Veteran new police officer

Chapter 168: A foolish young man with high ambitions and low ambitions

The town of Seman is very small, with only one small street of about 800 meters.

This place belongs to the sphere of influence of the United Wa Army, and there was a time when it was as peaceful as a remote town in China.

However, as the Mexi area adjacent to Saiman was taken over by government forces, militia groups under various banners sprung up after a rain of support from the government forces, as well as the Southern Shan State Army, Kachin Independence Army and Ta'ang armed forces. With infiltration and even harassment in the Meixi area, the security situation here has become extremely severe.

The police station in the town could no longer cope with the new situation. The SAR government sent an additional battalion here, organized militiamen to build defensive positions at several passes, and set up checkpoints at various intersections.

People who don't know the situation here may have a question, why did Mr. Zhou build the branch factory here.

Although Han Xin came here for the first time, she had done some homework before coming.

Staff Officer Lu said that the reason why Mr. Zhou chose to build a factory here at that time was mainly because the land annexation in the Special Administrative Region was intensifying. The big guys in charge of the military and political power were staking out land and holding tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of acres of land. They have built large-scale "farms", and most of them grow rubber.

Without sugarcane areas, there would be no raw materials. How to make sugar without raw materials?

Mr. Zhou could only choose Seman, which is relatively remote but has relatively good public security, guaranteed water and electricity, and relatively convenient transportation, as his "base" to promote planting with locals who hold scattered land in surrounding areas.

Second, sugar production will cause certain pollution to the environment, especially the taste, which is really unpleasant.

The big bosses who hold military and political power still attach great importance to the environment. Rather than developing industry, they prefer the development of the "entertainment industry" that makes money quickly and has no pollution.

Now he is even moving into the Internet industry. It is said that he has invested in and built several high-tech parks specifically to introduce "Internet companies" engaged in online gambling, so he can only build the factory here.

The factory building is beautifully built, the factory area is kept clean, and the management is strict.

There are cameras inside and out, and there are monitors in the guard room.

There are four short and thin security guards, two guarding the guard room, and two patrolling the factory area with Bayi bars on their backs. Each one has a walkie-talkie. You can tell without asking that they are issued by the factory.

Judging from their rumpled uniforms, they are both security guards and militiamen.

It is conceivable that they are all well-connected bosses. If they had no connections and no background, they would not be able to work in the only company in this town.

There are not many workers, only more than thirty.

There are even fewer management and technical staff, only six including Manager Tang.

There is a treasurer, a cashier, a workshop director, a technician and a deputy manager who assists Manager Tang in taking charge of all matters in the factory.

Manager Tang only knew that this new colleague, who wore glasses, looked elegant, and was curious about everything he saw, was the nephew of an old friend of Mr. Zhou.

They were not highly educated, had little ability, and had low ambitions and low abilities. One was unwilling to learn and the other was unwilling to work. They could no longer survive in China, so they decided to go out and make a career...

In short, the whole relationship is related to what can't be done.

But since you let him come, you must be responsible for him.

Manager Tang took him around, returned to the office, closed the door, and sat down to have a heart-to-heart talk with him.

"Xiao Jiang, it's your first time here. How do you feel?"

"It's a little different than expected."

Han Xin adjusted her glasses, showing a bit of disappointment.

But in fact I am very satisfied with the new environment and even more satisfied with the new name I gave myself.

Jiang Xinhan sounds poetic, and feels like the protagonist in an idol drama, like a tall, handsome and domineering president.

Manager Tang lit a cigarette and asked calmly: "What's the difference?"

Han Xin scratched his head and said with an embarrassed look: "It's different from what others say. People say this place is similar to China. There are Chinese people everywhere and it's very lively."

"Have people ever told you that it's easy to make money here?"

"That's not true."

Manager Tang has seen many young people like him.

Manager Tang has seen many people who are more mature and stable than him, and have already had a successful career in China, but ended up going bankrupt because of curiosity or being deceived.

In an attitude of being responsible for him, he said sincerely: "Xiao Jiang, don't be unhappy after I told you. You shouldn't come to this place at all! The country is developing so well. If you have the hands and feet to do something, come here to do it. What, what’s there again?”

"Manager Tang, I... I just want to come out to see things and open my eyes."

"Now you have seen it, barren mountains, deep mountains and old forests. It doesn't matter what you want!"

Han Xin did not expect that a senior from the old army would be so sincere to others, and was very touched. She even wanted to call him "old squad leader", but she was on a mission and could not recognize him.

He simply pretended to be curious and asked: "Where is Kangbang and Xiao Lameng? Manager Tang, are these two places far from our factory?"

"It's not far, but it's not close either. What do you want to do in those places?"

"It took a lot of effort to get here. I want to take a look."

Manager Tang's head got big, and his face suddenly straightened: "What's so interesting about those places? Xiao Jiang, I know you are curious. People who come here are very curious, and some even think they are very determined. But as long as you come here Well, one of them is almost trapped here!"

Han Xin asked cautiously: "How did you get trapped?"

"Don't you just want to take a gamble?"

Manager Tang felt the need to speak clearly and immediately knocked on the table: "I have seen people like you a lot. Many people are like you, with dreams in mind. At first they only planned to win some money and then go back. But you can take the money you win." Have to go?

Gambling is as addictive as drugs. Even if you are lucky enough not to be tricked, you still won't be able to stop yourself in that environment. Some squandered it on the mountain, and some squandered it after coming down the mountain.

Once you fall in, not once, but you will definitely fall in. Your mentality will change, your original intention will be gone, and even your character will collapse.

When the time comes, you will owe a lot, you will have a home and you will not be able to go back, you will have to sink here, year after year, day after day, and your life will be over! "

Here, drugs are prohibited, gambling is legal, and pornography is the default.

Because casinos are built on mountains, "going up the mountain" means going to the casino.

Yamashita's squandering mainly refers to various electronic game arcades and "yellow".

It is worth mentioning that the so-called anti-drugs may specifically refer to the ban on the cultivation of opium poppy. Most of the drugs that are seized and drug dealers captured are usually imported from or passed by other spheres of influence.

For example, government forces often use a local armed force to manufacture drugs as an excuse to launch military operations, and local armed forces often start fights with local armed forces because the other party is manufacturing and selling drugs.

In other words, ban whatever is beneficial to you, otherwise buying drugs here will not be as easy as buying cigarettes.

Han Xin was deep in thought when Manager Tang started to be more seductive again: "Last year I met a boss who came from the same county as me. He was doing well in his hometown and had a net worth of tens of millions. He was as curious as you and came here as soon as he was fooled. inspection.

He was a lumber maker, and the intermediaries were talking about it. But when he came here, he didn't see the lumber, so he was tricked into going up the mountain by a group of shills. Within two months, tens of millions were gone, and he even borrowed hundreds from relatives and friends. Wan, how can I pay it back? It’s still not enough! "

"What happened next?" Han Xin asked curiously.

"Then I signed a contract, which was about borrowing money to gamble at high interest rates, and also giving money to the brokers. As a result, I got deeper and deeper, so I had no choice but to borrow more. When I couldn't borrow, I started to cheat and deceive people.

His character has just collapsed and he can't go back. Last time I heard someone say, he is now having too much to eat and can only live in an unfinished building down the mountain at night. "

Manager Tang sighed and continued: "When I have time, I will take you to Xiaolameng and Kangbang and you will find out. Those who set up stalls outside the casinos and at the intersections have their own stories. They used to be It was glorious in the past, but now, I can’t go back even if I have a home.”

"So scary!" Han Xin looked surprised.

"The environment here is different from that in China. It's just a big dye vat. If you jump in, it will look like that. It can be said that there are no people to take you ashore here, only people to drag you into the water."

"Then I won't go."

"Not only can't you go to those places, it's also best not to hang out with people from outside, especially those from China who will get close to you as soon as they see you."

For fear that the young man would not take it seriously, Manager Tang emphasized: "There are not many good people here. Even if they are good people, they will become bad when they get here. Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills, and they can tell."

One is better at acting than the other, and one is better at pretending than the other. The one who has a few money in his pocket temporarily pretends to be an uncle, and the one who has no money and is stuck here pretends to be a grandson. Even though their eldest brother is usually the younger brother, they really don't care about their eldest brother's troubles! "

"Old squad leader" has many golden words. If he were in the old army, he would definitely be an instructor with his level.

Han Xin was sighing when there was a knock on the door outside.

Then, a familiar face appeared in front of him.

"Manager Tang, Mr. Jiang's room has been packed and his luggage has been taken in. Sister Li asked when we will have dinner."

"Okay, let's go over there."

The situation in front of him was equally special. Manager Tang felt it was necessary to introduce him. He stood up and said with a smile: "Xiao Jiang, this is Chen Hong from our factory. Although she is a local, she also came back from China."

Finally seeing the rightful owner, Han Xin quickly adjusted her glasses and said with some restraint, "Hello, Sister Chen. Please take care of me in the future, Sister Chen."

"Gong Jiang, I'm just a handyman."

Seeing that the ashtray was full of cigarette butts, Ma Lulu's class quickly walked over to pick up the ashtray, poured the cigarette butts into the trash can, then picked up the rag and helped clean up.

She is definitely the most diligent, dedicated and trustworthy Burmese employee in the factory. Manager Tang was afraid that the young man who had just arrived would not learn well, so he thought about it and laughed:

"Xiao Chen, Jiang Gong has just arrived, and he will work with you to promote the planting and purchase of sugar cane. He doesn't know much about the situation here. Please guide him and remind him as much as he needs to."

How could Ma Lulu dare to lead an agricultural engineer? She said with a bitter face: "Manager Tang, I don't understand anything..."

"I'm not talking about work, I'm talking about other aspects. It's quite chaotic outside, and there are everyone out there. He's a newbie here, and there's no local to guide him, so he can be easily deceived."

"Okay, I get it now."

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