Veteran new police officer

Chapter 184 is of great significance

I am busy every day, and time flies by so fast. In the blink of an eye, there are only two days left before the International Anti-Drug Day.

There are many anti-drug activities to be carried out during the Anti-Drug Day, one after another, and they cannot all be rushed on June 26th.

After more than two months of preparations, the first event of the "2019 International Anti-Drug Day" organized by the Linghai District Anti-Drug Office officially kicked off in the large conference room of the Anti-Drug Brigade.

The rostrum was removed, and all the tables, chairs and benches under the stage were removed, leaving only an operating table made of three conference tables and a few chairs.

Almost all the district leaders, heads of member units of the District Anti-Narcotics Committee and leaders of the Public Security Bureau came, as did reporters from the Media Center and the branch news center.

District Secretary Wei had just delivered an important speech and was the first to sit on the chair at Zhang Yuhang's invitation.

In the past four years, Jiang Yue has participated in many activities organized by schools and even provincial departments, and met many big leaders.

Even because of her good looks, she has played the role of "Miss etiquette" in awards events more than once.

But today is the first time to see so many leaders from my hometown at once.

She was really nervous and didn't dare to step forward with the scissors.

There were so many reporters taking pictures and the leaders were very busy. Lan Doudou was more nervous than she was and quickly pulled her sleeves.

Jiang Yue reacted, quickly raised the scissors, and cut off dozens of hairs from the secretary's head.

There was a burst of applause.

The secretary also clapped, and then looked back to express his gratitude to her, a staff member wearing a mask.

This is the first time in Binjiang that party and government cadres, as well as personnel from enterprises and institutions in the region have undergone hair testing!

The district chief followed closely behind and sat down on the chair with a smile. Jiang Yue was no longer as nervous as before and cut off dozens more hair of the district chief.

The standing committee members are ranked according to their ranking, followed by the deputy district chiefs and assistant district chiefs who are not on the standing committee.

The heads of each member unit, that is, the directors and directors, did not receive this treatment. They sat on the two rows of chairs on both sides like a collective haircut, and were helped by Cao Na and other anti-drug specialists.

The third round is for the bureau leaders. After the bureau leaders have finished cutting, the whole activity comes to an end. The remaining unit personnel will be organized and implemented by the police of each police station.

After the leaders finished visiting the office environment of the Narcotics Control Office and took the elevator away accompanied by the bureau leaders, Jiang Yue took off her mask and gloves with relief, ran over and said with a snicker: "Sister Doudou, I'm sorry, at that time I was too nervous and distracted.”

"It's okay, I performed well."

"It doesn't matter if it's not good. I'm wearing a mask anyway, and the leaders don't know who I am."

Lan Doudou smiled and said, "District Chief Zhang knows."

Jiang Yue was doubtful: "How did District Chief Zhang know?"

"I just told him, you didn't notice him looking back at you."

"District Chief Zhang knows about me?"

Lan Doudou was about to speak when the elevator came up. District Chief Zhang, Bureau Sun and Bureau Chen, who had just sent the district leaders downstairs, came up again!

Just as Jiang Yue was about to hide, District Chief Zhang smiled and said, "Landou Dou, there were so many people just now that it was inconvenient to talk. Now that the leaders have left, please give us a formal introduction."


Lan Doudou grabbed Jiang Yue, who was wearing "anti-drug overalls", and said with excitement: "I would like to report to all leaders, this is Comrade Jiang Yue who just graduated from the Provincial Police Academy this year.

She came back on the 14th and has been back for several days. We had to prepare so many activities, but we didn’t have enough manpower to handle them, so we asked her to come and help, and she continues to help today. "

"Hello, District Chief Zhang, hello Director Sun, hello Director Chen." Jiang Yue blushed and quickly saluted.

District Chief Zhang raised his arm and returned the salute, looked at her with a smile and asked, "You have officially graduated, are you just waiting for the announcement?"

Jiang Yue said hurriedly: "Yes!"

District Chief Zhang turned around and asked, "Old Sun, do you know when it will be announced?"

Director Sun said without hesitation: "I really don't know. It may take a few months."

District Chief Zhang turned around, stretched out his arm, and gently shook her hand: "Xiao Jiang, just wait, just treat it as summer vacation. You don't have to be so anxious about work. After you officially go to work, you want to take a long vacation of more than a month." No chance."

Lan Doudou was as bold as ever, and suddenly said: "If you don't work, you will have no money. Our group suffers the most. We waited until the end of September to announce it, and we only reported in October. We will get one month less salary than other students!"

"You are you, Xiao Jiang is Xiao Jiang. Xiao Jiang has plenty of money and doesn't care about the monthly salary."

"Yes, yes, she is richer than us."

They were obviously talking about their relationship with Han Xin...

The leaders were so concerned even before they officially started work. Jiang Yue was both happy and embarrassed, her face turned red and she didn't know what to say.

District Chief Zhang knew that the little girl was thin-skinned and didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. He looked at her with a smile and said softly: "Xiao Jiang, we know you are not short of money, but if you meet someone else at work or in life, Whatever the matter, just tell Lan Doudou. Lan Doudou, if you can't solve it, just call us."


"Okay, let's go first."

Jiang Yue finally calmed down and said, "Thank you leaders for your concern."

"Don't give it away, you are busy with your business."

District Chief Zhang walked to the elevator, turned around and said, "Yuhang, Haipeng, don't send me away. Today's event was good, and there will be a bigger event tomorrow, so hurry up and prepare."

The leader said that it was a compliment if he did well. Zhang Yuhang quickly said: "Yes!"

District Chief Zhang came in Bureau Sun's car. As soon as he got into the back seat of the car, he sighed: "That girl just now is pretty good-looking. That boy Han Xin not only has good vision, but he is also quick to strike."

Director Sun was convinced. He held the steering wheel and said with a smile: "Others are still waiting eagerly, but he has already jumped in first."

Chen Ju joked: "Sun Ju, what about being the first to get there first? There is something wrong with your statement and it can easily be over-interpreted."

"District Chief Zhang, listen to what kind of thoughts he has. He says he is not serious, but he still doesn't admit it!"

"There is indeed something wrong with your statement. I think it is more appropriate to use the word "near water, first come first".

"Old Chen is right, you did use the wrong words just now."

District Chief Zhang smiled and then changed the topic: "Old Chen, I have been busy making rectifications during this period, and I have not even bothered to ask about the situation at Han Keng. How is he now? When will he be back?"

When the conversation got down to business, Director Chen took out his cell phone and pulled out a news link forwarded by Xiao Zhi: "The drug case has been solved, and the three principal culprits have been arrested. Xiao Zhi said that if it weren't for a series of coincidences, the three drug lords would really be dead. So easy to catch.”

"What coincidence?"

“The joint task force initially focused on a suspect named Lei Peng, but this Lei Peng was not only hiding abroad, but was also imprisoned by a suspect who set up a scheme for gambling with loan sharks.

Considering that Lei Peng was probably just a minor player, we couldn't just ask the little warlord over there to assist in the arrest, otherwise it would be easy to alert the enemy. "

“While trying to find a way to capture Lei Peng, we discovered three other Chinese citizens who were imprisoned and even tortured. One of them was a retired college student soldier and a party member.

The joint task force asked comrades from the Zhengkang Public Security Bureau to request assistance from the warlord on the opposite side, intending to rescue the four imprisoned people together. "

"It turned out to be a step too late, and the four people were actually escorted away by an electronic fraud gang. The drug lord was worried that Lei Peng would lose control, so he wanted to get Lei Peng back from the electronic fraud gang and then silence him...

Anyway, there was an inexplicable fight between drug trafficking gangs and telecom fraud gangs.

After Lei Peng was captured, the joint task force searched the call records of several mobile phone numbers he provided and discovered that the newly-surfaced main culprit Meihua City actually colluded with the Deang armed guerrillas, the sworn enemies of the opposite warlord!

Although those warlords favored the electronic fraud gangs and wanted to clean up Meihua City and give the electronic fraud gangs an explanation, they did not make up their minds at that time.

The call record mastered by the joint task force played a decisive role. After seeing it, the warlords no longer hesitated and took decisive action. They organized the arrest of the Meihuacheng brothers, destroyed the drug-making factory, and seized a batch of drugs and drug-making tools. Handed over to us together with the people. "

This case is so difficult to solve!

District Chief Zhang was filled with emotion when Director Chen added: “When the three drug lords first surfaced, the joint task force analyzed the evidence and clues they had at the time and discovered a batch of drugs seized by the Xiguang Public Security Bureau on the Mekong River. The poisonous raw materials are also theirs.

They were also the source of 68 drug cases detected in six provinces and cities including Dongguang, Nanhu and Beihu in the past three years.

When the leader of the Provincial Anti-Narcotics Corps went to Nanyun to listen to the report, he said that although the amount of drug money seized in this case was not large, it was of great significance. "

District Chief Zhang pondered: "This is the real source of the fight, and it is indeed of great significance!"

Director Sun asked puzzledly: "Since we captured a drug lord, how could we not seize much? Could it be that all the drug money was swallowed up by the warlords over there?"

"That's unknown. Anyway, that's all Xiao Zhi told me."

"Old Sun, it's not like you haven't watched "Operation Mekong". It's not easy to handle this kind of case like this. Taking down an unscrupulous gang and capturing three cunning drug lords can deter a group of people trying to Desperate criminals."

District Chief Zhang thought for a while and then said: "Even if the warlords abroad acquiesce or even support a new drug lord, it will take a while and a process. The situation abroad is so complicated that it is difficult to solve it once and for all."

Director Sun nodded, thought about it and then smiled and asked: "Old Chen, so Han Keng will be back soon?"

"Xiao Zhi said he won't be able to come back for the time being. Now everyone is cracking down on telecommunications network fraud. There are many clues pointing to that side. Others are there and are familiar with the situation there, so he has to serve a full term just like in the military service. It will take six months to come back.”

"The female college student you just mentioned shot and killed three bastards in a fit of rage."

"I don't know, I didn't ask, and Xiao Zhi didn't tell either."

"Has the Public Security Bureau accepted the case? Has the case been opened for investigation?"

"I don't know about this, but I don't think any public security bureau will accept it. After all, it happened overseas. How to file a case and investigate?"

"That's true." Director Sun smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

District Chief Zhang stretched his body, yawned and said: "In a blink of an eye, more than two months have passed since Han Keng. It's fast to say that I can come back and continue to cheat in more than three months. I'm really not used to his absence. , I feel lifeless these past two months.”

Director Sun couldn't help but laugh: "District Chief Zhang, I heard that he tricked the Development Zone Bureau into a big deal and missed the major case of seizing several tons of marijuana seeds. The Development Zone Bureau is very embarrassed this time, hahaha."

District Chief Zhang waved his hand: "This happened more than a month ago, and your news is too old."

Director Chen smiled bitterly and said: "District Chief Zhang, I have some news that is old but you definitely don't know."

"what news?"

"I was tricked by him."

"Tell me how he tricked you." District Chief Zhang immediately became energetic.

Director Chen explained Han Keng's late night phone call to Lan Doudou, which caused a family conflict between Yu Wenqiang and Lan Doudou. Lan Doudou had to call him in the middle of the night, which also led to family disagreements. Come.

District Chief Zhang almost burst out laughing, pointed at him and asked: "Landou Dou can call you and ask you to help prove it. You can also call me and I can help you prove it!"

"Yeah, why don't you call District Chief Zhang?" Bureau Sun laughed.

"I am also a deputy director after all. It doesn't matter to Lan Doudou. I can't do it. I can't afford to lose this person!"

"That's true. Tell me, how long has my wife-in-law been in a cold war with you because of this matter?"

"I have been in the cold war for a whole week. It is simply miserable."

"Hahaha, this shows that you are attractive, at least in the eyes of my wife, you are still attractive."

PS: I found that many readers don’t like the plot in northern Myanmar, so I can only speed up the progress. It’s a bit anticlimactic, and I beg you brothers and sisters to forgive me.

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