Veteran new police officer

Chapter 181 There’s no going back!

Xu Jun called, and Han Xin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The leaders of the Zhengkang Public Security Bureau were meeting at the port with the Department of Political Science and Law. Not only did they name the people they wanted, but they also clearly told the other party where the four people were at this moment.

People from the Ministry of Political Affairs and Law did not dare to be cunning. They had organized military police to assist in the rescue and promised to deliver the person to the port before dark.

This is the benefit of a strong motherland!

The only thing to do now is to keep an eye on the two off-road vehicles. After the "reinforcements" from the police station catch up, they can focus on the "Boss Gao" group.

Just when I was wondering if the "Boss Gao" I was chasing was Lei Peng's boss, the situation unexpectedly changed again.

An off-road vehicle belonging to the gambling company unexpectedly turned into a narrow and difficult road, while the Porsche in front continued to drive along the main road.

Lei Peng is in the car in front, and Bai Xinrui is in the car behind. Which car is he following...

Thinking of the priority principle of rescue explained by "Boss Chen", and thinking that the large police force would definitely continue to pursue him, Han Xin gritted his teeth and resolutely followed the car behind him.

There are fewer people walking on the path, fewer cars, and no human habitation can be seen along the way.

Han Xin did not dare to follow too closely, so she could only slow down the car.

Mr. Yu and others had never walked on this small road. After driving about five or six kilometers, they found that there was no road ahead and they couldn't even turn around!

Seeing them stop, Han Xin quickly stopped the engine and got out of the car, pushing the car into the woods.

Mr. Yu was busy talking on the phone just now and didn't notice someone following him behind.

What he was worried about now was no longer the chasing soldiers, but how to get back. He was afraid that the two college student employees would run into the mountains and forests, so he simply asked the security guards to stay in the car while he got off the car and directed his supervisor to reverse the car.

After taking a sip of water and eating a few biscuits forced by the security guard, Bai Xinrui finally felt a little energetic.

But thinking about the worst man in the world sitting next to her, thinking about the nightmare experiences in the past six days, and the possible worse situation in the future, her heart was filled with despair, humiliation, regret, and anger...

This is a hell!

Everyone I meet and see is scum.

The human heart is so sinister, even the air is filled with sin.

As long as a person comes here, no matter how he comes, he will become a ghost.

She didn't want to experience that kind of humiliation again, she didn't want to be a walking zombie like a ghost, and she didn't want to involve her parents who had worked hard to raise her.

Even if she could escape this hell on earth, she was no longer the same person she was a week ago.

Not only was my body brutally abused by those bastards, my heart was also broken by this beast around me. I couldn't face my parents, teachers, classmates and former comrades anymore. What's the point of living in this world?

She was regretful, desperate, and angry.

The security guard rolled down the window, looked sideways at the back of the car, and together with the smiling tiger surnamed Yu, directed the car to reverse: "Give me some direction, okay... reverse... reverse, stop, and give direction to the left..."

Can not go back!

Even if you can go back, you can't go back to the past!

She suddenly saw the May 4th pistol on the security guard's waist and noticed that the attention of the few bastards was focused on reversing the car. She suddenly realized that this was an opportunity.

She quickly recalled the operating procedures she had learned in the army. She suddenly reached out and pulled out the bullet, regardless of whether there were bullets in the magazine.

"what you do?"

The security guard felt something was wrong and reached for his waist.

The supervisor who was driving turned around subconsciously: "Fourth, what's wrong?"

Bai Xinrui's heart was dead. Without any fear or hesitation, she skillfully opened the safety, pulled the slide and loaded the gun, and pulled the trigger repeatedly at the security guard who had just turned around and looked shocked.



With two crisp gunshots, the security guard's left eye was instantly blown out, and the hole behind his head was even bigger.

Brains and blood were splashed all over the car, and he didn't even have a chance to howl. He just leaned against the window as if his soul had been suddenly taken away.

The supervisor who was driving was stunned and stared at her blankly, his mouth hanging open.

Bai Xinrui felt happy for a while and kept doing nothing. She turned the gun and shot the supervisor twice again!

The sound of gunfire was deafening, and Qi Shichao screamed, holding his head tightly with both hands, as if he could block the bullets, thinking that he would feel safe as long as he held his head.

Bai Xinrui hates him the most. At this moment, with the gun in her hand, she is like an avenging angel. Holding the gun in both hands, she suddenly turns around and pulls the trigger at him...

When the first two gunshots were fired, Mr. Yu was startled.

When he heard the third and fourth gunshots, Mr. Yu finally recovered and realized that the dead person was actually a security guard. He was so frightened that he ran into the woods.

Han Xin also didn't expect anyone to shoot. She simply thought that they drove the car to such a remote place because they wanted to use Bai Xinrui and Bai Xinrui's scumbag boyfriend as live targets to practice shooting!

He didn't care about being afraid, and he didn't have time to be afraid. He ran over as soon as he heard the sound of gunshots.

When he ran to the car, Mr. Yu had disappeared.

The back door of the car is open, the security guard is dead, the driver is dead, and the scumbag is dead too!

The whole slaughterhouse was filled with blood, and even the air was filled with the smell of blood.

What makes people secretly alarmed is that the blood of these bastards is dripping from the car to the ground like oil leakage.

He looked around hurriedly and found the girl walking tremblingly towards the cliff.

"Bai Xinrui, wait for me!"

"Who are you?"

The girl turned around, like a bloody man, with doubts and vigilance in her eyes, and she aimed her gun at him.

Han Xin couldn't believe that she actually killed three bastards in a row. She raised her hands and said in the gentlest tone possible: "One of my own, I'm here to take you home. Your father misses you very much, and your mother is very worried about you... …”

"You are all liars, you are all scum, and you all deserve to die!"

"They are, I'm not."

"You are! Don't try to lie to me, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid of anything!"

"I know you are not afraid. You are brave and strong. You are the bravest and strongest girl I have ever seen."

If she takes a few steps back and falls, she will be shattered to pieces!

Han Xin did not dare to provoke her, so she took two steps back and said cautiously: "I am really one of my own, and I am really here to take you home. I know a lot about you."

Bai Xinrui murmured: "What do you know, you know nothing, you are a liar, you are a bad person, you are all liars, you are all bad people..."

"You joined the army with your academic status, so after you retired last year, you went back to school to continue your studies. You scored 48 points in the shooting test of the recruit company. I didn't believe it when I first saw the information, but now I believe it. You are really good at shooting guns. .”

Even that scumbag didn't know about these things, how did he know?

Bai Xinrui was stunned, but still held the gun tightly, still aiming at the person who suddenly appeared.

Han Xin was not worried that she would shoot, because she had silently calculated how many shots she had fired, and there were no bullets in the gun at the moment.

After confirming that she did not retreat any further, he struck the iron while the iron was hot and said, "You have been awarded as a training pacesetter, discipline pacesetter, learning pacesetter, and internal affairs pacesetter many times in the army.

In school, he was an outstanding member of the Communist Youth League, an advanced individual for social practice in the provincial summer "Three Going to the Countryside" program, an outstanding student cadre selected by the school, an outstanding Communist Youth League cadre, a civilized college student, and a second prize winner in the Red Cross AIDS Prevention Knowledge Competition.

You have received too many honors. I just took a look at them and remembered these, but they are already outstanding.

These are enough to prove that I am one of my own, a good person here to take you home, not a liar, and not a bad person. "

These scumbags don't even remember clearly. I'm afraid only my parents in this world remember them.

Bai Xinrui realized that the person in front of her might not really be a bad person, but after thinking about it, she burst into tears and said, "I don't want you to take me home. I can't go back, and I can never go back."

Killing people is not playing CS.

Han Xin could imagine the extent of her mood swings at this moment. She looked back at the off-road vehicle and said, "It was self-defense. Well done. I can prove it to you. Why can't you go back?"

"You don't understand. You don't know anything. Just leave. If you don't leave, I'll shoot you!"

"You should have shot yourself, but it's a pity that there are no bullets in the gun, right?"

"Go away and leave me alone!"

If she makes such a big noise, the military and police will be here soon.

The purpose of chasing her before was to rescue her. If he chased her and saw this scene, she would never want to go back again.

After all, this was someone else's territory. They were going on a killing spree on someone else's territory, and if she wasn't caught or executed, the warlords, big and small, would have no idea where to put their faces, and they couldn't explain it to the government troops.

Han Xin did not dare to delay any longer and immediately straightened her face: "Comrade Bai Xinrui, listen clearly, I call you comrade. You don't have to ask who I am, but you must know who you are!"

"Who I am is none of your business."

"Who are you? You really don't know? You are a party member and a retired soldier. Where have your organizational principles gone? Now, as an old party member and old squad leader, I order you to put down your gun and follow me immediately!"

"I won't leave, I won't go anywhere..."

"You are still stubborn, believe it or not, I will punish you!"

Seeing that she was distracted and basically frightened, Han Xin stepped forward quickly, grabbed her arm, pulled her to the car, and rummaged around quickly.

Her ID and mobile phone were not found, and instead she was covered in blood. I could only drag her back and run to the motorcycle in one breath.

Bai Xinrui was confused and confused, like a walking corpse.

Han Xin confirmed that she would not take the opportunity to run away for the time being, regardless of the gender difference, so she took off her coat and skirt, took a look at the bruises on her body, and took out a set of clean clothes from the bag, like helping a child get dressed. As if clumsily helping her put it on.

Then he took out the dirty clothes he had changed in the morning, changed out of his own bloody clothes, threw the changed clothes under the cliff, helped her put on the helmet, pulled her onto the back seat of the motorcycle, started the engine and left quickly.

"Hold my waist, hold me tight!"

Bai Xinrui suddenly remembered the days when she was serving in the army, and she obeyed orders by mistake.

Han Xin relaxed slightly, held the handlebar tightly and warned: "From now on, I will be your squad leader. You must listen to me, and you can only listen to me. No matter who you meet or what happens later, , don’t be afraid, do you understand?”


"Did you hear that? Are you deaf?"


"Finally a bit of a soldier, keep it up."


Han Xin was anxious and said in a stern voice: "Why are you crying? What does it look like to cry? Have you forgotten what your army taught you? Do you know what it means to shed skin and flesh without falling behind, and to bleed and sweat without shedding tears?"

Although he opened his mouth to scold her and said it in a very unpleasant way, Bai Xinrui sounded very friendly and felt a sense of security. She hugged the unfamiliar old monitor tightly and said with sobs, "I know."

"It's good to know. Hold me tight and sit tight. I'll make a call first."

"Don't hit, monitor, please, don't hit."

"What did I tell you just now? Why did you forget who you are again?"

"Squad leader, I'm sorry. I'll obey your orders except that you can't make calls. You don't know. You don't know anything. If you...if you make a call, I'll jump out of the car!"

A good college student, youthful and lively, with countless honors in school and the apple of his eye at home, he has a bright future.

Now, because I was deceived by a scumbag, I don’t know what kind of torture I suffered. I even went on a killing spree in anger and killed three bastards...

Thinking of this, Han Xin realized that she really "can't go back" and could only say helplessly: "Okay, I won't fight, but you must be obedient."

Bai Xinrui nodded with tears in her eyes.

At this time, a pickup truck appeared in front of me.

Han Xin took a deep breath and reminded: "Hold tight. If they want to stop us, we will rush over. The road is very narrow and they can't turn around. As long as we rush over, we will be safe."


"Don't just look around, implement it and take action!"

Bai Xinrui regained her composure and hugged him tightly.

She wasn't scared at all when she grabbed the gun and fired, but now she was suddenly scared. She closed her eyes involuntarily and just hugged Han Xin tightly.

PS: In the past few days, the updates have been relatively strong, but the subscriptions have dropped dramatically. Maybe the writing is not exciting enough, but I still urge all brothers and sisters to subscribe to Qidian.

Your support is the motivation for Lao Zhuo to persevere!

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