Veteran new police officer

Chapter 171 A near miss

Han Xin didn't know that several singles in her old workplace were thinking about her girlfriend, and even if she knew, she couldn't care less now.

This morning, two strangers rode motorcycles around the factory gate.

The security captain Agui was very responsible and called two other security guards to interrogate him. As a result, the two guys turned around and ran away when they saw them.

There are many people who want to come to the factory to steal things, especially those drug addicts who can do anything when they are addicted to drugs. But those drug addicts are very poor, and everything they can sell has been sold to them long ago. It is impossible for them to own motorcycles.

There was a lot of chaos in Meixi. Gunshots could be heard last night. Many villagers fleeing the war rushed to the town. The police station and the officers of the 211th Battalion were very busy. Agui didn't want to cause trouble to others, so he didn't report to the police station. I told Manager Tang during lunch.

There is usually not much cash in the factory, and if something happens, you can ask the police for help, not to mention there are only two people hanging around the door.

Manager Tang didn't pay attention, but Han Xin didn't dare to take it seriously.

As soon as I finished lunch, I went to the guard room and chatted with some security guards under the guise of wanting to touch a gun.

As we chatted, we naturally talked about what happened in the morning, and then watched the video together.

You wouldn’t know it if you don’t look carefully, but if you look carefully you can see the clues!

One of the two sneaky people was probably Chinese, because the man in his thirties not only had fairer skin than the guy driving the car, but he was also neatly dressed, wearing socks and a pair of sneakers.

Local people are accustomed to wearing slippers, or even barefoot without shoes, so it is unlikely that they would wear socks and shoes.

There are too many people in the factory and it is inconvenient to make phone calls.

He excused himself to go out for a walk, climbed into the forest along the factory wall, climbed to the top of the back mountain, and dialed Staff Lu's cell phone.

"Brother Lu, have you closed the net over there?"

"How do you know? The captain has just finished the investigation and figured out the situation. He is preparing to inform you."

"Don't ask me how I know, first tell me the situation."

"Is it easy for you to talk now?"

Han Xin looked down at the factory and said, "It's convenient."

Staff Officer Lu walked to the door and whispered: "Those 'mules' were not going to Hanwu at all. The consignee was in Baoshan. The captain and the others realized something was wrong, so they took decisive action and ended up colliding with their colleagues from Zhejiang Province. I have been squatting there for more than two months."

"Do Cheng Zhi and Political Commissar Yun know about this?"

"I know. I rushed there as soon as I received the news yesterday. It was originally a joint investigation by two companies, but now it has alarmed the Ministry of Public Security. The superiors have asked to set up a joint task force and three companies to jointly investigate."

"I don't care how you hit me, I just want to know the source!"

Staff Officer Lu said helplessly: "This matter is quite troublesome. From what we know, the real boss is a Chinese named 'Lei Ge'. I don't know what his last name is. I only know that he is hiding with you." . The 'caravan' is responsible for transporting the goods, and those pregnant women are the mules the 'caravan' is looking for."

Han Xin realized the complexity of this case, held on to the branch and asked, "Do you know who the boss of the 'caravan' is?"

"Those 'mules' told them that the boss's name was Soton, but the person who took them smuggled into the country was a border citizen named Wu. After they entered the country, some people helped open rooms for them to rest, and some helped find a black car. They are connected in a single line and are not related to each other.”

"Very professional. I guess that Soton is just a kid."

"We think so too. Although we have applied for technical means on several mobile phone numbers we have, I don't think there will be any gains."

"What about the drug money? Can we start with the drug money?"

"My colleagues in Zhejiang Province have checked for several months. As soon as the money is put into the designated account, it is quickly transferred around. It will be withdrawn in half an hour at most. Those who withdraw money the first few times can come and go freely." Border residents at the border, and it’s not the same person who comes to the border to withdraw money every time.”

"So the delivery is 'outsourced' to the caravan, and the collection is also 'outsourced' to a professional team."

"Perhaps even the people responsible for remote control command and those responsible for luring people in the country to help book rooms and find cars with small profits are Ma Zai."

Staff Officer Lu glanced down at the materials and added: "Of the two suspects captured here in Baoshan, one is responsible for receiving the goods, dividing them into small packages, disguising them in various ways, and then giving them to the other suspect to deliver the express. One ring at a time One link, as you said, very professional.”

The main criminals are all hiding here, and those caught are all abandoned ones who can be abandoned at any time.

Han Xin's head got bigger and he asked with a wry smile: "So you can only open a breakthrough from my side?"

Staff Officer Lu would not issue this order easily, and said meaningfully: "First ensure the safety of the eldest cousin, and first find a way to help her get through this hurdle. As for who the real big boss is, who is involved there, and Just check if there are conditions, if not, forget it.”

"It seems that this is the only way. After all, this is not the first time."

"You haven't even asked how many drugs were seized at the scene!"

"Is this important? It's not like we haven't seen drugs before."

"It's really not that important, but cousin, you were the one who laid the trail. You should know how much was seized."

Han Xin smiled and asked: "How many were seized?"

Staff Officer Lu closed the materials and said lightly: "Twelve kilograms of methamphetamine and twenty-one kilograms of mogu. They were just put in a backpack with some tea leaves on top for cover, and they were carried over in a big way."

This amount is neither too much nor too little.

Han Xin thought for a moment and asked, "What should we do with those 'mules'?"

"Either she is pregnant or breastfeeding, so she can only be under residential surveillance."

"Do they have a place to live?"

"They belong to a special group of people. What do you want us to do? Let's not talk about this anymore. You first need to think about how to deal with the next situation."

"I'll go out soon and go back to my eldest cousin's hometown with her."

"Be careful."

"You need to tell me this, I will be careful."

At this time, it is even more difficult to stay in the factory, otherwise the drug dealers hiding in the dark will definitely think that Ma Luluban has a guilty conscience.

Back at the factory, Ma Lulu's class had packed up and was preparing to return to her hometown as planned.

Han Xin went upstairs to get her bag and came to the parking lot. Agui, who was both the security squad leader and the driver, had already changed into casual clothes.

Because the village he was going to was not within the sphere of influence of the United Wa Army, he could neither wear a uniform nor carry a gun, otherwise it would be very troublesome.

Ma Luluban took the initiative to get into the back seat of the off-road vehicle and gave up the co-pilot to him, an executive.

He looked back and asked with a smile: "Sister Chen, you are so busy, how long do you plan to stay at your parents' house?"

Officer Lan told her last night that she must go back to her parents' home frequently. Ma Lulu calmed down and looked through the convenience bag and said, "It's all snacks for the children, and there are some useful things. I'll bring them some by the way." Come back when you're done."

"Bought from the supermarket in town?"

"Things in the supermarket are too expensive. A bottle of Coke costs ten yuan. How can I afford it? I asked Sister Liu to help bring it from China."

Prices here are very high, everything is expensive except cars.

This off-road vehicle imported from Japan costs 700,000 to 800,000 yuan in China, and even a second-hand one costs 40,000 to 500,000 yuan, but here it only costs 200,000 yuan, so the Chinese staff in the factory drive luxury cars.

It is worth mentioning that buying a car is cheap but maintaining it is expensive.

Changing the oil filter and the third filter, the simplest maintenance, costs at least two thousand.

Replacing an ordinary tire may only cost about 200 in China, but it costs at least 400 here.

Han Xin was about to ask if the car was filled with gas. Agui held the steering wheel and warned in Mandarin with a thick accent: "Jiang Jiang, no matter what you see later, you are not allowed to take pictures. If you take pictures of those people , they really know how to shoot."

"Don't worry, I won't take pictures."

"Have you brought your temporary residence permit and ID card?"

"Bring it."

"Just bring it with you. Don't be afraid when you encounter inspections. Just say whatever they ask."


Agui drove through the town, and after driving less than two kilometers, he encountered the first checkpoint.

But this was a checkpoint for "one of our own", so I rolled down the window and said hello, and passed without any inspection.

While Han Xin was joking with them, trying to ease the tension in Ma Lulu's class, she kept a calm look behind her.

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect what I was afraid of. As soon as I entered the area nominally controlled by the government forces, and after driving less than three kilometers, a motorcycle followed me.

And the guy driving the car was the one who had been wandering around the gate of the factory in the morning.

Agui didn't have such a good memory. He only knew that when entering someone else's territory, he had to be honest and drive slowly and steadily, for fear of accidentally offending someone he shouldn't have offended.

The motorcycle caught up and ran parallel to the off-road vehicle.

The local man driving the car looked this way, and Agui quickly asked him and Ma Luluban to roll down the window.

Han Xin was wondering why he was alone and where the person sitting in the back seat had gone this morning, when the motorcycle suddenly accelerated and passed him.

Agui was not surprised and looked ahead and said: "We are almost at the checkpoint. Don't give us money if we ask for it later. They don't dare to do anything to us."

"They're going to ask us for money?"

"People from the vigilante group know how to ask for money."

Just as he was talking, a militiaman in green uniform held up a flag and signaled to pull over.

Agui slowly drove the car to the side of the road, leaned against the car window and said, "Brother, we are from a sugar factory..."

"Everyone in a sugar factory must be inspected. Stop the fire and get out of the car!"

"I don't know how many trips I have to make in a month. Is there anything I can check?"

"Do you want to go there? If you don't want to go there, just turn around and go back to Seman!"

"Okay, I'll come down."

The leading militiaman usually went to Seman to buy things. He didn't want to offend Seman's people. He walked around to the car with a broken gun, patted Agui on the arm and explained: "The De'ang people came to our place to cause trouble. The superiors asked. Check, there’s nothing we can do.”

"There were shots fired last night."

"They just dare to make cold shots. This boss looks very strange. Does he have his ID?"

Han Xin quickly took out his temporary residence permit and ID card: "I brought them with me."

The militiaman took the certificate, looked at the photo on it and asked: "Boss, you are Chinese, did you just come here?"

"Yeah, I just came."

Han Xin noticed that the motorcycle he passed just now was parked by the forest. The local man driving the motorcycle was whispering to a militiaman sitting in the hut.

Ma Lulu's class didn't know that the guy driving the motorcycle was the guy who had been to the factory gate in the morning. He introduced him in the local dialect: "This is the engineer of our factory."

The militiaman asked: "What kind of engineer does the sugar factory need?"

"Agricultural Engineer."

"I thought engineers were needed to build a house."

Just as he was talking, the guy driving the motorcycle came over followed by a militiaman wearing a pistol. He checked his cell phone as soon as he came. It seemed that he was the leader.

Checking your cell phone and camera is a normal thing here.

The main reason is that they are worried that the other party will send spies over to find out what is going on in their territory.

The big bosses are not only worried that their "peers" will send spies to collect intelligence on their own territory, but they are also worried that they will acquiesce or even condone the opening of casinos and telecommunications network fraud on their own territory.

Compared to the Philippines and Cambodia, the bosses here are much more low-key. It can be said that they have used the same management methods used in drug production and trafficking in the "new economy."

It is worth mentioning that big bosses in many places now not only prohibit drugs, but also produce and sell drugs, otherwise they would not have the money to raise troops.

Every International Anti-Drug Day, they will take some of the items from their warehouses and destroy them in public as a show of show to the international community of their determination to combat drugs.

Han Xin opened the lock screen, handed over her phone, and hurriedly explained: "Brother, I didn't take any pictures, I didn't take any pictures!"

The militia leader didn't know whether he didn't understand Mandarin or couldn't speak it, so he ignored him. After checking, he turned back and asked, "Where is your mobile phone?"

Ma Luluban was startled and quickly took out her cell phone from her bag.

The militia leader took the phone and said in the local dialect: "Come here."

"where to?"

"Brother, what do you mean?"

Agui didn't want to and couldn't sit idly by, so he immediately blocked his way: "If you want to check, just check here. If you want to ask anything, ask it in front of me!"

The militia leader did not expect that Agui would stop him, and reminded him with a sullen face: "Brother, this is Mexi, not Seman!"

"I know, you think we want to come?"

Agui held up the phone and pretended to make a call.

There are many people growing sugar cane in Mexi. The owners of the sugar factory can talk to the members of Congress. The officers of the government army are polite when they see the owners of the sugar factory. What is the militia group...

The leader of the vigilante group didn't want to offend the owner of the sugar factory by taking some money from others, and he didn't want to make the sugar cane farmers complain because of it, so he simply handed Ma Luluban's cell phone to the guy driving the motorcycle, and then checked Han Xin's bag. .

"what is this?"

"This is a soil temperature and humidity meter, specially used to measure soil temperature and humidity to see if it is suitable for growing sugar cane."

"What about this?" The militia leader pulled out an instrument that looked like a pen.

"This is an ECG!"

Han Xin pointed to the second "pen" he pulled out and explained: "That one is PHG, which measures the pH value in water."

The militia leader stuffed the two "pens" into his bag and pointed at the last instrument inside: "Where are these?"

"This is a sugar meter, which is used to measure the sugar content of sugar cane. If the content is high, the purchase price will be high. If the content is not high, the amount of sugar produced will be small, and the purchase price will be discounted."

"How much does it cost per pound? You have the final say?"

"It's not me who has the final say. It's purchased according to the factory's standards."

The militia leader returned the bag to Han Xin and looked back at the guy driving the motorcycle.

The local man driving the motorcycle didn't find anything and could only hand back his mobile phone.

As soon as Ma Lulu took the cell phone, the militia leader pulled Agui aside, looked back at Han Xin and Ma Lu, and muttered for a while.

Agui's eyebrows were flying, and he patted his chest as he spoke, as if he was swearing, and then the militia leader signaled his men to let them go.

Not far from the checkpoint, Ma Lulu Ban asked in the local dialect what he had just said.

Agui didn't want to frighten her, so he said calmly: "I didn't say anything, they were just suspicious. But you should also be careful in the future. Don't ask about things you shouldn't ask, don't care about things you shouldn't care about, and don't care about too much if you ask too much." good."

Han Xin can almost conclude that the drug lord behind the scenes must know people from the vigilante group, otherwise he would not interrogate Ma Lulu's class, and he should pay close attention to this vigilante group in the future!

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