when I summarize it.

Altogether, 16 people from the seven district and county public security bureaus in the city have never been able to come back because they believed online recruitment information, or were invited by netizens to travel or gamble in overseas casinos.

Some of them were reported to the police by relatives, and some were learned by grassroots police officers during their work. There are also countless cases of cases that were not reported to the police and were not understood.

Considering that there are four online fugitives in the city, most likely hiding in northern Myanmar, and one of them is suspected of a job-related crime, the bureau party committee decided to treat one matter as several.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to implement the "Clean Border" operation, a special work team was formed to integrate anti-drug, anti-telecom fraud and pursuit of fugitives. Cheng Wenming served as the team leader and personally led the team. The port was moved forward and connected with several key borders in Nanyun. City counterparts engage in intelligence exchange and deeper collaboration.

If drug cases or telecommunications network fraud cases involving Binjiang are discovered, ask the other party to assist in joint investigation or rescue. If fugitives are discovered, ask the other party to assist in the arrest.

This means that Cheng Wenming will have to stay in Nanyun for a long time, and this work can only be done by him, a first-class hero with a strong background and countless honors.

You can bring your family members with you when you go on business trips, which may be the only way for the public security system in Binjiang and even the entire province.

Although it was not the first time, Cheng Wenming still felt a little embarrassed.

Lin Xinxia has long been used to it. After all, her husband is in poor health and has limited mobility, so he has to have someone around to take care of him.

I haven't gone out much in the past few years, but I went out a lot in the past. I accompanied him to meetings at the provincial department, the two sessions in the province, meetings at the Ministry of Public Security, and even went to see the Spring Festival Gala with him!

Maybe it was because she hadn't been out for a while, but Lin Xinxia was a little excited. She sat in the car and kept talking on the phone. She first contacted her son and daughter-in-law, and then coaxed her grandson to bring gifts when he came back.

Then I called my parents-in-law and mother in my hometown and told them that they would not go back this weekend, and they would not be able to go back next weekend either...

Cheng Wenming also made a phone call as soon as he got in the car, wanting to ask fellow villagers for help, but his popularity was not very good, so he had to rely on others, asking old colleagues first.

"I led a team to Xinkangzhou in Nanyun for exchanges. There were more people going this time, and it was inconvenient without two cars. I forgot who told me that Lianggong Group seems to have a project there, Director Wang , can you help me ask Mr. Wang..."

Isn't it just borrowing two cars? For Liangzhuang people, this is really nothing!

Wang Yan knew that he wanted to save face and suffer, so she didn't want to talk to others, so she pretended to be impatient and asked: "Where can't I get a taxi now? Besides, you are going for exchanges, not tourism. How much did you spend and get the invoices back for reimbursement?" Well, do you need to save money for the city bureau?"

"We went there for a long time this time, and it wasn't just for communication. The total taxi fare was too high, and it was inconvenient to say a few words in the car."

"Is it convenient to borrow it from others?"

"They are all big bosses. If I really don't want to borrow it, I can ask them to rent two cars for me. We are not familiar with the place, but they are familiar with it."

"Lao Cheng, you don't just want to borrow a car, do you also want to find a place to stay?"

"If there is a suitable place, I would really like to borrow it, preferably in the urban area of ​​Mangjing. We have funds and we will not live in vain!"

"Since we have funds, let's stay in a hotel!"

"People are also visiting Guzhou, and there are more people there than us. If you stay in a hotel, you must have a standard, otherwise it will be too embarrassing. And as I said just now, we will stay there for a longer time this time, at least for a couple of days. months."

Afraid that Wang Yan would not help, Cheng Wenming said again: "If you are embarrassed to say this, I will call the couple in the capital. They have a good relationship with Mr. Wang. They told Mr. Wang that Mr. Wang must Will help.”

Liangzhuang people are famous for being very united.

As someone who had worked in Liangzhuang, he couldn't even handle such a trivial matter. Wang Yan really didn't know what to say about him, so she could only smile and said: "There's no need to alarm the two people in the capital, I'll help you." Call Mr. Wang."

"We are on our way to the airport. We will arrive at Spring City in the afternoon and fly to Mangjing in the evening. We will arrive at night."

"So urgent!"

"There is a mission, there is nothing we can do."

"I know, wait for my call."

At the same time, Jiang Yue had just finished class and was waiting for lunch in the cafeteria.

Yu Xiaoyu said that the school's "management is inhumane" and there is a certain truth to it. Not only do you have to line up to eat, but you also have to line up neatly. You can't whisper to each other, let alone make loud noises.

As for ordering takeout, that is impossible, you can only receive express delivery.

Just as he was thinking that the dishes in the cafeteria had not changed much in recent years, and he really had no appetite, the captain walked over quickly, and the surroundings suddenly became silent.

"Jiang Yue."


"Come out for a moment."

Being approached by the leader of the brigade was definitely not a good thing. Jiang Yue was startled and asked cautiously: "What's the matter..."

The captain's face straightened: "Let's go out and talk."


Could it be that there was something wrong with the job selection? Could it be that the qualification review failed...

Jiang Yue's heart was pounding, and she followed the captain out of the cafeteria anxiously under the surprised eyes of her classmates.

Unexpectedly, not far out of the cafeteria, the captain stopped, raised his arm and pointed in the direction of the door, half-smiling: "Someone wants to ask you something, and I'll give you half a day off. You must come back before the lights go out. I will make up for the leave tomorrow." .”

Jiang Yue thought she heard wrongly and asked doubtfully: "Who is looking for me? What's the matter?"

"Just go and take a look, hurry up."

"Then I really went."

"Go back to the dormitory and change clothes first. How can you go out in a police uniform?"


Now the control is getting stricter and stricter. It is said that they can’t even go home on May Day!

The leader of the brigade actually took the initiative to approve the leave. Jiang Yue felt like the sun was coming out from the west, so she went back to the dormitory to change clothes with suspicion, then put on her bag and walked to the gate.

The leader obviously said hello to the guard, who let him go without asking.

When she walked out, she saw an extremely familiar face standing in front of a police car and looking at her with a smile.

Jiang Yuele was delighted and ran up to ask, "Why are you here? Do you know the leader of our brigade?"

Han Xin grinned: "I don't know him."

Just as Jiang Yue was about to ask what was going on, a police beauty came out of the police car at the back and said with a smile: "This is Jiang Yue, she is so beautiful, Captain Han, you have such a discerning eye!"

Han Xin was not sure how to answer, but the police beauty actually extended her right hand: "Guo Jia of the Anti-Drug Corps, classmate Jiang Yue, it's an honor to meet you."


"Team Han, my mission is completed. The unit is busy. I will go back first. If you need anything, you can call me."

"OK, thanks."

"You're welcome, bye."

The police beauty left as soon as she said so. Han Xin simply walked to the back of the police car from the city bureau, opened the suitcase, took out a backpack filled with a change of clothes, walked around to the passenger side and knocked on the window: "Brother, you should go back early. "

"Team Han, how are you going to the airport this afternoon after I leave?"

"It's very convenient to take the subway. Go back early. You don't need to spend the entire afternoon here."

"Okay, I won't be a light bulb for you."

"Be safe on your way back."

"Don't worry, see you Team Han, see you sister-in-law!"

The bureau arranged a car for delivery, and the Provincial Anti-Narcotics Corps arranged for people to come over to help contact him. He had to go to the airport in the afternoon...

Jiang Yue suddenly realized that it was not that simple for him to come out this time. As soon as the city bureau car left, he pulled him and asked eagerly: "What's going on? Where are you going?"

What I told my mother, cousin, and father and mother was that I would go out for training for half a year. There was no need to tell lies to my girlfriend, because I couldn’t hide it even if I wanted to.

Han Xin looked back at her school and smiled: "It takes about six months to go out on a mission. It's a bit long, so I shamelessly asked my superiors to come and tell you."

"What kind of mission is it dangerous?" Jiang Yue squeezed his arm tightly.

Han Xin patted her hand gently: "The specific mission needs to be kept secret, but it is not dangerous. It just takes a long time and is far away from home."

Jiang Yue understood the confidentiality rules and asked after a moment of silence: "Can I contact you on a regular basis?"

"If conditions permit, I will contact you, but you cannot contact me, even if you want to contact me, you cannot."

"After the mission is over, will you go back to Linghai?"

"Of course. I am originally from the Linghai Branch. When I go out to perform tasks, I get the salary of the branch."

Han Xin didn't want her to worry too much, so she quickly changed the topic: "Are you hungry? How about we go eat first."

What kind of good mission could it be to be out for half a year without being able to contact him casually? Jiang Yue couldn't control it anymore and said with tears in her eyes: "I can't eat it."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, and you don't even want to think about what I do."

"I know, but it's just because I know that I feel uneasy!"


"It's okay, this is my choice."

Jiang Yue let go of her hand, took out a tissue from her bag to wipe her tears, held his arm again, and asked quietly: "Brother Han Xin, do you know why I like you?"

"I'm handsome!"

Han Xin felt that just being handsome could not describe her own advantages. She thought about it and smiled: "I am full of sunshine, kind-hearted, humorous, gentle and considerate, considerate, steady and progressive, and the jade tree is in the wind. I...I am also..."

Jiang Yue chuckled and said, "Are you out of words again?"

"Don't worry, let me think about it again."

"Don't think about it, I like you not because of anything else, but because you are a hero, a real hero."

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm not a hero."

"In my mind, you are!"

Jiang Yue hugged him tighter, feeling particularly at ease holding his arm.

Han Xin didn't expect that her greatest advantage was actually due to her job, so when she saw that work was involved again, she simply talked about her family arrangements.

"I left the key card and car keys at your mother's place. Property fees, water and electricity bills, parking space fees, telephone bills and gas bills were all paid by Linlin in the past. I don't know when or how to pay them.

Those receipts and the invoices for the things purchased during the renovation are all placed in the drawer of the master bedroom closet. You can help me take a look at it next time you come home, and pay me what you need to pay.

There is a large deposit certificate, which is the hundreds of thousands of compensation given during the demolition, and a bank card. I also brought it. I will bring it to you later and you can keep it for me. "

The more Jiang Yue listened, the more panicked she became, and she said without hesitation: "What's the point of leaving it here? You can keep it for yourself."

"It's inconvenient to take it out, and I won't worry about leaving it at home. If I don't leave it to you, who should I leave it to? Besides, sooner or later you will be the head of the family, and sooner or later you will have to take charge of the financial power!"

"We'll talk about the rest later. You can leave it at Xu Linlin's place first."

"Why did you put it with her? I can't trust her now. It adds up to more than one million, which was left to me by my grandma. What if I get deceived by that dancing guy?"

Han Xin patted her hand and emphasized: "Besides, I've already brought it here. Even if I want to send it back, it's too late."

"You just believe me so much?" Jiang Yue suddenly felt very happy.

"You are my wife. You have already said that what is mine is yours. By the way, the real estate deed is also in that drawer."

"What's the use of just giving me the bankbook and card without telling me the password."

"The password is my birthday."

"I'm kidding you, I have money."

"I'm not kidding you."

Han Xin smiled and continued: "As for your job, the bureau leader has already said that when you arrive at the branch, he will arrange for you to go to the exit and entry brigade, which is the branch window of the administrative service center.

There is air conditioning in the winter and air conditioning in the summer. I am protected from wind and rain, and I don’t have to work overtime every day. It can be said that this is the best position in the branch. "

Jiang Yue was doubtful: "Really?"

Han Xin said proudly: "Really, if the bureau leader lied to me, then when I come back after completing the task, even the bureau leader will cheat me, hahaha."

It was indeed a good position, but Jiang Yue was not happy at all, and her tears could not be controlled.

"Why are you crying again?"

"The bureau leaders are so kind to you. They even helped arrange my work. This shows how dangerous this task is. I don't want a good position, I just want you to come back safely..."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me. I will definitely be safe. You are safe, I am safe, your dad is safe, your mom is safe, my dad is safe, my mom is safe, and our whole family is safe."

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